Why did he become such an insensitive prick and male supremacist? To think we all gave our money to this fascist is just unsettling.
Why did he become such an insensitive prick and male supremacist...
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He got based.
Goddamn, why are internet swedes so fucking hardcore?
by ignoring their country being destroyed by unchecked immigration from africa.
how is dick not an insult ?
based white man
Absolutely based. Cunt and dick should be equal counter-parts. There's no reason that using cunt as an insult should be more offensive than using dick as an insult.
the whole point of insults like dick and cunt is because they're genitals and it's inappropriate to say such words. They have the same weight
>"cunt" is a super gendered insult
This bitch would never survive in Australia.
go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion
Dick vs. Cunt
Who would win in a fight?
Hummm problematic.
>cunt is a worse insult because i have a cunt
Because cunts said so.
Haha my sides. Based as fuck.
My only issue with Notch is that this dude could basically be running the industry if he really wanted to considering he has billions of dollars. I can't necessarily blame him for just wanting to swim around in giant pools of money either though.
If the insult carries enough weight to piss you off or make you feel dehumanized than I'm going to use it against you if I hate you. Everybody follows this principle when arguing or exchanging insults before a fight. It's the same reason why the words "fat", "faggot", and "nigger" will always have power. The victims give them power. If people would stop being pussies and man up then words wouldn't be problem, but this is the left we're talking about.
Also, fascism is the only system in history that worked the longest.
Notch is a faggot who cares only about controversy. Read some of the shit he posted before Minecraft got big, before the right wing revival of 2014-2016. It's leftist drivel.
He's not insensitive, the cunt is just too sensitive. Aussies and Brits throw cunt around like it's nothing because it means nothing there.
>Pssht, nothing perssonel, cunt.
we didn't give him his money, Microsoft did
This "saying cunt is bad" but saying dick is perfectly okay is retarded and double standard.
Besides, when you know you can trigger the fuck out of some little shithead with a single word makes it all the better to use.
cunt isnt super gendered, men get called "cunts" 10 times a day in australia
Is Notch based or a cringe incel?
Because women can't be sexist. Sexism is oppression + genderly charged behaviour. You need power to oppress people, women don't have any, therefore they can't be sexist.
>Virgin as an insult went out of fashion and came back as incel
I feel like it's mostly America that gets upset over it.
I'm in the UK and nobody seems to really give a fuck about it.
he's right.
There's a difference?
Mags? yeah she is super supremacist telling people they cant say whats on their mind.
women are trash
notch had the chance to buy Yea Forums and teased it, but didn't do it
all bark no bite
>literally advocating for controlling speech and removing all forms of freedom, the most jewish thing you could ever want to do
>doesn't realize america has been around way longer than nazi germany
Why would you wish this evil upon anyone?
all he had to do is pay the bills
Because women are pussies
>Also, fascism is the only system in history that worked the longest
In what fanfiction of yours did this happen? Sounds interesting, wanna read it.
I'm against the concept because I think pride in sexuality is fucking vapid and I hate every individual that makes it a part of their identity like some shallow cretin.
Women are more emotional.
imagine being all 3 of those at the same time.
inb4 you don't have to imagine do you?
t. cunt
Can't beat the cock, man.
>he thinks fascism is unique to nazi germany
Lmao kid! Pretty much every monarchy or empire or city state or even tribal organization was fascistic.
Happens to anyone who suddenly becomes rich, dunno why you're suprised
You have to go back
Fuck man is notch making any more games? I want to throw more money at him
because he was the first really "successful" indie developer and everyone tried to suck his cock.
After selling to Microshitters he became even richer and people tried to crawl his ass even harder, only to see that he didn't want that shit no more
You kind of develop a special hate towards people once you have a relaxed life.
And I mean "hate", it's not a disdain for plebs but the absolute want to disturb them at every given moment.
Fucking this. Get a goddamn hobby.
I'd rather see a parade where the theme is crappy drawings made on napkins.
I mean he has Fuck You money but don’t you think he’d just get bored doin nothing?
>Cunt is worse than dick, because women are oppressed, because all women have no power, ergo all women are victims
That sounds sexist to me
She’s probably one of those cunts that gets offended by the word retard too.
God I hate white women
>women don't have any,
White women do.
I love this made up definition of sexism people have been using recently regarding power to make it sound like women can’t be sexist in order to defend them. I bet you think you’re so smart because you took a women’s studies class in your freshman year of college and believed everything they said.
Women’s rights was the biggest mistake in human history
He's always been like that but now that he's career-wise an untouchable billionare he doesn't need to filter his thoughts unlike many others.
This woman has never been to Scotland. Cunt is practically a term of affection there.
based cunt
>step off the plane
>sup cunt
>have a nervous breakdown
>Lets have a twitter screencap thread
Uhm, sweatie, heterosexual pride day is every other day of the year
It scares me that some people believe this rubbish.
more like based and redpilled
fucking based
Notch is a dude who spends a lot of time online thanks to being a billionaire, meaning he talks to loads of people, and a lot of interactions include shitheads
Oh, but I have. Many times.
nah his just a normie that got so much "fuck you" money he doesnt have to care about holding back or power level hiding.
he never hid his powerlevel you stinky newfaggot
now shut the fuck up and ask someone over on /vg/ to spoonfeed you on notch's history
Neither he's just lonely.
at least he's right on the WW2 thing
For a swede, he's got top bants.
Is it too late to revoke women's rights? These cunts have proven that they don't deserve to have any agency.
Both men and women were just as oppressed through history. Retards think women had no freedom and men had all freedom but both were shackled to the roles and necessities of society. Men couldn’t act girly or get shit beat out of them and if they didn’t work hard, get a wife and 5+ children they were seen as complete losers. They also had to (and still have to) go to fucking war. Men had to “man up” something women didn’t have. You are a complete and total retard if you ho estate think only women were oppressed by society, but the reason both sides were oppressed was out of necessity. You couldn’t have men acting like faggots or women acting like whores back in the day because survival was a lot harder then and every minute of the day had to be taken seriously for society to fuckton lest you get illage and murdered by hoards o& barbarians. People who apply modern morality to the past need to be shot.
have sex
Wtf I'm buying minecraft now
Post the full version, faggot.
The Africans aren't even a tenth of the issue in Sweden, the dune coons make up almost all of it.
Shes full of shit, the only reason some people cringe at cunt is because of how venomous it sounds. Fuck all to do with "historical oppression" ie nobody bats an eyelid at people saying twat
>I love this made up definition of sexism people have been using recently
more like definitions that read like bad math equations
RACISM = [POWER + PRIVILEGE] over [YOUR RACE*YOUR GENDER]. If you are white or male it is mathematically impossible to be discriminated against.
RAPE = [POWER/ YOUR GENDER]-[YOUR INCOME]. If you make over 30,000K you can't actually be raped because your finances put you in a position of power.
etc etc etc
Men are second-rate citizens. Their lives, their dignity and their happiness have no value.
Women are opressing men.
Post the one when a tranny was begging for him to finance his ass and her retarde friends
WOW. this is not okay.
Whoa, there. No-one needs to be shot.
The swede's sense of humor stops developing at the age of 12, which is why internet swedes are so popular with the underage demographic. Notch is an exceptional individual in this trend because he has no sense of humor at all, but still managed to channel that innate manchildishness into making the most popular virtual sandbox in the world.
When you have your life sorted you have very little incentive to consider the feelings of others.
its just an excuse so they can be racist and sexist and still claim its bad.
>Why did he become such an insensitive prick
Because he has to deal with thee kinds of people.
This is exactly what a entitled baroness would say to her slaves carrying her golden throne.
I don't want a vacation. If the mods weren't cock smoking fags and if the ban was only on Yea Forums, I'd post it.
the furry is correct tho.
He's right about the cunt thing but by this point he's like any Hollywood celebrity: head up his ass, believes in conspiracy theories, gets something right every once in a while
Nah, he's just got enough money to tell everyone to go fuck themselves. He usually posts mediocre stuff when he's not being political.
You going to cry?
they also still dont have nearly as few whites as murrica
which i always find hilarious when burgers make fun of literally any country on that matter