You know, everyone says 13 is linear. But FF7 is pretty much a bunch of hallways if you take away the world map.
You know, everyone says 13 is linear. But FF7 is pretty much a bunch of hallways if you take away the world map
yeah except the characters are likable and you can simply follow the plot and current course of the story without consulting walls of hidden text or wikipedia
Literally every FF games before XI is 90% linear hallways outside the world map. The pre-VII games are especially awful in terms of caves/dungeons because every pathway that doesn't lead to an exit leads to a dead end.
Except it's actually a mix of different towns and dungeons (which are fairly linear tbf) with a variety of boss fights, puzzles, and minigames. Until later in the game when it opens up and you can criss-cross the world going wherever you like. There's very little in the game that can be described as a hallway.
How about if you don't take away the world map?
Unless "hallways" are revisited for more than one purpose it will feel like hallways. The subareas needs to feel like they are apart of the world and not generic hallways, FF7 succeeds in that i believe.
All games are a bunch of hallways with pretty artwork to make you think otherwise.
>Most game are linear. Most games also disguise this in a variety of ways, whether it be making you change directions, go up, or down one level or two, detours around the same spot. Distractions, sidequests etc...
>The thing with XIII, first and foremost, is it's hallways are utterly empty.
>There's nothing to look at, no scenery to see, nothing to find, no npc to talk to. It's soulless is the problem. You can't help but see the hallways for what it is.
>heres an open map!
>you can go wherever!
>except anywhere thats not the next area in the story is locked off
>so enjoy running around to ultimately be locked to your next destination
>this is totally open and not linear at all
pretty much the same in ff7. that opening bit at the reactor especially
its a broad hallway, it created the illusion of open world and some side quests, but thats it.
I dont remember playing FF7 in a tube of toothpaste like 13 took place in and I actually hate FF7
Chocobo farm, Fort Condor, Gongaga and Wutai are optional on your first tour.
Play the reactor
>"You know, everyone says the night is dark. But the day is pretty much dark too if you take away the light."
I mean are any of the older ff games open world?
Funny, coming from someone who clearly believes everything different from open-world is a linear hallway
You either just started the game or this is weak bait.
That is completely false and you know it.
Every FF lets you take some optional roads since the early parts of the game, and by the near end you can, in fact, go nearly everywhere.
Also, not rarely, your next location is not that obvious and you have to explore around to find it.
The bottom line: please stop with this "FFs were always linear" meme, because it's pure bullshit.
Complaints about 13 being linear werent really relevant. Game had lots of other problems though.
At least FF7 has loads of completely optional areas unlike 13.
Places you don't actually have to visit in FF7:
Chocobo Ranch, Old Man Cave, Corral Desert,
Smithy's Shack, Gongaga, Wutai, Chocobo Man's House, various offmap island and Chocobo exclusive caves, Sunken Plane
Then there's Fort Condor which you can bypass all the way up until mid-Disc 2. And Shinra Mansion (outside of the flashback) is fully skippable also. Hell there's loads of missable scenes with various characters like Hojo in Costa de Sol and Dio pre-KotA.
Act I is linear. But once you leave midgar there is a lot of freedom.
Yeah no XIII's linearity was a contributor to its problems thanks to lack of backtracking, no towns, and very little points that break up the monotony.
Yeah the beginning is a corridor on ff7, ff has never been "truly" open-world, but you cant compare ff13 its story is shit and the game is a literal corridor.
>But once you leave midgar there is a lot of freedom.
>leave Midgar
>ignore Kalm
>walk by Chocobo Ranch
>stealthily avoid Midgar Zolom
>enter Mythril Mine
>party member 1: "Hey Cloud. If we keep going, we'll never get to Kalm."
>party member 2: "If we're planning to meet at Kalm, we should go back and look for it again."
What even is this comparison.
Dude, World of Warcraft is a better RPG than Warcraft 3, didn't you know?
All FF are linear hallways, the only exception is the WoR in FFVI, and it's pretty mediocre.
Difference is one is good and the other sucks big fat dick, so people tend to point every single possible wrong thing with the latter.
XIII felt like the second game in a trilogy, there was a shit ton of terms, characters, and lore the game just expected us to be familiar with because they sure as hell didnt bother to establish any of it beforehand.
FF7 had mini games