So, Sony faced a dilemma:
Allow Senran Kagura to sell untouched and alienate millions of customers, the ones that buy the AAA projects
>"I wish I could buy The Last of Us 2. I truly do. But I can't support a company that lets games that sexually exploit women to be available on its console"
Remove Senran Kagura and face a backslash from both the Japanese and Western markets.
So, Sony choose a third option: censor Senran Kagura's risque conent, allowing it to be sold.
I chose yomi
Come to bed
that's the cringiest shit i've seen all year
and the eternal virgin vs. chad struggle continues
for me, it's gotta be Murasaki.
Sony should be held accountable for murdering the Senrans.
Every new entry was shittier than the last
This is not for gaynons.
>and alienate millions of customers, the ones that buy the AAA projects
This has never been true. Weeb games have always existed and they have never stopped normalfags from buying their FIFAs and their CoDs and GTAs.
I won't even deny that. Sony still shouldn't have killed them though. Marvelous even had to lower their expectations in their company wide financial forecasts because of Sony's bullshit.
I really hope Daemon x Machina and Rune Factory does well to compensate.
>"I wish I could buy The Last of Us 2. I truly do. But I can't support a company that lets games that sexually exploit women to be available on its console"
There is not millions of customers who remotely think like this. Very very few customers think about games they won't be interested in. And they sure as fuck won't boycott an entire system for games they don't care about.
my god, look at those milkers
the left still can't meme
canonically the biggest.
why can't underpaid outsourced chink subhumans draw tits like actual tits
honestly ruins 90% of the gacha art
based nan-sensei
senrans are not for coom, they are for the good gameplay
The normalfags who buy AAA games don't know that Senran Kagura exists and the twitter landwhales that get outraged over anime tits don't play video games. This is so misguided that I'd believe you were the guy at sony who made this decision to begin with.
You're underestimating the modern gamer's powerful political and social convictions.
Many genuinely good games (Ion Fury being a recent example) become commercial failures due to the developers / publishers' own political stances.
He only wanted to fill the world with happy boobs...
SK is not gacha
comfiest senran
Noire being strange lately, she became a supermascist, homophobic and of course racist. What happended? (°~ °)
I want her to rub my cock with her Panty hose covered feet while looking at me with disgust
This thread is lacking in BEST GIRL YUMI
I want to impregnate this retard
and then runaway without taking responsibility
Japan please
You are gay, I'm sorry but it's the truth.
>What happended?
She desperately wants to have sex with Nep but she's too much of a femcel to ever achieve it and this drives her insane
Good for you, user. No one should be afraid to come out in the year 19+2000
those card pictures are from the gacha game retard
if anything having no standards and liking balloon tits makes you gay bro
I just want my titties to show a little weight and some actual form
My wife Asuka was so perfect.
Can we post Evenicle girls now, or is that still a 404 offence?
Go back to your smash thread kid
He's out
Isn't it time for your daily dilation?
is this a rance game?
looks like quality hentai game.
This is a woman (female).
babu yumi killed senran kagura
murasaki has the biggest boobs but my girl has a mole on hers and i think that makes her boobs sexier.
babu babu~
I really, really love Ikaruga.
who'd ever love that prude?
Visualize the odor
I love my doggy girlfriend!
No, but it's made by Alicesoft
good doujin's numbers for this feel?
I fucked your doggy girlfriend. she's a total ho, dude.
That's okay with me, as long as she had fun with you!
>Evenicle (2015)
why is it so hard to throw the script for these games into google translator and port these suckers?
I bet you could take a couple of fresh degreed suckers and let them do all the work in just a couple of months.
Fucking japs.
Hello? Mods? There is no vidya ITT.
>allowing it to be sold.
Yeah man, 7even is right around the corner. Takaki totally didn't leave the company saying the game is unable to be made due to Sonys current internal climate.
The claws from HDN1 are great and I hate that they got rid if them.
I want to play the new rance games in english.
Senran should come back home and make new games for the Nintendo Switch and PC too. Fuck snoyggers
I'm gonna miss her most of all...
>I wish I could buy The Last of Us 2. I truly do. But I can't support a company that lets games that sexually exploit women to be available on its console
Literally nobody ever said this.
Sony is being controlled by a bunch of Commiefornian trannies now.
dilate tranny