Play a JRPG right now

Play a JRPG right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tales of Berseria is the only fun JRPG, and it's all thanks to the characters and mini cutscenes.

Alright, you weebs. Happy?

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bros, how do I get a thicc, redhead, 2d gf with big tits who doesn't demand anything from me ever?

kill all jrpgfags

All my favorite games are JRPGs
XC2 is my second favorite game

They take too long to complete. I have the attention span of a goldfish.

I love sex with my wife Homura. She's so soft and warm.

I don't have the time to play one, unless you can tell me some that are like 20 hours long max.

Ni No Kuni 2 was 30 hours long for me. Great for western fans who are used to action combat. The story is also pretty damn comfy, you play as Evan Pettiwisker Tildrum.

How many JRPGs have you played? Berseria was the ONLY fun one for you?

Can rex even feel them properly inside industrial grade salvaging gloves?

I've been meaning to try out P5.

Still playing Underrail.
Have to wait until November for the Romancing SaGa 3 remaster to come out so I have something good to play.

About 4, can't remember which tho

The only one I was ever interested in was persona 5 but that ain't on pc so

I just bought fate/resonance 4K HD for my snoy machine

You can still emulate it with a ps3 emulator.

I see, fine then Tales of Berseria is an amazing JRPG, could be the best.

I have no idea how to do that im still new to pc

Chrono trigger

But Im already replaying Suikoden 2 right now

What is the best western JRPG?

Paper Mario 64

>SNES version
>that fucking awful filter

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Live A Live
Short but incredibly varied. Have tons of optional secrets if you really love it and want to go back to it. But as a JRPG it's short and the battle system isn't a drag like it usually is.

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stfu u ain't me

playing SMTIV right now
>going with Law route
>get to Reverse Hills and meet the Archangels
>realise that I may have made a terrible mistake

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Actually started playing that last night. Pretty alright so far. At first I thought Pyra's english voice didn't fit, but it's grown on me.

More JRPGs with this feel?

Suck my unit.

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Go ahead, my man.
It does not matter how you play DQV.
Just enjoy it because it is an amazing game.

is it worth the $20 sale right now?

Stick of Truth?

>Japanese Humor

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this does like a nukige then jrrpg

I'm in the middle of playing 7th Dragon 2020 before I move on to 2020-II.

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why dont you play one instead of inflatable waifu games?

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>is it worth the $20 sale right now?

slowly making my way through this game.

that last plot twist (witched being revered and worshiped up to 100 years ago until a forbidden romance) is making me wonder if The Pope, who is said to be about 100 years old, is the result of that romance

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Name one with character creation and I will.

Because JRPG stories are cringe and I'd rather play a comfy game then a "serious" game that only appeals to teens who never read a book.

>is it worth the $20 sale right now?
Yeah, I'd say that's a great price.

Never seen someone this deep in denial.

Xenoblade X

XB2 is very much a jrpg

Dragon Quest IX.
Even features hundreds of equipment pieces that will be visible on your character.
Xenoblade Chronicles X. Can be emulated.
And I think the Phantasy Star games and Etrian Odyssey also have it.

I will be in a couple weeks. Waiting for Dragon Quest 11 on switch

>Never use Pyra again after chapter 4
>Use Mythra and Nia regularly even when going through challenge mode
Why is Pyra so fucking useless?

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nice cope
also makes you look more retarded because the game op shows revels in pseudo teen philosophy deep stuff
so is the princess maker
but we both know why rejects like you play it

XB2 stands beside Lunar SSSC and Wild Arms 3 for one of the best JRPGs ever made.

That pissed me off

I love pyra way more than Mythra but they made her overpowered as fuck with her crit gimmicks

At least I named pneuma pyra for a last laugh

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user you're starting to sound delusional, 1 was better than 2

Its not even the best xenogame you switchlet

I'm in the middle of replaying XCX because switch port not for another two years

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Not him but the only reason Xenoblade 1 isn't considered the worst Xeno game is because Saga 2 exists.

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Pyra hits harder than Mythra, also she can still place a fir orb on their opponents.
She's not that useless.

>Play a JRPG right now.
Sure but definitely not Xenoturd.

Been replaying XCX on cemu.

all saga games are shit son

>can’t even start a jrpg thread with a xb2 pic without immense seething

That was the intention but the speed and crit rate with which Mythra can hit outweighs Pyra's extra power.

Parasite Eve

Because it's not "a xb2 pic". It's fapbait about the only thing people know about that game.

Pic unrelated, Soul Blazer is shit and I can't believe I got meme'd into trying it out.

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it's Yea Forums's equivalent to Yea Forums's evangelion

More like never. All we can hope for is XCX2 sometime in the next five years

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I love XB2 and hate Pyra

>Drop saga 1 roughly 80% through because it feels so dated
>Saga 2 is supposedly even worse
Did I really waste my money buying these three games?

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Just a warning, the fan translation is really bad; It gives the game extra soul and makes up for some of the clunkiness though.

see >
refund those games and play trails or one of the other xenogames.
Even as someone who thinks XC2 is shit, its mile beter then saga
Saga is like the magnum opus of shit jrpgs of that area that have shallow mechanics and pseudo deep stuff

What’s bad about Soul Blazer?

Eva isn’t nearly this hated on Yea Forums.

Saga 1 is dated but it's not bad. It's really slow and not for everyone though.
Saga 2 is really bad, especially in art direction and story. Saga 2 was given to an entirely different team and the writer/director was forced to work on something else. Saga 3 is kino but you have to play a really outdated game and a really bad game to get to it.
In fact, Xenosaga 2 was so fucking awful that Xenosaga had to be cut down into 3 games and Xenosaga 3 had to be entirely rewritten to make up for it.

Not until your nose grows

I dunno user, I could see them doing it if XC definitive edition sells well. Prop another Elma superboss in somehow, get people hyped in the series again, pray for a miracle and we'll all be flying Skells at Tyrants again in no time. Although X2 would be even better

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So far I find it to be fine aside from some weird errors (lack of punctuation here and there). I've honestly stopped bothering with the accuracy of translations when it comes to videogames: as long as everything makes sense, I'm game.
It's so boring and repetitive. It's also really ugly.

Been playing Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits and FFX. Gotta say, I miss the PS2 era.

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Okay, I'm going to youtube the rest of 1and force myself through 2 if you say 3 is worth it.

I really liked the World Tree/FLOS parts of Blade 2 and was told Saga is where I could get more of that type of stuff

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Soundtrack gets much better in 2 and 3 too. I'd say Xenosaga 3's OST surpasses even the Xenoblades.

The sound track or lack thereof was a big killer of 1 for me and the basic as fuck combat makes it even more annoying

I'm a baller, shot caller

Maybe you aren't far enough in yet, but the text spacing is off, barely any of the yes/no prompts make sense(e.g. "How are you doing?" Yes or no?), and strange tone shifts. I wonder if the translator was Japanese since some of the errors are really basic.
>You is the village savior!
None of it ruins the game though and it makes the dialog fun to read, plus no annoying accents! It's still far better than most obscure fan translations(dq6 translation was never completed).


But saga is fun

It lost me when I had to start searching for civilians during the Gnosis attack

How about a JRPG that has good combat and that doens't feel padded? The issue I'm having with them is that the combat is too shallow and uninteresting to keep me playing for long, because the story also isn't there at all, too many cliches and they come across as wannabe anime shit.

>can I get a jrpg that doesn't feel japanese

>XC is whatever
>XC2 is good
>XC2 is amazing

what a shit opinion

Chrono Trigger is about 15 hours, maybe closer to 20 if you're going for the best ending

How big is the cope going to be when all the people who never touched the original XC1, end up playing through XC1D, and find it to be better than XC2? I don't even have an issue with 2, and find a lot of the elements in the game to be better than 1, but some of you are so condescending about it.


The general consensus around here is
>X > 1 > 2
World building
>2 > X > 1
>1 = 2 > X
>1 > 2 > X
>2 > X > 1

Is the gameplay of Xenoblade 2 too slow/bad? I'm thinking of getting the game, but I'm worried of it being... Too slow.

so are jap devs mandated by law to have pad the fuck out of JRPGs and to make their turn based combat suck or something?

You damn fool, still trying to push this retarded civil war? It would have worked with xbx, but xbc 1 and 2 are literally xtwo sides of the same coin", the more relevant one gets and more the other will too.


That depends. Is your IQ as low as a kotaku reviewer? If yes, then the combat is going to be very slow for you. Otherwise it's rather fast.

>Is the gameplay of XC2 too slow/bad
The issue is, the tutorials only appear once, and you can never review them again. So a combat system that would otherwise have depth, gets lost for a lot of people unless you intentionally experiment, or look up a guide. For the record though, the combat gets really good once your crew starts pulling rare blades in properly. That'd be anywhere around ehh, Chapter 4, or Chapter 5.

It's extremely slow if you don't play it optimally (which is poorly explained in the tutorial)
But it's really fast if you play it optimally which isn't hard but still complex.

It’s pretty slow for the first 10-15 hours. After that its as slow as you want it to be.

>Start a thread with a XC2 image
>It has to be something intentionally lewd to draw attention
Why do you guys always do this to XC2 threads? It's like you want them to get shitposted to death

This was never a problem a few years ago

>It’s pretty slow for the first 10-15 hours
It doesn't even have to take that long, though. Especially if you focus on exploration, and questing until a later point in the game.

i have been playing treasure of the rudras it's a pretty neat game that we never got
i'm just rotating around between the characters everytime a day passes
i'm 6 days in sion and surlent and day 5 for riza

Picked up Secret of Mana instead bc my dignity isn't low enough to pay money for a shameless cheesecake video game

others are talking about the combat but the problems go way past the combat, theres slow menuing for everything for example

>Civil War meme
You keep saying this, but you can jump into either or without needing to play the other, and the same impact will still hit. Especially since the definitive version is going to retcon some key plot elements about Zanza, the Orbital Elevator, and etc to have more depth. Even if they're two sides of the same coin, people will still lean towards one, or the other regardless in terms of writing.

Takes a few tutorial chapters to get going, but after that it's one of the fastest jrpgs around, and you can do some really fun shit. If you could tolerate 1's gameplay you'll be grand

There's so much things going on in the combat system of Xenoblade 2 that it's overwhelming and a lot of people tend to just tunnel vision on what just works, so they get tediously slow fights. It gets fast when you figure everything out. All those damage sponge enemies that waste minutes of your time drop in seconds when you learn to play.

I'm probably going to start SMT SJ redux on my 3DS this weekend. Never touched an SMT game before, what am I in for?

That Nia got too much meat on her buns.

I decided to replay Golden Sun: The Lost Ages, and I honestly forgot how slow the game could be. Getting the ship was great, but you don't unlock Flight, or Teleportation to really cross the map quickly until damn near the end of the game. Dicking around with Psyenergy combinations was nice, though.


There are two available translations for the game, I'm using the DeJap translation and so far everything seems fine and on point (for JRPGs at least, when it comes to pointless "Yes/No" button prompts where the game shoehorns you into picking Yes anyhow).

>tfw never played a jrpg except nier
Recommend me one that will make me interested in playing more jrpgs.

The only times menus felt slow to me was when rearranging my blades for field skills.

I'd have personally started off with Nocturne, IV, or Apocalypse, but SJ is nice. If you're into Sci-Fi, you'll love it.

I finished persona 5 but apparently its not a jrpg and instead an ironic weeb game.
i started persona 3 a few days ago but im not sure what jrpg i should buy next, if i do buy one i need one that actuall is very interesting and not unenjoyably dumb.
either it must be incredible to warrant the 100+ fucking hours or something tht is short and sweet
i also played 6 hours of FE 3 houses

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Play Digital Devil Saga 1, and 2, or grab the Devil Survivor titles on 3DS

lol all neptuniablade games are trash you might as well argue which turd smells the least

Based Eric, still coping

is moon good

What would be the JRPG equivalent of GTA: San Andreas, or Vice City

If you're not familiar with dungeon crawlers you're in for some pain. It's a great game though and it'll introduce you to a lot of themes and mechanics you'll see in other SMT games.

Nah, not THAT low, I reckon. It's because of those special moves in combination? I mean, games can be slow, not because of inputs or strategy, but because of long winded animations.

Holy shit, that seems to take a few hours!

Got it. So I'll have to dig around some guides, I guess.

That's... That's too long!

Huh, that can be an issue, but since - as far as I have seen - the usage of menus for healing and stuff is unnecessary, since there's auto heal.

I've never played Xenoblade before. I know a shitton about the lore of both games - mostly because of my fascination with the games setting - for someone who have never played.

I see, because in some gameplay videos, I see some normal enemies and/or bosses taking minutes. Enemies taking 5 minutes, bosses (like Monado Malos) taking as much as 20 minutes.

The game's amazing, but one to play using an emulator, for faster travel speed.


>see in other SMT games.
Outside of Soul Hackers, and SMT 1/II, I don't know.

Played the original. Game's good, plot's amazing. But the dungeon crawling was... Oof.
And I was a first time player of the genre, too.
Still one of my favourite games.

SMT Nocturne, judging by the review blurbs on the back.

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>Holy shit, that seems to take a few hours!
Nah, actually it doesn't take that long. If you do minimum quests, and simply progress with the story, you'll reach Chapter 5 in about a good day or two. Look up some combat guides on Gamefaqs, though. They have a solid breakdown for you. For the record, if you do play, please change the language to Japanese subs. The dub is a mess.

The combat doesn’t take until chapter 5 to get fun

>bosses (like Monado Malos) taking as much as 20 minutes
What the fuck were they doing? There's no reason that fight should take anywhere near that long. Even the challenge mode Jin/Malos fight isn't that bad.

Are there any missables in XC2?

Read the post again. Strange Journey has its own unique quirks that separate it from the rest but it still has demon fusion, negotiation, the law/neutral/chaos dichotomy, etc.

Huh, thanks. I heard Atlus apparently wanted to remaster/remake Nocturne. I was going to wait on that, but I'll go ahead and play this now.


Like two side-quests. and a unique mob.

nocturne is the most metal rpg ever made

I thought you were strictly speaking on the dungeon crawling aspect, my mistake.
Debatable. It took me around Chapter 4/5 for the combat to really get quick, since I had a variety of rare blades to pass around to my party to experiment with. Up until that point, It was kind of slow.

Didn't even take me that long on BoC and all I was doing was desperately using Tora's iframes to stay alive.

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I feel like I'm setting you up for disappointment because it's not really like GTA at all, I just thought it was a funny blurb. Don't expect an open world sandbox.

>bosses (like Monado Malos) taking as much as 20 minutes.
That person might have honestly just been bad at the game, or didn't understand the mechanics properly. It never took me over 5 to 8 minutes to beat a boss.

Oi, I liked very much the sassy welsh Nia and soothing Pyra from the western dub. Seriously, that Nia is way too fun to listen to. The japanese VA is just... To nyanery for my tastes, even though the stereotype matches.
But Rex can suck a dick.

Dunno, was the gameplay I saw. This makes me less worried.

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You can kill them by spamming nothing but Corvin's invuln aoe as Morag quicker than 20 minutes can pass. You'd need to be really retarded to take that long for monado Malos

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As adorable and sexy as she might be, those clothes, man... Those fucking clothes...

In terms of getting proper fast sure, but its still fun by chapter 3/early 4 imo.

I think everyone can agree that Nia's voice was fun to listen to. It was the first time I've ever even heard a Welsh woman, so it was interesting to say the least. Torna had pretty nice dub too (the group, not the game), but outside of that I found everyone else in the main cast annoying to listen to.

I'd say Chapter 4 because it's right after you unlock Mythra, and she's pretty damn busted for that point in the game.

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Not that user from before, but the combat does feel slow. Am I supposed to chain together my arts? At chapter 4 after Poppi gets her upgrade.
Byakko is a good lad. I wish to use him as a pillow.

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I figure I'd ask here, but what are you looking forward to in XC3? If you don't have any expectations, what changes would you like to see overall? It can be character related, perhaps a change in the setting and uniqueness of the environments used, plot, and so on.

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Feel you, maybe because of Rex's voice, since he's the main character. Both Brigitte and Moràg have pretty nice voices, too. Zeke's a joy to listen, the V.A. really did go all-out on that fucking chunni. Dromach sounds just like a butler.
I kinda liked the western dub. But the japanese dub, wew, has some stars. Still, my biggest gripe was discovering Moràg's VA being a dude.


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>Still, my biggest gripe was discovering Moràg's VA being a dude.
Morag is basically a dyke anyway, with how much they push the masculine archetype for her. I slept on Brighid, though. She actually has a nice voice.

I just got a switch and disgaea 1, I really like it. Any recommendations for rpgs? Orjrpgs, it's seriously more enjoyable cause you can play on the bed or couch

Get Divinity original sin 2. Maximum comfy is playing that game in bed or on the couch

>Am I supposed to chain together my arts?
You should be chaining at every possible opportunity. Into arts, into specials, into blade switches, and so on.
You should also get a handle on the timing for creating fusion combos.

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>Still, my biggest gripe was discovering Moràg's VA being a dude.
Morag's VA isn't a dude in either language, m8

Since XC2 added Elemental Orbs, and weaknesses into play, I have no clue what XC3 can do to top that, honestly.

No, I don't wanna become a faggot who through fetishizing a mental illness becomes a mindbroken tranny whose only purpose is to fantasize about swallowing gallons of cum daily. Which is you btw.

Said the election tourist who can't go by a second without thinking about trannies.

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I was just playing xc2 though. I'm trying to find agate's mining sites.

Why is this faggot spamming art in a jrpg thread?

Baby gonna cry some more?

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Which is you, btw. Mentally ill fags also tend to deflect thinking everyone else is fucked in the head.

>damage control

>Mentally ill fags also tend to deflect thinking everyone else is fucked in the head.
Like you're doing just now, how ironic.
I really hope you did your summer homework, it would suck if mommy cuts your internet connection, eh?

What are the objectively decent on 3DS? I want to be done with this console before I move on to the switch.

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Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology is pretty fun


Alliance Alive

Subpar cope


Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux
Ever Oasis

Is there such a thing as a proper jrpg but with senran kagura levels of fanservice?

7 pirates

Criminal girls

Of course he can. They share senses. Imagine.

I'm looking forward to playing xb2 someday when I get a switch because I love pretty girls. In the meantime I need a jrpg to play on vita with good-looking anime girls with 3d models and action combat. I'm thinking of trying tales of hearts, how is it and is there anything else you'd recommend?

Ys series

I don't think action combat works too well on the vita.

Hearts R is superb as far as Tales goes, great battle system and characters, decent dungeons, last true Tales of game.

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guess not huh

>last true Tales of game
What did he mean by this

>that horse faced blade
Is she any good or can i bench her?

Recommend me a good JRPG that doesn't pander to waifufags and isn't filled with shitty anime tropes. XB2 has to be the worst offender of this.

jrpgs and anime games are different things. xb2 is anime trash.

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>Spoonfeed me games so I can ruin more threads

SMT Strange Journey.

tales of vesperia, it has the tropes but is self aware of the, the main protag is he tropey at all

>also makes you look more retarded because the game op shows revels in pseudo teen philosophy deep stuff
That's my point, you absolute buffoon. Holy fuck rofl

kys waifufag
Thanks anons. I've always wanted to try SMT.

Most people here already played both 1 and 2 and prefer 2. It's objectively the better game. 1 will definitely appeal to normies more but you need to go back for that

>He doesn't want me to shit up threads so he must be a waifufag
Nobody wants you here, failed normalfag

1 has the best individual tracks but 2 has the better overall soundtrack. Agree on the rest though.


Dragon Quest 11

Late game. She was my first blade but it was disappointing to find out she couldn't be upgraded quickly

Sexualization isn't fanservice. And no, there are almost no Japanese games without sexualized characters

Why are you so desperate to instigate flamewars?

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Every JRPG is anime. Xenoblade 2 just happens to be the best. Go fuck your teacher in P5 now.

>idiots who always ask for jrpgs with zero japanese influence
Why don't they play a wrpg or a different genre instead?

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I'm sorry to tell you but you haven't been paying attention

wow, is this undertale 2?

You can't be serious, Berseria is garbage.

You're obviously upset that I'm calling out your shitty JRPG that is only played by waifufags. Therefore, you are a waifufag.

recommend some fun JRPGs on switch
already got xenoblade 2, vesperia, world of final fantasy and dq11 preloaded. already played all the mainline final fantasy games

Other than XC2 what are JRPGs worth buying on the switch

I am, this FF4 port is pretty cool it may even by my favorite version of the game.

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>Assuming things about strangers on the internet just to prove some supposed superiority
Smells like reddit

Torna, DQ11 and Ni No Kuni

>1 will definitely appeal to normies more
I don't see how. Especially since the art design resembles the anime visuals the original were supposed to have.

Astral Chain, and Three Houses are pretty fun. I also purchased Disgaea 5, but that's about it outside of XC2. I can't wait for the upcoming JRPG titles, though. SMTV whenever, and I guess Bayo 3 counts.

God i’m gonna play the shit out if SMTV

>playing the ps1 versions
why would you do that?


SMT V is feeling like never ever status at this point. What the FUCK are Atlus doing?

Having played both already I just came here to laugh at people like you

You don’t actually think it was in development when they revealed it, right?
That was just a favor for Nintendo who probably asked them to announce something for the Switch announcement.

I played XB1 on wii near launch, and again after finishing 2, and 2 is still the better game by far.

Why not? It’s the best 2D version and the closest to the original.

Why would you play the ugly 3D one?

Making the next Persona game obviously. Wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped SMTV and just slapped "Persona 6" on it so it'll sell.

We need more 2D RPGs like Valkyrie Profile, huge untapped potential. Perfect fit for switch too since it wouldn't be as graphically intensive.

Persona 6 isn't even being made right now, Hashino and most of the main Persona staff are working Project Re: Fantasy

Agreed. XC2 main cast is so unbearably painful to play with that I'd rather just play the outdated XC1.

hi Eric

>Recommend me a good JRPG that doesn't pander to waifufags and isn't filled with shitty anime tropes.
Dark Souls 1

>Dark Souls 1
>No anime tropes

>Why not? It’s the best 2D version and the closest to the original.

not when the PSP version exists

>We need more 2D RPGs like Valkyrie Profile, huge untapped potential
as in the gameplay?

For starters
>The game didn't begin full development until around February 2018
>Atlus development cycles these days are long winded
>They're likely not showing off gameplay until the P5 Royal hype slows down, that way SMTV can have its own spotlight, and improved marketing
I'm not even worried. It'll come out eventually, and until then I have other things to do. I think the only reason we got a announcement trailer anyway, was because it was SMT's 20th anniversary. Something like that,

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You got me there but i don’t have a PSP and i found Origins, Chronicles and Anthology together for 40$ CIB.
I know Anthology has loading issues but i’ll give them a try when i’m done with IV.

Who the fuck calls games like Astral Chain or Bayo jRPGs? There are various genre dedicated to that kind of games: Action Game / Beat them all / hack'n'slash, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other subtypes.

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>RPGs like Valkyrie Profile,
Exist archive and Super Neptunia RPG sucked though

Hi Travis

i'm not even talking about the 3d versions, the other 2d versions are better
also the load times are god awful

I specifically said "like Valkyrie Profile", obviously I mean the gameplay. 2D/2.5D side scrolling JRPGs have barely been tried.

This is a remaster, you know? I fully expect them to tweak the combat system, so it's more akin to XC2's. Or at least implement mechanics like Launch, Smash, Blowdown, and some art tweaks here and there. I doubt it'll stay the same as it was in the original.

I, II & IV have no loading issues whatsoever on PS1, it’s V & VI (Anthology) and Chrono Trigger the ones that are fucked.

They're still JRPG's, user. They're just action based, instead of turn based. Having different styles of gameplay doesn't change where they were made.

>beat them all

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we have Indivisible, when it comes out

>Astral Chain and Bayonetta are JRPGs

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Currently playing image related, I used to play it on my vita but there's a PS4 version. It's from the team that made Valkyrie Profile, at first it's meh but it got better after 3 hours.

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Why is SMT the only good JRPG?

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Not the Pope.

>Astral Chain

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shadow hearts

Because you are a retarded tranny trying to fit in.

I am.
I'm playing Crystar and you should to, for when we weep we are strong.

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>Recommending shadow hearts for someone who dislikes anime cliches

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Is this what zoomers believe? Fucking CoD is a RPG as well I suppose?

Is that the one with the wrist cutting transformation?

Oh shit is the game good? I enjoyed Alliance Alive.

All it'll take is some updated gameplay mechanics, new QoL updates, the already presented graphical update, and some plot retcons to expand depth on the original story, and I'm sure that opinion will change.

there are TWO cases of a Witch falling in love with a human

first one is Zephy's parents and the other one happened 100 years ago and got the witch killed and somehow got the world, who used to revere/worship witches to start killing them

how is that?

It's fun. It's an action JRPG, though. Kinda reminds me of the first Kingdom Hearts combat wise.

Because it was designed to appeal to normies.

You do know he probably can't help how he looks, right?

I'm gonna play eurojank instead

You know he’s in line waiting for a BLACKED RAW prize or something, right?

Is this the guy who fucks all shemales in the industry?

>Kinda reminds me of the first Kingdom Hearts combat wise.
Feel like its more apt to put Nights of Azure forwards for similarities, its nowhere near as bad but it feels pretty weak.


Alliance Alive is produced by Furyuu but developed by a small team of former SaGa team members at Cattle Call, Furyuu=/=Cattle Call.

Who is this guy and why is he being spammed everything?

I get being so retarded and thinking every RPG made in Japan is a JRPG (which is false since JRPG is a genre), but to think Bayonetta is an RPG? Jesus fuck!

it's still a good game
and i don't really remember any aggravating cliche

>(which is false since JRPG is a genre
Pot calling the kettle black: The Post.

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Kill yourself you degenerate trash


the first Shadow Hearts isn't really anime.

Covenant is more anime but not cringe inducing like the shitty anime Yea Forums loves

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Playing Eiyuu Senki WWX everyday

You need Jesus

Not him, but only trannies play JRPGs like XC2.

I'm about to start Tales of Vesperia, what am I in for?

can you recommend me some good jrpg?

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Can confirm, I am a tranny and XC2 is my favourite JRPG of all time.

>the first Shadow Hearts isn't really anime.
You people are completely fucking alienated

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You didn't play shadow hearts did you

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A case study as to why adults are better main characters than children in JRPG's, a fairly long game that has decent challenge and boss fights with hidden conditions that can make the fight easier or end it outright.

It wasn't, and until you provide some information that suggests otherwise, you're spreading lies. That's just your biased mindset at play, and I'm not even going to continue to validate you.

Cute trap here.
Can confirm UwU.

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The most competent boring game I can think of, it's the best way to describe it, because it definitely isn't bad, but I definitely can't praise it either. Also combat only gets just decent 20h in. Fun bants between the characters though, but if you already played other Tales, it's just the usual. Yuri is good.

>A case study as to why adults are better main characters than children in JRPG
We're not talking about the same game here, are we?

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>I'm playing Child of Light
>Dragon Quest 11 S is coming out at the end of the month
>Romancing SaGa 3 and The Alliance Alive HD are coming out in Oct
>Scarlet Grace is coming out in Nov
Jesus Christ. What a fucking time to be a JRPG fan!

Sounds like Symphonia, I played about 10 hours of that

Recommend me your favourite ds/3ds jrpg Yea Forums

Don't forget Re:Fantasy is also a thing, and I believe it was announced before SMTV.

RS3 comes out in November while Scarlet Grace comes out in December.

I also forgot
>Little Town Hero

We are the judge of that


I said FIRST

Your pic is from Covenant, the sequel

Looks like someone fused Darkest dungeon and Etrian Odyssey

I would except I'm too busy with Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina

Ah, my bad. Oh well, gives me time to finish DQ and TAA.

>Ys IX
>Atelier Ryza
>Alliance Alive HD
>Shin Sakura Taisen
>Yakuza 7
>#FE Encore
And that's just the next few months.

>1 > 2 > X
Wrong, 1's OST is alright but nothing special. 2 has the better video game OST and X is better to listen to on its own.

Well, Breath of Fire is on the Switch SNES collection and I never had a SNES growing up, maybe I’ll give it a go. Thanks, OP.

Yes, EO was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw character portraits. Downloading demo right now. Although, I'm not sure why it says "time trial", not demo.
Yup. And NNK. But I will skip it. I'm not paying 60 euros for that.

Yeah the first game where Yuri transforms into demons and the very first thing he does is rescue a hot chick with mysterious powers isn't a regular anime jrpg thing then I just don't know what to tell you.

Can somebody recommend some JRPG for pc player ? Would be better if they quite recent, at least pc ports.

Hope you enjoy it, BoF's a fun series.

Atelier series
Mary Skelter
Labyrinth of Refrain

brah, you have anything from panty jokes to le ebin dark power MCs in the first game too.
I like Koudelka and Shadow Hearts games as much as the next guy, but this fucking """"anime"""" phobia you faggots have developed in the later years isn't healthy.

the first Shadow Hearts is a more darker type of anime like Beserk, Vampire Hunter D, Devilman, etc...

the second and third ones start slipping to the modern anime cliches we all know and love (or hate)

Thanks user.

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I'm thinking about getting NNK, never played the PS3 version (or the second game), but yeah, 5500 yen is a bit too much and there's way too many games I'm more interested in.

>claims it isn't anime
>acksually it's a different kind of anime
End yourself

Berseria is good but the gameplay is just "alright" for a tales game.

I'm playing Zero no Kiseki right now. It's fun. I'm too early in the game to decide if it's better than Sky games though.

it's shit

I'm not sure how different the remaster is, but the Switch version is unchanged, direct port of PS3 version and they ask full price for it.

Dark Souls might be up your alley.

Yuri turns 22 near the end of the plot. They celebrate his birthday in a skit.

Good idea!
I don't care about wrpgs, they are just shitty Tolkien ripoffs with ugly designs, boring environments, badly designed combat systems and and brutal lack of creativity.
It doesn't matter how much trannies love them, wrpgs will always be garbage.

I want her to get in Smash just for the "newbs Sliding Slinger off of stages" compilations.

Bravely Default
Xenoblade 3D

Literal room temperature IQ, as expected.

Care to elaborate?

Why would I ever waste time on another Vesperiafaggot who believes that Yuri is an adult protagonist, let alone a good one, just because he's 22?

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Is Tokyo Xanadu decent?

It's pretty good.

how am I supposed to nofap for one day with pic like this on the catalog

you get better taste

Oh jesus christ. It's you.

anime isn't a catch all term.

There are different genres and styles

it's okay but get the eX+ version

What should I play first, Miitopia or Fantasy Life?

>anime isn't a catch all term.
>There are different genres and styles
That's funny because you used it as one and called the ones you don't like cringe.

i changed my mind this game rules


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my wife

I only cum at night before sleeping, it's a hard challenge to hold with those kind of pics around

God, how I badly I wish to impregnate her

god I love that artist

Radiant Historia: PC
Bravely Default/Second

Hikari was the better girl gameplay wise.

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This is a combat android crafted with the knowledge of three generations of top tier nopon engineers. Say something nice about her.

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Cute armpit

I can't I'm at work

there's nothing worth playing this year until november hits with RS3

Of course

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MISTOVER seems promising


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Nice hips.

Salvager's code 1254: If you see Poppi, take off her toppi
Who wrote this thing?

Salvager's code rule 7: Love and justice will always prevail.

...wait a minute...

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Playing Hundred Knight atm, absolute kino

Ugh I hate that saying

Xeno needs more characters like Emeralda and Poppi

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>3 Nopons perverts crafted the most advanced, cutest and deadly weapon in existence.
Nopons are truly based

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For me, it's RRPGs

left or right

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Anyone else looking forward to DQ11SEOAEADE?


Devil Survivor
Radiant Historia


Cope harder little fairy boy.

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>Radiant Historia
Should I play Perfect Chronology or stick with the ds version?

Stella Glow
Rune Factory 4
Dragon Quest (all of them)
Shin Megami Tensei (pretty much all of them)
at least one Fire Emblem game

I really want to play Xenoblade 2 but I don't have a switch.

You should be just fine with the DS version.

Why does nearly every JRPG always has us playing as some kid or teenager? Why can't we have more adult protagonists?

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I’d get XBC2 but they don’t sell it any more at my local stores and I don’t really wanna buy it on the shop

Just finished Labyrinth of Refrain
>mfw the endings

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Shut the fuck up and play more games.

Adult protagonists are boring.

OP has made this thread dozens of times with different pics of a similar nature. Why is that suddenly a problem?

Rwanda makes RPGs?

I got the first two .hack and Xenosaga games for PS2 recently, which do I start first

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get rid of them and play Minstrel Song instead.

Middle, of course

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Berseria is good for a single run on the hardest difficulty and only if you don't play as Velvet the immortal gorilla. can't imagine playing that shit on normal mode and I say that as someone who is pretty shit at video games.

Is it better played on 3DS, or emulating the Wii version?
And in your subjective opinion, is it worth waiting for the remaster instead?
I heard that it includes some story that couldn't originally be included, but I'm not sure how much of the game's appeal is in its old beautiful artstyle.

>Xenoblade 1
>Old beautiful artstyle

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All the 3DS version has going for it is portability, the Wii version has better graphics and textures. The Switch version will render both obsolete on both of their respective strengths so yeah, if you can wait (and are willing to pay 60 bucks instead of emulating it for free), I'd advise you do wait. So far all we know about the remaster is that it'll include an area that was cut from the original game but was still found within the game's files through hacking (Bionis' Shoulder), we don't know how much if any extra story content the remaster will actually include.

Is Agarest good?

I do and you always have to be playing as some kid when its a JRPG, the only exception are games with custom blank slate PCs like Dragon's Dogma. At best you get to have adult side characters but they end up being weaker than you.

How does Yea Forums feel about this game?

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Trails in the Sky/Cold Steel seems to get a lot of threads even years on but they're pretty much nonstop shitting on the games themselves. I still can't tell if they're worth playing.

Mediocre on PC. Unplayable on normal PS4.

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3DS version looks extremely awful. In your position I would wait for the remaster, it's a pretty long game even just on a casual first run.
>old beautiful artstyle
The characters have always looked like moldy ass and the environments/music are what gets praised. Remake should be an objectively superior experience.

>I do and you always have to be playing as some kid when its a JRPG
I already told you to shut the fuck up, even basic bitch Square RPGs like Front Mission have you play as characters in their late 20's or 30s, you don't know shit about anything.

This image had such cool side quests.

This game.

Fuck you, I've been playing Vesperia all week.
I'm fucking stuck on Duke.
Gimme a break.

Playing pic related right now. Designs are a bit ayylmao-ish but the gameplay is breddy good.
I really hope they release the translated version of Z. Had that on the Vita and had a blast. Makes me wish H-games had this level of quality to them. Kind of like Kamidori, where you come for the tits and stay for the gameplay.

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As a person who participates in shitting up those threads, I've got to say, it depends on your taste in games. Cold steel is Persona with story, while sky is something else, cant really say

>is something else
In a good/playable way?

Not really(?), sky 1's gameplay is slow as shit and most people give up there
Sky's mostly very atmospheric and the epitome of
>30 hours in it gets good

I only played Generations of War, but as far as I know, the others are similar. They are extreme kusoges only for massive autists. Disgaea is comfy compared to them. The art is great, the girls are cute and the setting is decent, but the gameplay is extremely grindy and time consuming. Also hard as balls.

It's a shame because they have a bunch of good girls that you have to marry as the story progresses. At least they are pretty cheap during sales if you want to give them a chance I guess.

Btw I couldn't finish the game because I got filtered by a boss in the second generation. I would have kept going if it wasn't for that though.

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>They are extreme kusoges only for massive autist
>The art is great, the girls are cute and the setting is decent, but the gameplay is extremely grindy and time consuming. Also hard as balls.
Alright thanks, I'm gonna give it a try. I have lots of tolerance for shitty gameplay.

Rean role playing games

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Give me a JRPG with no turn based or clunky in between and no cringe voice acting

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I'm playing Final Fantasy 1

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dark soul

Do you even want to play a JRPG?

The combat mechanics look pretty convoluted at first but they aren't too hard to learn. I recommend you to read a guide for the stat distritbution though. The game doesn't explain this at any point and you will make the game harder for yourself if you fuck up their stats early on.

I’m playing dragon quest 2 for the first time


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Legend of Mana.

Go play mass effect or something

But tales sucks

Was this any good? I work night shifts with a lot of down time, so i've basically been glued to my 3DS and Vita and whatever books i can get. I didn't play the first one though

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>In a good/playable way?

What are your recommendations for a chowderhead what has no patience to go through menus?

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star ocean 3 the va's are fine the script might not be

I only played the ds version but I'd say yes. It's a pretty straightforward jrpg that just does most things a bit better than average. It's easy to avoid the boring random fights, boss battles are balanced if you do so, and the despite the simplicity the gameplay is pretty interesting.

It's not a sequel, but an enhanced re-release of the original game in the vein of other Atlus re-releases (new girl, gameplay tweaks, additional endings and content)
>Fantastic combat
>Good length
>Decent QoL improvements
>Okay characters
>Some nice additional content
>New girl is annoying and the side-quests tied to her for the new best ending don't mesh with the rest of the game at all
>Progression can be confusing because of time travel gimmick
>Exp and money earned from battles has been reduced, and in the latter's case crippled (early game battles net you 28-55 gold while basic medical items are 50-100 a piece. Equipment is 500-2500). A new bonus dungeon however greatly mitigates this by giving you a special currency with cheaper prices, such as basic meds costing only 1 of this money)
>No dual audio
>Original character art is resold as DLC
>Exp boosters and money farm items are sold as DLC