My guild just banned all hunters from joining, saying they are a useless, redundant class for raids and dungeons. I've heard similar reports from a few other friends. I've never played WoW before, if you play hunter are you just screwed?
Hunter discrimination in WoW Classic?
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hunters are pretty useless compared to a lot of others in raids, just wait for phase 2 and go full world pvp/battlegrounds cause thats all your good for
lfm 3 mages for zul'farrak
Huntards are the single largest cause of raid wipes and dungeon wipes because they can't control their pets pulling every shit in the instance
A hunter is needed for dispelling enrage on some bosses. That's pretty much where the "necessity" to have one ends, and they aren't a class to stack due to low individual performance, particularly at higher tiers not currently available (hunters don't scale well). Then again, vanilla content is easy. You could complete all raids with a dozen or more 0/0/0 specced players, and realistically even a random sample of players now would yield a better raid setup than what even top guilds used to use during retail due to class ratio being closer to what's actually optimal, and last time I checked people did kill bosses 15 years ago.
If you define "viable" as "optimal" then taking multiple hunters isn't viable. If you define "viable" as "capable of carrying their weight" then hunters are viable and then some.
They're not useless, just their 'buff' only benefits themselves and they aren't #1 on dps. Anyone being elitist about molten fucking core though isn't something you want to be a part of though
If you want to get a raid spot as a hunter you need to know how to kite tank. if not you have no place
hunters don't fall off until around AQ40. MC/BWL are piss easy and some encounters favor hunters more than rogues and warriors.
Hunters are good, it's the players who think that they need to loot everything from others.
I don't think i've ever seen the full pic of that Nelf.
God I miss old Blizzard.
Mages are the new retard class.
Having a single raidleader as hunter pulling is bis
why have a hunter when you can have 20 mages casting frostbolt, honest question
I saw a deadmines group looking for dps except hunters. Gnomer too. Are hunters even allowed to sniff at Spellcleave Monastery?
Do they have that group wide movement speed buff?
Which causes daze when hit, so it's only useful to move between packs. Is that really worth filling a slot when you could bring a better DPS?
A majority of this is bugs. While sending my pet to a mob, numerous times it has gone far past it only to slingshot back.
Hmm, you're right, especially if that huntard doesn't switch aspects.
Does Blessing of Might stack with Battle Shout?
Only hunters have Tranquility Shot, so at least one is needed.
Yes. There's some weird exceptions (like hyjal ring procs overwriting scroll of protection) but different buffs generally stack until Wrath.
Back in Vanilla, hunters were consistent and reliable DPS. They weren't the best at anything, but their damage was always there. They just weren't allowed to have their pets out, at all. Around BWL, most of them respecced to Survival, as it's around that point that Survival started scaling with gear better than Marksmanship
Who plays the
Is garbage? Are pc gamers this boring g to the point of playing this shit, to begin with it Why is pc gaming even a thing
Clam down, retard.
>My guild just banned all hunters
> I've heard similar reports from a few other friends
what's wrong sweetie?a hunter drained your mana? LMAO
they are not useless, especially at this phase of the game where their dps is good. it's just that most hunters, probably including OP, are shitters. literally huntards. even pic related can play one and outdps mages in dungeons at 60 so I don't understand how so many people are struggling with that class.
Reminder to take your medication
Oom is a big issue. Old wow raiding was all about mana management. Have a paladin judge seal of wisdom while we have wand attack breaks. Everyone using lower rank spells. Mana was always an issue our group had when I was raiding in vanilla. Our guild progressed up to aq40 but never got to naxx. TBC made raiding so much easier but filtered out all the shitters who couldnt do heroics at the start of the expansion. I had more fond memories of that than vanilla. Also nice to be top arena dog with paladin, mage, warrior combo in 3s.
You dont really want more then one hunter, having a really good hunter will help a ton though. A lot of bosses can be kite tanked like razorgore egg phase and stuff.
Leveling a druid now. How is Resto/Balance for raids? Feral cat is alright but I prefer not to play it if I can.
Why do guilds want mages casting frostbolt over hunters? Is the dps difference that significant?
It's not that they are useless. It's just that the hunter class is like a retard magnet and whats worse is they need on everything. Also watch out for Retadins and any warrior who tells you they want to just dps below the lev of 40. They are also retards by default
Resto is great and a must have in raids. Balance will run out of mana, hence the nickname oomkin.
arena was in classic?
cant have greedy hunters near weapons
Because you need to split the gear.
Balance is the biggest meme spec in the game. A couple of resto druids are good for utility, but hots don't stack and you'll do less healing than all the other classes.
Balance only becomes a decent option for resto once you have enough crit for Nature's Swiftness and the 9% mana cost reduction. Otherwise you can stick with feral and get 20% intellect from HotW.
Can't play certain specs/class? Classic is such garbage I can't wait when the event is over. You domestically boggle my mind
Lvl 60 hunter can remove frenzy which is needed in some raids. Not in this current classic tho that is much easier than old.
Why didnt you believe when all the old school told you that classic was shit?
>their 'buff' only benefits themselves
it gives regular attack power, not ranged attack power
you always want a trueshot hunter in the melee groups
1 hunter is mandatory for tranq shot, your guild leaders are morons other then that its true
Hunters are great in pvp buy they just don't scale. They go into survival for 15% extra agility because that's the only thing that scales their damage with better gear.
-Trueshot Aura (31 point Marksman Talent) is static.
-Pet damage is static.
-Viper Sting is static
The spell/ranged AP damage coefficient for Arcane/Serpent Sting is nerfed hard to the point where it's static, making the AQ Hunter set completely worthless.
Pets get blown up harder and harder in later raids while their stats remain essentially the same.
On the upside though, Aimed/Multishot are weapon dependent so you can still blow up people. Viper Sting however becomes less and less relevant as casters start pushing close to 10k mana pools.
If you have to minmax your raiding to the point of banning an entire class, you may have more serious problems.
No out of combat Rez spell. You're the innovate / raid combat Rez bitch.
Meanwhile, you'll always have one feral in your DPS group for Leader of the Pack, and one oomkin with your mages for that sweet sweet crit aura
He either lieing or in a joke of a guild. Hunter has uses in raid if nothing else they have tranq shot so 2 hunters are getting in.
Hunter as a class in vanilla truly is something.
Blizzard had no fucking idea what to do with the class, and playing it as my first class in vanilla many years ago was, weird.
I remember taming a tallstrider, then leveling up without using my ranged attack because I didn't want to spend money on ammo. Because of this I went survival. Every mob was a challenge.
Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Immolation Trap and something else, was it Counterattack? At level 40 I got Lacerate (LMAO) as well. What a shitshow. Luckily at ~Level 40 I got into a guild and someone taught me to to play this retarded fucking class.
You still need a minimum of 2 for all of the content.
is that peterson????
Fuck hunters and fuck their pets
>bring a hunter on a dungeon run just this once because we couldn't find anyone else
>his pet pulls a full room because he had it on the wrong setting and causes a wipe
>he helps himself to a chest while we're mid-fight and without rolling
>he randomly shoots into a group of mobs while we're drinking and wipes us again
>he rolls need on nearly everything
huntards are a scourge
user they were hated because they were retarded, not useless. They do decent DPS if actually somewhat competent, and they are the only way to stop enrage bullshit on some raids, so they actually are needed, your guild leader is a retard who's still fucking salty about getting fucked by a huntard in a random dungeon.
They are a necessary cancer though, explicitly because blizzard is stupid because of enrage mechanics.
Hunters being mongs is the same as I remember it, since starting classic I've ran with hunters in only 3 dungeons and they were the worst runs out of all the ones I've done, jumping off shit so pet pulls mobs, just firing into random packs way ahead of the tank.
Something about being ranged but not casting just breeds retards.
Hunters have issues and it's sad that there will never be something to fix it. That being said, classic is about everything and not just raiding. Hunters level very easily solo which is a trade off for late game power. From current day design philosophy it's awful but that's how it is. They could begin by making pets actually scale.
Hunters can suck my smelly ballsack. Fucking retards
Im a Warrior tank and Im not bringing hunters to my dungeons because they will just roll on my shit all day.
>Huntards finally getting their just desserts
Try rolling on my shit now, asshole
Mages are the new huntards, they are twitchbabs and zoomies who will 9/10 never buff you and do retarded shit.
I refuse to help or let mages into my groups on principle, kys.
Spotted the warlock that wants to hoard gear
>My guild just banned all hunters from joining, saying they are a useless, redundant class for raids and dungeons
That would be the druid.
>run full maraudon yesterday
>huntard volleys two nanoseconds after I pull
>every mob except my primary target immediately clobbers him
>this happens 5 times
>it doesn’t occur to him even once in the entire run to wait before he volleys
Yeah no, hunters a shit. Also doesn’t help that they take literally every piece of gear, yet scale the least with it. Thank god you only need 2 good hunters for any given raid, but even then finding a good hunter is impossible.
>40 spots
>Raids that can be clear by 25 level 50+ playwers wearing greens
>"Hurr durr, we've got no spots"
Tell them to go fuck themselves. Find a guild not run by literal retards
Also had a huntard in maraudon the other day
>Falls off the bridge during the last fight to his death
>Can't rezz him since we have druid healer who already rezzed the warrior
>Gets lost on his way back
>Mage gets angry, suicides, goes to the instance to escort him back
>"you guys don't have to treat me like some kind of child"
>Kill princess
>Needs on an int necklace
>Kill the goblin
>Needs on a caster sword
>gets both of them
>"Thanks for the run guys :)"
>topping meters in mc and urbs as bm because fuck respeccing for a fucking raid lmao
>still have a green weapon
>you will always have one druid doing 40% of the groups damage so the group can do 3% more damage
yes this exactly
don't forget to bring an enhance shaman for the 18 attack power imp windfury gives
This thread makes me grateful the worst thing I've ever done as a Hunter is run out of arrows halfway through WC one time. The only time my pet ever got out of control he didn't lead to a wipe because I didn't realize that ANYTHINF but passive is a suicide button with pet behavior literally anywhere pulls are concerned.
Fucking retard dog was borderline running through walls as I was spamming "Follow" and it would only disengage for 2 seconds top before sprinting back.
I always pass on gear at least one person's rolled Need on if it's leather that'd benefit a Shaman or a Warrior with a shit spec, etc. Pissing off people with EVERY Need roll is retarded, but thankfully I haven't experienced that.
I've had far more problems with generating more threat than tanks van handle because they've been speccing for DPS. My pet shouldn't be a tank replacement, and I keep Growl disabled for dungeons.
Something I enjoy a lot about Hunters in Classic besides is the need to stutter step and time auto-shots. I out-DPS most dedicated DPS much of the time.
The worst I’ve had was a warrior so far.
Guy just didn’t grasp that you need to give a Paladin time for aggro, and that pull aggro was a thing. I know there’s
>implying Paladin tank
But if the fucking mage managed to grasp the concept he had no excuse
this 100%
>My guild just banned all hunters from joining, saying they are a useless, redundant class for raids and dungeons.
I don't understand why you'd tell lies on the internet
Playing as a mage myself and while I haven’t seen one go full retard yet, the fact people are surprised I give them water without prompting is a bit ominous.
Lvl 30 prot pala's are legit tanks.
The pet is supremely fucking busted. Half the time it forgets to even attack targets I send it to, the other half its zooming off to some random part of the map to aggro 300 mobs.
If they already have the hunters that's needed, I don't see why they would recruit any more. They're okay for now, but in later phases they become the worst DPS. There's no reason to bring them except for utility.