Torrent when?
Torrent when?
buy the game, you worthless sack of shit
>giving money to Randy Bitchford or ep*c store
>buying games
Stay on the line cucks, epicchads first
Why would you want to play this
Fuck off Randy
I said stay on the line don't chimp out, epicchads first
Why would anybody give money to a pedophile? Why would you enable his behavior?
Give it a week.
The Borderlands series scratches a weird itch I have like no other game.
>epicchads first to taste feces
good for (you)
I met and mingled with some of my longtime buddies over these games, we agree that the writing is dogshit but the gameplay is passable yet tedious enough that it’s a good game to just hang out and talk in
Had to convince them not to buy the game on launch though, and what a good call that was without all the negatives being presented so far
Frig off, Ricky
For fucks sake will someone tell me if this game is good or is it a microtransaction shit fest?
Yea, what the fuck Randy, what's taking my free copy delivery so long?
We dug up some of your old 4 Chan’s posts and saw you had criticized the game. I’m sorry
In 31 hours
Thank you for beta testing the game for me. Just don't forget to let me know when the game is fixed.
Pirating it just to spite Randy, Epic and shills like you
How is this possible?
hopefully not until they patch the laggy mess of a game they have
Get a job neet faggot
If you buy it on Epic, you get a Fortnite skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not OP but I'm literally working (from home) as we speak and I plan on pirating this.
Imagine willingly giving Randy money.
Come on guys, a man's gotta eat
>a microtransaction shit fest?
considering the people involved what the hell do you think.
6 more month until release guy! Get hyped!
not giving a pedophile money fuck off you epic shill
Tim did for me
>wanting to play Borderlands
Why would you even want to play that piece of shit?
Its a decent game. The combat feels much better than past iterations of the game. I get that making a couple zoomers the bad guys is a statement or whatever but its still cringe af. Borderlands story has never been great but at least this one is playable.
you think anyone is going to take the advice of a board that doesn't like a single game post-2007 except weeb shit?
Is the humour even more retarded and woke this time around? I could weirdly get away with Handsome Jack but I don’t feel like they could ever do better than that character
Based AF. Thank you user.
What advice retard? I'm asking why would you want to play that shit.
Surprisingly, people are saying the writing is even worse than Borderlands 2 which I didn't think was possible.
Handsome Jack was lightning in a bottle. He had a perfect combination of humour, voice acting, personality and presence to make him genuinely entertaining while other characters were mostly just irritating.
get a fucking load of this faggot
how about you go play deus ex and morrowind for the 70th time and make a 3x3 thread about how fucking kino your taste is, bro
Deus Ex is shit, what the fuck are you talking about insecure retard?
handsome jack wasnt funny and was suffering from the insecure 12 year old filter like the rest of the characters
in the 3rd game they just cranked up that filter and added more unfunny memes
this time of the twitter variety
let's be honest here, you're just hopping on the BL3 hate bandwagon like the mindless Yea Forums poster you are. difference between you and me is I don't give a fuck if Yea Forums agrees with me
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Fuck Randy and Epic the game is shit anyways!
>But please guys, tell me where to find a torrent
Nice assumptions retard, the franchise has always been shit, stop being so insecure you start making up shit in your head to justify your shit taste.
fuck off
Tell me one reason why I shouldn't buy BL3.
because you're supporting randy bitchford
You dont have any friends to play with
you already got paid from epic randy. don't be salty people don't want to pay you more. just get back to checking your "magic acts" for family fun time theater.
what am i looking at here?
I dont give a shit.
This one is correct
Definitely not in that state.
i would if i wasnt poor and couldnt land a job for shit
Patch denuvo out first.
Hooking for burgers
>Fuck randy
>I won't give him my money
>Fuck Epic
>I won't give them my money
Where is the problem?
Good and 0 micro transactions for now
pay cucks playing with crippling denuvo DRM while i'm here like.
Fuck off, Randy
LAN option is in right?
That people complain about the game being shit but still want to pirate it.
you can just have your friends over and connect your PCs to eachother
fuck off randy, your game isn't even worth my bandwidth
So far it's not so good. The writing is worse than Borderlands 2. The gunplay is bland as all guns feel the same but just with different stats being the only thing making them different from each other. Functionally they're all the same type of pebble flicking weaponry that has no weight or power behind the shots you're firing. The game is poorly optimized on pc with low/inconsistent framerates and texture pop ins and the in game menus take take about 2-3 seconds to load overall making them an inconvenience whenever you need to bring them up. The only upside is it has characters from previous games that we've come to like. Wait until it goes on sale if you want to play it.
>Functionally they're all the same type of pebble flicking weaponry that has no weight or power behind the shots you're firing
Wasn't this always the case, especially with BL2?
It's always been this shit of "BAZILLION GUNS" but they're all just functionally identical and the only thing differentiating them is the numbers or whatever ugly as fuck aesthetic the manufacturer had.
Yeah it was the same in BL2 but I was hoping they would learn from it and improve the way the guns feel to shoot but they haven't.
>pay cucks playing with crippling denuvo DRM while i'm here like.
>he doesnt know that cracked denovo games are even worse in terms of performance
>upside it has characters from old game we like
the characters were never good
if you like them then you are stupid
Why does Moxxi look like a man now?
Played with bro for about an hour.
She looks as nasty as ever. I dont even want to imagine what her cunt looks like
>Jurisdictions AU
>Jalapeño ranch Ruffles
>Animal crackers
>Cotton candy Bang
Break up with her
What feel? Girlfriends who buy a few shitty snacks and couldn't even put them in a basket and make it look nice? Horrible choices all around
the sentiment is sweet but it could do without the borderlands writing
here let me be a better girlfriend
"hey honey i got you some snacks since that game you have been talking about came out have fun :)"
she bought a gift card and the first 5 snacks she gazed at at the checkout on her way home from fucking someone else.
That is a low effort goody bag.
No pussy passes or anything.
It is not because Denuvo.
At least back then she had a cunt.
>not playing BL3 with her boyfriend
Nah, I'd rather bash my head against a brick wall. Less painful that way.
never. you shouldn't touch that pedophile's shit you faglord.
>I'll be missing you while you play, but....
yeah nice wording for that extra guilty conscious so you actually don't play the game
women are shit
cry more randy
I haven't played the game yet, but looking at the skill trees, everyone seems to be fucking broken and overpowered as shit (especially Moze and Flak)
can anyone confirm/deny this
nigger trannies nigger nigger cuck bbc no gf despites making up the trans rights% of american politics dilate cuck mentally ill libtards posts the 40% of twitter screencaps incels cope have sex nigger trannies
>Am I ... am I badass?
Never stops being funny.
does it matter?
i would understand if their skills just literally gave them godmode
>buying games
This DEFINITELY happened.
Kinda the point. It's a coop game. If you're worried about difficulty you should be more concerned about whether enemies scale properly with your character being exponentially more powerful.
>all guns feel the same
Is this true though?
Every gameplay i've seen has all of the guns looking unique with each manufacturer having specific properties.
Maliwan has laser guns and pistols that have auto tracking ammo. It also has guns that swap between element types.
Dahl guns have alternate fire modes, swappable between burst and automatic.
Tediore have gimmick reloads that are stuff like grenades, cluster grenades, little AI robots that run around shooting people.
Vladof is standard slow firing big damage except for their rifles which are more like mini guns.
This is just shit that I've personally seen. How can they possibly be described as "BLAND AND ALL FEEL THE SAME" when these are all clearly different properties?
Do you suck dicks?
Why bother it's the worst optimised game I've seen in years
Can't wait to stop seeing threads about flop of the month games like this
Obviously not true. Most guns even in the start come with vastly different playstyles.
In the span of an hour I've had a shotgun that transforms into a sniper, an electric SMG that can also shoot electric rockets, a single fire rifle with a grenade launcher, an automatic pistol that when reloaded deployed a drone that would chase and explode, a grenade that would teleport and stick to any target at seemingly any distance, a double barreled shotgun with a bayonet with a unique big damage melee attack, and various revolvers and pistols with whatever effects because I rarely use them in any game.
I did suck my bros when we were young but everyone practices with a sibling
It really isn't true, as much as I like hating randy.
Within the first hour of gameplay you'll notice weapons feel better in general than in the previous games. Some can switch firing modes, shotguns have knockdown ragdolling at close range, hyperion gives a portable front shield, etc.
While it's not groundbreakingly different, it is a complete improvement on the older games.
It runs fine on my old-ass 1070, High settings
Don't answer for me
Torrent now
kek, enjoy the malware
>not a trustworthy uploader
piratebay is the most genuine torrent site there is
what the heck
Smaller facial features that make her jaw look massive.
>random uploader
>doesn't have a crack
It's not even worth getting for free.
Just keep an eye on this.
I think I'm going to cave in.
I'm sorry.
Have sex poorfags
>Le honk honk XD
>some literaly who uploader
tpb is perfectly safe as long as you're not a fucking retard
good consumer
now get hyped for next product
my friend Tim already bought me a copy, I am just waiting to be able to play it without the epic launcher lol
>buying a game in the first week of launch
Asking for dissapointment. No possible way to know if its shit or not because nobody has 10+ hours of gameplay to give a well founded reccomendation.
Additionally you have to endure possibly game breaking bugs and server issues. You pay for the worst available version of the product for the privledge of playing earlier. This is because you do not choose to delay gratification.
Because of this, we see countless examples of dissapointing launches. There can be no good reason to buy a game at launch, you do so at your own risk, and there is little to no payoff for doung so.
Thanks for proving my point.
>828 leechers
How can anyone be so dumb to think its legit?
I bought it just to play with my friend but goddamn the game runs like shit on my rig for some reason even though it doesn't look technically demanding
even at lowest settings the game chugs on loading a new area because of this retarded texture streaming shit and constantly swapping to lod textures/texture popin for no reason
when it does that you should stop playing
its not compatible with your graphics card yet and if you keep playing it could actually destroy your graphics card through sheer stress
>its not compatible with your graphics card yet and if you keep playing it could actually destroy your graphics card through sheer stress
all of them are me. I'm torrenting it to steal sales from gearbox
You're what's wrong with modern gamers. Play it yourself, form an opinion of your own for the first time.
Absolutely based
Fuck steam cucks
Fuck anti randy fags
yeah see?
its even having an effect on your saved pictures
you should shut off your pc for at least a couple of days
jesus christ those comments
The thirst is real is surreal to see them like this.
>one snickers bar
There's something about these images that always makes them feel super fake and it's not the obvious reddit upboat "look guys my geef is so nice" baiting, the bundles of sweets or whatever always look so low effort and trashy, my ex used to bake us something and whenever I wanted to spend my time on a SP game she'd just indulge on her own hobbies next to me because partners enjoy each other's company. This looks like someone is trying to poison their boyfriend while fucking off somewhere else to not be incriminated
have they released a patch to fix the game yet? i aint paying for a game that has lag and crashes constantly on a console no less
>my ex used to bake us something and whenever I wanted to spend my time on a SP game she'd just indulge on her own hobbies
is she your ex because she banged black dudes while you ignored her to play videogames, or another reason?
>wasting time and bandwidth on Boredomlands
>mfw torrent site I use isn't on the list
feels good having a legit torrent site that hasn't be blown yet
>tfw the game has so much backlash that virgins will enable multiplayer on the cracked version
Other reasons, mainly related to poor communication and lack of time on my part to be with her she wanted to get back together later but being single is fine and a lot more effortless
>tpb is perfectly safe
>overwatch le smug face reaction pic
honestly not surprised.. TPB hasn't been safe in years after the original got taken down.. all the new hosts are just honeypots
Unironically this. Get yourself a qt3.14 gf with a dick who’ll game with you and play with your dick at the same time and you’ll never regret it.
>TPB hasn't been safe in years
maybe if you're clueless retard
I've been using .org for multiple years with zero issues
Shut the fuck up, Randy.
its denuvo 7. this one will take a while.
terminal 7 brain cancer
Have fun with your malware-filled piece of crap, retard.
This message is absolutely wrong except for the poor optimisation part.
The gunplay is amazing and so is gun variety.
I've been playing the game with friends since this morning and we have been having a total blast.
Also, the good thing with cartoon-y graphics is that you can play on very low and it'll still look good, in fact, I play in low and it just looks like Borderlands 2 graphics which is absolutely fine.
>Epic shit
>Burning your HD
>Banning people over misgender male robot
fuck you, wimp
the world is a joke tho, watch the last dem debate
How long can it take for a game like this to become cracked?
id give it a week
Triple A games usually get cracked within a week because there's like 3 or 4 groups working on it. Though the only other Denuvo V6 games that have been cracked took 3 months, so it's really anyone's guess.
its probably legit, people are just dumb and don't know that unlocked doesn't mean cracked
rn. i already downloaded it and i'm already level 7 :)
>not fucking your gf while you play bl3 together
Imagine not being a coomer
suck my hairy balls, I´m not giving a single penny to this gay fortnite launcher
>what is ass creed
>what is anno
I can feel the lack of money
Cry me a river Bitchford
Anno has online authentication and ass creed had no one working on it for a long while, even then it took 3 months which I said it might some times.
Stop stealing my posts from reddit, fucking kike
Is that supposed to be Moxxi on the right or did Handsome Jack survive 2 after all?
Someone paste this into the crackwatch comments, see how many downvotes you get.
Don't lie to me fags
kys Randy
Even if this game came out on Steam during Launch I wouldn't have bought it. It's fucking Gearbox ffs.
Is there a game that genuinely makes this many faggots seethe and whine this much? I hate borderlands but seeing all you faggots get so angry over a simple video game is hilarious. Based gearbox I didn't think a game since BOTW would cause this much asspain.
Play the switch while he fucks your bitch
>The gunplay is amazing
haha no, it's not
it still feels weightless as fuck and shooting bullet spongy enemies that run around backwards or glitch out cause this game is shit
>since BOTW
literal newfag
Unlocked just means full game without crack
>no skulls
>no previous uploads
>800 leechers already
there's no way it's legit, right?
im level 21 and already bored out of my mind, probably gonna drop it
they havent really improved the formula at all, game feels dated, quests are boring as fuck
oh well back to better loot games i go
Gunplay is a little better than previous titles, cars are shit, looks are similar to previous bl titles, story and comedy is your usually old meme trash. But somehow it's fun. I am a lootwhore though. It also runs pretty bad and for some reason it requires 2mb internet up at all times. Properly the chinks wanking watching you play borderlands3.
>better loot games
List 5 (FIVE) or I will cum in your mouth
It's literally just more borderlands, if you can stomach it go for it. There's nothing new or cool that will sell you on the series. Kinda wish I could refund desu.
Stay mad Randy.
They still haven't even told us if people on Epic can play with people on Steam... Any idiot that buys this on Epic deserves to play alone
I second this, you buying this now on epic tells me you have nobody to play it with, there is going to be no cross play with epic and steam, give me proof otherwise
Is Krieg fucking dead or what
What drives a man to make something like this up?
retarded faggot, tim already confirmed crossplay with steam several months ago
kys steamie
yep this is what happens when you pay for denuvo in your game to stop pirates, your game runs like absolute ass for everyone that actually paid for it, then how every many months later when the game is cracked they finally pull denuvo from the game and then you can finally enjoy the game without it running like total ass
This game is on epic, it will have crossplay even between pc and consoles because epic is innovating. Unlike faggots in valve
it's denuvo so in a few days. but apparently it's buggy and broken as shit so it will be a while before it's worth playing
>just random snacks you found at a gas station
>couldn't even get a real girl to hand write it
>implying no contact with gf while playing
>signed as a single letter and not her name
>"this is your gf writing this btw"
why is Yea Forums so gullible?
Beta tester calling himself a chad
>believing lying tim
lol! maybe in 6+ months AT BEST. This is using a brand new version of Denuvo and apparently its the best the software has ever been.
They know that if it gets cracked it'll lower the reputation for EGS so they teamed up with Denuvo to make sure this doesnt happen. could explain why the performance is so shitty. if that is the case, they don't care. as long as EGS doesnt have their brand hurt even more.
what a fucking legend
I'm not sure if I trust him at all DESU, also he has nothing to do with BL3 at all...
Oh cool let me test it here let me get on my Steam real quick... Oh wait
that isnt even close to one megabyte a second, that's 2 megabits.
for all i know thats a photoshop xD
he is the ceo of egs wtf are you talking about
and you trust Tim's words on that? willing to pay then wait 6 months to see if your right?
kinda funny because this game is prob the best of the 3 and it's going to sell like shit, sure Epic gives you a better profit split but if you don't sell many copies of your game, then who fuck cares about the profit split...
>thinking sales matter to them when they put their game on the egs
>kotaku, polygon, resetera, twitter threads
>Yea Forums constantly talking about borderlands, last of us, control, god of war, botw, and other soi shit
>talks shit on actually good games
This place is fucking cancer. What happened to the old fun loving Yea Forums
I'm pretty sure sales matter to them, why would you put it on epic in the first place, you get a better split and you get a bonus few mill for having it a exclusive or timed exclusive. They want to take advantage of the better split. I would think though that just having the game on steam would far surpass the amount of money handed over for the exclusive though... (thinking....)
No one on this board plays games. They're all just waiting for drama so they can going shit at each other
I still want to play, but I am not going to download another store app, and refuse to support Epic Games. I would buy it on console but fuck playing FPS let alone shoot n loot games with a gamepad.
I miss Mass Effect 3
I hope soon
fuck you Randy "Squirting is Magic" Pitchford
Any day now
I am not buying any epic(or other corporate cuck store) xclusives out of the principle. Suck a dick.
>Not already having EGS
>Missing the tons of good free games by not having EGS
Holy fuck you are pathetic. A stain on PC as a whole with the stench of Steam cock permeating off you.
hey now, that's just not nice. Just acknowledge his beliefs and move on with your life geez man
needing epic to give me free license keys when i could just pirate without the epic hassle
>get free games
>chinese malware included
just buy the game on epic instead
oh wait...
Fuck you randy, Sweeny, or whatever type of shill you are
stay mad buycuck
"we like fortnite! we like fortnite!"
For me, it's Amara's abs
I don't even remember what heavy's no sounds like
I keep imagining robotniks NO
I hope soon so you guys can play this despite being poor/having political issue with whatever stupid shit you have issues with. This shit is pretty fucking incredible and everyone needs to play it. Pirate it, steal it from GameStop, do whatever you need to do, but experience it.
They also said several months ago that they're working on a shopping cart
Playing the game right now in 4k with HDR on and it's literally perfection.
This game feels like Borderlands 3. Every time I play I think "yep, that's Borderlands 3, *sip*". I waited for this game so long and now it's finally there.
The only reason I'm not playing right now is because I'm tired. I already played every second I could after release.
I tell you the secret how to make Borderlands 3 a 10/10 game. Play it in Japanese. The writing in Japanese is great and the voice acting is so fucking good. Moze in Japanese sounds so fucking cute. Playing Borderlands in English is like shitting on your meal. Just don't do it.
They also took the approximate release date of said shopping cart off their tracker.
Skidrow has done it, get it while it's hot!
the characters are shit desu
>muscle girl
>a mech user but the mech is weaker than the guns
why have a mecha that is weaker than RNG guns?
Really? That'd be super impressive if they managed it this fast.
>muscle girl
shit bait more like
Why don't skill trees have people specialise in weapons anymore, I'm using Zane and not having a terribly exciting time.
reminder investors are a disease, and deser high-velocity expanding ammo to the face.
it says unlocked, not cracked, so i'm cautious
leave her johnny the best
>Muscle girl
Nigga, you gay?
>wanting a girl that slaps back when she backtalks
how about no.
Randy Dandy Oh remake for Yea Forums the Musical for Pitchford when
fuck you Randy
It's not worth it user.
>Doesn't ant to spar with his wife
>Will lose to his wife in a fight
Not only are you gay but you're also a pussy.
she should go down if you backhand her for talking back to you.
>not wanting a loving wife that gets sexually frustrated then savagely beats you and rapes you then regrets what shes done and cuddles you
>Can't debate so attacks wife
>Hitting your wife at all
wife shouldn't talk back when you're on the PC. Like
''honey please walk the dog, I got to cook''
''no, I'm busy. do it after we ate''
''but the dog has to go out!''
that's when you smack that bitch.
Proof or its bs.
>moderated chat
Hahahah wow man these guys they're running a charity or something?
they're not an onion site so they can't advertise misdemeanors like that. or ''crimes''
>The gunplay is bland as all guns feel the same
This is a flaw across the series, meanwhile Guerrilla managed to make console games have a really good gun feel in the Killzone series. Everything had weight, recoil and felt powerful, even the worst single action rifle felt right.
Boderlands with good gunfeel might be worth playing but it seems Gearbox does not understand what they are doing and the company is too controversial for me to support them. I am not talking about wokeness but rather the way they have handled devs, employees, voice actors and freelancers, it is not wholesome.
did they put in a slag mechanic in 3
How about you buy me the game you cunt
thank god no.
MY money to an epiccuck? no.
tim already did
rip $60
Ai rike to pray as Mozeu-chan
She is vely kawaii
looking at the absolute size of that executable it might take a while
isekai cheat magician
Seriously though where the fuck is it?
Any hentais where the are girls like that muscle knight anime girl raping me
Like, ugh?
Just buy it, you loser virgin...
Might be hard. I think its an always online game.
No ones tried running it offline, I dont even think you can run it offline.
It uses Denuvo, it could be months until there's a crack
not neccesarily
>could be
>epicfags are now the beta testers
reminder to not buy AAA games on release
lmao in my country the upload is limited to 5kb/s unless you make a request for it
what the fuck is this even
Assuming pirates even want to bother working on this pile of trash to give Bo Bandy free advertising.
What the fuck
>they finally pull denuvo from the game
>implying that's what they're going to do
Given the horrendous performance, that will outright admit that Denuvo is really shitting on those buyers. I want to see a perf comparison real quick.
>one process for each gun in the game
Anyone tried running it offline?
Does it work?
If not then its essentially an always online game and then we are fucked.
>Intentionally tank performance just to avoid piracy
At what point does the company decide enough is enough?
what the fuck
Thieves go to hell
I bought the deluxe for the fortnite skins. anyone want my download, I only play fortnite.
Please send to [email protected]
because upload is useless to most and increased bandwitch between users and bla bla
we're like 25th out of 28th in europe for a reason
not neccesarily
Ignore that other guy.
Send it HERE instead:
[email protected]
the epic launcher bans you and you cant launc the game for 10 minutes
I keep hearing the writing is somehow worse than past entires, but can someone give an example?
Fuck off nigger I was first
Woah now, no need for that!
shut up nigger
So this is malware, right? the guy isn't even VIP
Yeah, I'll take it
[email protected]
I will only concede UNLESS you can tell a very good joke.
Just playing you.
Fuck off beggars.
>old ass 1070
Is this post satire
No-one's begging if you're making an offer.
>Who wants it?
>I do
I’m thinking it’s time to revisit Pandora.
there's nothing else, is there? no, I don't count shitty survey bullcrap a ''something''
nice link, fagit.
someone tell me all the dated memes and old references in this game
more like cumdex
fake and gay
rick and morty
"bigg succ"
>Check the game on some stream for a bit
>Characters are unable to talk without fucking screaming at the top of their lungs
You know what she's doing while he plays
Fuck of beggar
Nah, cunt. Send the fucking key.
Every time I meet a new female character I’m just like “please don’t be gay or trans or whatever please don’t be gay or trans or whatever please don’t be gay or trans or whatever”
Set yourself on fire, Randy.
A shame they all got killed by based Freya.
I just got it from a reseller still have to use epic gay store though unfortunately
>there are people who pay $60 for a video game while having a high opinion of themselves
>Valve paying their shills to go hardcore on shitting on BL3 and trying to tell everyone to wait for when it's released on Steam
Any hentai games with this feel
>buy the game
>playing a game made for cucks
Cringe, I'm pirating Tetris Effect, now that's a real man's game
big if true
Haven't you heard?
If she isn't a gross pansexual wannabe male then she's evil or antifemale or something else.
They don't even have a relatively normal straight male of ANY type to play as in the fucking game.
No just regular dude with a fucking gun to play as in a shooter is fucking retarded.
The chick is vaguely dyke and runs around in a giant robot
The other chick was basically a dude
You just know the sniper dude was a flamer or a metrosexual/hipster twink before they realized that at least one of them has to be a relatively normal guy
Then there's a weird sexless robot
>brock samson hair
never really seen this on an anime woman
Where did you get this?
>i pirated your game
>these are my waifus
>eat shit
Absolutely based
my ass
its most likely grabbed from a crack team's discord.
Kept You Waiting, huh
probably some reddit attention whore and now posting for (You)'s
Is Fiona from Tales in the game? Are they mentioning her at all?
I won't fall for your jewish trickery, Xaio Ming
Where is this from nigger
Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birthing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.
Yeah, love how everyone just loves saying how shit Yea Forums is when the alternative is this fucking thing. I don't see Yea Forums ever going this far down
For Yea Forums to go that far down, Yea Forums would actually have to play games instead of just memeing about them. I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Can you launch epic store games offline???
It was that far down years ago, hell it was lower
Is the game good?
>buys you gifts with your own money
Just realized that this supposed "gf" wrote this on the computer, printed it, then cut it to size. Wtf? Wouldn´t it be easier to just write it down with a pen?
The worst part is that she wrote it on a computer and printed it. Hand written is much more personal.
I'm gonna pay you $100 to fuck off.
this incel printed it for himself
Where's the treehouse one
>From Yea Forums to U
oh fuck is that why the cpu requirement is so high? damn that's stupid.
Zoomer hiveminds
lmao my ass off @ you
see you in three days avatarfag
ching chong
So far Moze hasn’t given evidence that’s shes anything but straight. She reacts to Moxxi by calling her “trouble” and says that Ellie is “sturdy” and it would take an army to knock her down
She’s straight or robosexual
Did you enjoy it?
Do they still see money from $15 Handsome Collection or $20 Borderlands GotY?
Thanks for beta testing buyfags
to the guy with post number 477837078
why did you buy it?
While you are at it, get Outer Wilds. Best game of 2019.
LMAO, I keep forgetting that chinks are triggered by spooksters.
And you guys are saying chinks have no culture. There it is and it sucks. Nuke em.
No. I don't think I will.
I think I'll actually support somebody trying to save the video games industry.
Enjoy never playing this, PARASITE.
People like you make it so validating to be a pirate.
>If you don't have a way to purchase it, you don't have a way to play it
but games are free, dumbass
he can do a quick checksum of the files to see if they check out
People like him are there to save pc gaming from pirates and valve cut. They are the reason you can enjoy games. Be grateful for that, also enjoy our scraps
>24 games in library and only paid for Metro Exodus
Cheers Tim, my boy!
What would you guys recommend for a PC game with co-op suitable for 2-4 players?
Yes. That's a shitpost getting propagated at the moment with nothing to back it up. People are playing BL3 offline just fine.
put me in the screencap faggots
Online or local co-op?
Risk of Rain 2
Divinity OS 2
Deep rock galactic or Risk of rain 1 or 2
>giving money to the man who killed any chances for Aliens games in the future
>giving money to the man who killed Duke Nukem
>giving money to an alleged kiddie fucker
Yall are some dumb motherfuckers these days
Borderlands 3
Going to have to play RoR2 when the update comes out in a couple days
ludo except you try to win at the same time
the first magicka game
Hope it's out by tomorrow night.
Left 4 Dead
I can believe this because obviously a good amount of people aren't happy with it being an EGS exclusive so of course they'd go out of the way to make it hard to crack.
are revolvers back
>go to
>go to search
>type in anything
>get results
>type in borderlands
>connection times out
what the FUCK
Every copy sold is another minute randy stays out of jail. Be man among men, and pirate his game for a greater justice. Give no quarters or dimes, not even a cent
I can smell the reddit from this post
>chink store
>always online
HAHAHAHAHA no fucking way
I was in the Navy for 4 years on a 10 month deployment I had to watch the people in charge of me play Borderlands 2 nonstop all the fucking time. I hate all of its shit jokes, humor and puns. The guns are bland as fuck, It takes next to no skill to play it, and its overall meme culture bullshit. But I am making sure to pirate this piece of shit game just to say fuck Randy Chinese Jew Pitchfork.
>he doesn't use qbittorrent search plugins
Loving every laugh
The insane amount of leeches and absolute lack of comments tells me 2 things.
Either it's a legit "unlocked" torrent (read: full game, but without crack)
Or it's a poison torrent with a fake file size (you can actually fuck with the file size). Poisoned torrents mean that they have an absolutely absurd amount of seeders or leechers. Usually with no comments, unverified uploader with dumb name.
It's a poison torrent. Through and through.
This is not an edit; this is real.
holy shit
is randy the only person that'd be okay with a reference in game that reminds people he left porn at a restaurant
convenience store junk food is extremely low effort, especially the quantity and quality shown. offering a blowjob while he played would give it a little more of personal feel or baked goods even.
so, if the game gets cracked is it possible to play it with friends?
>buying a spyware
>Moze in Japanese sounds so fucking cute.
No surprises there, her VA is very cute after all
like a magic trick