And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, They're gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
Binding of Isaac
Other urls found in this thread:
Now I'm nervous about the expansion. I was looking forward to it.
wait.. what happened?
>only stops after accusations
They should have stopped years ago when they fucked over anti birth+
Whats that website again where you can link snaps of articles so they don't get ad money from direct linking?
Chat logs from within the company suggest Rodriguez made frequent racist, ableist, and homophobic jokes to employees, as well.
Either those are some real bad jokes, or the employees are literally more of a crybaby than isaac.
Nicahlis has been shitty for years and it’s finally getting exposed. Tyrone does some heinous shit to his employees.
One hand, it's bad to be pushed out the door over simple allegations.
On the other they were fucking garbage at their job.
Sounds like /ourguy/
>because they're gay
What? That's it?
calling black people "porch monkeys" literally IS racism.
if you think it's bad or not is not important. So why the fake Yea Forumsoutrage over this?
based desu
>fucking lazy ass spook as niggers raping all our women
There's no outrage from here. It's Kotaku again make a chicken out of 5 feathers.
we had this kind of drama just two weeks ago when Zeo Quinn murdered a man and everyone jumped onto the bandwagon to kill him.
these people never learn.
Hope this kills them off, I fucking refuse to give these cunts money and seeing them localize Umihara Fresh pissed me off to no end.
>use words
>racist and abuse
Holyfuck this basedworld is so amazing.
Muh racism. Why are Americans so cringe? When will this retarded shit end?
>"so you have to go 2x add black bars"
>"that's ironic"
>"usually the blacks are behind the bars"
nothing wrong here, lads
His name is Tyrone Rodriguez. That's TWO groups of minorities at once. I think he's allowed to say what he wants, guys.
>calling black people "porch monkeys" literally IS racism.
Repeat after me.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
Now man the fuck up and stop being a fragile little nigger because someone used a mean word.
this whole mind virus of wokeness ha become so potent it's causing shit to implode left and right, the frankfurt school was very clever
yeah you hyper sensitive vagina, racial jokes means you're a member of the KKK.
>frankfurt school was very clever
Quick rundown?
my grandma used to call me porch monkey all the time when I was a kid because I'd sit at my porch and stare at the neighbours
It wasnt. Just because you tell retards that this and this is wrong and they belive it doesnt mean it was cleaver. It's becasue you taught humans with mind of slave to repeat same shit again and again and if someone is against their narrative they get mad.
Is calling the hold in the tip of my penis a "Japs Eye" racist?
commie postmodernist intellectuals mad about ww2 developed a political / philosophical tactic to attack western values from within by using morality and compassion as a trojan horse
>your boss has sick bantz
sounds comfy af, as someone who's worked with people in construction etc that sort of atmosphere is 100% based and a much more chill workplace than places strangled by HR laws
Well, than I guess all you faggots are crying over nothing over that guy who commited suicide ''because'' of Zoe Quinn
Never, it'll just get worse and worse.
I miss the old internet when it was more like the wild west and nobody gave really a shit about this garbage.
I can only hope Nicalis goes under before ruining independent games even more.
ok this guy's bantz are top tier, 10/10 would work for
wtf Yea Forums told me he wasn't based
Sounds based to me.
What is the problem?
The femvolution will only be over once uterotopia is achieved!
>Commie Postmodernists
Jordan Peterson is a retard and so are you for listening to him.
that wasnt the internet tho it was a work place
shoo shoo now obscurantist
consciously and directly ruining someones life is different to reading mean words on the internet not even targeted at any specific individual.
Fuck off Randall. Go make Clerks 3
What are the odds that they get the guy that did the antibirth music to fill in for him? That would be best timeline
it's just words bro haha
>Nicahlis has been shitty for years and it’s finally getting exposed
Prove it. People who claims "we all knew all along" are always wrong. You just want blood.
What the fuck Tyrone is actually based?
the CEO seems like a piece of shit, fuck him
There are people that unironically believe this. God help us all.
I hate toxic shitlords so much bros, why can't the industry just be female
>called Tyrone
>isn't black
Guess his mother was hoping he came out a different shade of white.
Not even controversial. Is there even an actual victim or are white people getting offended on behalf of a brown person that doesn't exist again?
Look retard, Communism and Postmodernism are actually contradictory. It's like calling someone a commie libertarian. Shit doesn't work, you absolute retard.
Speaking of writing things on the internet with your real name in front, it has taken me EVERY OUNCE OF STRENGTH to resist commenting on every post about about Pewdiepie rescinding those 50k for the jews with "What's so bad about this? Don't they already have enough money? Isn't that their whole thing?"
she had a black husband but he got cucked by BWC and the kid turned out white
many such cases
>because they're gay
>usually the blacks are behind bars
user... It not my privilege to deliver you the sad news about death of irony.
Irony died abandoned and overdosed in a ditch middle of nowhere in the year of 2015.
Apparently jap is racist even though it’s just a shorthand of their country’s name.
Nothing is happening to BoI though
so many secret nazis in game development
BOI was never good anyway, they were meme games that were taylor-made for reddit
It's actually not their countries' name. It's what the west decided to call it.
I bet you though you made a point here.
There's a ton of that. It's the same with people from Nigeria.
So calling it my "Japanese Eye" isn't racist?
no that's not at all how it works because postmodernism isn't actually a belief system anyone could seriously subscribe to, it's always been nothing but contrarian horse shit by people looking to feel special or to subvert the values established in the enlightenment, that shit goes hand in hand with communist rhetoric and many of the prominent figures from the frankfurt school based their notions on the ideas of karl marx
It's not his racist jokes that make him a garbage person.
He fucked over so many indie devs and games through shit porting and ghosting even going as far to straight up steal the rights from pixel
I also thought socialism AND open borders excludes themselves, but in this crazy world nothing is obvious enough.
They're called Nigerians. There is a country literally called Niger which borders it and you go for Nigeria?
wanna know how I know you're friendless incels who never leave the house?
I'm guessing people like you are too scared to even say nigger out in public. That's even if you go outside.
You're gay?
Visions from fermented excrement?
Nip is also seen as racist though.
Right, grorious nippon. They get even angrier at nips
(((they))) get pretty pissy when they get fucked out of a chunk of money no matter how much they already have. Won't be surprised if they go on a rampage in the coming days and annihilate at least 10 careers simultaneously, making Zoe's recent antics look like Teletubbies.
>I slander your reputation and out you as a rapist with no evidence
>I contact your friends and family and get them to disown you
>I get you blacklisted from your industry because I don't like you
>I write some distasteful blanket statement/joke that may offend you on a moral level but has nothing to do with you
which one likely leads to suicide?
Men's words don't have any value.
Women's words ruin lives.
ok slut
You are a judgemental twitter/tumblr/cockless virgin loser?
It's true. Take a look at any university. There's a reason social marxism looks like regular marxism.
>text on white background
>guy talks alone
that's it?
>that may have been one of my best
>Loves Sony
Yep, that's a mutt all right
Thankfully Trump will be deporting people like him soon
Is this it
Is there actually evidence of abuse or is this another "waa he say bad words" situation
Good. The less indie garbage there is in the world the better.
Have to pussyfoot around people 24/7 now. Never know when someone will betray your confidences.
Bad Bait
>I am angry it means you have no life and are ugly and will never get my sacred VAGINA
You never ever sounded strong with that self reductive argument. you are merely a starved cunt to want others to sex so much. It's your only value in life, and clearly you don't score high yourself.
I don't know, it was from another Jason (((Schrier)))) Kotaku article. Ain't nobody got time to read all that shit
Retards who are upset over this have never talked to an actual human being.
Oh look, the pot is calling the kettle a nigger. You're browsing Yea Forums like the rest of us.
>that may have been one of my best
Who the fuck compliments their own jokes?
Bit I'm literally going to work in ten minutes and going to work out with friends after work.
Progressiveness is a fundamentalist religion
Usually I wouldn't like this but fuck Nicalis lol
Tyrone Rodriguez
>being a wagie
Unequivocally based and dangerously redpilled
Because you relate?
Make up your mind dilater, either I don't go out or I'm a wagie, which is it?
>Tyrone Rodriguez
Idunno, looks pretty white to me.
>Black hair
>Brown eyes
Not white.
Nicalis has always been shit, so good fucking riddance. You retards will probably defend them now just to be contrarian though
Dilate, breathe.
The fact most anons in this thread aren't even interested in the devs who were screwed over by this guy highlights their priorities.
What a generation of pathetic spineless faggots we've become.
Based as fuck
>Edmund breaks up with Tommy
>Edmund breaks up with Danny
>Edmunds breaks up with Team Meat
>Edmund breaks up with Tyrone
If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole.
If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
the internet until 00s was the filed basically for the people who can get an access of it and have a motivation to do what they want to do, but phones zoomers and rising SNS popularity changed that forever. we didnt literally do net until we didnt know basic knowledge about how the internet works and some HTML now the internet is just the extension of our real world that acts as if it is real.
I wonder if gaming websites will lighten his skin like the media did with Zimmerman
>ignore the ghosting
a-atleast he's racist guys!
that's easy isn't it? socialists are such nice fucking people they'll vote for open borders anyway.
It's been obvious since TBG he's a faggot, and he's still never made a good game.
Where's the abuse? Where are the victims? he's just being rude.
It feels bad for every good indie dev like toby theres hundreds of dipshits that make it somehow.
Pretty sure Edmund is the same kind of idiot.
Problem is Tyrone & Co. are literal retard and they let it leak.
dilate, virgin.
I think it says more about you that you think that in the real world nobody says no-no words and it's as much of a hugbox as your favorite online community.
didnt that get cancelled?
>Nicalis has always been shit,
prove it. "WE KNEW ALL ALONG" is the talk of the ^blood thirsty fanatics that want to throw stones everyday by fear of being caught themselves.
You blind retard.
That and basically robbing Pixel of the rights to Cave Story so they could milk it with shit port after shit port
Ed himself has said that the expansion is still going as planned. As much as he probably wants to pull it, there's no way it would see the light of day if he did. Probably because Nicalis has ownership of the code for TBoI so he would have to rebuild the game from scratch or go through massive legal hurdles to get it back.
i dont care about any of this man, is it gonna affect the release of isaac: repentance thats all i wanna know
If only they stopped working with Nicalis because of the Pixel deal.
Bees don't generate honey. They have to leave to get pollen.
Anarchocommunists are a thing user...
Just because the ideology isn't internally consistent doesn't mean zealots will be disuaded to believe it.
>this post from Yea Forums two years ago is proof thus person is bad and needs to have their life ruined
I sincerely hope you get the same treatment with the same quality of evidence.
you're fucking retarded, they generate honey out of nectar
feed them that shit and they will vomit up honey
>Anarchocommunists are a thing user...
Yeah, since the XIXth century. That you don't understand stuff doesn't mean it isn't consistent.
it is still racist. not all of asian people have slant eyes just like all of black people have thick lips. and technically there is no need to confine it only to japanese. in the first place, isnt that slang's origin is coming from racism that was prevailed before WW2, just like "china man"?
Mate he broke up with danny because danny b is a extreme sjw and part of the whole zoe quinn clique.
Edmund doesn't want that bullshit
>honest-to-god Nicalis shills on Yea Forums
I've been here too long.
Is that it? Seriously?
There's a reason that wii port of la-mulana never happened, dumbass.
This shit is fine once in a while, but he seems like someone that has no on/off switch meaning it's him 24/7 and that's just a shit personality equating to a shit person.
>there are people this blind
ancom is not libertarian communism, user is correct in saying something like is libertarian communism IS an oxymoron because the #1 aspect of libertarianism is minimal government involvement in the free market. there is no free market in communism
>I wasn't here when the La-Mulana port was supposed to happen so I never saw Yea Forums's anger over Nicalis' bullshit in real-time
Hello election tourist-kun.
I certainly wouldn't want some retard who raves about kikes and niggers all day as a friend but that doesn't mean I'd cut him out of business deals
I'd hate to have him as a boss. If he's like that online, imagine the office jokes that one would have to laugh at irl
>aah so you have to go 2x add black bars
>that's ironic
>usually the blacks are behind the bars
>that may have been one of my best
>you just don't get it dad!
I dont care about your stupid weeb games.
You would if he was also not upholding his development duties on top of it.
Yeah just go back spamming "BASED" because Tyrone said "Nigger", 12 year old.
>another thread where people bitch without reading any articles
cool and based and high IQ pilled
? If you don't have a minimal sense of history of ideologies and social movements, why comment on them?
I'm not that mass replying nigger. Anyway, wagecuckery is the saddest reason to leave your house.
Didn’t he already break up with Danny B over gamergate, dooming the series to have shit music after wotl
I dont know anything about tyrone, last I heard that name was when the first expansion of isaac was coming out.
I heard about Nicalis being in charge of the La Mulana remake but didn't know about this wew
Oh no a Wii port
Not him but why are you on here?
No, it just went into a long hiatus because Edmund wanted to priotize Rebirth and less ambitious games.
Now he claims it'll be back in development after Repentance and Bumbo
So what you're saying is you have an inherent bias against this person? In grown-up world that means I would hold your opinion on this lower, not higher.
Probably because I care about binding of isaac.
I used to be friends with someone like that. I normally dont care about what people say, but it gets exhausting hearing that shit daily.
nah, you don't care about that you deranged tranny. you are here for other reasons.
Zoe didnt murder anyone
And what reason would that be?
>you deranged tranny
i will now buy your game
>Third party slave laborers whose job is to make shitty ports big boy dev can't be assed to do has any say in these matters
Maybe they shouldn't make contracts that say "I give everything I own to some dudes I just met"
tyrone hasnt made any games
He looks like a med, you know the ones who actually created civilization as we know it, he doesn't look like a nord who were the barbarians who fucked over Rome and pretty much turned europe into a shithole for 1000 years though
he literally does sound like a 4channer
>someone is being asshole
>do nothing while you keep being profitable from the partnership
>media finds out someone is asshole
>burn bridges with him immediately as an final act of virtue signaling
you might as well kill yourself if youre gonna judge everything based on what happened in the past, we live in today and today is the only thing that matters
>white as fucking chalk
>"his hair isnt the right so hes not white lol"
you an idiot? an imbecile?
apparently it's just a fucked up fourthhand translation or something
land of the rising sun is nip-pon in japanese, chi-pun in 16th century chinese (both of which have the same roots), which marco polo got "chaipon" from, and then it goes to jaipon and japan and so on
I already knew that Anarchocommunism was an ideology from the past century. The fact that it's old still doesn't make it consistent. Communism and anarchism aren't compatible ideologies.
nah just american
verry mlem video
If you're illiterate.
This is racism now?
I unironically type some of this stuff on my work email
>I hate West paper inc pure retards.
>getting caught
what stupid nigger
have fun being #metoo'd 20 years down the road
>this person is an asshole but it's okay because they're my type of asshole!
do you support clinton too, just because she's homophobic?
No but but she did commit involuntary man slaughter
Driving someone to suicide is a crime
>not being as racist as possible to prepare for the inevitable backswing
Well, if they can't fire you for being a shithead you might be ok. Just disliked. Would seriously dread working with someone who types this shit.
Sounds more and more like you're an antifafag trying to defend his sacred cow.
Hopefully one day the cognitive dissonance will catch up to you and you'll deconvert from your cult, not going to hold my breath though.
Luckily for me all the women in my office are no younger than 43
Sometimes working in finance has it’s benefits
Sorry dude, not antifa.
It might be that tyrone is a shit person in real life. I sometimes type some edgy shit too between colleges but I dont go full stormfag randomly in real life. People who do that are fucking insufferable
>people are triggered by this tame jokes
holy shit people are so fucking retarded
This. Can't wait for that pendulum to come back around and all the identitarian crybullies to get their comeuppance.
They've also fucked with the Remilore PC port not too long ago. Was ready to be released in March, but nicalis didn't get off their ass until 2 weeks ago
No, he looks American.
This is hilarious and sounds like a cool place to work with, but the real problem is that the guy will just fire you don't accept to bring his clothes to the cleaner on your way home like he told you to.
Also that they are pieces of shit who rob actual devs and run with their money, never again answering calls or doing the work they were supposed to.
Still, the "muh racism" is utter bullshit
Talk with West Paper Inc for 5 whole minutes and even you’d say the same thing.
Their probably the most incompetent backwards company I’ve ever had the misfortune of working with.
Everyone here hates them
Looks as white as Irate Ignacio
>over allegations
Why don't they go to the police if he abused someone ? Seems more productive for the victim to just cry on twatter
Sorry if I don't take your word for it
I see. To be fair, "retard"'s not that bad if you're not working in education/psychiatry where it could have serious consequence. Jewed, though, goddamn. I'd have cringes through my spine if I had to endure someone saying that irl
Fair enough
Plus my edge isn’t that edgy just stuff everyone is already thinking
For the most part I’m pretty professional
Cool. Nicalis sucks dick and Tyrone is a fucking retard.
It's fine.
Because abuse isn't just physical and you sure as shit can get canned for it.
Cope, I know my life better than you. But from what I gathered you seems the most insecure fucker in this thread lmao.
It's not how you get laid bro, enjoy being a carpet
>that last one
dude's crazy, I love it
>That and basically robbing Pixel of the rights to Cave Story
You people *still* believe that based on literal zero hard evidence?
what a moron
My boss wrote me a email and I quote directly
We are getting raped with these price increases. How the hell did the price increase 500$ in 2 days?
Very respectfully
Are you fucking stupid or something?
hope you blamed the jew in your response kek
you a nigger?
Y-Yeah, haha nice b-bants bro...
*Quiet sobbing*
you american?
Kill yourself glowie
Grow some balls.
That’s causal high school racism at best
get raped by a porch monkey, nigger apologist.
>goblin passes as white
Maybe in your homeland of brazil, but not here. He's clearly a spic.
No, I am considered gifted
Precisely because it's high school level. Be witty about it or don't do it at all.
There is nothing casual about racism
I hate niggers and kikes as much as the next guy, that doesn't mean I want to hear about them everyday. In fact, I'd rather not be reminded that they even exist unless I have to be around them.
Shut the fuck up and keep the sperging to yourself.
Good fuck Nicalis, they're a shit company that deserves to go under.
Damn I wish I did.
No just a boring white guy from Texas but the other Washington in my office is a black guy
Texan the best kind of American
You’d be surprised if you weren’t a faggot.
Everyone is racist you retard, even the SJWs attempts at not being racist are racist in their own ways.
Could you be an American per chance ?
>two of the most common traits on the planet white or not
Are you fucking stupid?
Is that it? surely there's more to this.
this, racism is only for hardcore gamers
Its more about Nicalis signing contracts and then ghosting developers and wasting precious dev time and money, this just gives people a convenient excuse to cut ties now.
>because they're gay
nintendoodoo BTFO
Hot fucking kek.
he told the truth
jews hate that
Oh yeah I remember the Nercodancer devs wanted to add a respectful black character and they ended up making:
A spear chucker who is fast.
but she has fierce hair, so brave
I see a monkey on this porch
Typical revisionism, these retards literally think that white = blue eyes and blond hair, typical nordic traits.
Despite the fact that these literally brought nothing to human civilization these guys think they are the master race.
literally WE WERE ROMANS AND SHIT when they were considered as the trash of Rome and ended up destroying it
>When will this retarded shit end?
when we stop letting women have power
When I was younger, my grandmother referred to our black waiter as a "negro" and didn't give a fuck that he was standing right next to her.
I would call him based but tyrone is an incompetent, unfunny retard so fuck him
I don’t care about the logs but ghosting is a big no-no. You don’t sign contracts, get source, and then stop communicating. That’s dumb as fuck.
lmao based
Mark my words, the Internet will be much much worse in 10-20 years.
She looks like a bull dyke
She’s unironically look better with black hair and a bandana on her head like Cadance
Man i do hate spics with nigger names but at least he was based. Still fuck him
oh noes, beta liberal males committing suicide.. plz no. how horrible.. when will it end
Absolutely based and hilarious
>Yea Forums owns a publishing company.png
That's just how normal people talk.
Wish he was my boss desu
Don't forget about Cave Story.
enjoy being ghosted retard
I don't care. you faggots do.
words ended his career tho, not his treatment of whoever
so obviously that is what people are talking about .
haha holy fuck
>nicalis is literally a milkshake duck, LITERALLY
Ugh, big yikes, y'all.
a screenshot is all you have? and it's probably yours to begin with. wtf is wrong with you fanatics.
Wow a guy who is creating the game known as “mewgenics” is a racist. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you
I dont know what that means so ill just call you a nigger instead and my new boss will laugh with me. Haha.
mutt at best
still based though
>>someone is being asshole
to whom? He's just rude, nobody is hurt.
Since when is the word "retard" so inexcusable? I could have sworn like 10 years ago people used it pretty casually in every situation.
I just don't understand why nowadays that if you just SAY that someone did something, they are thrown through the window and dragged through the mud and left behind by everyone. Why? Whether it's something true or not, the same repercussions happen.
What's the point? Why believe anyone without proper evidence?
Apparently white men are so fucking great that just mere general insults from our mouths shatter nonwhites to the core.
neat huh
>tyrone Rodriguez
Based and red pilled. I can't wait for the Bumbo game to come out
That nigger was based
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
Fuck Nicalis give Cave Story back
last name
Its fun playing pretend but we know what he is.
Good. Fuck Nicalis. They've milked the shit out of Cave Story and every fucking release of their games is overpriced as fuck.
looks ameri-white
super predator
Now watch as Nintendo start accepting a bunch of American alt right indie devs to coverup their latent homosexuality
You might want to actually skim the article, it's not about Steakmund being racist
Nothing wrong with racism
>Leaving a beaner without a job
Uhmmm huge yikes... How long until they realize mexicans are way more racist than whites?
I dunno if I should be mad or not that it took fucking cancel culture to kill Nicalis
they deserved to die way earlier, but whatever
please explain what this means
Both parents born from Nigeria here, you're full of shit. Haven't heard anyone say that once.
Just look at ZimZam, they're honorary whites in certain circumstances
"a person or character on social media that appears to be endearing at first, but is found to have an unappealing back story" or something like that
only because people do nothing
yes user... you are the only one who doesnt care about him... the only one.
no one else, just you.
putting a brave POC out of work
oh the bigotry
the left are treating him as if he is.
im just having fun with it.
Whatever, i just wish they were more honest though.
My problem is that they try to say, that it was not racist or that it just wasn't racist enough when it clearly was. What they are thinking and what they should say is "yes it is racist, but there is nothing wrong with that", not this cowardly shit.
SJW forced meme for when they discover someone they liked has been naughty in the past.
I laughed but yeah, he's retarded.
absolute el goblino
Almost none of that shit is worth getting upset over, but I can see why calling Obama a porch monkey pissed people off.
>because they are gay
Oh look their purging themselves shame their all white males
>over allegations
but what if they're false?
It actually did bring something to the table, same with green eyes, it's the human equivalency of genetic mutation in an effort to seem more exotic because it's such a rare trait, in increases likelihood to breed more, or at least that was the case in the past, now it's all about dark hair, tall, and big dick, so that'll become our norm and her life expectancy will drop because taller/bigger things take more energy and die quicker than smaller things.
The truth usually pisses people off.
And this is how you kill your own company, funny, but utterly retarded business sense, especially saving records of it.
>you can't name the jew and make a joke!!!
>cancel(crucify) him!!!!!!!!!!!
4th Reich is starting to sound pretty good.
>Neo-Nazis vs. Neo-Fascists
>Meanwhile normal people are just tryna chill the fuck out and live day by day
“Porch monkey” is NOT a racial slur.
Nah, normal people are getting just as tired of this jewish subversion bullshit.
>Saying edgy jokes is more important to Yea Forums then being a name on the industry
Crackers cracking. They cant help themselves being racist. Being racist is more important than food for them.
>tyrone fucks over pixel for the rights to cave story and consistently ghosts other developers while in the middle of negotiations
>tyrone didnt ship a bug fix patch for a game on consoles they ported because he didnt want to do QA work
>scoops up all the development kits and extorts indies into doing business with them if they want to release on switch
>but he said funni Yea Forums words he's based and /ourguy/
You guys are just as retarded if not worse than the journalists who focus on the tactless jokes he made instead of the real business atrocities hes pulling
It's all white bullshit
>literal nothing
Anyone who gets upset over this kind of thing should be fired for being a crybaby bitch.
>are white people getting offended on behalf of a brown person that doesn't exist again?
Not even that, they're just powerless limp-wristed faggots who have noticed that pretending to be outraged is a way to influence people.
I'm black and glad that racist faggot got exposed. Yes we are here and we care. Dumb cracker.
Shut up nigger
Nothing? Its racist as shit. I'm behind bars cause I'm black that's my people right? Fuck of white racist shit.
does the warden know you are on the internet right now?
Worry about that negative birthrate you dying off cracker bitch.
>dumb ape thinks anyone gets offended by being called a cracker
>chimping out over a word
You will always be a subhuman, stupid nigger
t. 5' 4''
>negative birthrate
what does that mean? more abortions than births?
Because you're literally looking at a compilation of the worst things he's said, retard. For all you know a message like that could be sent by him less than once a year on average.
Proved my point you racist cracker. This is why I love white genocide and seeing you racist faggot beta cuck crackers die off and get fired.
No jew ever built a school or hospital for you nigger
once we're gone, your gonna be slaves again.
Dying faster than being born you inferior bitch
You will always be an inferior cuck ceacker bitch dying faster than being born with negative birthrate. I love white genocide death your yekess cracker cave beast race. Death ti all white people. White genocide for life bitch.
whites are the only race that are not racist
The birth rate (technically, births/population rate) is the total number of live births per 1,000 in a population in a year or period
Once you gone its gonna e peace on earth and jews are white and dying out too. Kill yourself cracker bitch. I love white genocide
You fuckers can't even decide on what define being "white"
Oh no, not jokes! How does he sleep at night!?
Wow these are the most offensive and racist comments I've ever seen. He should be publicly lynched.
Is he a Yea Forums user?
Yep, Looks like someone with a name like Tyrone Rodriguez.
Do it yourself. Oh sorry you can't even do that and you need your white master to do it for you, lmao
Ill buy his game 6 times for every platform now if it gives him extra money. He's based.
if you cant understand the picture, higher number means more racist
I prefer to say mudwalkers and spearchuckers myself
I make casual racist jokes all the time with my friends of all types of nationalities and colors including whites and the jokes are funny. These are just edgy and unfunny and read like a 13 year olds idea of humor
>white skin
There's a choice to be made.
This isn't even the kind of Yea Forums racism I was expecting, this is literally normalfag-tier banter. I hate outrage culture so fucking much
it's a joke you thin-skinned nignog
These are just fucking banter. Way to overpolice yourselves, westcucks.
tourists don't care about video games
Literally honorary white.
literally me
im not amerimutt so i don't care, try again nigger
It's normal for anyone of any skin color to make racist jokes I think. Don't let the crybabies on Twitter let you think otherwise.
>give a coin to bumbo
>he bombs you
Did he just call out the jew?
What race is Tyrone?
Egg daddy cam makes me horny
Yeah you're right
All memes aside he's Hispanic. He even mentioned having faced racism himself for that in his Twitter statement about this.
There's no way he doesn't actually post on Yea Forums
Because it is normal you poorly developed monkey
Are we denying postmodernist exist? Or their influence in academy? This shit isn't hidden
But wouldn't the archiving service still be giving their site hits defeating the purpose?
>Being racist is more important than food to them.
That's actually a super accurate description of it.
So this is one of those white guys who thinks he's being just defending minorities, right?
JP's beef is with postmodern marxists which is what every SJWs are. The whole death-of-the-author + class struggle (in this case gender instead primarily about wealth) thing isn't mutually exclusive. Way to out yourself for not knowing about shit you're raging at.
I mean, its possible they have friends. Girlfriends though? Absolutely not, and they'll blame that on the Jews or some other bogeyman.
Tell that to the 70 dead kids in Norway
That's what you get for enabling these faggots, though, hopefully it clears up and nothing bad happens, but this should be a wake up call for all these devs getting wrongly accused.
How can one man be so BASED!?
Christ you're such a fucking retard
You don't even know what Marxism or postmodernism are because anyone who does would tell you about the obvious overlaps
>a third of the thread thanos snapped
This, only good people have girlfriends. Girls have built in morality detectors for men which is why abusive relationships do not exist.
Based as fuck
Tyrone "Nigger says a word, he's biting the curb" Rodriguez
Based, FUCK zoomer weebs And FUCK indie developers.
You love this place, and you love hanging out here with the rest of these "incels"
Killed his own company but at least was racist.
Yep. That's the most Yea Forums thing I can imagine.
Tell me the games he's made so I can buy them and show support.
I don't give a fuck about this, is repentance coming out?
he didn't make any games, he just profited on good creators
yes its still coming out