Forget these coomer threads about breasts, post shit you actually want to see from the remake.
Other urls found in this thread:
I want you to be able to make Cloud wear the dress for the entire rest of the game.
I want to mod barret to be naked and have a huuuge dick
I don't know what I was expecting.
>best snowboarding game of all time may be in 2022
I specifically want the roller coaster where you shoot things
I hope they make Jenvoa more Thing-like in the remake
A finished game.
Last boss of part 1 is going to be supposed to lose fight with Sephiroth followed by Jenova Birth.
You think it's going to end right on disc 1?
he said Jenova Birth. Aka the one you fight on the Boat.
Disc 1 ends with Jenova Life and Aerith dying
good game play and music. something they haven't shown yet
Actually, since some of the Kingdom Hearts designers are on this, it's possible it'll play like those exact segments which were in Monster's Inc and Frozen world.
I want to be able to grind up my level if I wanted to at the end of this game, and have my character's progression carried over into the next part. Although I'm betting on a low character level cap, to keep people from becoming overpowered by the next game
All the summons.
Also, I hope they keep chocobo breeding.
This scene, right here.
holy fuck that used to scare me so much when I was a kid.
That being said, I want battle square AIDS and grindable omnislash at the end of disc 1.
I want the fact that Jenova came to life and went on a killing spree to be more hidden. It was so obviously not Seph in the original game. I hope they do more to confuse the player.