No Borderlands game has gone over 89
Seething Steamcels spamming the user reviews don't count.
Stop it, it’s not funny
nice reviewbomb steamdrones
>the only low review is from PC Gamer and it focuses on BL3's story and dark humor
cope more Sweeney
Yes, it's time to RISE UP fellow gamers
let those companies know that they can't fuck with us
Similar score on ps4
lol, this shit is seriously getting pathetic
the worst is that you can see these faggots manipulating even ps4 reviews. There are people there giving it 1/10 because the game only runs in 1080p 60fps on the pro, not even knowing that this is the standard on the system
>this is the standard on the system
whats this "it" and "they" thing people are talking about?
The game has a robot character
A community mod or some shit decides ''it'' ''he'' or ''she'' are not snowflakey enough
Company starts actually forcing this shit on their forums and shit, actually banning people over it
>If you really wanna play the game then just pirate it. Tim Sweeney already paid for your copy.
wow, thats... unbelievably stupid
people get banned for misgendering a fictitious robot(calling "it" instead of "they")
>mfw epic shills will pretend its only bad on PC
>advertised as a 4K "premium" console
>standard is 1080p
Where were you when the last 10 nintendo games got the exact same treatment?
>1080p 60fps on the pro, not even knowing that this is the standard on the system
fucking snoygers HOLY SHIT
yeah, because that totally can't be a bunch of reviewbombing steamdrones falseflagging
it's not like they don't want to LITERALLY MANIPULATE the game scores you dumb shit
i see a bunch of 10s and 0s
leads me to believe that both sides want to manipulate the score
one of which you have no problem with
Because he's a shill.
I see a few people talking about microtransactions but aside from 2k saying the game will have them I can't find any videos or screenshots of them currently being in the game. Anyone got more information on what type they are?
So why are the review scores fluctuating this wildly? is it because of EGS? Hating randy pitchford(he is a cunt)? The gameplay being divisive? The writing?
Actually make a thread, OP. Don't just copy an image and paste in template text.
all of the above
User score is EGS shitposting
>people aren't allowed to not like the game
there are plenty of people who don't. He's saying that alot of the negative score is due to EGS. Have you tried like, not being retarded my dude?