>"Why yes, I do pay the same price for a game with infinitely times worse graphics and frame rates on the switch than its console/pc equivalent. How could you tell?"
"Why yes...
>not just playing the exclusives
>Why yes, I do pay the same price for a game with infinitely times worse graphics and frame rates on the playstation than its pc equivalent. How could you tell?"
Why is there so much shit posting again? Is it the Switch port of DQXI coming soon?
>he's poor
overwatch i think. dqxi is better on switch atm because of the centent.
Soul / Soulless
Snoys are just dealing with the realisation their only new game until 2021 is a cinematic walking simulator.
wakey wakey, nincels
>PieceofShit4thegaymers is too weak to handle some red lights
What about the PC version?
>Sonyboy makes another thread about Nintendo
Rent free
Why do you nincels always take this shitty bait? Because you know other retards like you will shit up the board by responding? You think giving OP attention and calling him a snoy is his comeuppance?
But the Switch looks better?
I’m just calling out snoy third worlders for what they are, why are you mad?
Left unironically looks better.
I just wanna let you know saying Snoy just looks infinitely worse on you than anyone you’re hoping to insult.
I know nincels are mentally challenged from all the sõy products, but this is some next level coping.
>n-no only I get to use nubuzzwords!
Yeah, ok fag, keep shitting in the street, snoy.
>snoybois are afraid of red lights
it's a color in your rainbow ps4, why do you hate it!?
Say “Snoy” out loud in the mirror right now. See how you look.
PC Port
>Same game but with better graphics and framerate, you can mod the game
Switch Port
>Same game but perhaps with slightly worse graphics. You can play it on the go using the Switch as a handheld
Multiplat game on xbox or playstation
>You are playing the worst version of the game, the product you are experiencing is likely far away from the developer’s intended vision. You cannot experience the game to it’s fullest capacity like you can on PC, and you can’t enjoy the game in bed or while travelling like you can on the Switch. You have made the wrong decision.
What else are we supposed to do here? This place has very clearly shown it has no interest in actually talking about video games. I use Discord when I want to discuss vidya now. I think of this place as my toilet.
Why are you so upset at reading a word, snoy?
>degenerate weeb only knows shitposting
of course, also
Yet another tranny, why?
Switch has better atmospheric light
>why, yes, i always buy the clearly superior console; since graphics is all that matters, a good library of games is completely unimportant
stop destroying the narrative you resonable fuck
at least xboners have mods for bethesda, they also have a lot of backwards compatibility with their older gens. lets be honest, the true loser is snoy this gen
Because it makes you look like a total dweeb and I want you to have some self respect. I’m upset you can’t find a better insult for Sony chads.
I only play Playstation cause I'm not a white boy
Keep posting about how butthurt you are, snoy
>y-you are just a biiiiig nerd
okay now i am actually embarrassed for you. go take some soi to calm yourself down
My two cents: if you go out of your way to respond to this shitty bait, you are an insecure fuck that constantly has to validate his decisions. You validate getting a fucking Switch not by playing and enjoying the damn thing, but by coming to these shit threads and shitting on "Snoys" and having every other Nincel join the fun in dickriding Nintendo. This makes your ilk feel validated, like purchasing the Switch was worth it and cool because you feel a vacuous sense of superiority that stems from fucking memes. It bothers me because you needlessly fuel these pathetic "console-warring" threads made by a guy looking to get (You)s and you give him exactly that. Also, nincels live rent free in the minds of shitposters because of how easy it is to shakedown (You)s from them, and snoy lives rent free in the minds of nincels because any criticism leveled at Nintendo is "obviously" from a "snoy third-worlder" whatever that means.
You could try ignoring the shittiest bait in Yea Forums.
>"Haha nincel"
absolutely retarded snoyboy