i miss old Yea Forums
i miss old Yea Forums
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how did Yea Forums react to 9/11?
what were the threads like?
i dont. you newfags are so incredibly easy to troll this board (and /pol/) is my #1 entertainment
Need know star RM pic.
Not sure I was sad so I just hung out in the pokegirl porn threads we were having as a respite.
Only newfags hate console wars, as evidenced by the ancientfags in the OP.
fucking americans losing their minds meanwhile they bomb millions of shitskins to death every year
i had a hard time sympathising
Imagine caring about history when it's all fiction generated on the fly.
Imagine caring about the present when it's all fiction generated on the fly.
Fucking what. Yea Forums wasn't around for like another 8 years after 9/11...
i wonder how this retard feels now that 144 fps is standard
2-3 years but yes you're right
and i highly doubt anyone from back then still browses
>144 fps is standard
shitskins don't matter though
and this is why everyone hates americans
Who said he was American? lol
This delights my eyeballs.
I hate what's happening now, everybody's a legit retard online i'm always like wtf!?
cry more achmed no one cares about you or your shithole
Oh, child. I’ve been in this miserable place for over 15 years.
I miss when I didnt have to care about alphas and betas, about chads and incels, about height and face. It was just vidya and friends
i was a bored communist teen coming off the 90s so i was excited to see something happen and glad it happened to america. got banned from my Final Fantasy messageboard for being an obnoxious shit about it, first time i heard of "trolling".
That's definitely not why I hate them.
>newfags seriously dont know when Yea Forums was founded
I've never felt a more existential dread then watching people who probably are younger then Yea Forums itself, post on here
how does it compare nowadays?
even most pc exclusives ive played dont support 144hz
Don’t let anybody fool you: it was never good. But I think my nostalgia goggles tell me it was better before the archive was a thing.
People don't actually hate Americans.
They hate the culture that decades of Zionist control of media and entertainment has created.
People hate Jews.
yeah yeah cope more stormfag
It's all a joke my dude, just a joke ok... ;_;
You know I'm right, why fight it?
I hate americans, the jews are the better part of that country, at least they make handy gadgets and internet things, the average american meatgolem is just retarded and obnoxious on every level
yeah blackpeople are never responsible for anything, its always those damn white people
oh wait seems like i got my ethnicities and ideologies mixed up, my bad!
>they make handy gadgets and internet things
They don't though. They just moderate other's inventions.
You're moving the goalposts. I never said anything about black people.
>using the term troll
Confirmed not real.
good god man, way to miss the joke.
whatever you say cleetus walmartson
Feel free to name one.
Sorry, pal.
>to post inflammatory material so as) to attempt to lure others into combative argument for purposes of personal entertainment and/or gratuitous disruption, especially in an online community or discussion [from late 20th c.]
>1993 October 11, “danny burstein” (username), “I trolled, and no one bit!”, in alt.folklore.urban, Usenet
nuclear power, the internet, mobile phones
I didn't even read your post properly in all honesty, i just saw black people and figured it was nonsense post about muh racism.
He's saying that whitey blaming jewy is no different from BLM types blaming whitey for all their problems too
>Wolfenstein 3D about exterminating Nazis
>leads to Quake
>leads to Quake forums
>leads to Something Awful
>leads to Yea Forums
>4channers LARP as Nazis
So disrespectful to your history, senpai.
>Martin Cooper
you ARE doing this to parody stormfags right? 5/5
>Martin was born in Chicago to Ukrainian Jewish Immigrants.
>i-i'm not butthurt, y-you internet nazis are!
>nuclear power
>the internet
definitely no
>mobile phones
again, no
Yea Forums is always shit. One thing that's changed is that Yea Forums doesn't have the power to do raids even if they wanted to.
There will never be a repeat of Jessi Slaughter and that's a good thing, unironically.
I mean, you are sort of proving his point.
fuck off zoomer
>you see these people here that control the flow of information, media, education and entertainment
>nah it's not their fault that society is the way it is
Black people are right, they've just been trained to blame the wrong people.
well i dont talk about politics on Yea Forums because this isnt a political board, what i mean is its really easy to bait people into rage-fueled arguments because you know after playing a game what will get the autism riled up
but yeah on /pol/ thats a whole other story, also youre just proving my point here
>Leo Szilard (/ˈsJlɑːrd/; Hungarian: Szilárd Leó [ˈsilaːrd ˈlɛoː]; born Leó Spitz; February 11, 1898 – May 30, 1964) was a Hungarian-German-American physicist and inventor. He conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, patented the idea of a non-fission nuclear reactor in 1934
>Born as Leó Spitz in Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary, on February 11, 1898. His middle-class Jewish parents
>Paul Baran (/ˈbærən/; April 29, 1926 – March 26, 2011) was a Polish-born Jewish American engineer who was a pioneer in the development of computer networks. He was one of the two independent inventors of packet switching,[2] which is today the dominant basis for data communications in computer networks worldwide
>Martin "Marty" Cooper (born December 26, 1928) is an American engineer. He is a pioneer in the wireless communications industry, especially in radio spectrum management, with eleven patents in the field.
>Martin was born in Chicago to Ukrainian Jewish Immigrants.
now where's your proof cleetus?
I think you could do with a healthy break from your echochamber
>Paul baran invented the internet because I said so
No, no, and uh no.
>Martin Cooper
>Leo Szilard
Not an argument.
Reminder that games were never good.
>all the sources are jewish circlejerks
I never bothered to look at wikipedia's sources before but are they really allowed to do that? Seems shady.
>Bethesda needs to redo their codebase
Who knew we would be saying the exact same thing 20 years down the line.
Why the fuck fo people on this board think they're being clever for calling out bait even when its exactly what the poster wanted? Every other thread there is a post with several replies daying how obvious bait is instead of just fucking ignoring it like they shoould? And people actually DO fall for bait all the time as well. There are several times where someone can post a news article real or fake, lie about its content, and the rest of the thread is people falling for it.
>Research into packet switching, one of the fundamental Internet technologies, started in the early 1960s in the work of Paul Baran
pretty much
but I see you still have no proofs
>i-it's cheating!
classic seems like is right, you people are just like blacks talking about whites
Americucks were having a meltdown.
Everyone else was just grinning and eating popcorn while watching the shitstorm unravel.
Yeah I realized after posting that I should elaborate because naturally you wouldn't see the leaps in logic you've made to come to the conclusions you've come
Don't really feel like arguing with /pol/tards so I'm just gonna point out the obvious, normal people DON'T think an entire ethnic group controls something just because members of that ethnic group are on top. Because normal people don't see people as collective ethnicities battling with each other but rather as individuals. So the ethnicity or race or gender or whatever of some CEOs is wholly irrelevant
That's an example of you being affected by your echochamber to such a degree that you can't see how normal people just laugh at you when you come out with the shit you say. You require loads of leaps in logic to come to the conclusions you have
>posts pipul
>expects to be taken seriously
Your time is at an end schlomo. The torch was lit anew yesterday. The 70 years of Zion are no more.
i know this post isn't for real, but obviously Yea Forums didn't exist in 2001
however somethingawful did, and along with LUE it was probably the closest thing to what Yea Forums would be, here's the thread on SA as it happened
(change the url from wtc01 > wtc02 to actually navigate the pages)
now this is why everyone hates americans, you're faced with facts and you still just sperg like a retard
>Pretendo 69
did tendies ever recover?
>Pretendo 69
lmao way to prove his point
>green texting outside of Yea Forums
Fucking cringe
That doesn't refute anything i said.
You said a lot of words without saying anything.
>white people
This is gold.
Sure you have
Why did you quote me?
Sure man whatever. Just don't be surprised when you leave your echochamber and people think you're nuts. The exact same thing happens to leftists when they say insane shit in public
>says at cnn.com that a plane has crashed into it...hope it isn't some terrorist attack or anything nutty like that.
What else could it be, genius?
The absolute double standards you burgers have
some mossad kikes blow up the twin towers to hype up the masses for more war and you retards eat it up, every time
itll never change
the system isnt the problem its americans that are the problem, you're worse than the jews, you're jewish lapdogs
Imagine being so inept that the only thing you can do for 2 posts in a row is appeal to the normalfag masses.
an accident? keep in mind this was so early that only one tower was hit when the guy made that post
Well at least you recognize that your ideology is very fringe. That's a start I guess
That’s where you’re wrong kiddo
I was poking fun at the guy, but it's interesting to see how outlandish that possibility seemed at the time. Look at us 20 years later, terrorist attack would be so obvious a choice you wouldn't think twice about it.
You sound like the type of idiot that gets off on the smell of his own farts.
Nah, I just like freedom
>brawl time
>that gamefags sidekick poll with einstein and launchpad mcquack
>actual OC
yeah, i'm thinking it was better than current Yea Forums
yeah im sure you are one of the original few hundred people, you stupid cunt
the statistial odds of you being an originalfag are so astronomically low its not even funny, but there are people like you everywhere on this site who claim to be oldfags when in reality you probably started posting around 08 when most people did
>Thread is full of neo/v/ zoomer /pol/fags
As if you needed proof old Yea Forums was better other than old Yea Forums actually discussing video games
You got btfo so hard just don't post anymore
We do
I have so much contempt for all of you but there is nowhere better.
>zoomer /pol/fags
before /pol/ this whole site was /pol/
bet you dont even remember /new/
So long as they are within the boundaries of the law of course, right? How many laws exist in your country?
woah 3 of you in one thread!
stop lying
Moot and the mods would actually ban for /new/ outside of /new/ compared to Hiroshimoot just letting the /pol/fags shit up the place.
>So long as they are within the boundaries of the law of course, right?
Not really, I think there are a lot of laws that unnecessarily restrict peoples freedoms. If you want examples the two big ones are drug and (online) free speech related
moot was a cuck though
Are you aware that nazi Germany had far less laws and restrictions than modern America?
Who are you to decide what is necessary? Do you think everyone should be free to dope up and be a crackhead? That seems unecessary to me.
12 years here
Fucking kill me
Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birthing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.
>Sure you have
Indulge me, if you would: what about such an unimpressive thing as going to the same shitty website for a decade and a half encourages strikes you with disbelief? What would I have to gain from falsely claiming such a shameful thing?
user, I...
See this is why I don't like talking to /pol/tards. You make such insane claims and misrepresentations about everything because it's all you ever hear in your echochamber. Luckily for you I WILL educate you, at least this once
Nazi germany discriminated based on ethnicity/religion, making it far more oppressive than current year united states. Just because you (presumably) aren't part of that ethnicity/religion doesn't mean the country is free, that's not how it works
And my decisions when it comes to freedom are pretty simple
>your rights end where someone else's begin
>freedom is the enemy of equality
>nobody has any business telling you what you do on your free time as long as you don't violate the previous 2
t. discord tranny
>Nazi germany discriminated based on ethnicity/religion, making it far more oppressive than current year united states
Stopped reading there.
You don't think nazi germany discriminated based on ethnicity and religion?
you didnt btfo anybody, you posted jewish pipul and expect everyone here to lap up your trash I won't give you the time of day past this post
Fake. Internet didn't exist back then
Duh. They persecuted rotten kikes, rightfully so. But you think that alone makes Nazi Germany more oppressive than America, not only in the current year, but any year in history? You're delusional. America oppresses every citizen regardless of ethnicity or religion, at least the actual Germans were free from the pernicious meddling of Jews and their deviance in cinema and media, and their usurious debt enslavement.
Even muslims are freer than the average burgerdrone, where walking across the road can land you in prison.
Jesus man, there are few things worse than systemic discrimination by the state against people based on something they can't change (ethnicity). Now religion is something you can change so religious discrimination is not as bad but it's still pretty bad
You have absolutely lost your mind, echochambers are dangerous
>Todd... Todd never changes
You realize that other ethnicities were persecuted in WW2 besides the jews, right?
dude what
wait, nevermind, you are probably this guy Carry on.
lmao keep chugging down /pol/'s koolaid like the dumb muttcunt you are
>Duh. They persecuted rotten kikes, rightfully so
its ok when we do it
>America oppresses every citizen regardless of ethnicity or religion
no it doesnt
>at least the actual Germans were free
no they werent
>pernicious meddling of Jews and their deviance in cinema and media, and their usurious debt enslavement
blaming jews or any other group for either your personal or societal problems is low iq
>Even muslims are freer than the average burgerdrone
i assume you mean muslim majority countries, and no they arent
>where walking across the road can land you in prison
this entire post is just a mindfuck
Some things never change.
>Jesus man, there are few things worse than systemic discrimination by the state against people based on something they can't change (ethnicity)
And what is your reasoning for this claim? America was a much safer and free-er country when niggers were discriminated against.
Germany went from an impoverished poverty ridden third world country to a world superpower in 7 years once Jews and other undesirables such as Gypsie leeches were removed from society.
So what exactly is bad about it other than muh feels?
that guy is not me i wouldnt bait with politics on Yea Forums. also i wouldnt bait with stormfaggotry period because in /pol/ thats the popular opinion that just gets you praise
>no it doesnt
>no they werent
Are you actually 12? You spent all that time making that post, and you said absolutely nothing.
>i assume you mean muslim majority countries, and no they arent
>what is Libya before the ZOG drones of America destroyed it
>nooo stop disagreeing with me youre not really saying anything
I've been here for 8 years and can't imagine any more
>And what is your reasoning for this claim?
Lmao I don't know, individual rights probably
Why, this gentleman sure seems like he knows his shit.
---- Ask not what your video games can do for you, but what you can do to buy Daggerfall ----
There are no such thing as individual rights. The only rights you have are those given to you by your rulers. This is how it has always been, and will always be.
Then they don't know why trannies kill themselves. These trannie main entertainment is "trolling" Yea Forums.
Sure thing, I just hope you know that when the fuehrer comes your kind will be the first to eat a bullet
>And Todd spake, saying, "Let there be world"
>And there was, and it was hybridized, and good
>Thus ends chapter 1 of the Holy Scriptures
This but unironically. Vajra Cutter baby.
if you want a dictator to rule over everything then what happens when a dictator whos an asshole comes into power? thats why these regimes fall, even if you like the current dictator and perhaps even the next one eventually there will be one you really dislike and people will revolt. it just doesnt work. you dont think long-term
Kevin completely and utterly BTFO
The same thing that happens under a (((democracy))) full of assholes, except there aren't warring factions blocking any progress from taking place.
You know why China is advancing so rapidly? Because they have a single party, even if it's communit in name, it doesn't matter at the end of the day because there is no (((opposition))) to halt progress.
The problem here isn't the political system, it's keeping assholes out of power, of which there are many ways to ensure is achieved.
God what i would give to have some internet time travel machine so i could post on these groups that i am from the future and tell them of the future of gaming... wonder how they would react to my LARPing
wonder how they would react to microtransactions, lootboxes, minecraft, fortnite, battle royale, always online drm etc.
The same way we would today. People would post screenshots of your posts and say "he was right all along!!!" and we'd be in the same exact rut we're in now
I would too.
Simpler times, simpler people. And my father was alive.
>king Jeff
is this kaplan?
democracy is the best way to keep assholes from power no matter how many echoquotes you put around it. also just because a nation does well doesnt mean the people are doing well, thats a very baffling argument nobody ever actually stops and thinks about
You know
Reading through these old posts and others, nothing has changed has it has it
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Lmao, Pol tards are so easily triggered by facts.
that's actually all me baiting you
love that dudes Metallica sig
Pretendo Shitch fags on suicide watch
But back then Todd would post in those threads.
Toddposting is eternal.
>the first movie, not the second one. . .
what did he mean by this?
If you don't get it, you'll never get it.
If only he could've seen how bad things would become.
Friendly reminder that mods delete all meta threads critiquing the board and encourage clickbait to get ad revenue.