How can any self respecting adult man play nintendo games?

How can any self respecting adult man play nintendo games?

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idk man. ive watched joseph anderson do videos about the newest zelda and mario games and the gameplay in those is fucking awful. just awful

By not being as mentally retarded as you are. Kill yourself, you shitbrained baboon.

probably bait, but if not, what excactly don't you like?

By putting one in his console and turning it on

>the gameplay in those is fucking awful
Literally not what he criticizes at all

>ninceldo soiboi
>not mentally handicapped
pick one

How can any self respecting adult man play video games?
Nope. Cope. I win.

for me, its portability
I could get comfy in front of my tv and when my wife's bull tells me to get lost for a couple of hours I can take my games with me and keep playing wherever I want :)

well its sort of meant to be as bait especially when im naming the individual in question as i know some people on Yea Forums fucking hate him but its also my genuine opinion
mario, its just boring and easy shit. would play a real challenging platformer if i wanted to play one
zelda, theres so much to list. low item durability, easy dungeons, entirely stat-based combat, bizarre flat number reductions on armour, pause game in combat to heal to full, cant get 1 shot (with one exception i think) always leaving you with at least 1 health. thats just some from memory, the video must be 2 years old by now