Why are you using the Epic Store Yea Forums?
Epic Spyware
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Why does it check steam directory?
i used it to install unreal tournament
Because I'm mentally retarded. I literally have down syndrome.
Because I'm a retarded.
Yeh well I WANT the chinese to spy on me. HAHAHAHAHAHA STEAMDRONES BTFO!!
Why are you spreading reddit memes subhuman
why are you down syndrome posting, retard
Hello butthurt chinaman. What are you using to access Yea Forums, hasn't roskomnadzor banned it yet?
I'm not.
To steal THEIR spying data.
Get your brain straight or you might kill yourself, getting btfo is one thing but using reddit buzzwords to defend your reddit autism is something entirely different.
at least someone is interested in me
Calling me reddit or an image that isn't reddit doesn't make you a Yea Forums board poster, you are still an astroturfing shill that arrived to defend the shared interests of epic and your agenda.
did we time travel back 1 year or something? or did zoomers just find this old webm and think it's something new?
Holy shit, kill yourself you don't even know where your gif/image comes from, it got debunked in the same fucking reddit thread you subhuman
We've been over this before. Why do you lie though?
They read steam user data. They admitted it. For (((user experience))) purposes and preferences import or something.
where was it debunked chinaman? you don't even know english well or how to use the phrases you see here. Go get your organs debunked in an alley.
Just kill yourself there is no hope and don't reply to me ever again
To allow you to play tetris
See Now go be a glownigger somewhere else.
how is that spyware you retard? how tech illiterate are you? open steam and see the same
>why do you lie
>posts lies
So, valve is collecting data on you and another company is collecting that data. If i cared about my data that much i wouldn't be using steam to begin with lol
because I have lots of other spywares on my PC and I couldn't care less
Well, the burden of proof is on you now, so I'm waiting.
Give it another watch. If you still can't find out what's wrong, you need help
do you have tard strength as well? how has your life been with downs? you seem smart enough to type, are you like some kinda super tard or something? the king of the pack?
that's not really true. it's the data about how you use steam and what you have on it. steam saving your friend- and gameslist on your computer is perfectly normal. other companies looking at that stuff without notice or permission is pretty fucking shady.
They also breach steam's eula and take the data unlawfully. Valve can sue them if they want. It factually spies on your account and your activities. Decrypts stuff that steam hid and leaving your account and data vulnerable if someone has access to it from epic since they know how to decrypt it. You did not sign an agreement with epic for them to be able to do that.
>giving away all the bamham games for free
They wouldn't.
we dont deserve tim
Why is the burden of proof on me when all you've posted is bullshit? Why does it not function like other programs?
>is a chink
>calls others subhuman
>forget my steam password
>contact steam support
>get an email with a new password within an hour
this is why I use steam
Hasn't that shit been BTFO already?
>Why is the burden of proof on me when all you've posted is bullshit?
You're claiming it's bullshit so yo have to back that claim up.
>Why does it not function like other programs?
Again, can you provide any kind of source for that?
>why is it my job to defend myself! WTF
lmao officially braindead
> (((user experience)))
Do you always have to blame the Jews?
0/10 chinaman post
you can't even copy things well enough to blend in, using phrases incorrectly and being an obvious epic shill with an agenda.
>t. man too stupid to understand that OP is a falseflagger epic shill
What's the best way to block all this shit, i'm going to need UE4 at Uni next year.
install gentoo
>looks like
>others do it too!
>it's just standard practice!
>i can't be bothered to reply
>i-i have a headache and c-c-can't really reply
I don't think you even own a computer or laptop, posting from your PS4 probably
Apart from not downloading and making an account for the epic store you can't. Separate pc or something.
To play borderlands 3.
alright thanks for your amazing top post user. really showed me with your adhomanomdingdong their
>posting the /g/ equivalent of facebook mom science
>download and play free game conarium
>literal indie walking sim
>pc revving like it's a AAA grafix fest
What did epic mean by this?
Tim is going to have a nice jail cell without a cellmate for a few years once the attention to his store dies down and it's safe for valve to attract media attention to it when they start throwing the lawsuits.
see if a shill thread started with this and was about the new game tim is giving away, i would not mind as much. Instead it is mountains of shit posting. If their are any REAL epic fans, make decent threads
Because it's the only place to get many brand new games. If you don't want Epic to spy on your Steam data just uninstall Steam.
Wouldn't it make more sense to pirate them than to give money to Tim Sweenie?
The bugman fears the glownigger.
>epic games launcher
more like free games launcher
>d-do you always have to blame the people responsible, g-goy?
bitch, Tim Sweeney is saving the video game industry
Well it is always the Jews
At least you admit to what you, glow faggot.
Sweenie is bringing console war bullshit to PC. That's making the industry worse for consumers.
>brand new games
maybe if you're poor, a zoomer, or both.
Cucked logic. Enjoy the taste of your wife’s boyfriend’s dick
Steam is sharing that info with third party companies anyway. If epic is getting it for free than it does not seems like my problem, if valve have some proofs of them uploading that data to their servers than they should sue them. Valve is not my friend and i have no reason to defend their buisness
>those lies totally prove the op is wrong
Competition is good brainlet, there is a reason why Sony is making kino games nonstop
>kino games
damn swiney really isn't sending his best huh
>Steamfags are bringing console war bullshit to PC.
It's just another launcher, only steam fanboys paint is as "console something" shit. Just hang yourself, it will solve that problem right away
>still not a single point refuted
You'd think ZOG would would hire more capable people.
Tab back gayben, it's time to make some real games, because Tim is killing your platform
To be fair these are already free to download at any time without tim's store. And only a couple even worth downloading in the first place, if that.
i hate epic and all of that but
do the same with steam real quick see what happens
>maybe if I say it enough times it'll become true!
keep shilling zhang, hopefully you get to eat something else than stale rice someday
How is it competition if Epic has a monopoly over games? If I want to play, say, Control, then I have no options on who to buy it from, only Epic. That is a monopoly.
what about steams stranglehold over games like half-life and portal. Don't see those games appearing on other consoles dick sucker
im not a retard.. therefor im not using it
The orange box is also on console you fucking subhuman waste
Here you go
Do you know what monopoly means subhuman ? steam has a market share of 90% this is what a monopoly is
I think it was for the "Find your friends" thingy.
Well user if spyware thing is real you should make it publicity. The thing is that such shit breaks their TOS and they can be sued by other corporations. It's question of billions $.
chinks vs mutt sjws
guess chinks will win because they do anything to make a profit, which means theyd pander to gamers hard, wheres sjws do anything to push their ideology thats basically against gamers
steamcels underrate sjws and dont know anything about them. they are much more deranged than you think
Israel doesn't spy on the US either, they said so
lmao like chinks would not pander to both gamers and sjws
only after they ask you and you give them permission.
>i have no reason to care about my own personal information
i have no words
>i have no reason to care about my own personal information
If you do care, they why do you use internet at all cuck? And what do you think people do with your data anyway, you think they collect your nude photos or something? They collect your patterns to advertise their shit, that's all there is to it and that is why no one cares.
Now I know how doctors feel when they read antivax bullshit
>he admits he's both a bugman and terrified
Good to see you remember your communist shithole only exists because we allow it.
>this dumb faggot thinks anyone who disagrees with him is chinese
>this dumb faggot thinks US isn't the laughingstock of the world
Gotta love how underage faggots like you abuse that word as if you hold any kind of power.
You have some nerve bullshiting the biggest and most powerfull country in the world. You should be happy that burgers are still somehow profitable for us
>OP suddenly stops posting
The fact that article is real and is reporting on something that actually happened is astounding to me. I looked it up to try and call out people who where posting it to make fun of Americans, but shit was actually real.
I don't understand how they can be so blatant about things like this and still think their operation will be sustainable. Why would you force something that's illegal and clearly morally questionable for everyone to see and just think you'll still be on top ten years from now? When somebody sees shit like that once they know shits corrupt for good so its just going to keep snowballing.
why would i. i already proved that steam is a monoply about to be put down by based epic (a mom and pop store with soul)
He probably realized all his pro-Epic samefagging was pretty obvious and gave up.
Oh yes, epic is that one guy
Why bother? Majority of the US populace sucks on their cock non stop and the top is pretty much owned by them.
>look at all these games I'm never gonna play because they're shit
Asking if people boycott goods before giving them out is respectful and tolerant behaviour.
Someone boycotting a nation's goods would not willingly use them, and so allowing people to state and follow their principles is fair.
If I were consciously making sacrifices to boycott a good or goods I would appreciate being told the provenance of things.
It is like asking if people are vegetarians, it respects their choices.
>Why are you using the Epic Store Yea Forums?
I'm not lol
>dumb chink thinks we can't tell he's a dumb chink
>dumb chink thinks the greatest country on earth cares about what third world backwaters think
>the bugman fears unity
Gotta love how Epic shills will work for social credit score alone while shitting on the free world.
>You have some nerve bullshiting the biggest and most powerfull country in the world.
Why would I bullshit the United States of America? It is, after all, the greatest nation on God's green Earth. China isn't even the most powerful nation on its shithole continent.
Pirates are unironically the chads of the gaming world. The amount of seethe you get when you tell someone that you pirated something they like gets a that someone more angry than if you told them their product that they like is shit.
>social credit score
Funny you mention those.
>compares buying a gun to being alive and existing in china
You do know that the US social credit score already affects your day to day livelihood, right? This is just another layer on top. Oh who am I kidding, you're just shitposting for (You)'s, still is funny to talk about this shit.
Post the copypasta. You know the one.
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life 半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
>3rd world
But that's you, mordor mutt. Now go shoot up your fellow orcs in a local school.
>us chinks are a true warrior race!
anything made by chinks should be considered suspect, hardware or software, in fact even the "food" those insectoids offer can be fake
Speaking of chinese "food"
you don't understand what you are posting
Left one is from japan and it's legit. First they seperate white yolks from yellow yolks. They put yellow yolks in a tube and boil it. They take out boiled yellow yolks from tube and put it in a wider tube. They fill in the gap with white yolk and boil it again. It's convinient and you can get equal slices of boiled eggs
How is this even legal? This piece of shit has no business snooping around on my hard drive.
It's not limited to japan. Restaurant I used to work did this by hand so they could get even slices of eggs. You can find guides to do this easily on youtube.
Have sex
I do, frequently.
I've said it a thousand times before and I'll say it a thousand more times, if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about.
No menses no life!
Isn't it the chinese jews though?
MORE LIKE PASS OR CHOOSE (to support Israel)
You know, I would tell them what I want to buy if they would just ask me up front.
Then have sex harder.
That's literally the cloud saves directories. It's checking the games you played on Steam recently.
Yikes, too old.
it's a fake long egg, made because people will buy it for the novelty and because it looks futuristic. It's synthetic and made in a factory
The Epic Store being chink government endorsed spyware is a giant fucking meme and it got debunked months ago. The store may not be good, but it isn't fucking spyware. Even other people who don't like it hate looked into it this much. The funniest thing about this is that in order for it to check shit for Steam you actually have to tell it to, since it's an option when installing the launcher. You fucking console warriors are retarded.
>5 out of 35 games are worth anything, gameplay wise
>you can buy them for 5$ or even lower during any steam sale
>most games are several years old already, so any person interested would have it already, be it through steam or copyright infringement
Hi chang.