just how?
Just how?
Devs don't bother to optimize games anymore.
>Ultra qhd benchmarks
Steam drones getting desperate, bro don't forget to review bomb the game on metacritic
>4k isn't a me-
this plus Unreal Engine 4 is fucking garbage
hey shill it's only qhd and only 2080ti's getting 60+ fps
Pretty sure devs put bitcoinminers in games nowadays.
>epic exclusive
>devs don't give a fuck about optimization anymore thanks to the 1080p@60fps shilling now that 144Hz is the standard
now do 1440p at high settings.
>cel shaded
let me guess, "ultra" means 8x MSAA and super screen space reflections?
>PC gaming
>Don't have top tier 1000 dollar card may as well play on optimized based console
it was designed to run at 30fps on a PS4.
Consoles play at 1080p or shitty ass upscaled 4K
Nope, the game only uses TAA and FXAA.
A 1050 Ti can't even maintain 60 FPS on low settings at 1080p.
Guy I watched on YT streamed it on an RX 570 and even IT had trouble maintaining 60 FPS on medium settings at 1080p.
Game just seems to be optimized like shit considering it looks worse than a last gen game like Crysis 3.
Nah, I just don't play poorly-optimized EGS games.
I'd rather kill myself than deal with garbage console performance.
>144Hz is the standard
it isn't
don't delude yourself
only people who fell for the meme parrot that
>rtx 2080 ti can't even do 144fps at 1440p
holy shit. it doesn't even look that good, why does it run like hot garbage?
It's developed by invalids.
2560x1440 Ultra, I think that's the problem.
There are quite a few games the 2080ti can run at 1440/144 actually, it's as much of a meme as 4K.
>playing le so funny meme shit
It was fun back in 2011 for underaged fucks
>the smart consumer
Buys normal 5700 non xt or a used GTX 1070
>the brainlet normalfag
Buys RTX 2080 / 2080 ti / 2070 for barely 15-30% more performance for much higher cost and claims they are smart
No, not at all.
This game runs about as well as Control, which is a generation ahead visually.
Hell, fucking BF1 has large open maps and looks miles better as well and THAT game easily runs at 144 FPS at 1440p on a 2080 Ti.
No excuse for this game running like such trash outside of incompetence.
I meant to say there are few games
Dont give EA, Activision or 2K ideas.
5700 xt is a better deal than 5700
I'm not poor, 2080ti is still not enough for 3440x1440p 120hz sometimes at AAA. AMD giving up on the high end market has halted the gpu progress.
Don't forget to buy the 3080 ti next year goy, you're not poor, right? Better buy two.
>real time raytracing is actually viable now
>"halted gpu progress"
obviously it's too early to fully adopt the "rtx" meme but this is a massive leap forward
All ue4 games run like hot garbage especially aaa+ games lately idc why exactly but it's 100% the devs
Ue4 also hates lots of open sandbox levels and characters the fps tanks dunno why their so shit at optimising
I feel u bro I have a 2080ti that boosts moderately well to 1.9ghz max and all ue4 games run like poo
Same screen as u except I leave my fps unlocked and barely hit 100hz+
true, UE4 runs like ass
it actually looks worse than Crysis 3
>what is gears
cope and now play some shartifact
Yea, it's fucking awful, even after they cut out a bunch of features it STILL runs like shit.
I can count the UE4 games that don't run/look like shit on one hand.
The Gears devs are the only one that can make optimized games using UE4. Gears 4 and 5 runs 60fps+ on ultra with no drops at all.
Yep, like significantly worse.
Blows my mind that BL3 even on ultra has worse screenspace reflections than fucking Crysis 2, a game that's almost a decade old.
>my 970 can't even reach 24 fps
it feels like its was barely a year ago when i could run high settings at 1440 without dipping below 45 fps
is it time to upgrade? not for this piece of shit game, obviously
It looks painfully average
though gow4 looked and ran better Tbqh
It's the unique mix of devs pushing sandbox on a engine that wasn't designed for it (hence the infamous streaming issues) and deadshit devs but this has been happening since 2004 when they targeted consoles on ue3 first and pc ports second in the engine itself
Hence why anything over 1080p 30fps is hard as fuck to do
Given BL3's massive constant data upload I would believe it.
Don't go nvidia the supers and anything below a 2080ti are painfully bad
Used 1080ti or 57xt
Explain? It's a offline game right?
It's like what someone posted, if someone told me screenshots of Borderlands 3 were just modded Borderlands 2 ones, I would have believed them. The game surely doesn't look much more advanced than its predecessors.
>Game doesn't only look like garbage
>It runs like garbage too
What a time to be alive.
>see post you responded to
What kind of performance do you think this game is supposed to have? It's on 1440p Ultra, turn down a few settings and suddenly over 100 fps on everything
A 2080ti should very comfortably be able to run a game that looks this bad at 1440p 144fps.
I will, thanks.
Just one though, multi GPU is pretty dead.
Nope, if you have an internet connection it will connect. At least it is playable offline which should tone down some issues if you unplug your ethernet cable / disable your wifi adapter.
Well it's not surprising, the 970 is not meant to run latest games at 1440p and the benchmarks posted are in ultra. I'd like to see benchmarks in 1080 high settings before declaring it obsolete, because it still runs pretty much all modern games at over 60FPS at high settings 1080p.
That's hilarious. I forget which card I had when playing BL2(1?) but it was a Radeon card. Think it was called 290x or something. That thing ran the game ay 144fps toally maxed without a hiccup. Guess they finally decided to add graphics to that shitty series.
Considering the visuals it should have no problem maintaining 1440p 144 FPS on a 2080 Ti.
That's like, the bare minimum.
Pic related is Battlefield V, which looks so much better that it's basically a next gen game in comparison.
>Almost 60 FPS at 1440p on a single GTX 970
>A cinematic 24 FPS at 1440p on the same GPU
That's almost impressive in how dogshit it is.
>It looks painfully average
kys sream drone
Shame it's the worst bf game in the series but yeah it runs good imho doesn't look that great and I saw it maxxed out with rtx on and off
My 2080ti can't even do 60fps according to that chart that's just pathetic
Nah I got it for a buck from Windows store sub but ok egs cocksucker
Gearbox is incompetent, UE4 has optimization issues, and I'm guessing "ultra" preset has some idiotic and unnecessary effects like msaa.
2/3, but no, this game doesn't have MSAA or SSAA, just FXAA and TAA.
Put out trash product with well known IP that buyfags will buy anyways. If it sells well enough you update and get others to buy. If it sells just well enough you take the money and run calling it the fans fault for not buying enough copies.
What exactly is so demanding about memelands 3?
The bitcoin miner that they snuck in the game so you can mine crypto for Tencent while you play.
The DRM i'd wager
Woah it looks just as good as another game that came out this year.
The cell shaded look is so fucking ugly.
just kys steamie, time is up unreal is taking over
must be that super advanced sobel operator. Yep. Can't have BL without state of the art outlines.
All drm platforms suck ass loser
Go suck corporate cock
T. Pirate
yes thats the reason why gog,epic > all drm launchers
>tfw all those UE3 games
>looked alright for the time, but were a bit too recognizable at first glance due to the way they did shading
>almost every game released runs really fucking well on most hardware
>games look great
>but they all run like ass now
Nah, Epic has games with DRM on them so it's also shit.
>>games look great
Mose UE4 games look like soupy shit though.
Including the game this thread is about.
You need a 5700/Vega56/RTX 2060 to hit 144 FPS in 1080p LOW SETTINGS, that is hilarious.
Lots of open world ue3 games still run like ass tho
All the corridor shooters and shit don't usually as I said boringlands 3 is a special case because the devs are utter nongs and the engine isn't designed for high frame rate gaming in mind especially the weird ass build their using from God knows how long ago with absolutely no optimisation
>Lots of open world ue3 games still run like ass tho
Such as?
Arkham City ran amazingly well at the time.
AMD gave up on high end because maybe at best 0.1% of all gpus sold are high end and even if they released something 100% better than 2080ti for the same price braindead kids would still buy nvidia because its nvidia. AMD made a smart choice to only compete at mid range market.
pcgamer being pcgamer probably put msaa to x8
they were absolutely wrong about Control too, I ran that game at 70fps 1440 on 5700xt
The 5800 is coming out but they aren't going for the ultra high end, they're gonna go for "pay half the price for 10% less performance" segment.
that resolutions a meme anyways. you'd need like a 40 inch monitor to be able to tell any difference from 1080p
>if they released something 100% better than 2080ti for the same price braindead kids would still buy nvidia
Because the Nvidia software suite and support is just that much better. Then again, Nvidia cards are ridiculously overpriced in the high end due to a monopoly, so AMD just undercutting them would just be another show of nvidia tier jewry, on tier with the original pricing of the 5700 cards.
not just undercutting*
The new AMD software is way superior, and AMD's open source Linux drivers are far superior to nvidia's as well.
Where do you retards even come from?
Games haven't regularly used MSAA since like 2013 since it doesn't play well with deferred rendering.
huh, if it goes free this sunday I will test it
they are wrong about a lot of things, so don't take their sponsored graphs seriously they do shill for intel quite openly(they got sponsored by them a few times) and try to sell you RTX all the time
>Epic has games with DRM
so does gog
the game streams all your info to Randy in real time
>AMD's open source Linux drivers are far superior to nvidia's
Oh I was talking about video games, my mistake.
Which games on GoG use Denuvo?
As mentioned earlier, there is no MSAA only FXAA and TAA.
I'm on an RTX 2070 at 3440x1440 and can only get solid 60fps at a half and half between medium and high settings.
>Because the Nvidia software suite and support is just that much better.
it really is the same thing, i've been on both last 5 years, minus convenient control panel UI
I am honestly so glad I'm back on AMD, radeon settings are very convenient.
>I'm on an RTX 2070 at 3440x1440 and can only get solid 60fps at a half and half between medium and high settings.
Wow, that's fucking terrible.
Honestly it looks similar to Overwatch yet the perfomance is 10 times as bad.
No, it really isn't. A 2060Super should easily do over 60fps at high/ultra on most 1440p
because I don't trust PCgamer, they were wrong about Control recently it ran 62-77fps for me and only dropped to 50fps in cutscenes
some setting is out of tune, probably 16k shadow resolution on ultra or something similarly ridiculous
there is nothing in the game to take that much power to run
What settings are you running it on?
Saying "they're wrong" when you're comparing different settings just makes you look like a retard.
everything ultra but MSAA, if you run msaa even at x2 it sure drops below 50
Nope, it runs mediocrely even on low settings, which nukes everything and turns shadows into blobs ala PUBG on Xbone.
And again, it can't maintain 60 FPS on those settings (low) on a 1050 Ti at 1080p, despite looking like a literal PS3 game (and looking worse than BL2/TPS.
Okay, so you're comparing different settings.
>AMD's open source Linux drivers are far superior to nvidia's as well.
It's unfortunate that AMD has abandoned opengl on windows, I've had to switch to linux for games like starsector because I got 10 fps in larger engagements.
Because Unreal is officially the shitter red flag of game engines.
No they wouldn't. Stop playing shit shitty victim card like everyone is against AMD or whatever. That has been proven false every single time. Just look at Ryzen as an example. AMD released a good product that was not only faster and cheaper but also had more cores all in a package that was more power efficient and people are buying it up in droves to the point AMD now has the market share lead in places that record these sales like in Germany. If AMD made a card which is both faster, more power efficient and cheaper than nvidia offerings people would also buy that.
woah, interesting
it's really hard to fuck up UE4 these days, how did they do that, rushed game year early?
>defending pcgamer
what kind of faggot are you? you MUST NOT run MSAA on modern engine, ever. specialty at 1440p when aliasing is noticeable only in select few games with a lot of grates
people are buying navi too, it's 25% cheaper and only 8-10% slower
>it's really hard to fuck up UE4 these days
Is it?
I see it all the time, especially from smaller devs.
>turns shadows into blobs
Yeah it looks utterly bizarre, especially when it's an electricity pylon or something. I'd take heavy laddering over that shit.
2060S here. No it doesn't. If you bought a 2060 for 60+ fps 1440p Ultra gaming you got hosed.
None of those games use Denuvo.
Again, which games on GoG use Denuvo?
Because last I checked multiple games on EGS use Denuvo.
the only games on UE4 come to mind is gears 5 and obduction which run pretty decent
oh also Insomnia The Ark, runs pretty good, but game is full of corridors
Reading the PCgamer article the volumetric fog really fucking tanks the fps. Still unoptimized.
It still blows my mind how the Crysis games not only hold up visually but still look better than some of today's games, and probably run better on top of that.
Its just a shame Gears UE is the only one that has performance issues, since in terms of single player its pretty fun.
this denuvo talk, game got denuvo I take it? thank god, I'd better grind in WoWC than skyrim with guns
>it's as much of a meme as 4K.
it really isnt. unless you doing gay esports you dont need more than 120. even then, you're in denial if you think 144hz will instantly make you good. if you're shit at 60hz, you're not going to be much better at 144hz
>None of those games use Denuvo.
are you fucking retarded you subhuman, why are you moving the goalpost ? we are talking about DRM and yes GOG has DRM, you got btfo now kill yourself worthless trash and dont reply to me ever again
I can get 75hz on pretty much everything at high. Ultras a meme, dont bother with it.
the point 144hz monitor feels good, it's nto about esports
but again, as confirmed by several 144hz owners you can run games 60fps at 144 and still feel good, it looks the same and there is not visible tearing
Alone in the Dark Illumination (trash game)
Call of Cthulu
The Sunken City
Die Young
Conan Exiles
Darwin Project
Insurgency Sandstorm
Jump Force
All of these games run on UE4 and many of them are infamous for their awful performance.
>you dont need more than 120
Yeah but 144 monitors are more common and cheaper than 120.
its just that 144hz 1440p monitors are so fucking expensive
75hz I find is good for 1440p for me atm.
there is your problem.
No, I asked about Denuvo, and now you're moving the goalposts.
Since Epic games use Denuvo, EGS has DRM, so it's shit.
Is a 2080ti a poorfag GPU, you braindead imbecile?
and a 600mb launcher because of it
Mean to reply to
>Good optimization is 30FPS locks with frequent use of dynamic resolutions and low PC settimgs
Console optimization is the biggest fucking meme perpetuated by consoletards. You don't even get the option of 60FPS in BL3 without owning an Xbone X.
can you read?
>Call of Cthulu
ran fine on 1070 1440p
>The Sunken City
ran fine on 1070 1440p
I even ran it on 390 1440p, you do not play that game on anything but low settings
didn't play any of other games, half of them are survival shit which run badly in general, it's more of a genre staple than engine's
Bros is it worth upgrading from a Vega 56 to a 5700XT?
just kill yourself you fucking subhuman, read the fucking reply chain again, how old are you ? why are you lying ? why are you this much of a subhuman ? EGS doesnt use Denovo, the 3rd party developer is using drm, see gog store is drm free but dev can add drm.
>Er hat Sojaland 3 gekauft
It's because UE4 needs to be all things to all people, whereas bespoke engines are free of bloat. So you either make 10x the effort to write your own engine or maybe 2x the effort to optimise your UE4 game
If you mean anything under 60 FPS then that's not "fine," and the issue with PUBG is that it looks like absolute shit even maxed out.
depends, for 1440p - yes
for 1080p - no
I upgraded from 1070 to 5700xt, feels good at 1440p
50% jumps are a big deal at 1440p, pretty useless for 1080p
Don't wait for any performance improving patch. The real performance gains will happen when Denuvo gets disabled. Cracked version will run better than the legit one.
good. I do not have to even try it then.
>EGS doesnt use Denovo, the 3rd party developer is using drm
Doesn't matter, they allow games with Denuvo on their store so they're shit.
your doing this on purpose, aren't you?
being fucking retarded, that is
5700 xt or 2060 super for 1440p?
what is program is that? process hacker?
gog is also allowing drm, it doesnt matter which drm you fucking subhuman, why are you even replying to me again worthless trash ? gog is allowing 3rd party drm, egs is allowing 3rd party drm.
hm, I do not actually measure fps and only rely on myself if I feels game runs bad I start checking up at what fps it runs
so couple of them may ran at 55-57fps
I don't know, faster card for same price or slower card?
So you're telling me that I can run the witcher on Ultra 60fps, games like R6 siege on Ultra 120fps on my 1060 6gb
but only a 30 fps Borderlands 3 ? what the fuck is wrong with Randy?
Change the settings to ‘high’ and you’ll get double the performance.
What about for 1080p 144hz?
Oh, okay, so you don't actually know what you're talking about.
Reminds me of my brother, where he swears a game is running at 80 FPS then we turn on MSI Afterburner and it's running at 40.
But does AMD still have gay issues?
EGS allows the most cancerous form of DRM, so it is more cancerous, objectively.
Are you for real? It's just windows' resource monitor.
as 1440 144hz owner I would like to tell you that 144fps is a huge meme. I run games at 60fps 144hz because it feels exactly the same as running 144fps( tested on several older games that I can reliably do stable 144fps).
and you do not run vsync at 144hz, panel smooths out 99% of tearing. I double checked this with other 144hz owners, msot seems to agree
basically you want 144hz panel because it looks fantastic in desktop, and feels nice even at 60fps
I don't, 4th week on 5700xt pulse. Installed 4 drivers too, they pop them out every week now since gaming season started.
I can't understand why I still can't cap off at 144Frames even at the lowest preset 1080. I have an rtx 2070. What the actual fuck gearbox, you game is a stuttery mess I just want to play at a stable framerate.
I was so afraid... damn
>I don't, 4th week on 5700xt pulse. Installed 4 drivers too, they pop them out every week now since gaming season started.
sick, gonna buy it for my next build then
>EGS allows the most cancerous form of DRM, so it is more cancerous, objectively.
gog is allowing denovo too ? are you illiterate ?
They already got your money, why would they give a fuck?
So show me some games with Denuvo on GoG.
You still haven't done so.
Anyone who has to preface their argument with "I'm not poor" is a genuine coping retard who is easily scammed out of money.
Their priorities are so weird. They hacked together some sort of pre-load launcher since EGS still doesn't support it, but they cant make sure their game runs well.
120 and 144hz monitors are cheap enough now that it is the standard. More fps is better at all times and the jump from 60 to 120 is so painfully obvious. 240 is a good jump too but deminishing return sets in around there.
It's not a graphically demanding game yet it runs like shit
this doesnt change the fact that gog is allowing 3rd party drm this includes denovo, you fucking subhuman, changing the topic doenst change that you got btfo, subhuman trash, drm is drm, denovo is just harder to crack and is more expensive for devs
how does it run on consoles? if it runs as normal on consoles it certainly a denuvo issue, again.
So the game is just optimized like shit and consolefaggots have no reason to be shitposting?
I mean it's not that big of a deal for me, I was just expecting way better considering the reccomended was a GTX 1050ti which seems like it'd be a cakewalk for 70 card but in reality the last big leap we had in price to performance was the 1080 but even still the 2070 performs slightly better than the 1080.
What games on gog have denuvo?
Still waiting on some GoG Denuvo games.
Until then, Epic is cancer and shit and not worth using.
>gog is allowing denovo too ? are you illiterate ?
Are you an actual inbred? Where did you get this idea from? What you posted only concerns a key for multiplayer. Are YOU illiterate by any chance?
>the reccomended was a GTX 1050ti
some devs get sneaky with reqs, they list them for 1080p 30fps
I think they tested it without denuvo, like all previous devs, and slapped denuvo on pre going gold without much testing again.
Yeah except amd's opengl implementation is garbage and ruins performance in older games, and their software suite has removed virtually all of the features and settings you used to be able to tweak.
The only thing better about AMD's software is that it has a nicer looking UI and works on linux. For actual functionality and performance Nvidia is still miles ahead of AMD.
So no list of denuvo games on GOG?
moving the goalpost will not hide your subhuman lvl :)
Apparently the retail release also has tons of stuttering issues that weren't present in review code, likely related to the DRM.
Gotta love it!
I can definitely feel the difference between my 144hz and 240hz.
It's 100 hz more it reduces input delay significantly, at least it feels that way to me.
Damage control. This game runs like ass
>So the game is just optimized like shit and consolefaggots have no reason to be shitposting?
It runs like shit on PC and if you look up threads on plebbit PSfaggots apparently get sub 30 fps often too.
There are no Denuvo games in that post.
Still waiting.
I mean surely the optimization issues will be fixed in a future patch, My framerate just seems to go from high 130's to 90 in actual milliseconds, It might not even be a card problem, it could be a cpu problem too. Even though I have no Idea how that would be the case other than all the shit they load in at once, but I don't know anything about that it's just an educated guess.
>Drops below 60 FPS on a 1070 at 1080p
>Not even maxed out
Fucking hell, that's hilarious.
This shit LITERALLY runs worse than Control.
that called stuttering. what CPU you got?
>but I don't know anything about that
Yes, that much is obvious.
Like most modern PCfags you're a tech illiterate.
What the fuck, that's absolutely awful. Is this shit using ray tracing or what? Actually scratch that, clearly it isn't just from those results with a 1080 Ti being the 2nd fastest. How the everloving fuck does a cell shaded game perform as horrendously as that? Seriously now, how the fuck is this possible?
That's on 1440p. I assume the average pc gamer has a 1080p monitor so they should be able to play at 60fps on ultra right?
On the processing side of things Indeed you are correct.
No. See
Enjoy that sub-60 FPS on a $400 RTX 2060 at 1080p in a game with last gen visuals.
it shouldn't stutter then, huh, game is broken, cool
Nah that would be cry engine but ironically it's better optimised
Pugb is nowhere near as bad as sandstorm which has been fucking stuttering for over a year now
Worst ue4 ea game I've ever bought
nope, not even dropping to high settings on 1080p gives that experience
Maybe I should clarify, It's not so much stuttering as it is inconsistent. I'll get a stable framerate just running and driving, but the second I get into combat it drops and locks at 90 for some reason.
Holy fuck HOW is this possible? It's a fucking cel shaded game ffs
>$700 Radeon VII drops into the high 50s at fucking 1080p
That's fucking hilarious.
Even moreso considering this is an AMD sponsored title.
1660ti runs 80-100fps high/ultra 1080p
Nope, not even close.
>1080 Ti is the slowest card with the 97th percentile above 60
>99th percentile would probably be under 60 even for a 1080 Ti
It's beyond shit, actually hard to believe a game this ugly can run this poorly.
how is this allowed
this garbage isn't even worth pirating
Does the game at least support LAN like the old games or is that not an option anymore?
Does the game have a reason for it, like tons of enemies on screen at any given time, explosions, or massive environments? Because Destiny 2 doesn't have this problem and looks better and seems to run better despite apparently running on a trash engine, and neither do the Division games.
>unoptimized piece of shit
>tons of enemies on screen
No. Or is 5 or 10 'lots' nowadays? I bet Serious Sam 3 has better graphics while rendering an order of magnitude more enemies and running at double frame rate.
Are you always drunk or something? Even in windows there's a noticeable difference between 60Hz and 144Hz.
The movement of your mouse cursor is noticeably smoother and when you drag windows over your screen it's even more apparent how much better 144Hz is.
In games it's even worse. I always notice when my fps drop below 100.
It wasn't amds fault you get fucked in the ass every weekend.
Normally whenever a game comes out and runs like shit we get tons of tech illiterate shills flooding threads and talking about how people are just mad that tech is being pushed forward despite whatever game being lambasted looking like a glorified PS3 game.
This time not even shills can defend it, the game just flat out runs and looks like shit.
>people throw away their sanity to play BL3 on PC by going through Ebin
>find out that the .exe is 600MB in size, and requires a 2mb/s internet speed to actually play the game
>on top of this is the fact the performance is so shit that their recommended cards fail to reach acceptable frame rates
How people still suck the cock of EGS is simply baffling
Don't worry consumer, you can still get that desired 60FPS
Randy probably blew the budget allocated to optimizing the game on cocaine and underage hookers.
Ive seen a youtube video at 1080p with a 1050ti. Low was 60, med was 50-60, high was 30, ultra was just trash.
thats not accurate im playing 1440p at about 100 fps on a 3700x and rtx 2080
>falling for the ultra meme
Yeah, you're right. By the time it releases properly next year or whenever, it'll probably be fixed and run better.
Whoa, you can struggle to maintain 60 FPS on medium settings on an RX 570 in a game that looks worse than the original Crysis?
What settings?
Why is every PCfag such a retard nowadays?
listen, we all hate fagbox and randfagpitchgay, but that info in your pic is just wrong.
This is pretty fucking bad considering the game doesn’t even look like a big upgrade over BL2.
>Over complicating divided by 8
I mean even retards can divide 2 by 8.
price does not indicate a standard, number of users does. The number of users on 60hz monitors greatly outnumbers the users on 120hz or 144hz monitors. 1080p 60hz is still the standard
>Requires at least a Vega 56/1660 for 1080p60 without drops, a 2060S/5700XT for 1440p60, and can't even hit 50 FPS average at 4k on a 2080 Ti
Fucking hell, this is absolutely god damn hilarious.
How did they fuck up this badly?
The last big complaint that I remember was Control, but Control with RTX does look really nice and lifelike at least, even though the performance is complete ass. This is literally cartoon graphics, it's not realistic or advanced, it should run 2-3x as fast.
The game is Epic exclusive and cannot be pirated at this point as far as I know, that essentially means that only the dumb are playing it on PC right now.
The screenshot shows traffic in "B/s". That's bytes, not bits, so you do not need to divide anything. I assume the screenshot is also retarded and that 2MB/s is actually supposed to be 2Mbps. 2MB/s is actually 16Mbps.
Volumetric fog.
Being serious here.
It fucking destroys frames.
I went from 50fps 1440p Ultra to 90fps Ultra 1440p by turning it off. It doesnt even make a fucking difference.
Christ that looks like shit.
I hope you're running like a 1660 Ti or something for that 1440p 90 FPS.
nigga who tf plays games over 1080p
And off
Im pretty sure it’s an unreal engine 4 thing. I have other games that use it and they have optimization issues too.
It's what it runs on my laptop, faggot.
No it's not, tech illiterate laptopfags like yourself always lie.
Unless you mean 80-100 fps when you're staring at the ground.
Goddamnit. I played the first hour orso like that.
Retards turn off Volumetric fog you fucking spaz.
>unironically having DoF on
Dude, you probably don't even play with any kind of monitoring software and, like all tech illiterate laptopfags, can't even tell the difference between 45 FPS and 80 FPS.
Sorry, the game runs like shit, and on a 1660 Ti it struggles to maintain 60 FPS at 1080p on high settings.
So their "fog" is literally a reddish-brown color filter over more distant objects that decreases performance by 45%? I wonder which stinking animal decided that this effect was worth dropping performance to nearly half.
Its a camera filter in camera mode.
In case you can't tell.
>why didn't pixar render toy story 4 in real time, it's just cartoony graphics
art style has nothing to do with performance
you're mentally retarded
ue4 is the most optimized engine with most optimization feature, no other engine can come even close to ue4.22, with the LOD, baked light etc.
with a 1080ti you can run at 60fps the best looking scene ever made in real time youtube.com
and it's not even optimized
It runs FPS monitor in the background faggot. What else do you want me to use? I'll get back to you later tonight after another little session.
any benchmarks on high settings or is it just ultra meme settings?
I'm trying to remember how Pre Sequel looked because I'm thinking this looks the exact same.
Volumetric fog looks kinda good in this game t b h. I turned that shit off when I played MH:W because everything looked wash out
You'd have a point if BL3 made use of some advanced techniques like VXGI or high end HBAO+ or even some basic shit like proper fucking distance field shadows or shading on foliage that doesn't look like shit, but it doesn't.
A game that looks like pic related should never run at anything below 144 FPS at 1440p on a 2080 Ti.
As it stands this game runs similarly to fucking FFXV, which is insane.
In fact, it runs fucking WORSE.
No excuse.
Sure thing tech illiterate.
That looks like it should run around 60fps on a 1050ti, to be honest.
Oh wow a bunch of assets no ai or complex game logic runs well? HURRR DURRR CUNT
I said boringlands 3 runs like shit because of dev incompetence
Fucking hell ur dense go play any Multiplayer ue4 engine game with big maps besides fortnite and it runs like ass.
Hell even gears 5 with smaller maps runs better
It LITERALLY runs worse than FFXV, how the fuck is that possible?
>giant open world
>massive textures
>TONS OF "graffix" like volumetric lighting and more
And you idiots wonder why it takes a beefy gpu to run.
Fucking retards probably thought BL1&2 were optimized when it was the exact opposite there as well but your too fucking stupid or young to realize
Suit yourself.
Oh hey, one of the shills I mentioned in Blows my mind how tech illiterate modern PCfags are.
Literally dumber than consoleniggers.
Foliage density
Draw distance
Lower them and gain max fps
Turn down the extremely taxing shit then dip
>wahh a game has settings my gpu cant handle
Thats how games are suppose to be on PC retard not
>wow I can run this in ultra max 1440p because it looks like ass and has zero modern graphical features
i literally can't tell the difference, what is it?
I said its horribly optimized retard.
Turn shit down or deal with it faggot
No go put words into someones elses mouth
>needing the game to figure out optimized settings for you
if you're a retard that automatically sets volumetrics to ultra then you deserve your shitty framerate
i dont normally think shills are actually a thing on this board but youve officially changed my mind. everything you typed has such an air of bullshit that you should be banned
But this game looks like shit and makes use of pretty much 0 advanced features to justify the shit performance.
Again, it runs worse than FFXV, which is insane considering FFXV looks vastly better on PC with assets enabled.
This game almost looks like a PS3 game.
Take your tech illiterate console convert ass back to PS4 where you belong.
Its mostly for the other planets and interiors user.
The swamp for instance looks kinda ass with it completely off
>wahhh he said turn shit down because the games unoptimized he must be a console fag
PCtards everyone.
You retards are seriously expecting a fucking console AAA shitfest to run when Borderlands has ALWAYS had shit ports for PC.
Fucking retards I swear.
>turn down stupid bullshit that barely makes a difference
>framerate doubles
If you can't figure this out then maybe pc gaming isn't for you.
Art style determines what engine features are required in order to render real-time graphics that look faithful to the desired art style. The cartoon style of the Borderlands games looks simplistic and implicitly does not result in realistic and lifelike graphics. Looking at in-game screenshots of Borderlands 3, I do not see anything which looks especially impressive. The game looks simple, the lighting does not seem to be particularly advanced or realistic, shadows aren't anything special, models aren't anything special, textures are somewhat bad if anything, draw distance isn't anything special.
There is nothing that the game displays on-screen to justify its incredibly poor performance, nor are there any advanced and performance-intensive features required in order to translate this sort of art style into video game graphics, because realism was never a goal and it is inherently unachievable due to the stylistic choices made. Such abysmally poor performance for the ugly and unimpressive final result can only be explained by incompetence, either in the actual creation of the game or in the decision making process by resolving to massively reduce performance for almost no visual gain.
4/10, you were doing well but this makes it a little too obvious.
Should have stuck with the "tech illiterate PCfag" schtick instead of shifting towards consolefag territory.
Go be retarded somewhere else.
If you actually thought BL2 was optimized you are fucking retarded and 3 is literally the same shit again but your probably too fuckling young to remember faggot.
Even on medium settings the game performs mediocrely.
It runs about as well on medium as Battlefield V does on ultra.
that looks ugly
2/10, you're losing me now, pull it back a bit.
Kek, this looks worse than Dying Light, and I ran that game at 1440p60 on an R9 280x.
Talk about dogshit.
>too stupid to make an opinion
Go be a bandwagon faggot elsewhere
Alright, 1/10, you lost me.
You were doing so well but you just stopped putting in the effort.
You'll get there one day.
>>massive textures
>in a cell shader game
devs must be retarded
Yeah but people here seem to think Gearbox knows how to do anything right and its pretty hilarious
Reminder that anything above 1080p is a meme resolution
You can see the brushstrokes on all the textures now and its pointless.
Everything is 4k or bust now if you use ultra/max settings since consoles are faking the shit out of it already now that TVs caught up.
Good news user! People are already hard at work to make 1080p60 impossible on ever card below $1000.
That user's an idiot, the textures are actually pretty low resolution.
Gearbox is just staffed by monkeys.
even a 970 can do quite a bit of gaming in 1080p if you twear very few settings and thats dogshit by modern standards
>I'm not poor, I'm just superior to everyone eelse
This literally looks nearly identical to BL2.
What in the fuck?
Not really user.
I said massive textures not good ones. THey probably just used an upscaler for the higher res assets that only PC and maybe the one x can use
Okay, so you're an idiot and don't actually know what you're talking about.
Please go back to consoles, thanks.
I run a cheap 1080p monitor but I'd upgrade in a heart beat to 1440p and my main motivation isn't even vidya. 1440p just feels nicer to use for work stuff and daily use, never really tried 4K though.
Funny, it's the same as Monter Hunter World on PC. Volumetric fog eats up a shit ton of resources and looks rather questionable.
why the fuck is 1070 up there but not regular 1080?
randy please show us a magic trick and highdive out of your office onto the pavement you talentless faggot
Its much higher res on characters and guns than past games without the ultra HD packs user.
Ground textures have always been last of the line as well.
Gotta make the game bloat up to 75gb somehow amiright?
You are retarded if you think gearbox put effort into this.
Its skyrim special edetion tier in terms of effort and they literally used an upscaler for all the textures that needed a bumb.
The thing is all it did is make some of them worse all so it can have a 1% chance of not looking worse in 4k.
>Its much higher res on characters and guns than past games without the ultra HD packs user.
Not really, the gun textures are also still extremely low resolution, you can even see the awful UV stretching on most of them.
The game even on max settings caps out at maybe 3.5 GB of VRAM usage at 1080p and ~4 GB at 1440p.
I'm more inclined to believe that the game is as huge as it is because Gearbox are retards.
The guys finger and other parts are definitely much higher res than past games.
The fact they fucked up their texture mapping is a whole different can of worms, hence why expecting them to put actual effort in is fucking joke.
The VR mission was the worst one so far but I only got to the second planet recently.
The bants definitely feel toned down as well and then jarring as fuck when they actually say something good every now and then.
>Volumetric fog
It's Monster Hunter World all over again.
>He actually bought this game
Gearbox might be shit, but if you were dumb enough to buy a shitty low effort port then what does that say about you?
Volumetrics are how everything thats not physically based work anymore.
I have lots of free time and money.
Especially free time
Volumetric fog eats 40+ FPS above 1080p.
More like incel shaded, amirite?
And you use your free time to play a shitty game and your money to reward Gearbox for a shitty port of said game.
That says quite a lot.
don't like it dont play it
I play all the games user.
Dont you?
Using your free time to shitpost about games you don't like and don't play is an even worse use of your time.
damn the game must look great at max settings if the framerates look like this
No, my free time is more valuable than that.
I'm shitposting in between running reports at work, what's your excuse?
The poor framerate is a result tits and ass overload.
There are two kinds of posters
Those that go to threads about games they play for shitposting and those that go to games they dont play for shitposting.
It's impossible to talk about Borderlands on Yea Forums. Not a single person who plays the games make threads here. All of them are made by the same pool of people who post the same things over and over again each time. Hanging yourself by your balls is a more productive use of your time than entering a Borderlands thread on Yea Forums.
Mainly because Borderlands is just kind of shitty and attracts the kind of trash that unironically plays MMOs.
I wonder what will happen if you restrict bl3 internet access in firewall.
The thing is user, I usually put at least 50 hours sometimes closer to 100 into a game each week so I burn through them like no tomorrow.
My free time is all I have so how I spend it is usually determined by the games my friends are also getting since we all play FOTM shit when were bored.
Not being a poorfag sure is nice.
Whats funny is I cant stand mmos.
Its more for people that liked diablo and shootys, 3 skill trees lootspolsions and such.
Im liking the augments though, but the gun trinkets are so god damn stupid
it's a gearbox game
what did you expect
Oh, so you're a trust fund kiddie.
Christ, that might even be worse.
lmao not even close
More like a neet with a monthly allowance of 200 dollars.
I pirate a lot and buy whats multiplayer
>Not being a poorfag sure is nice
>More like a neet with a monthly allowance of 200
I think /r9k/ might be more your speed, champ.
>2 years ago
>1070 lets you play 1440p ultra in every game
>1070 works at sub 40 fps
>graphics haven't improved a tiny bit
I can buy multiple games a month and also save for upgrades for my pc. I even order pizza sometimes.
I dont see the issue, youre the one so obsessed about others financials so maybe you should head on over.
>I can buy multiple games a month and also save for upgrades for my pc. I even order pizza sometimes.
I am being 100% genuine when I say that maybe /r9k/ might be more your speed.
What you're describing is destitute poverty, if you're actually genuinely bragging about that then you're already too far gone.
Im fine thanks.
I tried the rat race for a decade moved across the country twice and didnt enjoy it.
So now I'm just comfy since my housing is on the house kek
You will probably get stopped from playing because of Denuvo
Devs are adding way too many features to games hindering performance because console fags want to splooge over graphics.
that was your first mistake, attempting to have a normal discussion on hell world
Except in this game that's not really the case, it's just coded by retards.
>yet ANOTHER Yea Forums seethes about borderlands thread
Literally rent free, get lives you degenerates
Why is she so fucking flat now?!
kys shill
>tits and ass overload
Going by that image I think you mean tits and ass buffer underflow.
>monthly allowance of 200 dollars.
user that's literal poverty.
>current year
>games are still struggling to get a stable 60 on 1440p
I play at 720 medium settings because super high framerate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else
I play at 240p because super super high framerate >>>>>>> anything else.
If you're not playing at 300 hz then you don't deserve to live.