>"from now on, call me Big Boss"
>Still goes by Snake in GZ
>"Starring Big Boss" out of nowhere
What did Kojima mean by this?
>"from now on, call me Big Boss"
>Still goes by Snake in GZ
>"Starring Big Boss" out of nowhere
What did Kojima mean by this?
who cares?
>is called snake in 3
>snake in PW
>snake in GZ
>snake in TPP
Deal with it, fag
Snake's not an actual name for him. Keep in mind that "Naked Snake" was temporary, it was only supposed to be used for two CIA missions.
Since PW it has been made clear that it's simply a term for "the protagonist", you're supposed to read it as
>The protagonist
>A former hero, once known by the code name "Big Boss"
Also, Venom is not an actual name for Medic Boss either, the timeline never calls him that
Now shut the fuck up with your stupid autism
Stupidity and rolling back character progression. That and Venom only believes he's BiBo
further proof that Death Stranding is PT
Oh no, it's you again.
Here's a friendly lecture that hopefully will get you to shut up your samefagging autistic ass.
>I will not take up the handle of Boss out of respect for my mentor
>Call me Bigger Boss
>Venom is not an actual name
Tell me more.
literally what the fuck is this image trying to tell anyone, you *massive* autist
Stupid idiots.
Snake is a name that he uses that whenever he's on the field.
Snake and Venom Snake are player controlled entities.
Big Boss is both a title and the name of a character.
Big Boss' phantom is the name of a character.
This image should have been easy to grasp from the get go, so
>*massive* autist
You're the autist here pal.
Then why does no one call him "Snake" in Metal Gear 2?
>throws away his bandana in PW
>keeps it in gameplay
don't ask
Not an argument
>don't ask
Why does he keep the bandana in gameplay, despite the fact that he threw it away?
because MG1 and 2 were written before any MGS games and there are multiple inconsistencies. personally i think of MG1 and 2 as semi-canon.
t. autists
Because it was a psp game and that would mean having another model of Snake baked into it.
You're asking too many questions. They're on their way.
right, but why do you have "Big Boss" and "Snake" listed multiple times?
>Boss....... I knew who and what Paz was all along
>Dude, Boss, I can't BELIEVE we fell for her story!
Unsurprisingly drones make all kinds of theories to make sense of Kojima's shit
Why do you care?
Sorry to tell you that it's merely an inconsistency so BiBo can do the whole "I don't feel I've earned that title" schtick, along with making it easier for the casual audience to understand the protagonist of the MGS series is "Snake".
because it doesn't make sense why you'd do that, and it confuses the message you seem to be trying to send with the image - why use multiple different screenshots of the same name and then label them individually, when you could just write out in text: "Big Boss = Character/Lore"
One's a codename, the other's a title. Not so hard to understand you autists.
The latter only applies, dipshit.
Again, why do you care? You know exactly what I mean, nothing should be confusing at all.
>MGS thread
>it's just retards yelling at each other
Never changed
>One's a codename, the other's a title
>"the code name Big Boss" is literally in OP's fucking pic
>no answer to my question
my man are you embarrassed that you made a shit image? it's titled as a guide to MGS names for dummies and autists like OP, but i'm just curious why it's been made in such a strange way.
Here, . Is this any better for you?
Worst people on Yea Forums to ever exist bar smashfaggots
They're worse than /mlp/ and Undertale combined
sure i guess - i don't really care either way lol, i was just curious why it was like that
>or the codename fuck you
you seem rather hostile
Didn't he start using Big Boss after PW?
Yes, but in GZ, which takes place after PW, he still goes by "Snake" for whatever fucking retarded reason. That's the whole point of OP's opener.
Snake is a male character trope that Solid Snake and Big Boss have defined.
Anything else is wrong and autistic
War never changes, Snake was right
Why is every Metal Gear thread like this?
cant wait for raiden to become cyber snake after its revealed solidus put part of his dna into him