Incels are asleep

Discuss Borderlands 3

Attached: borderlands 3.jpg (1280x720, 212K)

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>redditlands 3

Based and agreed

borderlands 3 is cringe and cuckpilled
fallout 4 is based and redpilled and a better borderlands game than real borderlands games

we had this thread twice already

Can't, considering incels are asleep.

You should be in bed.

waiting for a crack. can't be bothered to pay for what is essentially borderlands 2.5, especially if epic takes a cut.

also 600mb exe? denuvo really puts tons of spaghetti code in there, no wonder people are having issues running this otherwise fairly graphically basic game.
> inb4 they probably left debug symbols in there too

We as a board agreed to skip this one. Kindly delete.

No I'm not asleep. Fuck off.