Is OOT’s 99 Metascore the most unbreakable record ever?
Is OOT’s 99 Metascore the most unbreakable record ever?
botw is better anyway
>Wind Waker above anything
it's really randomizable
Yes. People and faggot communities like Yea Forums, among which are some influential critics, are far too contrarian nowadays to universally agree on a masterpiece and unanimously give it a perfect score.
If OoT came out today 1/3 of all critics would give it a bad review because it doesn't have enough trans niggers, because it's too difficult for literal vegetables to play, because it hasn't a solid constant 60FPS, or because the lead isn't a woman even though sheikh/zelda is badass but who cares, etc.
botw 2 is getting 100
Its well deserved. It might even deserve a 100 but for the sake of being "balanced" lets just say 99.
I don't think there's going to be a leap as big as OoT's 2D to 3D in future and a big part of the score is that it DID set the standards for 3D games. If you made OoT today but 100 times better and had it be a literal 10/10 masterpiece in every area it still wouldn't break 99, simply because there's been so many other 3D action games before.
VR doesn't come close, VR's been around for ages and hasn't done jack shit. It has no killer app, it's not even consumer grade yet. It's very slowly lurching it's way to some sort of revolution, maybe.
Wouldn't 100 be even more unbreakable
> 99.2 on Gamerankings
> 100 on Gamefaqs
> 99 on Metacritic
> Only unanimous GoTY winner
Yes, it’s absurd to look back in retrospect at a game so good that it forced all critics to acknowledge it as a masterpiece
Man, ALttP really got robbed
The people who gave BOTW a 6/10 put it on their best game ever list the same year, with this level of contrarian faggotry it’s impossible to get even a 98 now
ALTTP was nice but it hasn't revolutionized gaming in nearly the same way OoT has.
That shit was basically the first open world game ever made.
You literally had to be there to even begin to understand why it was magical.
If you consider OoT open world then you'd also have to consider ALttP open world.
>who gave BOTW a 6/10 put it on their best game ever list the same year
Maybe it was a bad year.
Hey faggot
ALttP was top-down 2D which is inherently an abstraction.
I meant 3D open world obviously. Which is saying a lot because AAA video games up to RDR2 or Assassin#s Creed Odyssey etc. are nothing more than glorified versions of OoT with better graphics and larger 3D open world.
There will never be another revolution like that.
It actually has a 97, Metacritic simply ignored half of its reviews causing the score to be inflated to a 98. Same with GTA IV
super mario 64 came first and was way more open than ocarina
>There will never be another revolution like that
A fully immersing VR world (where you can move around with your own input, touch something and feel it, smell whatever there is to be smelled) seems like the next one.
99 on metacritic and I still haven't played it
OoT is one of the very few circlejerked games that are worthy of its praise
Get a trip code you autistic contrarian piece of shit
OOT was always average
only Nintendo fans inflate it and pretend it is a masterpiece because N64 was a bad console with only a few games that are worthwhile
>Universal acclaim based on 22 Critics
you can't take this seriously
I can tell you were born after 9/11 zoomer
>only Nintendo fans inflate it and pretend it is a masterpiece because N64 was a bad console with only a few games that are worthwhile
This, it's fucking embarrassing how many people pretend N64 wasn't on the same level of trash as Atari Jaguar.
It truly takes a special kind of idiot to believe that.
Hating on OoT doesn't make you look cool faggot. It makes you look like an idiot who knows nothing about the medium.
Polish and quality of the art direction, environments, music, story, gameplay,etc. aside. It was a revolutionary game on which most current 3D games are still largely based.
3D open worlds don't impress people nowadays because they're a dime a dozen but back then, when the alternative was crash bandicoot, some rail shooters or tekken. A living breathing world that you could visit like OoT was mind blowing.
Now fuck off zoomer
Fun fact: The only non-10/10 score Ocarina of Time got was from Nintendo Power of all places. Nintendo Power shilled Nintendo games the hardest and was the most biased toward them.
It apparently got a 9.5/10 because it it didn't have the traditional Hyrule theme song in it or some other nitpicky shit.
Yes, gaming is too big now to have such a unanimous masterpiece anymore. Tastes used to be more homogenized back then.
Wind Waker was amazing, one of the best games in the franchise.
Majora's Mask is better than Ocarina of Time.
How are these games overrated? Nobody gives a shit about FFVI.
>Wind Waker was amazing, one of the best games in the franchise.
Wind Waker is the worst 3D Zelda dude. Even worse than Skyward Sword.
As for Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, the former has more fleshed out gameplay mechanics, character development and sidequests. But the latter has better pacing, twice as many dungeons and was better for its time.
There is 1 overrated game in that imagine.
N64 was objectively a piece of shit with a HORRIBLE library that only sold because it had the word Nintendo on it.