GTA IV marked a turning point for Rockstar Games. Instead of trying to make actual games, they shifted their focus onto making "cinematic experiences" that are a boring slog to play through.
Why do people like these games? Every single game released since IV is just the same shit with slightly better graphics
GTA IV marked a turning point for Rockstar Games. Instead of trying to make actual games...
rockstar games have never been good
my opinion that open world games are ALWAYS shit has not changed in the past 15 years
>GTA IV was the first cinematic GTA
based retard
Who gives a fuck about Rockstar lmao, just pirate the game, have fun for a few hours, delete it, forget it.
San Andreas was the last good R* game.
Why? Why Rockstar makes Yea Forums so angry? What did they ever do to your people to warrant so much seething? I just came from the RDR2 thread that is also filled with butthurt Rockstar haters who can't help put keep pushing this delusional narrative that the game is dead is something. You can't say that is because they make "cinematic games" because Naughty Dog does the same thing and we don't get daily threads saying their games are forgotten, you can't say its because of the multiplayer monetization because every triple A developers does that and they don't get threads made solely to shit on them. There is something specific about Rockstar that makes Yea Forums lose their shit.
While it's true that ever since 3 cinematics have been part of GTA, they didn't start becoming like 90% of the game until IV
Then dont play, nostalgiafag
go drink some bleach, shitbrain
>board filled with faggets who have shit taste
>expecting them to like perfection
This. They should of gone with the RPG approach
It's mainly because of their fanbase, ie, people like you that shoot down any criticism of GTA or RDR when there's a lot of flaws that need to be addressed. Rockstar fans actually worship Rockstar like it's a religion, and ban together to spew common catchphrases at critics, or other gamers that may have a problem with their games. Rockstar fans don't think there's anything wrong with their games, which is with they never truly evolve. The controls in both GTA5 and RDR are proof is that. Both are complete downgrades from their predecessors, but the delusion is all too real. Rockstar doesn't get a free pass for memorization either. They're the ones setting records and trends for milking their fanbase. They're no better than EA.
Vice City was perfection. It mixed cinematics with good gameplay without the cinematics being overbearing. The game was still a game it was arcadey and fun. It wasn't a cinematic shitfest.
>press x to loot this
>press y to loot that
enjoy your absolutely awful games
>me grow up with old game me no like new game
Also fuck the faggot jannies and the garbage spam filter
It made a turning point, but for the better. After that they finally made their own authentic stories and just copying the movies they like. Plebs like you OP don't understand this, because unlike R*, you haven't developed in all this years one bit. You're as plain and shallow as you were when you were playing GTA SA, and now you feel bitter that like the rest of your irl friends, R* has grown up and moved on, while you are still held back.
also kys
the stories evolved, i'm not saying they didn't. the gameplay fucking regressed. instead of emulating the stories of the movies, they began emulating the format as a whole. they're more movies than games at this point, and i don't think that's a good thing.
Manhunt and The Warriors are masterpieces, you fucking pleb.
Oh yeah, thanks for reminded me, you can't argue its the fanbase because both Nintendo and Sony have obnoxious fanbases too and they don't get this kind of treatment. So really, what could it be?
lmao nintendo and sony have just as many critics, they're just drowned out by the droves of retards mindlessly supporting their stupid decisions
this is not true. If you say that gameplay didn't evolve from rdr to rdr2 then you probably haven't played them. The riding(yes, horseback riding) is one of the best in any game, your horse feel like a fucking animal and not a scooter, the hunting and the world interaction alone make rdr2 a fucking masterpiece. Add to that the story missions that are miles above the standards of storytelling in games and the graphical fidelity that they pull off and I can't see how someone can shit on it, except fucking brainlet buttonmashers and the ones that think a game should be a challenge to beat first and foremost.
The fanbase is the reason why nothing changes.
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>your opinion doesn't matter
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>claims Never Without One is a crutch, but doesn't want ability cards removed
>online review scores
>hypocritically calls God of War a movie game
>thinks RDR2 is an Xbox exclusive
>nobody complains about x
>it's only the beta (past catchphrase)
>lol cope
>angry PC gamer
>Reddit Spacing
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's a single player game
>nobody cares about the online
>it's not a twitch shooter
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>input delay is a good thing
>name a better game
>what games do you play
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite:
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
nothing you wrote there is fucking true and you're pretty deluded. No one has ever said their games are perfect, it's just that people who like them are more sophisticated and don't spend their time bitching about the bad things. And the fact that you want a "realistic" game and their characters to control like fucking bayonetta also outs you as a deluded pleb.
>I made a list so you can't argue against anything that's on it
>also I don't have my on opinions so I spam this pasta in every thread
Your religious friend here seems to think so. Rockstar fans are the least sophisticated. The majority of their fans are children. This wasn't the case when GTA4 was released. You all came later.
IV was absolute garbage and the fact that it got praised and sold millions was what made them take that way.
You speak as if rockstar gives a shit about you
Play, or fuck off to your basement, ugly faggot
No one takes whiny subhuman neckbeard scums like you seriously
I think you have a very shallow understanding of a word "perfection"
>After that they finally made their own authentic stories and just copying the movies they like
>made a Man on Fire The Game
have you really resorted to ad hominem so quickly? i'm not the guy you were arguing with but jesus christ man lmfao
>they shifted their focus onto making "cinematic experiences"
They always sort of did this but they were held back by their technical ineptitude. The turning point was not really GTAIV, it was the acquisition of Angel Studios who are now known as Rockstar San Diego. They are a technical powerhouse studio. That's why they were purchased. The are responsible for the RAGE engine. They are why Rockstar North could finally start doing what they've always wanted to do, i.e. put story above gameplay, and why their games are now all boring to play.
>t. deluded assblasted pleb
Yeah I'm the one who's deluded. Go suck their cock some more you braindead fanboy
dude you can't even make a coherent argument. What game is the MAN ON FIRE GAME. I haven't even seen that shitty movie, no one has, it's just some fucking irrelevant blockbuster from 20 years ago. You're so deluded you don't know what you're talking about.
Rockstar's the final evolution of a game studio. They've went as far up as possible. They now have 2,000 employees, near infinite budget, near infinite development time and the highest renown around the word. When you set out to make a studio they're what you hope to create before you retire. Deal with it.
Sorry user, I thought I was arguing with somebody sound of mind and above primate intelligence. Let me make it simple for you.
In one of your posts (No.477824867) you said that Rockstar started writing original games. I contradicted your opinion by stating that they made a game which ripped major parts of the story from the movie Man on Fire, released in 2004. That game is a sequel to the Max Payne series, a game called Max Payne 3, released in 2012.
I hope that answered your questions and will prevent you from sucking too much cock from now on.
4 still had missions where you had multiple ways of doing things, RDR1 and its mission checkpoints were the beginning of the end as it was there that they could add more criteria for failure without causing a reset for a 20 minute long mission
>IV mission failures:
>let an ally die
>let a target get away if its a chase or assassination
>GTA V and RDR2 mission failures:
>let an ally die
>shoot your gun causing your ally or the target to "get spooked"
>shoot the guy you know is the target on By The Book before the 2nd interrogation because the game really wants you to know torture is bad
>get too close to a target
>get too far from a target
>listen to all the dialogue causing you to miss a time window
>let an ally die because friendly AI will intentionally not target certain enemies so a scripted sequence will happen
>ripped major parts of the story from the movie Man on Fire
like what?
Hell yes
>20 posters
>43 replies
So what autusiy fandom is insecure about R* again?
>people actually having a conversation and not just posting memes and moving along to the next thread is bad
kys retard
Only thing Rockstar needs to do better is make some better mission design choices. Which w shouldn't be that hard. They're still great whily having quality of life, detail and polish most other's wish they had.
>you want a "realistic" game
He didn't even say that
>Nothing you wrote is true
So Rockstar/Take Two aren't some of the greediest fucks in the industry?