You picked THEM, right? And use their pronous properly, you biggots
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
He is loaderbot, right?
It’s not as fun as Moze
I think Rhys and Vaughn would have recognized Loader Bot. Sad to see they left LB, Gortys, Fiona and Sasha out of this game
Is there any mention of them at all or did they just completely forget about them
DLC, famalam.
>game so buggy, laggy and just generally broken reddit have a dedicated sticky with thousands of posts that get deleted and refreshed every few hours because too many posts
This is fucking hilarious
>unironically admitting to being a redditor
redeeming qualities, fuck them
Is it really that broken? Both pc and console?
Is a corpse
How fucking dare you not respect their pronouns.
Does she actually die?
based reddit spy
It's literally all over news articles and all the articles reference this. Fucking tard.
Just type borderlands 3 on google and press news. I got it from there.
>It's literally all over news articles and all the articles reference this. Fucking tard.
Nice try, redditor.
Rhys keeps a picture of Sasha on his desk. I don't know if there's any other references to the others
Maybe it has several AI Cores thus them.
Looks most compeling to me as character.
How much of the borderlands 2 cast show up? I know Maya and Zero are there, but what about Kreig, Salvador, Gaige or Axton?
We both know you browsed reddit and found it there, redditor, and then you came here to say things you can't on there without getting downvoted and getting your feelings hurt. Dumb redditor.
>an connection
So who is the most FUN character to play? The ones I was most interested in were Zane and Fl4k.
I went with Amara, just because she gets to go all Fist of the North Star, and Sirens always seem to be the de facto main characters in the Borderlands universe.
>Reddit loves Borderlands
>the left loves Borderlands
>trannies love. Borderlands
I'll stay away from borderlands
"An connection" is when two trannies practice the art of plopping before selling their dicks to China and becoming fully fledged women.
Cool story trying to move the focus. Won't work. Your game is a buggy mess, shill. Dumb shill
You should stay away more due to it being a shit game and being full of god awful humor but sure.
It's a machine after all.
Projecting hard, redditor.
It's not fair pirate and steam bros how come only people with Epic store are able to play this, it's not fair!
Projecting hard, shill.
Ive been watching a few gameplay videos and some of the lengendaries are pretty cool. one of them even shoots money as ammo.
Feels good to wait for the steam release anyway. Major bugs will be fixed by then.
Why haven't you nuked yourselves along with Israel yet mutts?
Play? From what I've seen most people are having issues with playing it. Severe bugs. Massive tech issues. I wouldn't be surprised if it bricked their PC's with how bad it's overheating some rigs.
>two copies bought and played heavily last night by friends
>no performance complaints on two very different rigs
Guess they got lucky.
this is why i wait for the complete edition, besides having all the content for a decent price of course.
>steam release
>buying a borderlands game
Crack out yet?
>pirate and steamfags are third worlders
No, there is clear evidence that you're a redditor. I haven't even mentioned Borderlands in this conversation. Projecting redditor fag.
It's my favorite franchise of all time and I'm not a poorfag
exe is 600mb. Don't hold your breath cause you'll die from auto erotic asphyxiation
Does Tyreen live? I NEED to know.
Fix'd that for you. Gets a badass trailer showing him using all 3 pets...but he can't do that at all. Their team is just fucking retarded.
Nope, final boss
The absolute state of redditors.
>showing him using all 3 pets...but he can't do that at all
wait really? I'd say i'm surprised but i'm really not. Considering colonial marines and all
Why is all the playable characters so boring this time?
What do you guys think of my wife?
It's bad on ps4 pro especially split screen
shes an okay siren
I'm sad now.
Nope, each tree is tied to 1 pet. It's super lame.
I feel sorry for the french.
Robot is Robo in french, but in the language you put Le in front.
>Le Robo
Which is masculin thus it roughly translate to:
>He Robot
The french are forced to call flak a he. So is the borderlands forum going to ban all of france?
>My crazy incestuous punk bitch dies
It's not fair.
He seems closer to the characters I liked plying as in 1 & 2, the turret users, so I will be using him if I ever get this game
Do these people think a game being new is an excuse for it not to run properly?
i enjoyed mordecai and im enjoying fl4k with the rakk attack skill, which is basically a single attack bloodwing
Is she really?
Nope, she actually complains about wanting to get laid with bandits but that they die before she can fuck them because of her leeching ability
this game some ass wish it was about being straight dope
Lmao what a fucking whore.
Zane is poop. At least my friend and reddit says so.
>Do these people think a game being new is an excuse for it not to run properly?
Yes. If you think you bought a full priced game and expect it to run properly on high end hardware, you are a bunch of whiny, outrage addicted bitches who will make up anything to have an excuse to hate what you have already decided to hate.
BUY HER GAME Yea Forums!!!!!!!!
How did they manage to make Moxxi uglier, it's insane
The more it's advertised, the less I want to play it.
They still haven't fixed her manjaw?
No but really, what happens to Gaige in this game?
That's some funny shit.
fucking retards jesus christ, they can't even stick to their own bullshit
Oh god yeah, "they wanders" didn't even think about that
Why is this in the game
Crack literally fucking when?
This hag is like 60. 30-something Scooter was her son.
Why does her face look like it belongs on a fat person?
>every female is a fucking slut with massive tits and perfect, unrealistic proportions
Which is it?
Was there a particular reason Scooter was killed off and replaced with his fat sister?
Voice actor retired because of illness. Several strokes and so on. It's why Scooter sounds so different in BL2 and beyond compared to BL1.
>an connection
How has no one noticed this yet
i cum cum scream oooohhhhhhhhhh aaaahhhhhhhhhh
Well Moxxi is a holdover from older titles, also they went out of their way to make her face look awful in this one
He sounds so much better in 2 too, wierd what a stroke will do to ya
She was already in her 50s in the BL2, and BL3 takes place 6 years later. She's LITERALLY an old hag at this point. Even her daughter Ellie is old as fuck.
What class is best suited for assault rifles?
Then give her wrinkles and make horny old granny jokes, not a fat tranny face
He came back in the BL2 dlc. The recent one. I was a little surprised.
You can tell she has wrinkles and is just old as fuck with a lot of makeup on to hide it. It's time to bring out the paper bag.
Yeah, but it was like 90 seconds worth of dialog. Great VA. Too bad he can't do the work anymore.
>not picking Zane to stand against generic white male oppression
Doesn't matter
Anyone tried split-screen? Not getting it until tomorrow but me and my bro can't wait to play it.
Which is it? SJW garbage or semenbrain meme game?
You tramp
why did you give him a (you) and not me? Fuck you bitch
I cannot find a torrent anywhere for this.
Anyone else found one ?
He looked he hadn't had a (You) in some time.
She looks nothing like that, here's your real waifu.
I'm a little confused. Doesn't it make far more sense for a robot to be nonbinary and use them pronouns instead of using he/she pronouns? They don't have genitals after all.
Has anyone met Tiny Tina already, whats she like compared to 2
I did, but I had to hide his white face in shame because I was getting bullied feminists in co-op.
Tell me user, what's the default pronoun for something you don't know the gender off that looks male?
What about the other villain?
Hey that looks pretty badass though
What's her and the brothers gimmick anyway?
>tfw no sex granny to peg you
Even if it doesn't look male people often still say "he" like with animals
Whats the sniper class?
Are you retarded
It. They/them is retarded. It's it.
People default to he, but there's no logical reason for that when english has used the singular them for decades.
But this is a robot and should be an it anyway. It's not unreasonable for a sapient/sentient robot to find that word dehumanizing since it is, again, used for objects.
Yes. I don't want a beastmaster, I want a sniper. Hated that with Mordecai in the first one. Zer0 was good. Fl4k seems shit.
>while they feel an connection
>an connection
How fucked are the microtransactions? I can deal with launch bugs, but if they're gonna nickel and dime me for every small thing I might as well wait a while to get it.
Apparently there's issues with fps and text size. Noticably the fps drops to single digits if you both in your inventory
I haven't even seen an option to buy anything. It's probably just golden keys you can get for free with shift codes, though.
Its unreasonable for a robot to want to be called they/them. He wouldn't care either way. Stop being a fucker and call the situation for what it is, devs attempting to be subtle with thier gender commentary.
>tried playing borderlands 2 many times.
>never understood the appeal, it came off as a mediocre shooter with "wacky xd" leddit-tier humor.
what exactly is the appeal? the previous reason combined with gearbox and randy being shitty, and making it an ebin exclusive, I honestly do not know why people would want to play it.
WHy even live
>"While they feel an connection"
isn't that a grammatical mistake?
it should be called "it" because it's not fucking human
>Its unreasonable for a robot to want to be called they/them
Not a robot with human emotions. So you're only upset about they/them being used and you'd be totally okay with the game calling the character an it? Or is it not just calling it a he is what triggers you?
Don't talk to my toaster that way.
I will call him whatever I want and randy can do absolutely nothing about it because I do not buy his games.
If anything he would use 'it' instead of 'them'
You only really use they to refer to either plural, or unknown gender -
>"The pevensie siblings will know what to do, they are the rulers of narnia for a reason!"
>"We can't say who the killer is yet. But whoever they are, we will stop them."
'It' is more used for something that is not human;
>"That cat that cries all night? Man, it's so annoying. I'm gonna go out there and shoot it."
>"That robot looks like a dude, but it doesn't have a dick."
I didn't mean it like that, I meant how it is referred to in the OP
>Human emotions
So its actually identifying as gender fluid. Thats even worse.
But what about something our language simply doesn't have the words to deal with yet, like a robot with human intelligence, emotions, and a personality. People already call shit like Siri a she instead of an it.
using them as a pronoun only works on the English language
I wonder how the game calls him in other languages
Crack when
No, it's identifying as nonbinary, which is the only thing it can logically identify as, lacking genitals and DNA. Because your side's usual argument is that what's in your genes and your jeans is what decides your gender, which obviously doesn't apply to this character.
because siri isn't an androgynous computer voice, it is clearly a woman or a man based on your choice
Other languages aren't retarded and often have a gender neutral term.
Dude, unless it's masculine or a feminine it's an it
Pronouns arent nicknames or secondary names
See So your argument is that if a character presents as a gender, it IS that gender regardless of what its genes and genitals say? Because that sounds pretty supportive of transsexuality.
Okay, so you'd be totally okay with the robot still identifying as nonbinary and being called an it instead of a they? That sounds pretty autistic to me, honestly.
>reading comprehension
Where the fuck is ''they'' there you fucking illiterate retard
the robot is an artificial creation by a person for a specific purpose, and part of that purpose very well may be presenting as a specific gender for the purposes of social interaction. otherwise if gender was not intended in its design, its not 'nonbinary' it just doesn't have a gender at all. its a machine.
>An emergent AI with an identity crisis that's trying to discover what it really is, and potentially who
wow sounds interesting
>is a self insert from some mentally ill writer and is fucking sensitive to pronouns
jesus fuck nevermind
What? I think you're completely missing the point. So you're only upset that the robot is being called a they instead of an it?
people are not artificial creations though. if you are trying to twist my words into an argument about transsexuality the entire premise is flawed in a manner that is either willfully deceitful or downright retarded
>not waiting until all dlc is out before pirating
thanks for beta testing buyfags
Technically yes.
It would be "they feels." Given that for some inexplicable reason 'they' is their singular subject pronoun.
You aren't meant to use it that way, obviously. So in order to fix the sentence you really should use the singular 'it' instead of the plural 'they'
As I wrote here You can use 'they' to refer to an unknown gender, but I shit you not, that has only been an official grammatical rule since 2007.
Prior (and correctly) you should only use 'it' or 'he' in reference to an unknown subject.
So, I repeat myself, then. Your argument is that your gender is based on what you present as and not what's in your pants? Or is your argument only that you're triggered they used they instead of it?
How do you know it doesn't have robo penis?
Last (You), you can understand the posts if you study a bit more, ESL-kun
Does Lilith finally get outed as the turbo cunt she always was or do they keep sucking her dick?
This is a deciding factor in my purchase.
everyone calls him he
>thread about video game
>all these mentally ill faggots can talk about is pronoun wars
She gets killed by the twins
Good. Early on I hope?
>Unironically buying Randy's slop
Disgusting normies. Keep it on your containment site.
Don't know I just made that up
>The social constructs of humans are strange to them
>Calls himself "them" for some reason
She gets a hero moment and sacrifices herself to save Pandora
No hero moment will beat Scooters
Who gives a fuck what someone/something identifies as?
The rules of language are APPLIED to you. You don't get to chose what other people say in reference to you.
I really wish these fucking lbtgqp whatever fucks would understand that.
If you think you are a lday, great, whatever. You're crazy.
But you cannot demand that the very definitions, rules and general usage of language benda to suit your bizarre self-perception.
This applies to this robot.
It is an it. Or a he, depending upon how masculine it is perceived as.
Sure, that might support whatever gay little argument you wanna bring up about some tranny passing as a woman and therefore being
Or whatever, but you know what?
That's fine.
Now find me a single fucking one that actually passes as a woman in neutral, natural daylight, with no camera trickery and photoshop touchups, and I'll call him a she, based on an entire history of shared fucking linguistic definitions based on perception.
simultaneously cringe and jealous
oh i dont give a fuck about people presenting as whatever as long as they don't look like a clown and make me uncomfortable. but your gender is based on your genetics. i just think that the entire gender debate is stupid because they only did this so people like you would take a pseudo-moralistic stance to waste people's time and argue over a robot's gender as if it matters in a world where 99.9% of people fall into one of two categories
one of the first times i jizzed was to that glitch where you could see moxxi upskirt in sanctuary
She gets dabbed on by the villains then saves everyone by sacrificing herself.
Your gender is your sex.
It is what your genetics dictate you are.
What pronouns another person refers to you as, is based on what they perceive you to be.
. How is that hard to comprehend?
Didnt loaderbot not care when called he? That guy is full of shit, any normal person sees its just them trying to be woke through a stupid robot
Well yeah, scooter deserves his. Lilith is a massive cunt whose cuntiness only create problems, yet she gets to go out as a hero.
When I eventually play the game then I will pick him, yes.
>Skirt around their own shit writing by killing her off to avoid confronting the fact she was a psychobitch being portayed as a hero.
Admittedly better handling than I expected but still garbage.
But I want to fuck dudes and I'm not gay, so I must be a woman.
If he survived Fiona definitely would have sucked his dick :(
I know shes bitchy but I cant remember her being a massive cunt just a bit annoying sometimes
I'm playing console no problems yet, maybe loading the surroundings in a new area is a bit slow but that could just be my shitty ps4
None of you like this game. Stop fucking pretending. If I asked any of you to show me recorded footage of you playing this game and genuinely smiling and enjoying it you wouldn't be able to. I can already imagine all you retards sitting through the first five hours of the game completely stone faced while NPCs make whacky epic internet meme jokes, telling yourself over and over again that this game is good as you empty an entire magazine into a generic bandits head just to kill it.
You're all just trying to justify spending $100 on a trash fire with family guy tier writing. None, I repeat, NONE of you posting on Boredomlands threads are having as much fun as you say you are. It's just 500 people repeating to each other that the game is fun in some sad attempt to deny their buyer's remorse.
Don't like the truth? Still can't admit it? Show me ONE recorded video of you having a jolly old time with this abortion of a game. I'll wait, even though you can't, because NONE of you like this game. STOP lying on my fucking board.
Boss fight before that
>using they to refer to single person
nah that's not how english works
No most of us will be talking shit with our coop mates and shooting for hours. Only time dialogue is listened to is in the break area like sanctuary
That would be "Un robot". The litteral translation to "Le robot" would be "The robot". The french gender everything because our language is done this way. It's either a male or a female thing. Tables are female, robots are male, an AI is female though so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Story is only a pretext in this game anyway, characters are badly written one-sided comic reliefs in an universe that doesn't need any.
this. don't ever remember her as Yea Forums talks about her
>It doesn't matter if the story, dialogue, and gameplay are bad solo. It's fun with friends!
Fuck off. Everything is fun with friends. It doesn't say anything about quality of a game.
>le reddit boogeymen
Video games are so tiresome
Unfortunately the associated press decided in 2007 that it is, in fact, allowed.
Fucked up huh?
Thanks 'murica.
>I'll post reddit shit to prove reddit is real
Both of you are niggers
Only in casual contexts. In standardized grammar tests and formal writing, they/them/their are still plural and only plural.
Imagine assigning a gender to a machine. Imagine going too far beyond calling a car "old gal" for shits and giggles to display how long you've OWNED it.
No, that's what I mean.
I wish I could find you the source.
As a matter of fact, i remember her shutting down sjw chat more than any other character, like when torgue was talking about misogyny and she told him to fuck up
It's not a boogeyman when redditors admit to being redditors, haha... :3
>I'm letting everyone know I'm a tranny XD
honestly i think they're just mad about her getting dicked by a nigger even if it was roland
FL4K is an it. There, controversy averted.
The writing actually feels a little less grating than 2 for me so far.
I'm not going to refer to a singular being as multiple by calling him "them." I'm not a nigger.
I don't remember much of 2 and never touched pre sequel, how was she a psycho bitch exactly?
>look up footage
>Villains are unironically streaming to their bandit followers and telling them to like and describe
>less grating
I don't believe you.
>I don't remember much of 2 and never touched pre sequel, how was she a psycho bitch exactly?
She was mean to a sadistic psychopath that tried to control the universe, that makes her a bitch.
>rocket launcher gauntlet with tracking darts
At least the loot isn't boring this time.
I just said so far. The writers aren't Anthony Burch, so some of the jokes are at least mildly amusing this time.
Lol didn't think that, that makes perfect sense
reddit is better than Yea Forums(nel) in virtually every way, and I've been here longer than all of you
all you douche canoes like to act like reddit is some ridiculous place when, in reality, it's just people from Yea Forums who prefer (arguably) better discussions in a more controlled environment free of frogposting and other stupid bullshit
I mean fuck if I want to actually talk about video games (holy shit!) I can head over to /r/games where people actually talk about video games (holy shit!) and anyone with a stupid opinion (you guys) gets downvoted into oblivion like the fuckpickle you are
I also don't have to prove I'm not a fucking robot when I want to reply to anything
Reddit is always shit because people act a certain way for likes, and anyone who doesn't gets downvoted until their posts are hidden.
No, I picked the potato nigga.
Doesn't surprise me gearbox have made nothing but total bug ridden shit since the mid 00s
any website that uses likes/dislikes is shit tier
you can censor whoever doesn't agree with you by mass disliking their shit, Reddit's a circlejerk of approval seeking faggots, Yea Forums is shit, I don't disagree, but plebbit is shittier shit
>reddit is better than Yea Forums(nel) in virtually every way, and I've been here longer than all of you
>all you douche canoes like to act like reddit is some ridiculous place when, in reality, it's just people from Yea Forums who prefer (arguably) better discussions in a more controlled environment free of frogposting and other stupid bullshit
>I mean fuck if I want to actually talk about video games (holy shit!) I can head over to /r/games where people actually talk about video games (holy shit!) and anyone with a stupid opinion (you guys) gets downvoted into oblivion like the fuckpickle you are
The only time I posted on reddit I got 40 downvotes and 10 replies saying I was racist. Even though the post wasn't even racist. I said I watched 12 years a slave at a theater in a black neighborhood. One black flipped out that someone was eating their popcorn too loud and launched their bucket in the air. I said it was ironic that black people would act that way in front of a movie about slavery.
except who wants to hear from anyone with a shitty opinion?
Presequel makes her a cunt but I think Moxxi is far worse
>Jack gets attacked and betrayed by Meriff early on
>Learns to enjoy killing but dors so only for psychos and bandits
>Jack ejects 4 scientists into space because on MAY be a traitor
>Moxxi and Lilith both plan to stab him in the back because of it, WOW
>JacK is proven right and Moxxi and Lilith gloat to his face about it
no i picked amara cause i want to lick her abs
>clearly male voice actor
>clearly male mocap/body type/movement
>iT's a ThEy/tHeM!!!!!!!!
Zane is great
8 is the superior imageboard.
Fuck this game, fuck epic, and fuck cokehead Randy.
>getting tired off Amara and her ground pound
>have to replay 3 hours to unlock the base again to fully try out new chars
its even worse than before.
>That robot is clearly male
in Spanish "he" is used as a neutral pronoun AND male pronoun
and that created a whole new kind of autistic shitstorm
Then go there along with your scam shitzen shill.
>foid humor
Amazing game so far
Is she that bad? She was who I was planning on using. I usually do first runs with the siren
I browse both at the same time so no biggie
What shitstorm? Were there articles or twitter posts of people getting angry over this?
>using plural pronouns to refer to a single person
The correct pronoun is "it".
how are the weapons? I found them a bit too gimmicky in 2, did they double down or ease off a bit?
Likes/dislikes doesnt hide posts on Reddit. I dont know why people keep saying this. All is affects is its position in the thread if you sort by popular/controversial. The only way a post isn't seen is if its flat out deleted by a mod for not following the rules.
Most guns even in the start come with vastly different playstyles.
In the span of an hour I've had a shotgun that transforms into a sniper, an electric SMG that can also shoot electric rockets, a single fire rifle with a grenade launcher, an automatic pistol that when reloaded deployed a drone that would chase and explode, a grenade that would teleport and stick to any target at seemingly any distance, a double barreled shotgun with a bayonet with a unique big damage melee attack, and various revolvers and pistols with whatever effects because I rarely use them in any game.
It's insanely fun so far. Movement and character skills feel really good, versatile and fun. By the way you can now climb edges and slide on the ground.
Did you guys expect the comically evil mass murderous villains in a BL game to not die?
Yea Forums is essentially redit with the opposite opinion.
crachwatch dot cum
Just hit F5 until you see the crack come out.
based and redpilled but also cringe and bluepilled
Never buy game from a dev that cares more about making a statement than making a game.
pleasantly surprised, combat feels good and the game looks really good
>Movement and character skills feel really good
if you dont play any other fps
momenetum gets lost everytime especiall after jumping.
The game is still strifing left and right as the only sane movement option.
>In the span of an hour
those get reapetead a lot dude at least for the next 4 hours.
pc specs?
I'm in the game right now. Movement is fast, fluid, precise, feels very very good.
stop lying
The villians in the trailer gave me an Android 17 and 18 vibe. How similar are they actually?
obnoxious, annoying shits
>Feel an connection
Is this an official image? Fucking gearbox, jesus christ.
Is Handsome Jack in the game?
i asked for pc specs not a screenshot
also >1693x1074
getting it for the guns
nice, that just sounds like more variety instead of gimmicks
>get the game on ps4
>outside of menus being literal trash, the game runs perfectly fine
Is the main issue regarding the PC version, or am I just incredibly lucky to dodge a lot of the FPS problems that supposedly plague the console versions?
>an connection
She still gets portrayed as a hero and the new characters keep sucking her tits off as the Firehawk and the one that defeated the destroyer.
>Reddit: The Game
Hard pass
>anyone with a stupid opinion (you guys) gets downvoted into oblivion like the fuckpickle you are
wow what a great system for discussion
>they feel
If "they" is a pronoun, wouldn't it be
>they feels
do we could have the full glory of
>they feels an connection
then why don't you go back instead of seething like a retarded faggot?
Onions: the game
amazing opinion, truly the entire internet wasn't complete without it! :)
So, does Handsome Jack show up at all? Even just the AI?
Hes dead.
why would he show up again?
really don't doesn't take much to rile you up
seriously, where the fuck is Gaige?
crack when
There's a legendary that has his voice in it.
Most of the ideas and characters work despite many flaws of dialouge, a few questionable lore hiccups (Dahl was mining Eridium before it flourished and became a resource?) and too many useses of the word 'Badass' that it stinks like Bad Assjobs
It's dumb enough to have ways where you can make shit up and have wish fufillment, but always seems to make characters suffer and die to be 'big and dramatic'. It clings onto characters we like for too long and can ruin them with overexposure like Handsome Jack or with writing like Lilith.
You could totally have had Borderlands 3 where Lilith doesn't die and Roland have a happy ending after using some dumb 'Vault Weapon' to bring Roland back to life from the moment Handsome Jack killed him. You could have ended it with them getting engaged and DLC is with the others saying "Alright, Breaks over. Lets let these lovebirds loose and find more Vaults."
But fine, killing off all the good characters for shock value is FIIIIINE
All the skill trees seem kind of shitty on paper
>an connection
She looks like she thinks she got over that bbc but is actually physically wasting away
3s vault hunters are so meh
0 is cooler than all these snobs combined
To those that crossed the epicon: Is it decent?
Does that post look like he's riled up? Heh, kid... work on your rebuttals ;)
>Enter Yea Forums threads about Borderlands 3 because I want their objective opinion on the game
>Get spoiler bombed on the first 5 posts
>Get biased and unobjective hate posts toward the game humor and Anthony Burch
What the fuck did I expect
Oh fer sure my man, fer sure i am the rilest up rn. In many ways, i was riled up before this thread was ever made. fer sure
>caring about story in burgerlands
>caring about anthony burch or humour after 2
>To those that crossed the epicon
stealing that terminology, hope you don't mind, have a rare todd as reimbursement
Is this fucking game optimized?? Can I get 60fps on a GTX 770??
I can't imagine having tast this shit. Have played any other games?
It feels really easy? But maybe I was just shit at video games when I played 2
I got it on console, it's really good outside of the shit writing. I'm really glad PCfags are stuck beta testing it so I can grab it on Steam next year.
You're gonna buy the game twice?
Yeah, and then Im going to use a controller to play on pc
If you liked Borderlands 2, I'd say so. Feels more like a Borderlands 2.5 than a true step up though, but I personally don't mind. More refined gameplay, somewhat worse writing (maybe I just grew up?) still the same subpar performance and buggy launch.
>If you liked Borderlands 2
so no
>Haven’t mentioned borderlands
>in a borderlands thread
Wow it’s almost like you’re a seething retard
I'm sure same time next year it'll be on sale 75% off with all the DLC, so yeah probably.
I've played a little over eight hours so far and I've yet to run into LGTBBQ dialogue or propaganda.
Quite a bit of restrain on their part. I can only assume I will be beaten over the head with it in the late game. It is, inevitable.
Also, quick question, is Salvador in this as an NPC character?
Why? the gameplay is fucking atrocious. No joke.
this description reads like a man having a stroke
i dont get they/them pronouns
Loot is better and more diverse. Class trees are better. Gunplay is better. Game is a buggy unoptimized mess right now though.