what now anti CDPR shills?
What now anti CDPR shills?
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Zenimax being kikes and running off the leader of their most promising game doesn't make cdpr any less trash
what now you brain damaged retard?
Ok so a holywood obsessed moron has a jacket for the game
What signficance does this have
She is lovely and I want to poke her cervix while she calls me 貴方.
CDPR, Hackdeo Turdjima and Keanu Reeves are cringe as fuck.
Death stranding confirmed as minigame in cuberpunk
I wonder who's behind that post?
The visor on this motorcycle is literally pointless lmao
I'm surprised astral chain didn't reference this shot
its still a mystery to me that she instantly got that many followers and became one of most famous woman game designers from obscure ones overnight after that E3 event. Surely that presentation was lovely, and maybe the story itself fit with the current political climates in the west because she is a woman who is an actual director of AAA games, not some sloppy indie clap (by the way, this is surely rare in the gaming industry but traditionally Japanese industry puts more high value on woman creators than the west)...but no one knows what the game she is making is. I am not sure but maybe some fetish toward asian woman among them works for this phenomenon to get this much?
People like cute girls that acts cute
Also, she's not working on that game anymore.
nothing is more worrying for a video game release than publicity shoots like this
CDPR should hire her now that she's a freelancer. Instead of hiring leftover trannoids from Bioware.
Yellow fever incels like
would pork
She's cute and was very excited about her game. That's all. It's not a mystery.
dilate tranny
She's blacklisted from the media from what I've read on 2chan. Apparently all the fame from E3 got to her head and she starting dictating shit to her staff and acting outside her paycheck.
She gave one of the head bosses abuse and she was asked to leave or else she'd be publicly fired. That's why she left so suddenly from the studio. She probably won't be able to get another job again in Japan anyway.
She got the better deal out of this. There is no future in bethesda
Fake news.
>believing 2ch
You’ve got to be literally retarded.
I wonder how much that bike would sell for based entirely on how many famous crotches have straddled it.
What a load of bullshit
She left because zenimax was trying to ruin her game
t. my dad is Todd
Oh, I actually did not know she is not an employee of tango anymore lol what happened to her? Although she appears to indicate it was her decision rather than her boss, there must be the reason why she quit the job at the timing of this.
and there is not any source to back your hogwash
Who knows. If she's handing out business cards at TGS and begging for QA work on Cyberpunk so I doubt she was planning on leaving. Was probably either fired or some major shit happened that made her want to quit immediately.
Nice hogwash, roastie.
I'm supposed to care about a yellow vagina?
Go be thirsty somewhere else, faggot.
What about that even made you so mad?
She's not cute though
Maybe id get it if she was super attractive or something but she's not
Spoken like a true jealous piece of shit:
Jealous of what?
>t. roastbeef
>I've also decided to proceed to the new world I can keep myself happy and somebody require me. Now the huge world is showing me infinite possibilities, like an open world video game. Life in NOT linear.
What did she mean by this?
She's no longer a wagie stuck in a linear cagie.
Most likely theory is that zenimax wanted to turn ghostwire tokyo into games as a service garbage or dumb down the setting in some way so she left
Look forward to her JAV movie sponsored by BLACKED.com
But she's just an art and creative director, I doubt she has much involvement beyond the story and art of the game, those are Mikami's doing.
She's obviously mikamis protege
has she found a new job yet?
Isn't that bike a Bubblegum Crisis reference while le Akira bike is another one?
Yeah this is the BGC reference bike.
There's a bike called "Kaneda" in CP2020 which is an Akira reference but I doubt we'll see it in CP2077.
>Top 10 crossovers
Threadly reminder
9 classes mixed into 3
Fucking told you guys. Her meme-fan catapulted her career. She wasn't fired form Bethesda or left. She was poached by a bigger company. Every innuendo that she was fired was just her trying to save a little face from turning her back on the people who gave her a chance to begin with.
>9 classes mixed into 3
That's not true. They removed most of them while converting some into background choices that only open up some of the trivial dialogue options.
And there are no classes to choose from. Only 3 specifications that you can mix and match based on solo/techie/netrunner skills. Like Skyrim where you mix and match warrior/thief/mage skills.
That's just a prop bike at the booth that everyone can take a picture on. And CDPR sent those jackets to most of Japanese devs, like Kojimbles and Harada.
I wish CDPR would hire her but they're too busy salvaging ex-Bioware rejects.
>wasting all this money on pointless marketing at conventions and not on polish and development
Damn, rockstar doesn't stoop this low
Never got past the first town in skyrim
Hated the ui class system all of it.
Oblivon was cut down compared to morrowind
Never played the earlier ones
>some ugly chink "people" pretended to like because "she do the kawaii~ thing"
>implying her opinion is worth shit
What development all the good devs left and made their own company and cyberpunk game
They'll just polish the turd as much as they can even if it's not even half finished cut as much as they can so they can add it back later as dlc
Seriously a cyber Punk game without flying cars? Even deus ex had them hell even gta 5 the game their trying so hard to emulate
So glad I dropped this shit as soon nas the first trailer came out and I've been waiting for it since 2012
You're missing out. Skyrim's alchemy, smithing, and enchanting were a massive improvement from Oblivion and arguably Morrowind.
You know, she does seem pretty full of herself because of that E3 fame. The amount she tweets is unlike other Jap devs.
I'll play it once I cbf
The sex mods look dope Tbqh I never modded any of the elder games
Here's your waifu bro.
same thing happened to jade after the reveal of assass creed
Would still pump and dump
smithing didn't exist in the other games and alchemy and enchanting were dumbed way down
Those are just the default Jap teeth. She had them straightened with retainers.
Yeah who the fuck plays media? Holy shit.
State of weebs
No, it's that she's old as fuck.
All women beyond the age of 20 look terrible.
Can I get a quick rundown on what exactly makes a nomad unique? Like what separates them from a solo, since solos seem to be the generic shooting guy class.
>weebs call everyone who doesn't like a roastie nip trying to act "cute" a roastie
No, crooked teeth are a problem there and most Japs desperately need retainers early in their lives.
>All women beyond the age of 20 look terrible.
All white women do. Because of their genes and more importantly lifestyle and diet.
Some well kept Asian girls can age gracefully desu.
The fact that she has all the attention you wish you could have.
She doesn't look as bad as the white chick but she by no means "aged gracefully".
I don't give a fuck about teeth.
>Some well kept Asian girls can age gracefully desu.
Not this one, she looks old and busted, and the fact that she's wearing a choker like some teenage girl is laughable, it's like those 35 year old millennials who still dye their hair in an attempt to cling to their already lost youth.
Adults who don't accept that they are adults are a joke.
>I don't give a fuck about teeth.
You should. They affect jaw development and placement.
>what is child stardom and heroin
>alchemy and enchanting were dumbed way down
No, they definitely had more depth in Skyrim. In Morrowind enchanting skill didn't even dictate the enchanting power of the item, only the chance of success. Oblivion didn't even have enchanting skill.
>Olsen twins
Dude, the Olsen twins had anorexia, were drug addicts and one of them had lymes disease.
Look at their younger sister, she's 30 now and mogs them.
Japanese dont give a fuck about teeth in general.
Is in spanish but look at the images, holy fuck.
Make up was a mistake.
>were drug addicts
Like most westerners these days, yeah.
Most people in your country are addicted to heroin?
Are you some American or something?
too bad it's boring as shit in skyrim because there are no interesting effects because they cut them all. Just like with alchemy.
Most likely.
Americans have this obsession with projecting their degeneracy on all white people because Americans are all programmed to be anti-white and anti-west in general.
Dragging everyone with them is one of their tactics even though everyone in Europe sees Americans as scum and lesser beings.
>Japanese dont give a fuck about teeth in general.
This is why I can't into asians, so many of them have fucked up teeth and it's extremely off putting. Maybe that's because I had issues with my teeth so it's something I care more about then most.
Western/Northren Europeans are the most anti west creatures on this planet. Germans legitimately despise themselves and their peers with glee.
Link that post pls
i want to help her bend over the bike
>hey nice empire I'm gonna fucking ruin it
Japs teeth are shit because they're on an island. Look at bongs.
No it isn't, it's America.
The thing about Europe is that if you are right wing, you side with white people.
Not in the US. Even the furthest right wing person in America is anti-white, anti-west, wants to destroy it all and shills for racemixing.
And lets not forget that the US government has spent the last 20 years ruining the middle east to push refugees to Europe, and that now they CIA is pushing propaganda.
All of this with the full support of the US population, of course.
>all these white knights mad about shitposting
Ex-commies aren't westerners.
>to push refugees to Europe
Nah, you let them in yourselves.
Yea Forums will always be full of beta orbiters, no matter how much they larp about how they hate women.
cate blanchett and nicole kidman both look pretty good at 50
She blocked me from her Twitter profile after I posted that pic
>Ex-commies aren't westerners.
Why, because they aren't leftist SJWs such as yourself, American?
>you let them in yourselves
No, the EU did, and the EU is nothing but an organization meant to have Europe under American control, much like NATO.
Fair enough. I'm a paddy and while my teeth were fairly straight, I got braces to straighten them out fully after having a operation on the roof of my mouth due to my teeth.
you're here too you fucking autist
Yet all yuropoor countries are falling over each other trying to get into EU.
Because it gives free money.
Too bad that money comes at the expense of losing control over your country.
Europe won't be safe until the USA and the EU are disbanded.
>Because it gives free money.
Okay so you sell yourselves like whores to Germany or whatever then you blame America on the other side of the planet.
Obsessed and poor.
The governments do, and some people have this idea that Europe is all friends and allies even though the bloodiest wars in human history all happened in Europe.
You can't unify Europe, it's impossible, it brings only instability.
Of course, the rapefugee crisis was planned a long time ago, in the form of the Kalergi plan, which began with the USA's pointless war in the middle east which would create refugees, and then the US backed EU would flood it with them.
White people won't be safe as long as the EU and the US government and population exist, specifically the USA.
>The governments do
So the people you voted for.
Listen, you can try and cope however you want. You're still a shadow of your former self selling yourselves on the streets like the cheapest most vilest hookers. Stop clawing at your betters. Improve.
Our betters?
You are a country of savages that constantly kill each other for no reason at all and where even the furthest right people are anti-white dogs.
Switzerland is a good example because it allows open carry, and yet you never hear of mass shootings happening there, because it's not full of American savages.
You have become a problem at the level of the Soviet Union, and a much bigger threat to us than the Soviets ever were.
The USA is the prime example of societal decay, all I want is for Europe to not end up like you.
>Stop clawing at your betters