Mind blown.
Is that a trap?
Other urls found in this thread:
Actually i set my tinder preferences to straight and lesbian and I get traps more often
They're really not the ugly trogs you see portrayed in rightwing youtube
It's a post op tranny, there's a slight difference
Rin is the trap retard
Not a trap if it looks like a gal.
A trap is a crossdressing male that can pass as female. Yes, these are uncommon IRL, no one said otherwise.
A transexual is not a trap.
this and thats why rin is superior to the tranny and his character is just better
The reason they're called traps is because they're dudes who look like girls. What did you think it meant?
no, she's trans.
what the fuck did he meant by this
Kinda unrelated but I love how Vinny from Vinesauce pretends not to hate trannies
>will you play anodyne 2, a game made by a tranny that is exactly the type of game you love?
>nah demo didn’t “””do it””” for me
>hey you’re playing minecraft where are the bees?
>oh I can’t update because of this mod, someone is totally looking into it
Nah, this is an honest-to-god tranny. Traps are dudes who are under no delusion otherwise, they just play pretend for whatever reason.
It's not a trap if it's a tranny
Looking like a bitch is the purpose, normally.
>>The reason they're called traps is because they're dudes who look like girls.
ha! maybe in 2d but in 3d it just means skinny dude jerking off without face.
traps arent a real thing besides some forgotten dumb meme people wont let go
Erica was Eric in highschool.
They are very common, they just present as male in public so you don’t know who is one until you find them dressed up in their bedroom and then they suck your cock to keep you silent.
3D traps don't exist
They do, you just don’t know because they are so convincing.
She disagrees.
They're only real in anime and usually are bad characters with only fanservice going for them. IRL it's just considered a transphobic slur and you shouldnt refer to anyone as one.
You are aware bailey jay really hates the label ''trap'' now right.
It’s a video game you retard
>caring what a modern roastie trap wants to be called when oogling a picture of her as an ~18 year old
I shiggy dig
Then I must be in an anime because that all happened to me in Hs.
>b-b-but they look like girls!
>but user imagine the smell!
>b-but cute penis!
was the closet homosexual meme right all along?
Rin is an alien, dude.
Probably just back then the term was more acceptable, now days it isnt
So you don't get it
>was the closet homosexual meme right all along?
No. Feminine penis is just an honorary clit. So traps are straight girls.
That doesn't make him not a trap. If anything, that's being a trap on two levels
Because Redditors are retards that can't understand the concept of a trope but what else is new.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean there was no surgery done.
Trannies are trying to take the word trap and morph it into a synonym for crossdresser who isn't very convincing, ignoring the fact Bridget was the one to kickoff the phrase.
>it's just considered a transphobic slur
only lefties think this
>They're really not the ugly trogs you see portrayed in rightwing youtube
Of course they're not you idiot, that's why they're fucking called "traps".
No only dumb lefties and trolly righties think this. I am a lefty and trap and trannies are not the same thing.
I'd say it's more a man who mutilated his body in seek of the unattainable.
nah, all the hate towards traps came from leftytube and nowhere else
He's right though, only leftists would actually think that
You being slightly less retarded doesn't mean the rest don't
looks like she attained it though.
and it's fictional, draw a girl call it a tranny and whatever
>One of the boys in your group does a full transition
>They're still a cool person so you guys hang out
What's wrong with that?
Yes because it’s lefty tube in Yea Forums calling all traps trannies and telling anyone who likes them to Dilate.
Nothing, the vast majority of trannies are just normal people. Yea Forums just focuses on the loud annoying ones.
Last time I checked the anti-trap videos on youtube from lefties were sitting around 2mil views, noone has done more dmg then them towards traps/femboys.
chop your balls and apply HRT
Damn straight
People here have obsessive autism, they'll go off on a hair trigger
They don't seek to spread their retarded ideas nearly as much
I dont see this, every cuteboy thread that popups now is full of /pol/ rhetoric towards trannies while circlejerking over traps.
I am not saying the dumb lefty’s aren’t to blame I am saying they are not the only ones to blame. If you can’t see the issue coming from both side then you are blinded by your own political leanings.
I think you're just trying to make it a blanket issue when it obviously isnt, when it's lefties at the forefront of the whole trap erasure.
>oh I can’t update because of this mod, someone is totally looking into it
Okay, so someone explain to me what bees in minecraft have to do with transsexuals?
Proportionally speaking? It's mostly retarded leftists.
Yes 100%
okay, theres like 5 /pol/tards amongst the majority of lefties. I give you that
>when it's lefties at the forefront of the whole trap erasure.
gay erasure user is it you? what the fuck are you doing outside of /lgbt/?
Haha sure
>draw a girl
>it's actually a dude guys
Reminder that there are no trannies that look like this irl, this is LGBT propaganda
what videos are these?
>it's actually a dude guys
no, you're confused, user. she's trans and not a trap. glad, we could clear that up :)
if trannies looked like this in 3D there'd be no problems
>the vast majority of trannies are just normal people.
in fiction, maybe: in real life most trannies are lunatics
Even though everyone shits on Catherine for being "transphobic", I'd say it was pretty progressive to have a trans character in a game that came out in 2011
>trannies ask to get treatment early so they can actually look like the opposite gender
>REEEEEEEE no, you have to wait decades until testosterone fucks you up beyond hope
>pfft haha, trannies never pass, guys, look at all those 40+ transitioners as proof
>Mind blown
And so is my load.
It was the dead naming that did it for the trannies
You should see the amount of people calling the guy she fucks, then he finds out the truth, transphobic.
it's so stupid, These people need to die out already
a trap is a cute girly crossdressing man not a freak on hrt
they are born womanly
they do not exist in the three dimensional form
not like it matters, they all commit suicide sooner or later. Family might as well save money and not do it
Trans people think they could ever look that good
Trannies and traps are two different things, literal faggot.
Look, let's just face facts here: if you're a tranny you're fucked. And it doesn't matter what you say or do, eventually you'll just be fucked by merit of being a tranny. It's a sad state of affairs, but sometimes people are too different or warped to fit in polite society and there's just not enough that can be done to salvage them.
It really is only lefties screaming it's a transphobic slur 24/7, cant imagine righties using that rhetoric
if even Yea Forums traps, who are legitimately autistic neets who obsess over their appearance and diet more than models, are incredibly ugly when they aren't hiding their faces.
There's zero chance your average trap/mtf tranny will be any kind of attractive.
They do the same thing in different ways, saying that traps and trannies are the same thing .
>still can't find cute 3D traps everywhere i look
they don't call it 3DPD for nothing, huh?
uhh.. that thread has more trap support then opposed
>they do not exist in the three dimensional form
did i stutter?
no they dont lmao, quit trying to make this more then just lefties. the pol thread you obviously made isnt even taking your bait
Yep, and most of them accepted her pretty well. I liked her in the game, and even the scene where it's revealed is handled great, those situations happen, and it didn't turn into a shitshow or anything. It's just a bunch of young guys trying to figure it all out. People aren't perfect, but all involved handled it well.
/pol/tards have always been a bunch of queers, /lgbt/ sometimes feels like pol-lite especially outside of generals.
>Socially transitioned transgender children who are supported in their gender identity have developmentally normative levels of depression and only minimal elevations in anxiety, suggesting that psychopathology is not inevitable within this group.
Yes, /pol/ is totally known for caring about transsexuals, homosexuals, and crossdressers. Just like Yea Forums. They're always sure they're making statements with the correct word usage, pronouns, and done with respect and civility.
It's only a transphobic slur when directed towards trans ppl, outside of that you would be stupid to use it when referring to people.
Use the x-ray glasses, there's no bulge
>cast a woman to play an MtF
You can't change your vocal cords. Rin gets a pass because ayyy.
Natural selection do your job
Overlooking the fact that her trannyness was a punchline, she was treated with respect and genuine companionship by the other characters in the plot, never misgendered and was hot as fuck. You'd think the trannies would be happy with that kind of characterisation.
Games don't have to be realistic
>Draw a girl
>Call it a guy
there was surgery done
that's why Toby says it was a bit weird but he couldn't put his finger on why
if she had a dick he'd instantly be fucking out of there
The game takes place in the far future
the thing is traps generally dont really give a shit about a lot of that also.
that's probably the dumbest post in this thread so far which is quite an achievement.
nah this isn't true, I know several trannies irl and it's like playing minesweeper blind when they're in the same room as you
I mentioned a song once in a discussion once and one got upset because someone "trapped them in a room and made them listen to it on loop", and the other got upset that I triggered their traumatic experience.
Difference between a trap and tranny is that one understands they are a guy but looks and dresses like a girl (convincingly) and the other gets surgery and takes drugs to try (and usually fail) to be a girl
If only someone told the trannies that genetics play a bigger part then all of that, kinda pity them
I want to put him in a chokehold and never let go
>Difference between a trap and tranny is that one understands they are a guy but looks and dresses like a girl (convincingly)
wrong, traps never look like women, they look like cute boys. futas look like girls, traps look like twinks or shotas with longer hair
>and the other gets surgery and takes drugs to try (and usually fail) to be a girl
everyone seems to have a different idea on what a trap is
traps don't exist, the correct term is otokonoko
otokonoko are just feminine transvestites, most real life ones "pass" as well trannies
outdated term
Best trap in the game, Q a shit
>Reminder that there are no trannies that look like this irl
rin a best
traps and trannies are the same shit, trash and gay
tomboys are the thinking straight man's choice
>my tranny is better than your tranny
mordred just dislikes being called a girl, don't blame her since most girls are trash, but she is all woman
ftm trannies are the most disgusting thing there is get the fuck outta here
The "giel" you posted is literally a ftm tranny
>FTM trannies
u wot
astolfo is such a shitty character
>headcanon the post
I wanna blow inside of her if you know what i'm sayin.
Please, traps =/= trans people.
remove "her" chest and see what i mean, tranny fucker
bad bait
shit opinion
>still trying to equate your mental illness with cuteboys
tranny fucker cope
I mean outside of fapbait he doesnt really have much depth to him and hes also a shitty character in the game even with buffs.
>in the game
>playing gacha shit
>playing fag go
Hell fucking no. When people become trannies, they change. Here's the thing, they still have their inborn male preferences and view of what a female should be like and look like.
Cosmo is a great example of this. Picked a cringe anime/fantasy name like Narcissa, tries to pull the "haha silly boys, pwease dont tease me~" shtick, "jokes" about xd my nipslip nooo teehee, conveniently forgets their stream is on and initiate le hawt lesbian makeout session with their tranny gf. The list goes on
he's not wrong
>That greentext
Yes and then when their bubble pops and people throw reality in their face, their odds of iminent suicide skyrocket to the magic 40
stfu tranny, you'll never sound like a girl and no one buys that shitty fucking "girl" voice you strain your vocal cords to maintaim, they just dont say it out loud
>“Among researchers who have studied gender transition, there is little doubt that it improves the well-being of transgender people, often markedly,”
when people become trannies, they always change, the hormones make them unstable and bald
>still trying to equate trap goddesses with sh*tas
some shotas are identical to traps
t. boy tiddies expert
don't use words you don't know
Again, and when their bubble pops..? Yeah...
trapfags are more annoying then any tranny, youre obsessed over both
average trap looks nothing like an average sh*ta
>5'3 including his boots
>not a sh*ta
>average trap looks nothing like an average sh*ta
hence the use for the word "some" who's the expert here user?
>trapfags are more annoying then any tranny
>trannies trying to co-opt the word 'trap' again
to trap you must first be able to pass, hon
we just don't want be associated with l*ftist
please understand
that's my point, it doesn't matter if a few of them resemble each other, they have a different appeal
No, it's a disgusting tranny. Traps are always natural boys. They never take hormones or get gross surgeries.
> Draw a woman
> Say it has a penis
Mind blowing.
Being tranny is a choice, so it's not a "sad state". This tranny shit is 100% just a fad. It's not a real condition.
traps are just highly idealized trannies
prove me wrong
>they do not exist in the three dimensional form
Yes they do. This guy is named Ivan, and he hates trannies.
traps are born cute
something that doesn't exist in real life
No. They are actual polar opposites. Traps are about the ideal of male beauty. Trannies are about destroying male traits and making pretty men into disgusting inferior freaks.
2d traps nah, but 3d traps usually take HRT and go trans
Is that really the best example you could come up with
Jesus fucking Christ, user
Boys are born cuter than trannies or women. So traps 100% exist.
Lmao that nigga doesn't pass
Nope. 3D traps never take hrt. The only ones that do are disgusting. You're just gaslighting, you trannies always tell this lie.
shut up faggot your opinion does not matter unless you're at least bisexual
t. seething trannies
crossdressers are much saner than people who would pay for surgery to become a half baked version of a woman
i talked to some tranny recently who came from Yea Forums that dude never stopped talking about incels
Traps are a 100% gay fetish so only gay opinions count here, actually.
i like women and i like traps gtfo
he's correct and you're wrong, only bisexual and gays like traps
traps are boyish, they have twink torsos
I need examples then. Everytime someone posts an example they still look like a fucking man.
Look at this faggot
Traps never take hormones, by definition. Also hormones just make you fat, bald and impotent. There is no upside.
now show them without mask-like makeup
>traps are boyish
nothing boyish about them
also he's clearly not bi
Why she got Makoto's hair
dunno about you dudes but i like that one tranny ella hollywood or whatever
This user gets it. Traps are male, they show the ideals of male beauty.
fucking gross
>b-but someday surely i'll be proven right, r-right daddy-/pol/ ;_;
>maintains masculine form
Then how can they "trap" someone?
clearly you don't read many doujins my guy
>All those replies
Either people don't get out enough to see that not everyone is like cherrypicked examples or are in very limited groups
Typical americans
Nice sources you got on those hot opinions, based retard.
>has breasts
If it has tits, it's a tranny you fucking maroon.
>>They're still a cool person so you guys hang out
yeah i highly doubt that
>traps that don't really pass
Real kino
With clothes to hide the boyish frame. That's the trap. If there's no twink body under the dress it's not a real trap.
nah, I used to tell myself exactly this but the majority constantly spew the stereotypical tranny shit. Quit trying to handwave it
I just want to strangle trannies alright?
Hurr durr me polbrain no like hard evidence! Me counter with unsubstantiated cope!
This is objectively false. If you see an internet "trap" they are most likely either
A.) actually trans but trying to score trap-loving orbiters. Or:
B.) femboys or non-binaries on an HRT regimen. There are medicinal combinations that can feminize your body while still limiting breast growth. Some may simply opt for anti androgens.
Me too, but not because I hate them
that's not a trap, then
just a crossdresser
With your dick, got it. You're still straight.
>looking indistinguishable from a woman is about the ideal of male beauty
Nono with my hands.
he's right, you're wrong and you don't read many doujins. almost all of them have masculine bodies.
You wanna choke her dick with your hands. Got it. Still straight.
friendly reminder that idealized anime characters who are drawn as girls and called boys/trannies are not indicative of reality, and for every one of the .02% of trannies that look semi-passable, the rest of them look like horrifying men in wigs and dresses, and people only pretend to like/support them for the social justice points, when deep down everybody is profoundly repelled by them and tries to interact with them as little as humanly possible (or, only through the medium of the internet where they don't have to look at them in real life)
I'm sure your highly diversified sample size of e-celebs, redditors, and discord trannies is representative of the entire transgender population.
user, you literally can't account for millions of people, to do so is to literally assume a entire subset of people are a certain way
Its like saying all whites are responsible for slavery and racism which is a retarded argument
Granted if you live in america everyone is as crazy as each other so maybe you need to widen your horizons and understand there is way more to people than you might want to think, just fucking travel for a bit
>femboys or non-binaries on an HRT regimen.
those are mostly trans too. i still remember that one post in /femgen/
>be femboy on hrt (not trans)
>have to visit family
>scared about my boobs showing (which i totally love btw)
lmao there's so fucking many trans people here, on /pol/ and on /lgbt/ who deny it even to themselves just because they internalized the negative stigma
Traps never truly pass. They're just cute boys. They still look very boyish under the clothes.
>draw a female
>say it's a mtf
It's almost as if Japan don't know what real trannies look like.
Those doujins suck desu ne
Nono i want to choke his throat with my hands.
It's not an assumption. They are necessarily that way because only bad people become trannies in the first place. Trannyism is a fad, it's not a legitimate psychological or physiological occurence. It's literally just a trend weak/stupid people with a victim complex follow because they feel it gives them immunity from criticism. And it shows in their mentality.
This is peak trap for me personally. Very pretty, but with delicious male chest.
What an astounding work of armchair psychology. I'm sure you have plenty of sources outside of your ass to back that claim up.
Nope. You are actually a lying, gaslighting astroturfing tranny. Traps never EVER take hormones. The only people capable of achieving the trap aesthetic are natural crossdressers. HRT ruins your body completely and actually makes it impossible to be attractive.
Nah, just that every tranny figurehead that represents a massive bulk of them spouts the worse type of rhetoric
>>Nono i want to choke her throat with my hands.
some are into that, make sure to inform yourself and be safe so you don't accidentally hurt her :)
could not be more of a disgusting liar. traps never take hormones.
this is true.
So any women who's forced to undergo a hysterectomy at a young age should content herself with being a femcel for the rest of her life because your headcanon tells you estrogen pills turn people into uggos?
>everyone is secretly tranny le egg XD
please just kill yourself now instead of burdening the world with your existence for another 10 years
Put the monster out of its' misery.
>posting this retarded shit instead of the actual honest version
The dead cant feel pain.
Is there any way to filter out certain words or pictures from Yea Forums? tired of seeing shitty wojacks trannies and obvious bait threads that use the same shit format
So you're a mouthbreather who assumes e-celebs are representative of anything other than themselves. Nice job proving that you're retarded.
traps are just feminine dudes
pic related is a trap
necrophilia is illegal, user.
Traps are bullshit. Gimme some pranked hahaha "boys" and then we will talk.
>its just a trend
If you ignore the fact it predates modern America and thousands of years where people who considered themselves females were made to be shamans, they had a different use to the tribe while still being treated how they wanted, you could also look at the "two-spirit" title
Again, you need to stop looking at your small range of what you see on the internet and actually go outside
nice job being dishonest and downplaying the likes of contra and similar who have more cultural pull and tranny support like no other
no. a trap is a man who looks so much like a woman you'd fap to/fuck them, thus making you gay. it's a trap that makes you gay if you fall in.
wrong tranny, traps never take hormones and accept their boyishness
You seriously think a YouTube e-celeb is representative of the whole population. The other anons are right: you need to fucking go outside.
>it's another tranny does not understand ancient sprituality episode
you have no arguments besides handwaving everything, shoo
That's what an actual trap looks like. Traps are boyish boys with pretty faces.
Actually it's a recent trend. Trannies never existed at all before now.
>male chest
traps with fucked up hormone issues are better
This seems like something /lgbt/ or /pol/ made for shitposting purposes
Lefties are the only reason while retarded arguments break out surrounding ''trap'' now, I never recall people going back and forth on what a trap actually was till then.
Your entire argument is "every tranny is contra because I said so." You are in no position to dismiss anyone else.
Lole ur gay
nope, traps never take hormones, also all trannies are fucking disgusting because hormones give you a disgusting body.
I don't get why retards try to overcomplicate things from here. Is it closeted gays, people who are afraid to be gay, or what?
>Traps are boyish
But they are girlish by definition. That isn't trapping anyone. There's a balance to be had, and this isn't it.
user, you are gay just accept it
No difference, Trap is someone who passes as female wether trans or crossdresser. She's a trap because you otherwise wouldn't know she's trans.
Trap just triggers unpassable twitter and discord trannies.
>Says it spirituality when its actually more than that its the sociology of previous civilizations before America made theirs more universal
Also using ad hominems doesn't help user
Just read some books user, there are many examples of it throughout history and it seems as if one country is trying to pretend that never happened
straight guy here. fucking 1 or 2 are 100% hard straight. 3 is straight if it's young Kaname, but not his older self after hitting the wall
sucking or bottoming for any of them is gay
Wrong. Traps are twinky and boyish by definition.
Trannies cannot be traps. All trannies are hideous garbage.
>straight guy here
fucking any of them is completely gay
i only like girls and traps, aka, heterosexuality
t. faggot desperate to pull straight men into their homo clique
You are mentally ill.
Fag converter
Lazy shitposter
Now kiss.
nope, trannies never pass for females, they look like unattractive males in a drag. traps never pass for females either, they're pretty twinks
futas do pass for females
If you like men of any kind you are a homo yourself.
>rightwing youtube
Do elaborate
trannies can't be traps. traps are twinks who crossdress. trannies are ugly freaks with ruined bodies who look like shitty balding blobs because hormones.
He's throwing out bait user, ignore it.
Traps at the very least should have a V shaped body.
When they have narrow shoulders and wide hips its just reminds me of that /fit/ meme with the guy who had a pear shapped body
Oh, alright then
trannies ruined traps on a global scale, but you continue to handwave they dont do anything
I like wide hipped traps though
Unless you mean real life, 3D trans are generally unhinged mentally
>Traps at the very least should have a V shaped body.
nope, femboys should have the V shaped body, traps should have a hourglass or pear body
>You seriously think a YouTube e-celeb is representative of the whole population.
In an aggregate "their views will tend to pull towards that guy's ideology? Yes absolutely.
That they completely and totally represent every faggot out there? No, of course not.
They didn't ruin anything because traps are still around and they're still better than any disgusting tranny. Only disgusting retards ever take hormones, so the only thing they ruined is themselves.
You niggas are retarded
The term is not exclusive.
If they look like a girl they're a trap, despite what you may like to shitpost there are passable trannies.
Do you have any evidence that the majority of trannies have even heard of contra besides your feels?
No, you are wrong. Traps should always be boyish and V shaped. Only women are pear shaped, and the pear shape is completely inferior.
No, that is a post-op transsexual.
Just want to say that futanari is not gay.
Thank you
The term is exclusive, by definition. A trap is an otoko no ko. Which is always, explicitly male and happy being male. Trannies cannot ever be traps. Learn the culture before saying dumb shit.
This anorexic skeleton isn't trapping anyone, especially not with it not showing his face.
White """traps""" are the worst because they're all borderline sticks.
traps, trannies, kathoey and other terms all describe the same people
ocasionally some males decide to dress like the opposite gender, either because they're femme gay males and think feminine clothes fit them better or due transvestic fetishism (crossdresses, then jerks off), it's not a recent meme, it's a small part of the human sexuality
>traps, trannies, kathoey and other terms all describe the same people
they don't.
>If they look like a girl they're a trap
here's the thing, traps NEVER pass for girls, they're crossdressing pretty twinks (boyish)
futas (futanari) pass for girls
>Do you have any evidence that the majority of trannies have even heard of contra
I didn't say "this guy" I said "this guy's ideology".
I don't give a shit about the weeb term, I'm going by how Yea Forums coopted the term.
If it looks like a girl it's a trap, period. Boy, tranny whatever doesn't matter.
You'll never be Japanese btw, race tranny.
Do you have any evidence that the majority of trannies support contra's ideology besides your feels?
Trap = Crossdressing feminine male, often they are cute, recognizes itself as a 'male'. Most of the times mentally stable, if a little degenerate
Trans = Transexuals, which means they desire, or did undergo a sexual reassignment surgery. Recognize themselves as 'females', they are emotional trainwrecks.
Now stop arguying you bunch of idiots.
Traps and crossdressers have always existed and will always exist. Trannies, on the other hand, are disgusting freaks and are absolutely just a meme. They are trend followers, there is never a valid reason to ruin your body with hormones and surgeries.
>Do you have any evidence that the majority of trannies support contra's ideology
What, moderate to far left leaning on the majority of issues?
You want me to provide voting data?
Opinion polls?
>here's the thing, traps NEVER pass for girls
It's literally in the name, you're falling for a trap
trannies are all on idpol shit
Friendly reminder that liking traps is gay, thanks
I clearly just asked for you to provide non-anecdotal evidence, Sherlock. Brilliant deduction you made right there.
I'm only gay for traps desu
>literally a drawing of a female
just accept gay men don't exist and would fuck anything with a dick between their legs
I heard a pair of eggs and big sausage is her special dish, would you order one?
Rin was created to please the straight male audience, she's very cute
how is rin as a character, only played the original
He was made to appeal to gay men.
every tranny i know directly or indirectly is fucked in the head, gender dysphoria is the least of their problems usually
also correct, she was created so gay men could self-insert as her when she bottoms for her straight boyfriend Vincent
Her doctor took that order already
Gender dysphoria has been disproven, actually. Trannies only become trannies because they're already fucked in the head and need a way to hide from criticism.
>now show them without mask-like makeup
that's 99% of women though
Nice sources you got there, bro.
Most girls just hide behind it because they're scared, they look fine without it. Trannies need it to not look horrid.
are you retarded?
And my gay opinion is that traps are fucking shit, and that only degenerate bisexuals are into them.
>omg a tranny is using filters and make up
>omg a tranny is using lighting and angkes
>my roasties would never do that
Fucking hell you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get specific shit with "LGBT" and "Voting" in the search querys
78% of LGBT voted for Hillary in 2016
Now, if we assume that each of the letters voted roughly the same, that would mean an almost 5:1 disparity between them.
Almost all gay men voted for Trump. Never met a single gay male Hillary supporter in my life.
How the fuck would you ever get an accurate percent of how many LGBT voted for someone? Do they ask you for your sexuality on your bulletin board in America?
So you have no hard evidence that all trannies are contra and are just making assumptions based on a study of the entire lgbt community that only conclusively proves that most lgbt members aren't trumptards.
>Trannies need it to not look horrid.
im surprised he got that many trannies, probably regretted it the moment he banned them from the military
that's a woman, and she looks fine without anything
>trannies seethe over the term "trap", even thought it's not even supposed to be offensive
>femboys/twinks seethe over the female-like body frame of traps and want them to look more boyish, denying their true beauty
traps truly belong in the strong arms of a strict top straight male
>So you have no hard evidence that all trannies are contra
Nigger he's a far leftist progressive, I said that the majority of trannies would lean towards him in ideological terms.
Cope more.
Still waiting on that earth-shattering evidence you surely have up your sleeve.
>Contra leans left
>Say Trannies will also lean left
>Provide evidence that that's the case
Okay that's your last (You), you really had me going for a while there mate.
You didn't post evidence that all trannies are left-leaning, though. You posted evidence that the 4/5 of the lgbt community didn't want trump in office.
traps aren't gay themselves, they belong to lesbians in denial!
but then you’re not keeping in the spirit of being like women
76%, Obama Romney
who is this degenerate cow
Wait a minute, this poll explicitly excluded transgender voters. Did you even read this?
>Trap is someone who passes as female wether trans or crossdresser.
No you fucking idiot, a "trap" is a male-identifying biological male who INTENTIONALLY crossdresses to seduce heterosexual men.
Why do you think they're called traps, dingus?
Because their goal is to catch hetero men who in any other circumstance would not be attracted to them.
It's a completely different realm from transsexuals, or even normal crossdressers.
Because it wasn't included as a question, and it's presumed that they would vote in a simlar manner to the other letters.
Hell, lets pull your level of logic for a second, it was 76% in 2012 and 78% in 2016, therefore Trannies skewed the results even further.
>No you fucking idiot, a "trap" is a male-identifying biological male who INTENTIONALLY crossdresses to seduce heterosexual men.
no, it's just any crossdresser who passes well enough. intent has nothing to do with it.
This is just sad. I'm not even endorsing anything, for christ's sake. But if you seriously believe those uwu twitter boys you jerk off to are running on testosterone I don't know what to tell you. Somebody's gotta break the bad news.
Traps still have the dick, this is why they're called traps, this isn't fucking difficult.
>to seduce heterosexual men
not at all, they crossdress because they like it or make them horny, most traps are straight
liking traps aint gay, as long you dont know its a guy
Maybe Trump being one of the most unpopular republican candidates of all time skewed results. Also, voting for a blue candidate doesn't necessarily prove that you're a democrat, let alone a leftist.
Intent has everything to do with it.
The term "trap" originates right here on Yea Forums.
Men would take pictures of themselves posing as women, snag a bunch of anons for attention, then reveal the dick.
That's the fucking trap.
Stop talking shit when you don't know shit.
Nope. Traps are never straight.
that's false. traps are 90% gay and 10% bisexual. there is no such thing as a straight trap.
Seething tranny
like 90% of trannies also have their dicks
transbians (tranny "lesbians", like that Kate Dale something) usually get rid of their dicks, so they can scissor with lesbians. "straight" tranny hookers would rather get a boobjob than a sexual reassignment, many never even get rid of it because they use it to fuck closeted gay clients
>traps truly belong in the strong arms of a strict top straight male
that doesn't mean they're doing it to seduce anyone
None of that changes the fact that a post-op tranny, by very definition, is not a trap.
I want to chokeslam a trap onto my cock
Well user it ain't 2004 anymore so the phrase has been adapted to be applicable to real life scenarios. Though I wouldn't say it happens particularly often, even online these days.
>like 90% of trannies also have their dicks
can confirm most of the trannies I know still have girl pp
tfw never getting rid of mine. sex reassignment surgery is so primitive and icky
wojakposters are all bunch of closet trannies
post plastic bobs
is there a term for FTM that want to fuck only guys
hormones are also primitive. they make you fat, bald and limp. good job ruining your body forever because of a meme you dumb trannoid.
Pajeets are branching out?
The estrogen I inject is bioidentical to the ones naturally occurring in females so I don't know what you mean by that.
>fat, bald and limp
all it did was give me a bigger butt that jiggles and boobies and got rid of the oily skin so I like the effects so far!
most traps are straight
Ferris, Daruko, Hideri, all straight. even Astolfo is just bi
This is the truth. Traps are hot. Trannies are gross.
Those are all canonically homosexual. And they're not real people.
How effective is estrogen at removing body hair
Asking for a friend
It doesn't belong in your body. The male body is perfect as-is. All you've done is make yourself fat, have gross disgusting moobs, it gives you acne, makes you go bald, and gives you erectile dysfunction. Also it makes you depressed and mentally unstable. There is no actual upside to taking estrogen. It can't change your face or bone structure. It can never help you be cute in any way. All it does is make you permanently ugly and un-cute.
Extremely. I was never hairy to begin with (asian genes) and I only grew hair on my lower legs and calves but it takes them like 3 weeks to grow back to a length that's worth shaving on e, . It just works really well in general even if you are hairy though, your body hair will thin dramatically.
Although you shouldn't take estrogen if you aren't trans and hate getting more masculine. If it's just body hair that's an issue, just epilate user!
It does absolutely nothing to remove or prevent body hair. The only hair it removes is hair on your head. Men who take estrogen generally always go bald.
it doesn't remove body hair even a little. anyone who tells you otherwise is literally just gaslighting you.
thats a meme
>If it's just body hair that's an issue, just epilate
I have a lot of unwanted hair
I'm no biologist or whatever but I'm pretty sure testosterone promotes body hair growth, so I just jogged my noggin a little and came to the conclusion that estrogen has the opposite effect, because women aren't hairy but when they hit menopause, their estrogen production declines and they start growing more hair
I mean if I'm wrong then I'm wrong, but I don't think I am
Not effective at all. Honestly estrogen doesn't do anything beneficial. If you want to be cute, avoid HRT like the plague. The trap aesthetic is only ever achieved by natural males.
pretty effective!
AAAAAAAAA I want to lick that tummy and press my face into that bulge aaaaaa
>Anime pics of girls
Good for me that time is gonna do the work of making you kill yourself see you when you have 30 years discord tranny's
>romans understood how great smol peepees are
>I'm no biologist or whatever but I'm pretty sure testosterone promotes body hair growth, so I just jogged my noggin a little and came to the conclusion that estrogen has the opposite effect, because women aren't hairy but when they hit menopause, their estrogen production declines and they start growing more hair
You're not wrong. The dumbs screaming about "estrogen makes you bald" is literally telling you quite the opposite of whats happening. DHT (which is literally made FROM testosterone) is what causes actual baldness. It's the same thing that causes baldness in females, even though it's rare that they get DHT, it's produced when estrogen levels are lower, and testosterone levels are higher (because estrogen actually suppresses testosterone, but when your levels are low, testoterone has more of an effect on the body
High estrogen levels promote thick hair growth on the head. The meme that estrogen makes you bald comes from 45 year old hons being posted that started estrogen when they were already bald so it's not gonna do much lol, but people perpetuate the meme because they can't do a simple fact check
if estrogen unironically caused baldness, many more females would be bald. this isn't too hard to figure out anons
bitch spaghetti meatballs
estrogen does not function the same in males and females
I don't care if Bailey Jay has male pattern baldness, I would suck her dick without hesitation
Only hons seethe over the term trap
If they look like/pass as a girl they are a trap, simple as
>this anorexic male wearing panties is a trap
No because they're obviously a fucking male. White males literally make the worst traps/trannies because they're cursed with shit genetics that's why most white women also have literal fridge bodies. Most of the ugly trannies posted are literally ugly white dudes who transition thinking it'll make them cuter. Most if not all of the Games Done Quick trannies are white.
Males and females have the same types of androgen receptors and they react to estrogen and testosterone in the same way. It's just that males typically have much more testosterone and females have much more estrogen.
How do manginas work?
I get the dilatate thing but whats actually inside one? How deep do they go? What is at the end?
>whats actually inside one?
An inverted penis.
>How deep do they go?
Fairly shallow.
>What is at the end?
rectal tissue that smells and constantly emits bile.
I bet you look like death incarnate and wont post pics you annoying avatarfag
>but I'm pretty sure testosterone promotes body hair growth
It doesn't. You're very uninformed. Men who have high estrogen actually are the ones who suffer from excess body hair. Most twinks have high testosterone, which is why they're hung and hairless and skinny. Biology is more complex than you understand.
The real answer is it doesn't remove IT but it lessens it to the degree that the Hair degenerates and becomes a lottle thinner and such. Also you won't get any more than you already have. Source: been on hrt for 3 years
Sex > Gender because there's no ambiguity
This post is literally all lies. It's a tranny gaslighter. The truth is that Estrogen WILL make you bald. DHT is a byproduct of Testosterone, but only some men produce it. You can buy DHT blockers and not be on estrogen. DHT blockers are usually paired with HRT specifically because HRT causes baldness.
you are absolutely wrong. women are hairy, and estrogen has zero impact on reducing body hair. in fact, the hairest men in the world usually have hormonal imbalances that increase their estrogen and lower their testosterone. testosterone does not cause body hair.
There's no gender ambiguity either if you paid attention in grammar class.
There's soft skin on the inside and end. They can go from zero depth to 19cm depending on the surgery performed and the material provided by the patient.
Sex = Gender. There is no ambiguity at all. Only insane people think sex and gender are separate.
Not even a little. It has no impact on body hair. It will very likely cause you to go bald though.
Those are some nice drawings user but I feel it might be missing something, maybe some sources to help back up this assumption rather than try to make the same arguments religious groups like to make like "its for the children's sake!"
it's only stating objective facts. the burden of proof is on you to prove your asinine gender identity theory. which is impossible by the way, since gender identity has been disproven as a concept.
>because women aren't hairy but when they hit menopause, their estrogen production declines and they start growing more hair
That isn't even remotely true. Are you retarded? Also no, testosterone is not what causes men to be hairy.
why do Yea Forums talk about traps, trannies and faggotry all day?
Take a guess, what is the most logical explanation?
draw a girl, call it a boy trap > tubular / andro trap > v-shaped torso trap > shota / draw a 8yo boy with long hair trap
because half of us are into them, and the other half are pretending to be triggered by this
Because we like traps but hate trannies, and trannies are at war with the concept of beautiful boys so they constantly raid us and try to gaslight people here into joining their cult.
this is the real reason. trannies are scum and will not leave us alone.
this is what straight men like
>testosterone does not cause body hair.
>testosterone is not what causes men to be hairy.
Why are you lying to me
I would be able to believe that if they didn't freak out like you just murdered their dog when you use the pronoun they don't like.
They're literally attempting to deny reality actively and forcing everyone around them to also do so.
It's one thing to ask politely to do so, then it's just a matter of ettiquete and education. It's another to point a finger and acuse someone of stomping their human rights because they refused to oblige.
liking traps is not gay
Nice sources to this "impossible" theory user
liking traps is gay, traps are pretty boys like Griffith (soft face, twink or twunk body)]
"draw a girl" traps aren't real traps, but flat-chested futas
They're telling you the truth. Body hair has more to do with race than anything. You need to understand biology instead of just parroting wikipedia. Puberty causes the growth of body hair, but testosterone doesn't dictate how much or where it grows.
>set straight or lesbian
>get men in dresses instead
dude, exchange your tinder, it's clearly broken.
That's unironically true though. Being gay is good, and being a crossdresser is fine. Mutilating yourself because of a meme is not ever fine. There's no legitimate reason for trannies to exist.
what are the names or tags for these cute lions, I want to FUCK them
unironically this. traps are based. trannies are hideous garbage that should be purged from the planet.
this but sincerely
If we get mods in the future, it's probably easier and cheaper to put a penis on a female-born than doing basically everything else to feminise a male-born.
>men, who have more testosterone than women, grow more body hair
>women who take testosterone for HRT begin growing facial and body hair
>women whose estrogen levels decline begin growing hair
But testosterone's got nothing to do with body hair growth
I don't need a Wiki article to tell me you're lying
It only takes a couple brain cells to puzzle this one out
>Being gay is good, and being a crossdresser is fine
men with low-t actually are extremely hairy. you're just a retard with no concept of how biology works.
>women whose estrogen levels decline begin growing hair
That's not even true though. You're an idiot. The only liar here is you.
but then you have to put up with a female personality
a big part of the appeal of a trap is that it's sexy like a girl, but has a good personality like a boy
It's Chagen46
Ignore him
This is actually true though. Being gay and liking traps is a good thing. Men are beautiful. Trannies are all horrible people though, and they're inherently ugly since estrogen makes them into disgusting blobs.
Low testosterone for a man is still enough to grow hair, dingus
Uh oh, looks like you're a retard
>Who gets what re: facial hair is determined mostly by our hormones. More estrogen gets you the finer, softer, lighter stuff. More testosterone, the heavier kind. In perimenopause and menopause, estrogen diminishes, but the small amount of testosterone women’s bodies produce may not.
>Testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which results in the coarser, darker hairs many menopausal women see suddenly sprouting on their upper lip, chin, and jaw line.
Low testosterone in men CAUSES excess hair. Look it up you absolute brainlet. Jesus Christ.
Women also produce testosterone in their ovaries.
Your entire pic is now invalid.
>If a male has a low level of testosterone, the symptoms can include erectile dysfunction, and reduced bone mass and sex drive.
>The hormone has many important functions, including: [...] the deepening of the voice, hair growth
I think this is the part where I say "oh no no no no no" or something to that effect
>Men cannot lactate
There's a webm that proves thus incorrect
Personality is how you raise your kid.
Even your boy will turn into a faggot if your shower him with pink gay shit like basically everyone does with their girls.
And then those girls will peer pressure the ones who weren't.
the pic is valid and you're are retard.
actually testosterone calms men down. men with plenty of T are cool and down to earth. low test onions boys are aggressive and angry all the time and prone to violent outbursts.
you lost, user.
sorry, but personality is 90% nature, 10% nutrition.
who /cute/ here?
>tfw born a smelly boy
True. Level headedness is a masculine trait. In Rome, manliness was synonymous with cool, level headed, compassionate and forgiving discourse. Women were seen as being incapable of having any of those traits, and rightfully so. Yelling and outbursts were seen as very womanly behavior.
Don't apologise, because your statement is wrong anyway. Once you have children, you'll see it first hand.
There is no nurture/nature, that's just ideological bullshit. Raising children is useless, because they just replicate you.
Pretty rich to call others retard if you don't know basic biology.
Pics like these are like a house of cards. One mistake and the whole structure collapses.
Be free to post it, though. You will prove points, not your point, just points.
you didn't contradict it though. it never said that men only produce testosterone or that women only produce estrogen. so you're just wrong, and also stupid.
Video games
>Men produce testosterone
>This is what makes a man a man
Literally in the picture.
Low-T causes baldness in men, and is linked to excess body hair. There's a reason every bald guy also usually has gorilla hair.
>In fact, a high percentage is actually a diagnostic “low” level of testosterone that causes balding.
>The reality is that they have high levels of “negative”, “old age” hormones – such as female hormones, DHT, thyroid, stress hormone (cortisol) – which are the real causes of balding.
Damn you don't understand English AND you're stupid.
Traps are feminine boys, reverse traps are masculine women. Trans is when you want to be a different gender than you were assigned, it's unrelated to how you look. Are you retarded?
>The reality is that they have high levels of "negative", "old age" hormones -- such as female hormones
Aw fuck, a law student.
Are you going to try to make some insane, pedantic argument about how this hard to misunderstand sentence means actually something completely different.
No you won't. Cause namecalling is all you can do.
you lost dude. you're an idiot tranny.
>Cause namecalling is all you can do.
>idiot tranny
I didn't even bothered to hide the trap card. Why did you activate it?
>i was only pretending to misunderstand things so i could "win" an argument
So you admit you're wrong, then. You can't contradict the image, and even if you could it doesn't invalidate anything else it's saying. You're grasping at straws instead of attacking the central point because you know you don't have a leg to stand on.
>girl version
Bitches are never funny.
>You can't contradict the image
not that user but that picture is buttfuck retarded. the very first paragraph already completely invalidates the entire rest it's asserting.
>i acknowledge that there many exceptions to my definition but i'm just gonna ignore them and assert my opinion as fact
Like I said. It's a house of cards.
These pics work, because it explains complicated things to people who don't know about it in a simple language.
Yet there happens to be a field I know about it, and it is wrong. So what guarantee do I have everything else isn't? None.
You can't produce these pictures without stepping on someone else's toes.
Yeah you gonna defend it to death, but I am very certain it will be fixed regardless the next time it is posted. Just like that picture with the Jews. Same retarded game everytime.
>It's a house of cards.
It's not. Arguments aren't a game of Jenga. If you can't refute the central point then you don't have a counter argument. And the central point is irrefutable. Men are men. Women are women. There are no in-betweens and there is no crossover. You cannot argue against that unless you are an actual brainwashed cultist.
it's not explaining anything complicated. it's simple. you're either male or female, and you shouldn't lie to yourself about which you are like a dumbass. that's all it's saying, and it isn't wrong at all. it's only pointing out facts that people already know, they just won't admit it because it doesn't fit their narrative.
>>it's not explaining anything complicated
>it's simple. you're either male or female
kek and yet you still don't understand what the picture is actually saying. first off it acknowledges intersex people but then just dismisses them and says a straight up lie (men have fully functional testicles and women fully functional vaginas) because it's inconvient to their agenda. second the message it is saying is "men = male" and "woman = female" without actually giving any argument for it. it's just asserting this literal opinion as fact, as the definition of man and woman can heavily vary depending on the culture, time and even individual and then goes off on a completely unrelated tangent of how male and females are different to divert your attention.
>"men = male" and "woman = female" without actually giving any argument for it. it's just asserting this literal opinion as fact
That isn't an opinion you absolute nutcase. That is a fact in an of itself.
user you could have just said "i'm a crazy sjw with no grasp on reality whatsoever" from the beginning and saved us all sometime.
Welp, you lost. You could not be more insane or retarded if you tried.
except it's not a fact and is heavily dependent on the context. if you try to argue otherwise then i heavily doubt that you ever went outside and actually talked to people. no one checks your sex when gendering you on the streets, many do consider trans people as their desired gender and intersex people exist.
why is Yea Forums so fucking fascinated with transgenders
>he definition of man and woman can heavily vary depending on the culture, time and even individual
Which is exactly why man = male and woman = female. You just disproved your own theory. Being a male doesn't mean you have to live up to every stereotype for males. Being a female doesn't mean you have to live up to every stereotype for females. Those stereotypes are arbitrary and mean nothing. All you're doing is making extra categories and making people feel like they're not allowed to be themselves if they don't live up to the stereotype you set out for them. You claim to be more open and progressive, but in truth it's the opposite. You tranny fuckers want to keep us in the dark ages. Only male and female exist. Males and females can wear whatever they want and have whatever hobbies they want and shouldn't be made to feel bad.
I fantasize about being a girl but I know it can't be real so I lash out against anything that reminds me of that, and anyone deluded enough to think it's possible just with a some surgery and pills.
imagine having this picture on your hdd
>closet trannies are obsessed with trannies
I always thought this was the case. Hang in there user, you'll be okay one day
I saved it on my SSD because it's based and tells the truth.
>the definition is vague as fuck
>that's why it's actually clear and ignores all the exceptions because their inconvenient to me
that doesn't make any fucking sense.
we arent quite there with medicine/tech to make trans that are always good looking. maybe one day
Yea Forums tranny hating in a nutshell
Seems pretty easy when the exceptions are pretty low.
>Born with a dick, you're a dude
>Born with a vagina, you're a chick
>One of those weird hermaphrodites, well I guess you're just a freak
he's right, you're just being stupid. you're either male or female. males can do whatever they want and should ignore gender roles. same for females. but doing shit outside of your stereotypical gender role doesn't make you less of a male or female. saying that it does just makes people feel bad and pressured, which is what you're doing. the invention of this "gender identity" shit just keeps people down. it doesn't liberate them at all. it just makes more molds for them to feel like they have to stuff themselves into. it's exactly why sjws are trying to brainwash and mutilate young boys who play with barbies. they can't tolerate the idea of a boy who likes things outside his gender stereotype. they have to force everybody to conform. if you like barbies, you're a girl to them and that's all they'll accept. the world is a better place when people are allowed to just be themselves and not hide the fact that they're male or female because they happen to like atypical things. girls should be allowed to lift weights. boys should be allowed to dress and look cute. but trannies rail against these things every time they see them.
herms can usually be categorized into defective male or defective female. I think there's more defective male variants like xxy
well, that's okay if you wanna think like that. you just did acknowledge that your definition is heavily flawed and not general though so that's acknowledging that the pic is completely fucking worthless.
what's up, gay erasure user? still fighting your losing crusade?
I don't think we'll ever be there. And heck, I'm almost 30 already. It's too late anyway. I guess I just gotta man up.
if you think that's the best course of action then that's fine. just think about it carefully. the most important factor is genetics and age and you don't wanna end up caving in like all those 40+ transitioners.
You are 100% right.
you're losing though. nobody likes trannies or your draconian idealogy.
blessed post
that doesn't work, user, i go out into the real world and talk to real people and they disagree fundamentally with Yea Forums and have no idea about all this funny online "war". you can keep denying and coping all you want. this is already lost for you. acceptance is only gonna grow even further with time.
based and truthpilled. you are completely right.
he isn't completely wrong though, tomboys who look like girls are fine, but many turn into butches. i'm straight, so i only like girls and traps, but i recognize aesthetic people. a slender twink can look good, a slightly /fit/ dude looks cool, a natty built dude is aesthetic, but there's nothing uglier than bulldykes and bear / bara gay men, both types are extremely popular with homosexuals for some reason
There are FOUR lights. And that's a MAN.
It's funny. For years people fought against the whole "if you're a man/woman, you like X, Y and Z things", and now they've just flipped it around to be "if you like X, Y and Z things, you're a man/woman".
>trannies literally admitting to waging a war against anyone who doesn't conform to their stupid stereotypes
Just so you know you are scum and you are going to lose.
>cant grow a beard for shit
>skinny otter body with some muscles no matter how much I work out or eat
>don't get random boners anymore, need to stroke it to get it up
How do I fix my testosterone Yea Forums? I don't want to take the trappill
The secret is cholesterol. And grass fed meat with yellowed fat full of vitamins.
Muscles and hormones are made from cholesterol.
>i'm straight, so i only like girls and traps
This was a nice daily tranny thread anons, I really enjoyed the video game discussion about whether traps and trannies or not.
I fucking hate all of you :^)
Too much fags I see
You are undeniable proof that all trannies are just evil cultists who want to bully and gaslight.
Absolutely right on. You are blessed and based, truth-user.
tranny seme, gay male uke
nothing gay about liking traps as long as you don't bottom / suck
thank you. this is a genuinely good post.
>girls should be allowed to lift weights
no, they shouldn't
>masculine western shooters bad
>anime trannies good
absolute state of Yea Forums
it functionally doesn't matter because even if you exclusively dated random trannies you'd never meet one that has one. Very few of them have either the money or the desire to do it, it's just /pol/kids projecting their castration anxiety that make such a stink about it.