Here’s your The Boss bro

Here’s your The Boss bro

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Isn't it fact that if a guy dates or marries a girl who isn't a virgin then he's stating to the world "yes, my girlfriend has fucked other guys and I'm okay with that"?

Go away Mohammed.

well you are correct my friend.
most normie are actually just self denying cucks

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this is the worst pasta I've seen in a long time

inshallah brother

Yeah but he lives in denial about it.
Normalfags get REALLY upset if you bring that up

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I really wish social repercussions were weighed differently. It's a shame i can't mock people for this IRL. If I ever travel and meet strangers who don't know my identity I'm going to get people upset by pointing out this fact.

It's funny how these super secure guys get violently angry if you point put the fact their girlfriend has fucked other guys.

I mock people for that irl all the time, that's the correct way to go.
For the greater good.

Lea is pure PURE

Who the fuck would get offended or upset by that? Only some other autist who fetishizes virginity and "settled" for some hambeast past her prime in spite of this.

Normal people don't care about dating partners with sexual history. It's only a problem if the history is somehow extraordinary.

Every man around so far actually.
Women get it too, you just say "you will never be his first, his true love and will never make him feel like the one before you".


Fine. Go up to a guy and tell him his girlfriend fucked other guys.

In fact, it it's not an issue for most people then why would they care about watching a video recording of it? It's not like people are just visceral retards who only get upset by shit when it's explictly right in front of them right? This is what you believe because you're very intelligent.

>why would they care about watching a video recording of it
That's a good one, adding it to my repository

The question has to be answered.

If you are okay with your girlfriend sleeping with other people in the past then why would it be an issue to watch a recording of it, discuss it, listen to it, etc. The argument is that it happened in the past and therefore the _logical_ male (nu) will have no issue with it... so why do recordings pose such an issue?

Do you guys think that he's pretending to be an incel just for some (you)

I'm not him nigger, i'm Unless you are just throwing the question out there, in which case the answer is because he is a cuck, and he knows he is.
The other argument is attacking what makes it cuckolding and what doesn't make it cucking in the normies """logic""", cucking is your girl being fucked by other dudes, does it stop being that if it already happened in the past? When you willingly agree to be with her knowing she fucked around in the past aren't you literally agreeing with her fucking other men and being a literal cuck

Cute in her own way. I'm okay with this.

If a man was even holding that book he'd get torn apart, discredited, fired from his job, blacklisted from his industry, and 90% of his friends would turn on him

Double standards

It's france my dude.
35% of the population is arabs

i fucked a lot of girls, but i'd never marry a non virgin

what the book about bro?

But why would any girl want to marry you? You're a non-virgin

Literally the origin of the term loli, my man

Love with a child