Play a JRPG right now

Play a JRPG right now.

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Tales of Berseria is the only fun JRPG, and it's all thanks to the characters and mini cutscenes.

Alright, you weebs. Happy?

Attached: Dragon Quest V - Tenkuu no Hanayome (Japan)-190911-224857.png (1196x896, 1.1M)

bros, how do I get a thicc, redhead, 2d gf with big tits who doesn't demand anything from me ever?

kill all jrpgfags

All my favorite games are JRPGs
XC2 is my second favorite game

They take too long to complete. I have the attention span of a goldfish.

I love sex with my wife Homura. She's so soft and warm.

I don't have the time to play one, unless you can tell me some that are like 20 hours long max.

Ni No Kuni 2 was 30 hours long for me. Great for western fans who are used to action combat. The story is also pretty damn comfy, you play as Evan Pettiwisker Tildrum.