Now that the dust has settled, was it deliberate or accidental misinformation?
Now that the dust has settled, was it deliberate or accidental misinformation?
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that's a clock
Deliberate, obviously. The real question is: was the purpose to generate hype to increase sales, or is the guy a mythomaniac?
I remember an interview where they said that the color of the sky was generated by the interaction of the star's rays with the planet's atmosphere, and that to get different colors, they had to create their own periodic table...
If this is not mumbo jumbo to fool retarded people, I don't know what it is ...
I've always assumed deliberate because it wasn't like that guy could've been a misinformed spokesperson. He was a developer for the fucking game itself. It was just a long con, simple as that. He made himself out to be overly passionate for it, and that the game was so broad in scope that it was simply impossible and frustrating to try and explain it clearly. This created intrigue and an assumption of the broad scope, when it wasn't ever there to begin with.
The purpose was to boost pre-order sales. If people payed for it, they payed for it.
>That dude to seans left
So that's where he's from
i'll go for accidental because if you're retarded enough to write shit like "tea & noms" on your walls you're not smart enough to rip off even a toddler
no, they were hipsters.
he lied. no conspiracy, no master plan. it's plain as day in the videos. He didn't want to say no, but also believed he could get away with it not being there. He thought there was mathematically no way for two people to reach each other, so we would never know.
>tea & noms
>looks like a fucking kindergarten class
>babby room tier stickers on the wall
Imagine working in that shit, day in, day out.
Real talk: what was the lie exactly? They advertised that the game was composed solely of randomly generated worlds and that all you could do was walk around, collect material, and build stuff. Also you could "discover" shit and name it for other players to find. That's pretty much how it launched. I cannot believe that people expected anything else. It's like OUYA all over again.
Murray feigned ambiguity to make people fill in the blanks themselves. Nobody suspected it could actually be an MMO where you couldn't directly interact with other players. It was quite a beautiful and masterful misdirect, actually.
There are people from time to time like Sean Murray who blatantly lie without a specific goal. I know one irl that everytime is confronted with arguments, often obvious ones, starts piling up more lies trying to "solve" the initial one. He's not even a bad guy he just has this pathological need for attention even If you friendly explain to him that he doesn't need to. I think he has mental problems because If you play along with him he gets this sort of rush, you can see it on his face, like he's getting a dopamine fix right there. It's very sad.
That being said i believe Murray has a similar problem, he believed in the cult he created in his head around his persona and when confronted with contraddicting evidence he panicked and started flailing left and right hoping it would go away.
The initial NMS was a complete scam and they should have been prosecuted for fraud. Gladly they didn't get a cent from me.
>you now remember Stephen Colbert was in on their lies
It was never misinformation. Retards just didn't understand why procedural generation is awful. Anyone who understood knew that it would be shit from the day it was announced
This can't be real.
peak s*y
It is. There are adults that speak like this:
>what was the lie exactly?
when he said there were multiplayer components to the game but no matchmaking or anything to actually find people. the claim was that the game was online but so vast finding another person was nigh impossible.
beyond the naming of shit, the game did nothing over a server. two people went to the same place and couldn't see each other, plus time of day and weather was different for each of them
tl;dr he said there was multiplayer in a game that originally literally did not have multiplayer.
>there are still people who ignore the lies, point to the vague shit, and say "this wasn't a lie it was just vague"
No amount of quirky design can hide how fucking bargain cheap that furniture is holy shit.
True to some extent, but completely wrong on most accounts. Making everyone believe there will be multiplayer when there wasn't (not sure if there still is after all the backlash forced them to basically remake the game, don't care to fidn out), is a straight up lie, and has nothing to do with proc gen.
So only retards tricked themselves? Just like OUYA?
I dont feel bad for anyone let down by NMS. Only. contempt. They deserve all the sadness they felt.
Look at this trailer. It tells you flat out that the game will have no content and be complete dogshit. The writing was on the wall the whole time.
So it was just the multiplayer?
that was the most egregious spoken lie. there was also video footage of freighters in atmosphere, and some other stuff like that, and i'm sure sean spouted shit about that too, but the blatant statement of "yes this game has MP coded into it" was by far the worst. that's not something you make up, i don't care if it eventually does happen.
If you really feel like plunging back to teh autism of that release (I don't see why you would), just watch crowbcat's video on it, he lists most of the lies before launch iirc.
They're scum. They lied and lied to make money. They're Chris Roberts but Indie
The list goes on and on of their lies. They make scam citizen look like a project of saints
The crashes are the best part.
Chris Roberts became indie after he got blacklisted by every major studio after the freelancer debacle.
With the only difference being scam citizen is a literal cult while with Hello Games even the brainwashed redditors had to admit the obvious
I heard the game was pretty decent now? Is it true?
I don't know, I have never played it, idiot!
Take a look at the unironical NMS threads that pop us, it'll change your mind. Although those are probably second rate shills.
It still sucks. I like the idea of finding new planets but what you do on the planets is boring. Worst crafting system I've ever seen. All you do is upgrade shit. Base building is laughable, a monkey designed it in ten minutes. Also runs like crap while looking like shit.
It was deliberated. This isn't like when Sony tried to fool us with that Killzone 2 trailer because Guerrilla wasn't involved, in NMS' case the studio was behind the scam.
those are teenagers
Those are ADULTS.
Are you retarded as well as gay?
please lower your voice sir
Sony shat the bed probably.
Murray was a dick for not telling the true, but he had sony from a side that didn't want the hype train to stop and on the other the fact that the game wasn t even close to be finished.
So what would you have done at his place?
He did try to gently slow the hype tho IIRC, but no one cared.
The only thing I'll lower is my head in shame for how gay and retarded you are.
It was accidental at first because their PR guy sucked
>to crowd:
>"We're gonna have this!"
>later, to dev:
>"We're gonna have that, right? I remember someone talking about it in a meeting?"
then it just grew, as all lies do.
So, you'll bow to him?
Autistic people tend to not understand subtle gestures.
Imagine the smell.
Nah men, Todd is the same, this guy just had too much interviews because it was a hype indie game, he just could not lie and probably planned to just update nms later, it was clearly in beta state when it launched.
I'm playing it right now pirated and i would not recommend it.
The game is a game now, a shit game but a game nontheless. Contrary to when it released where it was an empty egg sold like it was the cure for cancer.
The worst offender is inventory management. It's a suffocating system from start to finish, even when you're upgraded as much as possible you'll have to be very carefull on what you hoard. I've never seen in my entire life a game about mining and hoarding that cripples you this much when it comes to storing stuff.
The basebuilding is there but it's clunky and very limited.
Exploring planets and system is fun, the first 10 times. Then it becomes a chore and you'll avoid it entirely.
I've reached the center of the galaxy without using blackholes or cheats and i did it while watching 3 movies and a tv series (in separate days). I wanted to kill myself out of boredom.
There are quests that resemble a story-line. They moderately entertaining but not enough to peak any interest into the "lore".
Everytime they update their game and release new stuff there is a significant chance all your bases and discoveries will reset/disappear. While you can say that, on one side, they're positively still working on it, on the other you realize that this very situation is the proof the game is still an early access, broken, buggy mess that should have never seen the light of day in the first place.
If you MUST buy it, don't, pirate it. If you still MUST buy it because you have issues wait for it to go under $10
i,m retarded gay and autistic
Probably fat, too.
I am pretty sure some people are suing about False Advertising Multiplayer...