Mission failed
We'll get 'em next time nintenbros
Mission failed
We'll get 'em next time nintenbros
>implying mech games have ever reviewed well
Just checked metacritic. Its got an 8.0
Look at the user score now before it gets review bombed by Jiren
Looks fine to me
Good. Looked like another shitty suda51 game
>71 is bad
the absolute state of nintendolts
Nobody cares. Everybody interested in this game dedicated years of their life to a series that averaged a solid 6.8/10.
Never fixed the performance issues, huh?
Seething snoyboi XDD
They did. Journos just don't like these games.
>Yea ForumssetEra suddenly pretending like reviews ever mattered
Reviewers have ALWAYS been a fucking joke. This isn't news.
Pretty much this. Its not focusing entirely on some pretentious up-its-own-ass story and has actual gameplay
/m/tfs blown the fuck out.
Not really?
Journos never rate these kinds of games highly.
why do people enjoy average games?
Correction, why do journos dislike complex games.
>nintendo game gets a 70
>nintendo game gets anything above an 80
wrong thread shithead
Damn even with the Nintendo bonus it scored that low? It's a 4/10 at this rate.
So basically more of Travis Strikes Again, games for very niche audiences?
Jirengamer is coming to put that down to where it belongs, tremble in fear before his spic snoy power
It’s probably a decent game. Look at the pros and cons in reviews, play the demo, and watch gameplay videos. Then make the decision for yourself. You can’t just look at a number without seeing why it was given that number.
I’m going to follow my own advice and determine if it’s worth picking up. I had little insight into astral chain until I saw who was working on it and all the praise it was getting a week before release. Playing it now and really enjoying it.
this game screams hidden gem, like the older monster hunter titles before they made the onions dumbed down version that is exploding everywhere now.
this game is going so under the radar he probably isn't even aware it exists. he'll definitely come back for link's awakening though.
>For Answer lower than V
Can I build a mech that let's me go real fast?
>Look at the pros and cons in reviews,
Just don't look at reviews period.
>2nd party title gets low score
this drought bros...
Guys I have to say something. I love Mecha and all, I love Mecha anime, etc..
But Armored Core was never good. It never was. I'm tired of faggots shilling this game here and recommending that crap for retards. The games are fucking shit, deal with it. One or two are a little bit above the fucking crap that is these series.
Please understand. This is only shilled here by retards. And looks like Daemon X Machina is shit too? It can't be worse than AC though.
You faggots never ever talk about shit like Front Mission, Omega Booster, Strike Suit Zero, Titanfall 2 (ok that was shilled a lot back in the day) and you want to pretend bootleg Kings Field with Mecha are good? Not even on the level of DS.
Yeah one day since the last exclusive got released, how can we survive?
Westcuck taste is shit. Couple that with sjw critics, and you're talking -20 points, easily.
>Front Mission GOOD
>Armored Core BAD
The games are fine. The subjective taste of the West towards thugs with guns, vehicles, and trannies is what's shit.
>he spent FOUR hundred (400) dollars just to do this
>daemon x machina
>If only I was born in japan
I thought this died out like 10 years ago
Glad I got a PS4. No droughts on here. I've been playing Days Gone since April in anticipation for Death Stranding! I would have picked up Kamurocho Simulator 2019 in June, but the devs ported their other games to PC and betrayed Sony, and will probably port this one, so I can't support that.
if game gets a 7 or below it's SHIT. if 8 or above it's paid reviewers.
>thinking critics matter
so is 7.5 the sweet spot?
no that's still SHIT.
Anyone actually have this and able to tell me if performance is better than the demo.
Absolutely, but I have noticed that there are some drops once you play a full squad sadly, but nowhere near as severe as it was in the first demo
Still an improvement. It was my main gripe.
What about repetitiveness, do the enemies and weapons give enough variation to keep it interesting til the later levels or even replay them?
>consolewar are 3rd worlded poorfags
Thanks for the confirmation!
Most singleplayer missions early on are quite repetetive, but the online and co op missions are more boss oriented ones, and yeah there are rewards to replay bosses and such.
Do it faget
I played the new demo and I’ve never played AC before yet I enjoyed 6 hours of the demo and brought it Day 1
oh no
Two words
Yeah it got fixed hardcore
If anything the new demo is a far better representation
Remember to reviewbomb the userscores with 0 so the game will be 89+ when metacritic deletes the negative reviews.
Play tactical.
Yeah astral chain, Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion, and Pokemon don't exist.
this shit is going to 3x the switch sales
>new demo
I didn't realise, will give it a try.
You know if those missions can be be played solo? I usually only play co-op stuff with friends but nobody i know is interested.
>a dying franchise's final whimper casualized to hell and back
Kek keep dreaming
Did he....did he overload his boosters and die?
>Yet another 720p 30fps switch exclusive turns out to be trash
And this is supposed to be surprising why?
Ignoring reviews is the game worth getting?
Meta critic scores don’t mean shit. Review scores don’t mean shit.
Play the game and form an opinion.
What drought? This year has been a blast game wise for the Switch (and games in general if you're an idort like me and not a poor nigger). Don't care for the Legend of Zelda remake, but I got Fire Bemblems routes to finish until Luigi's Mansion 3 comes out, so I'm cool.
>Ever thinking pokemon was hardcore and not the most casual and normie friendly franchise ever
>pokemon was always casual!
top kek
There is a fucking reason why pokemania happened
Yeah all those great Nintendo exclusives like Astral Chain and.. uh..
All those are exclusives, nigger.
>Why do brain dead simpletons churning out copypasted sjw approved opinions dislike complex games?
Gee I wonder
Anyone with a brain saw this coming a mile off
performance is fine in the final game, the game itself just isn't very exciting and the story is nonsense.