>Oh man I'm so fucking EXCITED this is gonna be great holy shit!
>Woohoo this is so fun!
>M-Man this bit kinda sucks...
>This is just downright bad
It happened with MGSV, The Last Guardian, RDR2 and it'll happen with Death Stranding. You know it.
Oh man I'm so fucking EXCITED this is gonna be great holy shit!
Complete bullshit, Yea Forums is filled with a bunch of jaded faggots that are petrified of ever being excited or sincere about something so the actually reality is
from the moment a game is announced to the moment it's released.
>It happened with MGSV
It didnt though
At least I know it's shit before I play it this time. No more ruse cruise.
Did that happen with rdr2? I thought it was mostly Tahitiposting.
It didnt either, OP is full of shit
>MGSV, The Last Guardian, RDR2
all those games are good
They're huge disappointments that are worse than their predecessors
Kojima is a hacky hack, fucking loser
It's MGS V with even more gimmicky trash, next time spend more money on developing the actual game and not on filming pretentious cutscenes nobody (besides autistic people) care about
MGSV and TLG were good though
Kojima has always been and will always be a hack. He thinks he's video game David Lynch but his writing is FUCKING terrible and the themes he works with are pretty basic and suffocate under mountains of nonsensical bullshit. And don't get me started on the fucking cutscenes. The gameplay is usually okay, but for a developer that makes almost exclusively story driven single player content, that's no where near enough.
MGSV worse than 4
Keep seething in every fucking thread.
I just hope that Kojima doesn't try to cram in as many ideas as possible. MGSV's menus were fucking ridiculous and the whole base building and sending out units should have not been a part of the game.
>Hates MGSV because of the shit story even though gameplay is better than any mgs game
>Hates RDR2 even though the story is great just as good if not better than rdr1, and the gameplay is basically improved as well
>Hates last guardian I can only assume due to framerate, because it was a lovely game
any coherent arguement you wanna make on this Yea Forumseddit subforum? come on earn your gold star
>looks cool, not very excited
>wow this ground zeroes is awesome, cant wait for MGSV
>huh this game is alright, fun but mediocre
>holy shit kino is on the menu boys
>holy shit we're ordering kino boys
>holy shit boys i got kino on my plate
>holy shit that kino was good
>wow this looks pretty fuckin weird, i like it
>wow such hyper realistic
>wow finally a new trailer
>woah it says release date in the title
>theres no way this wont be amazing
>WOW CLIMBING ROPE this is gonna be even better than botw
>oh look a new trailer
>wow i knew it theres survival mechanics
>holy shit the walking animations
>yep ladder we saw this
>WOW he put the fucking dorito pope faggot in the game
>that was the worst falling animation ive ever seen...
>they'll fix it before the game releases.. right?
>50 minute gameplay is finally here
>wow nice menus
>monster energy drink consumed
>woah balancing yourself
>wow this game looks beautiful
>yep, ladders
>yep, climbing rope
>yep delivering
>woah that one user last year who said players would be able to leave stuff for eachother was right
>this is pretty cool
>you can find their left behind packages, huh thats pretty cool
>sperm and eggs
>holy shit players can build structures
>time to see how cool the bike is
>runs on battery? interesting
>woah riding your hover drone
>ok enemy camp lets see the combat
>speed skeleton? time to see what that is
>huh rope gun, cool
>wow thats fast
>holy shit these running animations are great
>woah cool city ruins
>you can tie up the ghosts? thats pretty weird but okay
>yep getting pulled in
>oh boy big monster, lets see this fight
>is this a good player, very easy mode, or a bad boss??
>wow did he use a soapstone
>holy shit that port city is beautiful
>...that walking down hill animation...
>ok this game is pretty much what i expected, pre ordered
What, "it" happened? That the game was a massive fuck-off success that some Yea Forumsermin cry over regardless?
>Game sales affect my opinion
>Death Stranding wasn't Silent Hills in disguise
>N-No it's MGSV Chapter 3!
>this nigger nearly spent konami into the ground so he could post twitter shit with no name celebrities and you faggots gave him a blank check?!
Sony executive board right now.
>It happened with MGSV, The Last Guardian, RDR2
no, stop trying to fit in
So basically you want to buy a game because the walking animation and using a ladder blew your mind?
You have shit taste, make sure you pre order Modern Warfare
>this nigger nearly spent konami into the ground
Imagine actually believing this
We use the expression “walking simulator” a lot around here but this disaster of a “game” is literally that. A fucking walking simulator. It looks boring as fuck. Delivering sperm and eggs being guided by a fetus. Absolutely retarded.
kek look at this dude being this impotently mad lol what a bitch
post-tortanic Yea Forums in one trite thread
if you get more fun hating on shit than playkng games you need a new hobby or a fucking psychiatrist
I never planned on buying this piece of shit anyway, how would I be mad? I think it’s kind of funny actually. The game is complete trash and I can’t wait to see the cope posters convincing themselves it’s not because they wasted their money.
Lmao, you're actually think you're being level headed and reasonable but you're just as retarded as the anons you say use "“walking simulator” a lot around here".
Because faggots on Yea Forums feel that being sincere, liking something, being excited for something etc...is a sign of weakness and opens you up to being scrutinised on a personally and emotional level. So instead they need to hide behind 100 levels of irony, edginess and jadedness.
No one shits on MGS3, RE4, Ocarina of Time or FF7. Modern games are worthy of spite, pessimism and scorn.
And yet the game critics are going to give this shit 9s and 10s all day long, fucking hacks just like Kojimbo
The asshurt and Salt over this game being a PS4 exclusive is sustaining me rn lmao
Weakness's eventually got to be accepted if one wants to get stronger.
So one can draw conclusions based on an individual's tastes - so what? I can just as easily infer that OP is a snivelling little shit. Again, so what?
RDR 2 was a pretty bad game though.
>This entire thread
Yea Forums has been compromised since TORtanic, now its about drama and wanting games to fail.
So why are you wasting your time seething here then, you salty bitch? lmao. Go do something more worth your time like sucking off the neighbor's dog.
>No one shits on MGS3, RE4, Ocarina of Time or FF7
Lmao, stick around for a little longer pal. You'll see all those games have an intense hatred around them.
>Modern games are worthy of spite, pessimism and scorn.
I see you're already trying super hard to fit in.
>>This entire thread
You're in it too now, baby
Actually that only happened to me with TLG.
> the themes he works with are pretty basic and suffocate under mountains of nonsensical bullshit
Says a lot about you when everything you discuss is whether Big Boss uses toilet paper or wipes.
If you disagree you have incredibly shit taste
>>>This entire thread
>Everyone in this thread
>this entire thread
>>Everyone in this thread
>THAT EDGE!!!!!!!!
>SO SHARP!!!!!!!!!
Why do you post on this board then? Go post on /vr/ or /vg/.
>Everyone on Yea Forums
>everyone in this thread
>if you don't like what I like or like what I don't like you are le shit taste
this is the cancer killing internet discussion, spare yourself and the rest of us and take a vow of silence
>everyone in Yea Forums
The Last Guardian was kino though. RDR2 was good too if you liked the first game.
It's always been this way. Modern gaming is legitimately garbage compared to the PS1/PS2 era.
The only thing that made MGSV WORSE than MGS4 is the fucking online. Not even related. Fuck outta here.
It's just Nintendo idiots trying to make fun of that game.
Yeah right, go back to that era and try playing more games and tell me the 90:9:1 ratio hasn't changed
should've been a horror game, the concept and the "walking sim" shit would've worked really well if it focused on being a horror, the sci-fi action fantasy thing won't be enough to make it fun.
Fuck off you underage try hard. I'm old enough to remember the mega fuck tonne of garbage PS1 and PS2 era games that were created. And that's not even getting into the insane amount shovel ware those gens produced. Making a blanket statement like you just did, that a game, any game, made in the ps1 or ps2 era is automatically better than a game made recently is unfathomably retarded. Stop trying so hard.
MGSV needed way more cutscenes, voice acting, tapes and story
>everyone on this planet
what you see is what you are, honey
In the PS1/PS2 era it was 20% absolute garbage 60% Mediocre and 20% Great to Amazing.
In the current era it's 50% absolute garbage 48% Mediocre and 2% "That's pretty good, never gonna replay it".
There are far more good PS1/PS2 games than good modern PC/PS4/Switch games. It's a fact.
I don't care about the proportion of good games. You made a blanket statement that ALL modern games are of hatred. You're now moving the goalposts after being BTFO.
And you're also completely and utterly wrong in this new point as well. Games in the PS2 and PS1 era were so cheap to produce that literal shit was put out and sold with minimal quality control.
>le made up arbitrary "stats"
You're 20% retarded, 31% a spastic and 49% a faggot try hard.
Friend, it's been 90% take it or leave it, 9% exemplary and 1% monumental ever since nothing became everything. It's easy to look at the past through a skewed lens. The present problems with gaming and just about anything else are magnified because they're comtemporary - though the ever-increasing aggression of hype marketing doesn't help.
>You made a blanket statement that ALL modern games are of hatred
No game made in the past 15 years has been worth playing.
Anger is a powerful spark that incites change, but frustration is a sinking bog. Things aren't perfect, but pointing and cackling or sulking won't fix shit.
shut up fag
What was the last game you enjoyed, the last time you woke up giddily thinking, goddamn, I gotta take care of business so I can fucking PLAY
It's an a.i.
Take your dick out and we can sort something out bitch
Ok lol
It's a virus
>What was the last game you enjoyed
The last NEW game I enjoyed was Shadow of the Colossus when it came out. The most recent game I enjoyed is Martian Gothic: Unification for the PS1 which I'm currently playing.
We use a lot of expressions to simplify and dismiss whatever we don't like, don't we? You can reduce any action-adventure to a walking simulator if you so wish, the enemies are nothing but pebbles in your shoe
The gameplay looked unique and interesting. Kojima was very excited to show it off. Games sell me on their variety of mechanics and Kojima always delivers on this front when everything you carry can be useful in more than one way. I like how you could plan linear routes to your destination instead of just following a quest marker. The powerskeleton has some surprising features, like when Reedus jumped that chasm. I’m also interested in seeing how far the gadgets are going to escalate since we know the Ludens suit is in. It looks like you can pass through Alabama too so I wanna see what my hometown looks like in this microcosmic USA-shaped overworld. Has anyone translated the 48 minutes of gameplay commentary yet?
My only complaint is when Norman ties up one of the bad guys from ET he doesn’t squirm around and shout for his friends, the animation for it didn’t look finished.
>The last NEW game I enjoyed was Shadow of the Colossus
shit taste confirmed.
Says the underage pleb
>The most recent game I enjoyed is Martian Gothic: Unification for the PS1 which I'm currently playing.
So you're enjoying a cheaply and hurriedly cobbled together rip off of a superior title that was critically and commercially panned upon release (so no revisionism) and not only that you're playing it on the system that was universally called the worst version of the game. More edge please!!!
If SotC was made today everyone would call it a pretentious movie game walking simulator with empty nothingness and janky as fuck control. But because time has passed that means
>critically and commercially panned
So you judge a games worth based on what games (((journalists))) say and how well it sells?
I don't care about your opinion, don't reply to me.
Did you miss the sperm and eggs?
The game was panned and disliked by gamers and journalists alike. Stop trying so hard you faggot
>I don't care about your opinion, don't reply to me.
The fact you can't even defend your own "opinion" fully proves how retarded it is.
I want old Yea Forums back. I only see glimmers of it here and there now. Anywhere else to talk about vidya?
>The game was panned and disliked by gamers and journalists alike
That's not a measure of quality.
The average person is a moron and the average games journalist is a moron with an ego.
user's asked what game they've enjoyed last so that games in a similar vein can be recommended. Instead you use it to shit on them to make yourself feel better.
It's about personal taste as moulded by one's circumstances, not the fucking consensus
It's about the people also, not just the topic (vidya).
That's kind of a problem here on 4chins.
Not really. Everywhere is shit but at this point literally anywhere else is better for discussing games than Yea Forums.
>they only measure of quality is MY measure of quality
So it goes back to what this user said You are a complete and utter faggot.
Read the discussion chain you queer. The user was shitting on other people taste in games. He never asked for games to be recommended to him. Are you braindead? Next time don't interject until you develop an IQ above 1 digit.
Don't forget Skyrim.
Is online a big feature of this game?
t. doesn't pay for PSN
Throwing insults around might get a chuckle out of the younger browsers, but it ultimately weakens your approach. I'll interject as much as I please, I'm afraid.
So if somebody's acting like a bitch, your reaction is to mimic them, is it?
MGSV was shit from beginning (well, after you finish the prologue) to end though. It was never fun
This is so obviously going to suck ass. How do people not see this?
You're literally just running around to deliver a package. Who's getting hyped for this?
>people idolize the shit out of kojima
>pulls a inafune and releases a piece of shit
when will people learn? it happened with schafer too
it wasn't though
Yeah, if the whole game is just delivery man shit I will be disappointed. It better get more heavy on gun's and stealth later on, like metal gear.
imagine being so insecure you say opinions are wrong
in my opinion 2+2 is 5
opinions cant be wrong :^)
God forbid we don't get another game where you solve a problem by shooting at it lmao whatever will we do with ourselves
World War 2 was 70 years ago, get over it
you can still hold that opinion and it not be wrong you absolute retard
the only point it becomes wrong is if you "in my opinion, it is a fact that 2+2=5" or "factually, 2+2=5"
I'll always throw around insults when gays like you butt into a conversation and come to mouthbreathing conclusions because they couldn't spend an extra 1 minute to read and comprehend the full comment chain.
>So if somebody's acting like a bitch, your reaction is to mimic them, is it?
Read the comment chain you fucking spastic.
>trying to justify boring gameplay by saying 'AT LEAST ITS NOT A SHOOTING GAME'
People expected the game to finish with the actual infiltration on Outer Heaven, what did you expect?
>The Last Guardian
Sucked but only because Triko's AI is dogshit
Delivered under every aspect
I don't know what you're talking about user
in my opinion your opinion on opinions is wrong
it looks that way. other players will be able to see and use what you leave behind, such as items or useful structures. no info yet on ps+ requirement
thats fine i hope you have a good day
You'll always throw insults because it's your first response, I'd wager. I have read the comment chain. I'm not gonna waste my time shitting on a poster's taste just because they waste their time being coming off a shade jaded. I'm gonna ask them what they like and think of something similar that they might not have played, and SOTC is a hard one.
weed + this game
RDR2 is a good game though.
I'm saying not every game has to be a shooting game.
Not saying its good but at least its trying something new. An action game that doesn't revolve around just constant combat loops sounds interesting. The gameplay made it look kinda boring but if there's BOTW levels of interactivity and MGSV levels of changing things up each time it'll be good enough.
Every insult you blurt out only paints a clearer picture - of you.
>mfw weed makes every game better
>Even mentioning weed on Yea Forums will get endless DUDE replies
Except the themes of MGS 2 were pretty fucking good at the time it came out and only look old-fashioned now because the problems of information suppression online are real today.
You're telling me you never got high and spammed DUDE inbetween recs? Man
Thanks to MGSV im already know Death Stranding gonna be shit.
I thought RDR2 was okay, never played the other 2. I find it pathetic how desperate people are that they try to tell people how they won't enjoy it.
After being sober for only 4 months now
It really doesn't, you just are unironically hollow and can't enjoy things without being literally altered.
Weed is degenerate as fuck.
RDR2 is the best cowboy simulator ever made, and a terrible video game.
Here is your (you) based contrarian poster. The only actual humans with this opinion are ADD kids.
Nah, not him and 1 was better. RDR2 fell apart as soon as you were railroaded into questlines. Accepting that people can't have differing opinions is the sure sign of the childlike mentality you're accusing him of though.
its not terrible though
It is. The gunplay is trash and it excels, as another user brought up, only when you're given freedom to play the game and not the story.
the gunplay is good though
why is it whenever he visits a city he seems to go into some empty area and be talked at by a hologram?
but I liked the last guardian and MGSV
Metal Gear Solid hasn't been good since 2004 when 3 came out. Since then we've had
>Acid (produced by Kojima)
>Portable Ops (produced by Kojima)
>4 (produced, directed, designed, and written by Kojima)
>Peace Walker (produced, directed, designed, and written by Kojima)
>V (produced, directed, designed, and written by Kojima)
>Survive (Kojima's idea)
Metal Gear as a series has been shit for 15 years. The only good one, Revengeance, had nothing to do with Kojima.
>3rd person console shooter
If you literally just want to say 'nuh-uh' to every post though, you can clearly just 13year old this sentiment forever.
>wanting to be altered is degenerate
That desire was a pretty large part of how society formed in the first place (with alcohol production) so if anything it's the opposite.
t. not even a DUDEfag (at least not since I was a teenager anyway)
>you just are unironically hollow and can't enjoy things without being literally altered.
Absolutely bullshit
With weed you just enjoy things more, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy them without smoking weed
At least that's how it works in my case but every effect should be subjective
>After being sober for only 4 months I act like a self righteous asshole over weed
>thing bad
is not a strong argument sweetie
But bro you have to put thought into your walking bro, you need to think about weight distribution and sheeeeeit.
MGSV was OK right up until Chapter 2 and see pic related and then you realize it's all downhill from here
>thing not bad!
Cause your retorts have been so in depth themselves.
what else is someone supposed to say to such a 2-dimensional and childish argument other than something on-par
Clearly hit a nerve. Experience talks. Self righteousness is implied by degenerative faggots who can't go without.
Shit nigger, that's one more dimension than your literal "nuh-uh" arguments this entire time. Even now, you strawman because you literally havent said anything.
The problem with rdr 2 was it didn't commit to what it was clearly striving for. What's the point of crafting and hunting/scavenging for food when you can just stop off at a store and buy 50 cans of food. The camping system feels like it's there for long hauls out into the frontier and wilderness but it's never required, it unironically needed a weight system or something, can only carry so many guns on your horse instead of it carrying your entire arsenal and so many supplies with you. As it stands you can carry about 5-10 of nearly every food type, and with the legend of the east satchel 99 of it all.
it's literally the same thing you retard lol
going "it's bad ummmm.. because i say so???" is just as useless and devoid of value or argument as anyone replying "ummmm no it's not??? i said so lol", it's the exact same argument
MGSV is a fucking awesome game , tons of things to unlock , in an empty world with an incomplete story
It doesn't mean it was shit . I'll give it a 7.7
if it fully committed to just one thing it would be shit on regardless
>fully commit to survival stuff
>people arent used to it and bitch about it since its not typical for a AAA game, let alone a rockstar game
>fully commit to casual stuff
>it's just the same game again, we want something new
I've brought up so far that the game only excels when you're given freedom, and that it falls apart in the second half. Also that 3rd person console shooters are not good gunplay.
You've not even attempted to debate even this, something that should be easily done by your count, you've just said "no!" Over and over again.
Sweetie are you literally underage?
>attempt to rob train
>No matter what the law somehow knows where it's being robbed and who is robbing it
>Attempt to rob a store quietly
>No matter what I do the law shows up
No shit, but you can't please everyone and the middle ground they took is unsatisfying to both sides, they need to commit to one or the other, and the former was clearly what they wanted for the game.
both of those arguments are barely even arguments, you're just saying things without even actually arguing for them. if you keep having to be asked "why" upon saying something, you're not making very good points
Death Stranding could legitimately be one of the best games ever made OR a great game with some rough edges and Yea Forums will still find a way to say it's shit
Despite what faggots on this board like to say about MGSV it's still objectively good as a game and the only people that were mad here were losers that were just mad their Big Boss edgelord fanfiction wasn't validated
>but muh story
listen buddy if you really were a MGS fan and not a zoomer you should've realized 10 years ago how stupid the story has always been despite the serious moments so it's only your fault for being retarded
whatever nigger
RDR2 was fucking fantastic though, and I was expecting it to be bad.
>both of those aren't arguments...because I say so
Nobody's had to ask why. It's apparent to everyone but you, clearly. Is it not sad that you're having an easier time defending your shit argument than the actual game?
>Lots of hours of content
>Huge map
>Great graphics
>Intresting story developing Arthur's criminal personality
>Lots of mechanics and details
>Lots of customization options from gun attachments to clothes and even your horse's mane color
>Lots of guns
>Lots of NPC dialogues and events
>terrible video game
What makes a video game good then?
>mad their Big Boss edgelord fanfiction wasn't validated
god you're reminding me of all the dumb obvious underages that would make constant threads about
>what makes a video game good
Not him but gameplay. Simple as. The same reason people are shitting on death stranding.
I recall getting into a fist fight with the guy in valentine's saloon who shit talks everyone, that ended up with us both outside the back beating the absolute fuck out of each other. The cops showed up but instead of firing like they normally do and telling us to stop, they just stood their and said they wouldn't get involved. We fought for what felt like about 5 minutes until he eventually went down, only for the law to tell me to fuck off, so I rode out of town and that was that. The weird part was I had a 300 dollar bounty, and none of the law recognised me and just let me walk, even though my face wasn't covered.
>lots of customization, details, weapons and a huge map mean it's great
Skyrim sure was great.
Most of the complains people have with RDR2 are more with Rockstar's way of doing things in general. It's finally at its worst in this game because it clashes with the other things they were trying to achieve, and I think the conflicted/mixed reception people have for it is finally nailing that in Rockstar's head.
Genuinely, they cannot take their current 'formula' any further. I'm talking about the start mission, talk to guy while going somewhere, shoot people. talk to guy while going back, end mission shit. It's not gonna work anymore. RDR2, while still polished as fuck and I think still a good game, is where the line was crossed and people just got fucking tired of it. Especially because of the additional restrictions they added for the sake of story.
Maybe they should just take a break on open world stuff for a bit and make some linear games.
The gameplay. Rockstar games all have terrible missions too, it's especially egregious in RDR2 but you've all seen the ball man video about why.
That doesn’t really work since skyrim had none of those things you nonce
What to you is bad about the gameplay in RDR2?
>Lots of customization options from gun
Lets not get stupid now user. You can change the wood on the gun and the metal on its barrel, that's it.
>Rockstar still won't release the online clothing items and exclusive guns for single player
Fucking retards. The LeMat is fucking great and some of the clothing options would look great for Arthur or John but they don't allow them to use them.
Objectively, yes it did.
RDR1 is more fun than RDR2.
There i said it.
The truth.
>and the metal on it*
RDR1 is probably in my top 3 vidya of all time and I don't think I entirely disagree but in most ways I would still say RDR2 is objectively better. The only things for me that keep me liking 1 more than 2 aren't really that substantial.
Abusing anything will hollow you out.
Just because you use weed in a degenerate manner does not disqualify the substance for everybody else.
People were claiming DS was the second coming until the extended gameplay video showed some pretty average footage.
lol talking like weed is some life ruining substance
get off your high horse you sad faggot
Except it's not.
RDR2 got lucky because it's made later and gets graphical and mechanic upgrades.
RDR1 have a clear focus for the storyline, while RDR2 leaves you confused since the beginning, and questioning about their stupid decisions.
>Guys we gotta lay low
>Also, go rob people on the street
>Btw, remember to kill the whole town too
They are all acting like retards.
>you should've realized 10 years ago how stupid the story has always been despite the serious moments so it's only your fault for being retarded
even now there are Yea Forumsirgins getting mad at the Yakuza games for having silly moments and just want muh serious crime story
this board is full of retards
most of the time mishaps happened it was circumstantial though
It is. You lazy, stateless mass.
Literally the 'I beat my kids and they turned out fine' argument. If you use regularly you have no idea what it is to go without and how much better it could be, until you do.
the best part of mgs5 was the part where you shoot people with guns. why are there no guns in death stranding? why are we not allowed to kill bad guys in death stranding? bang bang shoot shoot? where are the guns kojima?
Yea Forums will just shit on anything out of principle of contrarianism alone
Most were them were due to them being retards.
>Hosea tells Dutch not to rob Cornwall because he WILL come for them
>lmao idgaf
>Cornwall finds them in the very first town people would run into after escaping the mountains, in a area with yet another train robbery
>They move on
>Hosea and Dutch decide to try and trick the two families
>Sends Arthur to BOTH families while trying to play them against each other
>Be surprised when the two find out what they were trying to pull
>Be surprised when the pinkertons find them after shooting up another town and burning a plantation house to the ground
>Hide in the abandoned plantation house in swamp
>Dutch tries to act like they aren't hired killers and like a retard with Bronte after easily getting on his good side prior because "W-Well we don't kill for money" despite being bank robbers
>Be surprised after this that the guy who shit on you in front of his friends stabbed you in the back
>Kill the most powerful man in town by shooting up his home in the city
>Be surprised Pinkertons find you yet again after attempting to rob the trolley station and crashing said trolley, killing Bronte and in a desperate attempt to get money and bail rob the biggest bank in town
Arthur even outright says they were being retarded in chapter 6 to Dutch and Micah when they convince themselves it was a rats fault and not their stupidity.
Death Stranding is like those really shitty direct-to-video movies that only manage to make any sales because it has some fucking celebrity on the box......
Gee, I wonder what name could be on this box...
>from HIDEO KOJIMA productions
>written by HIDEO KOJIMA
>produced by HIDEO KOJIMA
>starring HIDEO KOJIMA's ego
Anyone who has to plaster their own name THAT much on their games is an egotistical fucking HACK.
Let alone having to plaster your own name THAT much on a game that hasn't even come out yet
Or shown any REAL gameplay that isn't another stare at another guys ass in spandex/sapcesuit while walking... err, sorry "ROLE PLAY/STEALTHING" through endless expanses of FUCKING NOTHING (but at least it's got 4k backgrounds...errr... "it's comfy" I mean) simulator
Or has to jack himself off by "inventing" another new "genre" (of what? Oh right, NOTHING because it's the same goddamn shit every other game has already done)
Or has to stroke his ego by going on a fucking Jordan Peterson-esque rant about how "pulling and pushing" and bullshit is the "main focus" and how the MC is dead, but then he's not dead and blahblahblah pretentious pseudo-intellectual garbage that Kojimatards will eat up like every other turd he's shat out.
I mean, this guys fans think having a fucking gigantic ass ladder w/ music to hide a loading screen/build tension is amazing
Or having a few dozen lines of dialogue written/recorded to be played back depending on the contents of your memory card
>Whoopdy fucking-doo
Hideo Kojima
>I want to make movies but I'm nowhere fucking near talented enough to actually make a film so I'll just throw in hours&hours&hours of cut-scenes in between lackluster stealth gameplay.
The only people that like it are people that would rather watch a movie than play a game.
>rather watch a movie
Red Dead isnt a telltale games project or a JRPG so why would you think that?
>Woohoo this is so fun!
How? i mean it's the one game besides silksong that I'm really looking forward to but it never looked fun. The "weird" trailers evoked sense of awe and of something unexplainable, something beyond and I really appreciated it (not so much after gameplay reveals) and the gameplay itself seems to be a compelling, interesting wacky experience it doesn't seem to be overtly fun or overtly stimulating but kojima is really good in conveying a tactile feeling of the movements of the character so traversing in the world looks like a very pleasant experience.
I'm enjoying reading the rationalization posts after that 50 min video.
>no, you see, I always wanted to play delivery boy in an empty world, can't wait
i liked rdr2 a lot.
I'm only buying this game for the bb collectors edition.
Does David Cage try and plaster his name over everything he works on?
Literally no counterargument. I have used it both chronically / degeneratively and infrequently.
Bro you can use the trolley to skate, how can it not be goty?
If this game had any other name behind it other than Kojima you wouldn't think twice about it. Think about that.
How bad are the animations? I'm have not seen the gameplay.
Because the actual gameplay, the most important part of a game, was brain dead and dull. The only enjoyable part of red dead 2 was the story.
Do you even go into the actual cities? It doesn't seem like it, just some room where some guy talks at Sam (since Norman Reedus is expensive so can't have him talk too much outside of cutscenes) through a holographic projector, the scene where Sam floats and the machine does it's thing happens and that's it. Part of what I liked about Stalker was when you occasionally find a small camp with 3-4 guys hanging out or reach a safe area like Rookie Village, Bar, or the ship in CoP, before heading back out into the zone on your own. Seems like theres going to be none of that, just going from point A to B with occasional obstacles like a bunch of BT's for a stealth section or Amazon prime for Stealth or fighting, and the only other obstacles being ravines or cliffs to scale or cross using ladders or your rope.
They're not bad, just not groundbreaking at all. Basically this could have been potentially good if this was a PS5 game.
I dont like games that take forever to get to the point anymore.
I dont got time for ubisoft tier open worlds with even less in them.
>MGSV had good gameplay
>Death Stranding is basically just MGSV again
>There's vehicles and you can even steal some if you don't have your bike with you
>Makes travelling easier, it really is the same game flow as MGSV
>This is somehow bad now
Sure, if MGSV wasn't your thing then yeah it's not for you. But to shitpost so consistently at nothing but your own imaginary meme ghost thoughts of what the game is? Nah, that shit is psychotic. No matter how old or young some of you are, you have to understand that you can't claim to be better than other website users like reddit or twitter and then behave this way in your own house.
Most of Yea Forums acts like faggy twitter transgenders and reddit up-vote baiters trying to one up each other with unfunny ironic shitposts. You can do that, if you want. Just don't claim you're better than anyone else while doing so. I still love video games and Death Stranding is a nice fresh thing going on right now. Not perfect, but definitely helps in promoting doing something different in the stagnant industry, and I was hoping some more of you would see that. I'm slightly disappointed in a lot of you, my children.
>looks cool, not very excited
most zoomer post ever
Reminder that everything koji is famous for was unjustly associated with him even though it was done by another.
yeah bro i remember MGSV being nothing but delivery missions too
I wish I could smoke again. Too bad I can’t anymore.
But MGSV and RDR2 were great.
>Death Stranding is basically just MGSV again
>definitely helps in promoting doing something different in the stagnant industry
Make up your mind, it's either the same thing or something else.
The Last Guardian was great though. Sorry you missed the entire point in training the animal.
Was the best experience I've had in forever.
>but mah whole 1 slow down in the narrow cave pathway
Except with dmc5 for some reason
This fucking movie is gonna win GotY over DMC5, isnt it?
Who cares about all that shit? This is simple. No Stefanie= no buy.
What part of this is so hard to understand?
MGSV had:
>base management, expansion, and recruitment
>support provided by your people, not random people on the internet
>planning of infiltration missions, not planning hikes
>a focus on stealth and combat, not hiking through the US
>a story that's not about hiking though the US
Death Stranding needs a lot more combat, a lot more sneaking around, a lot more challenge, than what we've seen so far. It's just a demo, who knows, but it's no MGSV.
Does David Cage slap
>A David Cage game
>from David Cage productions
>written by David Cage
>produced by David Cage
>starring David Cage's ego
On everything he does? Not that I can see (I actually had to look up who he is since I'm not familiar with him, not a single game he has made has his own name on the box-art, let alone prominently)
David Cage didn't name his company after himself either.
>Another Xbro seethe thread 36 hours later
fucking kek
>the downgrade is bad
You say that like there was something prior that could be downgraded from.