Still the worst ending in any game ever
Still the worst ending in any game ever
>ME3's last words was "downloadable content"
beware the Devil
you may know him by his mark
what game?
not even close
>More content
>Bad thing
>waah why do I have to pay for shit like the Citadel DLC
Fucking nigger
What about Kane and Lynch 2? It hits you out of nowhere and leaves you with an annoying feel of wasted time
imagine having standards this low
Before you were born, devs used to say, "Thanks for playing!" Now they say, "Buy more shit!"
ME3 is super annoying and frustrating for lots of reasons. It basically ruined the entire Mass Effect franchise as a whole so no more RPG games from Bioware. It's so bad you don't even wanna replay the older games because you know it's all in vain. Choose different colors and that's it. It was so lazy they used deviantart...
What would the ending have been if the original writer stayed on to go with his original plot?
blackwell series
Yes it is. At least mass effect finale was in line with its overarching story, while Wadjet Eye were rewriting motivations, lore and plot threads from scratch in the second half of the series' final chapter.
Citadel dlc came after the complains though because originally ME3 ended too abruptly
lmao, talifags are still seething
>just pay more for the good stuff in a game you already payed $60 for
>It basically ruined the entire Mass Effect franchise as a whole
How come everyone conveniently ignores ME2 when it comes to this? ME2 set up 3's plot and had its own story that literally affected nothing, cut out NPCs from the previous game, and made some of your choices void.
>be Quarian
>born and raised on sterile ships in space flotilla
>shit immune system
>take photo without specialised hazmat suit you have to wear 24/7 in some field on some planet
is there any evidence that south korean guy was actually involved with ME3 though
Because ME3s problems are way bigger and it has way more of them. ME3 felt like a parody of a game. ME2? Suicide mission, choose the best killers, fun last mission in my opinion. I hated tons of stuff in ME3. You couldn't even choose your companions properly in 3
Tbf I never got invested into ME so when I got to the ending I got only mildly infuriated, part of that was because while playing ME2 I tried delving into the fandom and end up hooking with what I thought was a girl but ended up being a tranny who didn’t want to choo his dingling because Muh Islaam, so I kept away from the cesspool and played the rest of ME away from the memes, like a normie
With a few changes 2 makes far more sense as a first game instead of a second.
It's obvious they stole it, it looks exactly the same. Here's his thoughts on it. Did they buy it?
>Nope.. this is the first I hear even about this :/
and does it feel great to have your image used as an inspiration for an image for a AAA game?
>still waiting for them to reply but if they had to used it even in an inspirational way it's still a great feeling
So he didn't even mind but taking an exact copy of his photo and not asking permission was a douchebag thing to do
>was in line with its overarching story
>expecting anything good from Bioware after ME2
brainlet detected, ME3 was good for the gameplay
The people who were devastated by ME3 were too retarded to be let down by ME2.
It's very much like Yea Forums with The Last Jedi. The reason they're all upset about it "killing star wars" is because they were so retarded that they kept their interest at fanboyish levels through the prequels and TFA.
>It's obvious they stole it, it looks exactly the same
get your eyes checked
>I laik muss effet
>ME3 was good for the gameplay
Yeah no. A big reason why ME was fun in the first two games was for the companions. In 3 you're rolling with Vega who's boring as a bag of bricks
It was a better shooter. Too bad this wasn't a shooter series.
I'll never forget and never forgive.
You fought established threat from the first game, didn't you?
>ME3 was good for the gameplay
you fags said the same thing about 2
They did, and they were retarded back then too
Oh yeah, that fucking ending was atrocious, shame, it was a decent series too. Glad I pirated it.