What is your genuine opinion on the Steam fanbase?

What is your genuine opinion on the Steam fanbase?

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They're fine.
It's the politically charged/motivated retards that are the worst.


Almost as bad as nintendies.

I try to ignore them like every other fanbase

let me check the PS4 reviews real quick
its not much better ?

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Steam is like 98% of PC gamers. There is no 'Steam' userbase. There's PC gamers. That's it. The only people that talk shit about them are console gamers. The vast majority of pro-Epic people don't even have PCs. They just want to hate on Steam because they seethe over the videos and screenshots they see of their favorite games looking 10x better than on their console.

Anyone that gives money to steam/egs deserves to be burned alive.

>its okay to reviewbomb a game for vidyaunrelated bullshit like trans politics or quinnicides but not for slightly more vidyarelated bullshit like distribution platforms

All fanbases are shit.

News at 11.

Randy games should be bombed

Retarded just like everyone else who swears allegiance to faceless companies

Steam isn't the best, I like GOG way more for example.
EGS is pure cancer though.

Those are actually valid complaints.
"WAAAAH WHY ISN'T IT ON MY DRM OF CHOICE WAAHHH" is not a valid complaint.

A valid complaint is whatever you deem it to be and surprisingly many dislike anti-consumer bullshit.

the single worst fanbase in all of videogames, primarily composed of console migrants who wanted their AAA games to look pretty, weebs, furries, and trannys. Valve itself is responsible for the complete destruction of the PC gaming platform and turning it into a locked down pseudo console, and hasn't made a good game since the first half life.

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same retards as epic shills. just as obnoxious. arguing which greedy fucking corp is their best friend

There is that buzzword again.

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never care. those are online gamers. more like steam/online game addicts

>What is your genuine opinion on the Steam fanbase?
But I still agree with their hatred of Denuvo and Epic, both are cancer that should be eradicated.

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>"WAAAAH WHY ISN'T IT ON MY DRM OF CHOICE WAAHHH" is not a valid complaint.
Yes it is.
And my DRM of choice is "no drm", you cuck.

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>Codex/CPY will crack this before Anno 1800

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>Everyone who dislikes EGS is a pcbro

Ever notice how wojak posters have serious brain problems 100% of the time?


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you cant use this word because its passe now
hey look i can make my posts important by adding a pic to them too

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Well, your average steam user is this
So you know, actual pc gamers despise them. Steamfags are just console fags, but on pc and nothing more

lmao, steam fanbois are pathetic. You cant match EPIC GAME STORE BAY BAY!!

Still better than Smashtards
I would rather have people be completely assblasted about having to go to another store to buy their games than to hear the insane ramblings of Smashtards explaining how the leak that just so happens to have all the characters they won’t is right or harassing voice actors for “lying”.