Why is he such a retard?
Monster Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he started this thread.
It's just the way he is
In his early designs he even had ice crystals on his face that were literally his frozen drool
hey fuck you
Natural selection decided that retardation was a favourable trait for Tigrex
Oh wow I didn’t know Tigrex even had enough brain power to be able to feel insulted!
>Acidic Glav hammer has a unique model AND is pretty good
It's the shitter filter, Tigrex doesn't need to be smart.
hey bro is this guy given trouble?
Shut the fuck up both of you
Why is Jho so fucking ANGRY?
Also is he as big a pest as he should be?
>hunting kirin
>savage jho appears
>"cool here comes the turf war"
>jho buries the horse under a pile of rubble instead
Savage Jho is a relentless demon
>local blue firewyvern is the only monster with the balls to fight Teostra in an expedition (and poison him too)
>every other monster just pussies out, especially Glavenus
What gives?
Azurelos is one crazy motherfucker
idk but can we agree teostra has the worst theme song in the game
Business is about to pick up.
>not posting the superior version
I had a super helpful Gold Crown Rathian relentlessly fuck Kushala’s shit sideways for me the other day. And thank god, because Kushala in the Ancient Forest is complete AIDS.
Nah, Deviljho got hit hardest in that department.
>Song about to kick into the good part
>"dude what if we added some brappy orchestral filler bit right here and completely killed the flow of the track lmao"
I once got invaded by Velkhana while hunting Coral Pukei, fucker actually flinched him with a beam before running away
Hey guys
>about to fuck my wife
>Banbaro crashes through the door
He can't keep getting away with this.
>Fighting Shara Ishvalda
>He's kicking my ass
>Suddenly Banbaro shows up and lands the killing blow on the bastard before roaming off again
What a guy
>3rd thread
There's like five versions of this comic saved to my hard drive so I grabbed the first one I saw.
The first one is sales autism and the other was made by a dude that didn't bother to CTRL+F the catalog.
tfw can't decide if I want to look cute or have good armor skills
>Still no Iceborne version
That's why layered armor exists. So you can do both.
So make one, what's stopping you?
>not cool
>playing 4U
>Gore Magala attacks the caravaneer ship in the sea
>Banbaro was there and helps me repel Gore
Thank you moose.
>They gave normal Narga the double tailslam from Green Narga
That caught me offguard goddammit
>just be yourself
What I've noticed, is that most people who get the "just be yourself" advice, are the types that are displaying some nervousness, shyness, or however you want to put it. They find the idea of talking to girls as intimidating, perhaps, and it shows in the way they act, so a well meaning person will say "just be yourself!" in an attempt to help.
By "just be yourself" they're trying to tell the person to "just act like a normal human being, and not like a totally socially incompetent anxious dipshit." For some reason a lot of guys seem to project that they feel ashamed of who they are, afraid to just act normally, and "just be yourself" is an attempt of trying to get them to let go of that a little bit.
Stop overthinking the scenario, stop being afraid of women, stop being ashamed of being what I assume is a pretty normal guy, and stop being afraid, and just be your damn self, you fucking dumbass.
But you know, someone will hear that, and they'll be like "but being myself doesn't work!", because they're not. They're acting like scared little bitches, afraid the HB6 is going to reject them, and instead of being the socially competent person they normally are, they'll be all fucking freaked out and pathetic, and boom! gets rejected and is like "poor me, being myself doesn't work."
What's the coolest turf war? I like Barioth vs. Fulgar Anjanath. Really looking forward to seeing what they do with Rajang.
>scuttles behind u
Honestly the coolness factor of most of them is kind of cheapened by the fact that they're almost all copy pasted between monsters, but the Savage Jho vs. Elder Dragon beam-of-war is great.
I don't really care for them desu, I just use them as a free chance to sharpen and get the dung bombs ready.
How does mounting work? It seems like it's not as obvious how it should work like it was in the 3DS games. There's the glowing white circle on the map which I'm not sure what it stands for and sometimes I either get no finisher before the monster gets toppled or I get to do it twice for whatever reason. And what does Master Mounter do? I keep not getting the finisher once I have that active.
What's a good mix of peices from Diablos and Nero if I want the maxed out slugger for Hammer. Anyone else using a slugger build?
namielle? or that new val
Oh who's that handsome fellow, you wouldn't happen to have his number
Why do all the fully upgraded weapons suck so much?
Why is Taroth Glutton still the second best bowgun in the entire game?
>Ten years have passed since the image was made
It should be Barioth then
Is there a shortcut way to getting Research Commission Tickets? I need them to upgrade my Handicraft Charm to level 3 but it looks like they only come from a couple quests that I haven't opened yet.
Diablos vs Glavenus is fucking great
I love how the one between Glavenus and Rathalos is randomly decided like with the Diablos and B.Diablos one
Silver Rath in Iceborne is actually fun.
All Glavenus ones are horrid because he doesn't use his fucking tail.
It feels like the animation was supposed to be for Black Diablos vs Deviljho.
He's had that since Gen I believe
>Not life has many roars.
She always had it at G-rank, didn't she?
Actually, now that I think about it, the only game with G-rank Narga I played was 3U and I quit in early GR, so I don't remember if she did the double tail slam or not, if I even got to fight her at G in the first place...
Did it? I can't remember.
Stop complaining about imaginary genders.
It was one of Green Nargacuga’s only unique moves so they may as well have combined the two.
Vanilla Narga never does the double tail slam or double tailspin.
It's okay, at least Green still has the shitter slaying insta stun moves. I guarantee you that Green Narga was cut from development because Capcom pussied out considering World's godawful stun mechanics.
Makes me wonder if they'll either bring Green Narga back completely overhauled or just give it a totally different subspecies.
Old gen subs were so fucking shit holy fuck. Literally recolors. Raths still are.
He tries to use it against Rathalos and Odogaron
Deviljho and Bazelgeuse just because their "turf war" is because they both think the entire world is their turf.
It kinda is
But never uses it properly, He swipes it sideways vs Odogaron for example.
Iceborne got really lazy with turf words in general.
And Ebony Odogaron isn't? Big whoop, he has a spin and shoots a projectile that doesn't even cause a knockdown. Honestly, I can hardly tell the difference otherwise.
If they bring back a Narga sub it will probably be Lucent.
>update adds classic MH control scheme
>attacks are mapped to the right analog stick
Would you use it Yea Forums?
Lucent is never comint back. Ever.
Nah they brought back Brute Tigrex and not Green Nargacuga for a reason, it wasn’t a great subspecies and it only existed so they could make a rare species that turns invisible because they thought that would be a little too much for a regular subspecies.
Yeah they really should just give their one or two unique attacks to their base species then reintroduce them with completely revamped fights if they want to bring back the older subspecies. They got a little experimental with swapping elements and giving them different moves in third gen with a select few subs, they expanded on it in fourth gen and now the fifth gen subs are the most well realised in the series.
>hunt MR rank Odpgaron
>limping, has little left
>disengages, runs away and leaves the locale
>Ebony odogaron isn't.
There is a difference between having two or three new attacks and a new element, and repeating a few attacks.
Ebony Odogaron fights much differently to Odogaron namely he has aways to actually punished a bad gunner now.
Different element, inf act gives an elementless monster an element, lots of new attacks and special rage state.
Meanwhile raths still breathe fireballs and have the same elemental weakneses, hitzones, etc.
Tigrex is all about that tard strength, being too smart would be a hindrance for him.
Pink rathian has different hitzones, ironically making her easier.
I could honestly see them combining Lucent and Silverwind's movesets if they wanted to make a real bullshit endgame monster out of it
Are we sure about that?
>Maybe if I stop praying on all these small Gammoth, Gammoth will stop raping my asshole later on in life
>Green wasn't a great subspecies
Meanwhile Brute was notorious for being much easier than regular Tigrex. At least Green was harder than the original - something that I cannot say about more than half the new subs/variants.
I never understood the moustache.
>Lucent and Silverwind rolled into a hybrid of bullshit
What made Pink Rath easier in World was taking away her explosive bite and giving it to Azure instead. That shit used to make standing anywhere near the sides of her head unsafe.
No one does
Most of the deviants need to come back as Variants.
Hellblade Glavenus was fun as fuck when he switches between blast and fire.
Head is still the weak point, and that's all you ever aim for.
At least metal raths swap things around a bit.
You're not on Tiggy's level
How'd you fuck up the transparency on that?
Tigre is tiger in spanish
Tigrex = Tigre + T.Rex
Hence the mexican mustache, i think at least.
Depends on the weapon. Brute was a pain in the ass for less mobile weapons, where you'd rather just have Tigrex charging straight at you instead of roar spam
Pink Rathian is just easier because her legs are less hard than Rathians so it's easier to damage and trip her.
Also her tail is tougher at the tip so it's safe to just park up her asshole to fish for her tail and let her tail-sault and just dodge it.
Word's rathian is really fucking slow though so the double tail-sault and around the world are easy as fuck to avoid.
No one would.
if these god damn speedy odos and narga don't stop zooming around me and just let me smash them with my hammer i'm gonna fuckin shit i tell you hwat
Tigre is also tiger in Italian
Maybe it was meant to resemble a super Mario mustache but was misunderstood? Idk
No, it wasn't. It was the same fight, but now with more frontier aoe. Acidic is much better, because it's actually a different fight with different moves.
That's just how i had it saved, thanks for the version with proper transparency.
>Small Mammoth who survive become big mammoth
>Now mammoth protect Popo so tigrex starve
You are dumb as rocks Tigrex, not smart like me Blagongas
The head is still a weakpoint but Pink Rath's ankle and head weakpoints are swapped from Rathian. Its feet take so much damage that it's the easiest monster to trip in the whole game.
>still no layered Baan of any rank
MR Baan is essentially the Varia Suit made of bone, let me use it with whatever, Capcom.
Nope, both are 40 hitzones.
Maybe you're confusing them with metal raths, whose shot weakspot is the legs.
Hellblade expands on what regular glavenus does.
Acidic Glavenus does things a little different.
Also Acidic isn't really a different fight, just an easier one, Acidic Glavenus is fucking hilariously easy because his clean blade mode is easier to avoid.
>ebony fucks bad gunnere
Then they realize they need G rank Odogaron parts to upgrade their shitty Karma bowgun. They quickly realize G rank Odogaron fucks bad gunners just as hard.
>lots of new attacks
spin, bite, low damage fireball. Yawn
>special state
You mean the one that G rank Odogaron also has? Fun fact: when Ebony is tuckered out, he reverts almost entirely back to regular Garon in terms of appearence and moveset.
Doggos are shit.
Are you fighting Ebony Odogaron?
>*Fires energy behind you*
>G rank Odogaron fucks bad gunners just as hard?
How? He doesn't have the plasma hop he can chain into another plasma hop or his dragon rush bullshit.
Ebony Odogaron is the one monster in Iceborne who seems to effectively be able to chain his attacks together.
Yep, that's the point. Subs that fight differently than the base monster are more fun to fight than the same monsters but cracked up to eleven. That reeks of frontier power creep slippery slope design. Also, it doesn't actually fit the "deviant" monsters thematically, because they don't actually deviate from their base species as much as subs do. I guess you're right in that they may pass as "variants", though since those really are the same monsters, but angrier.
Dunno about the specific numbers in World, but in past games Pink's head was 50/50 cutting/impact while the legs and underside were 60/70. They're both still weakpoints but the ankles are squishier, not like the Metal Raths where their faces just bounce everything physical until they break and turn into normal Rath weakpoints
I always had much more trouble with Molten than Brute.
I finally got the credits with it being my 100th hunt. Charming. I liked it a lot and will continue to play more though I doubt I will double dip again on PC.
Kut-Ku's gonna be back for MH6/World 2 isn't it?
Deviants don't deviate from their base monster, they're individuals who have gotten tougher by beating hunters.
It never meant that they're super different to their base monster.
>You can now craft Layered Armor at the forge
>expecting actual layered armor, just craftable layered versions of existing armor
>it's still fucking trash with only a few pieces like those dumb samurai sets, and you still have to look like a moron to have a proper good set
Brute is easy because if you avoid his roar zone he stays still more than regular tigrex.
Molten is so fucking huge it's hard to avoid him when he's getting 2fast
World 2's probably going to be like 4/4U and see the return of a boatload of early/midgame monsters. Fully expect stuff like Khezu, Gypceros, and Basarios as well.
>be virgin Blangonga
>have to share food with shitters
>become fuccboi and hunters complain your body parts make shit weapons
>be Chad Copper Blangonga
>don't share with whiny faggots
>become roided Gigachad who digs fast af with his bare hands and chucks massive boulders
>hunters cream themselves because body parts make weapons that not even gods can compete with
You ain't shit compared your cousin.
>Trying to be Rajang
Stop lying to yourself.
Is it worth using the diablos set with my hammer or should I just stick to the typical blademaster stuff?
Where is everybody playing? Because at MR2 no one exists, it seems. No one will join SOS and trying to find SOS to join is painful.
All those suck. If you're gonna give me the early game stuff back give me the good ones like Gigginox and Lagombi.
Well, yeah, in the past games Rathian's head was a whopping 90 hitzone, so you could say Pinkian effectively swapped them. But in World they're more tame, and Pinkian's head hitzone does go down a notch, it's just that the legs don't shoot up as high.
But anyway, my point is - in both cases the head stays a weakspot, so you don't even fight the monster differently, you still stick to the head, like the usual.
I'm with the user, who suggested to roll some of the old subs into the base monster, and introduce new subs that differ from the base species more. Black Diablos should go too.
slugger+ seems legit.
Because both the projectile and the rush can't hit the broadside of a Jhen.
Both doggos equally make players shit their pants during rabid state.
>Black Blos is just horny Diablos
>classified as a Subspecies instead of being a Variant
The projectile isn't the issue, it's the 90 degree redirection which he then chains into another attack.
I did say shitty gunners, but at least he's not regular Odogaron whose two main ways to close distance are a charge that is avoided by going left and a backflip that literally cannot hit you.
Whatever works, user. It's G rank.
This is their big chance to make a lot of old shitty monsters suck less
I know that. It still doesn't fit. Well, it's probably a localization issue, really.
But then again, as a concept, we already have rare species and variants, which are the same monster, but more badass. So there was no need to introduce "deviants" to begin with.
As someone whose only MH games before MHW were MHF2 and MH1, here are my unsolicited opinions on the monsters I've had a general awareness of existing, but only now got to experience in their World versions in Iceborne. I'm playing a crit draw GS build for context.
What a weird fucking fight. It's actually kind of difficult at first with extreme speed and agility switching between land and air combined with wide sweeping strikes. But then you break his claws and the fight is a joke where the monster can't really function. I feel like the fight is alright because it has a lot of skill and knowledge expression, but the disparity between pre-break and post-break difficulty is a little crazy. The jumping tusk slam has a strange amount of tracking. Carted once across 6 kills.
I thought this monster would be harder. Scuttles around a lot, but the only move I was ever hit by, it felt like, was the double tail spin when it was enraged. It didn't even seem to hit that hard. Maybe it gets harder if it's in the heavy forested section where it can jump off trees? It was fought and killed in two wide open areas. Fair monster that seemed like it should have been fought before the Barioth. Did not cart across 4 kills.
Probably the most fun of the monsters. A lot of fair moves with clear telegraphs and it just seems cool as hell with its big sword tail. Its moveset also seemed diverse with a couple of different sword slashes and slams and fireball leaps and bites. Really fun fight. Did not cart across 3 kills.
I've always felt weird about the monster from the things I've seen. I like pugilist anything in any media and the pomp is fun, but the neon blue and green is weird. The fight was kind of fun, but maybe I just don't understand slime mechanics. I did my best to avoid slime puddles entirely so attack windows were kind of short. Rage mode was fine with instant explosions since it was just dodge and punish. Did not cart across 3 kills.
gen1 and gen2 didnt really plan ahead.
You can blow through the early MRanks really fast, without farming anything or shooting SOS, just clearing the key quests and advancing in ranks.
Deviants are supposed to be individuals who have "Mastered" their skills, not so much biological changes.
Theoretically any normal Rathalos could become a Dreadking etc.
Molten relies on being hueg af and getting free kills off people who stagger on the ledges on that shitty map.
Is Apex tigrex a harder fight on paper? Yes. Is he in practice? Fuck no, Molten wipes like nobody's buisiness.
It is physically impossible to not make Gravios not ass.
I refuse to move on until I've farmed every new armor set I come across. But it's so lonely down here.
Diablos is basically just Monoblos with the horn swing anyway.
World Barioth is leaps and bounds harder than any previous Barioth. He was always just bulkier slower Narga who falls on his ass all the time when you break his claws. In World he's a ton faster and chains his attacks a lot more.
Narga on the other hand felt a lot more tame than he did in other games, which is bullshit because he's my favorite. He also didn't get the red eye trail buff he needed. It's kinda there a little bit but I wish they'd focused on it.
World Barioth doesn't surf his whirlwind and his whirlwind is fucking pathetic.
Barioth in World is just babys first aggro monster who can actually hit you.
He's what Odogaron should have been.
Narga has always been the black sheep of the flagships. It's weaker than the rest and was sometimes placed half a tier below the rest of the flagships, together with monsters like Rathian and Khezu.
>World Barioth doesn't surf his whirlwind
Because he's not a fucking Sand Barioth.
OG G rank Barioth does it too man.
Brachydios is FAR easier in this game than before. You may have noticed that Brachy skips the slime BS and just causes explosions with his attacks when enraged. You have most likely also noticed that monsters don't rage nearly as often in Iceborne as before. Brachy is much more of a threat when he is almost constantly enraged. Knowing this, Capcom tried to make slime something to be aware of this time around.
My guess is someone was trying to get around the duplicate image warning once upon a time, people who hadn't seen it saved it and spread it further, and here we are.
Yian Garuga was pretty fun. Besides like one move I thought it was a fair fight. How much did they change about him from prior games? I hear a lot of hate for Garuga I’m previous games.
I've never played Tri but World Barioth is harder than his GenU version, been ages since I played 3U so I can't recall much but Sand Barioth was a bitch.
Regular Barioth does it too I'm pretty sure, Sand spams a bunch of mini tornadoes and I think his large one moves as well?
3Ufag here, I can confirm that he doesn't. Regular Barioth's tornados dissapate almost instantly.
>play unga weapons
>decide to try the other 2 ungas
>feel like i need a 300iq to play them
>go back to my main 3
Is it just me or does master rank lavasioth have an huge amount of health?
Way to make a shit fight even more obnoxious.
Sand Barioth used to summon tons of mini tornados.
The Tornado surf into a slam is a normal barioth move.
try CB, it doesn't get more unga than that.
This, Savage Axe is maximum grug
All MR monsters have huge HP pools.
It's why poison and blast are pretty good now.
>You have most likely also noticed that monsters don't rage nearly as often in Iceborne as before.
what the fuck are you talking about, monsters are constantly enraged if you play correctly, by using your clutch claw.
Once again, you're incorrect. The tornado surf is Sand Barioth's signature move in high rank. He gains the mini tornados in G rank.
Barioth has two moves involving his tornados: The standard straight shot and the aerial straight shot. He does not surf his tornados.
CC has nothing to do with it. Monsters rage when you do a certain amount of damage to them. CC helps to accomplish just that. If you think the monsters don't enrage as often, that means you're barely hitting them, and your hunts must be taking way too long. That's all there is to it really.
>resource center nigress is french
That's not true French people are white like Argentinians. We're just going through a difficult phase.
I'm just trying to get Handicraft 3 at the minute. I missed the boat on the gold ticket quest back when the game was popular, and nobody puts SOS' up for it any more, I've been checking for days. Slowly working my way through every single fucking LR and HR quest.
Please equip agitator 1 before making false statements.
She doesn't speak French in Japones version.
I just watched a 3U fight with Barioth in G rank, does not use that move
Yes it is. I'm always farming low monsters to hoard parts.
I haven't played MH in a long time, last I played was MH4U about 3 years ago so I forget. Is it true that the Tigrex in IB only has roar damage when enraged? If so, did his roars always do damage even when not enraged?
They may had added into GU then, because I am sure I remember him using that when I was playing against him.
Barioth doesn't go into the air as much in older games either.
Américan translation team i suppose, this true ?
You fucking asses.
nice blog, where do I unsubscribe?
>try LS special sheathe
>take a thousand years to finish the animation
>always get hit before I can do any cool counters
don't know about iceborne, but in World SAED was big unga bunga. i tried to play with the charged sword, that's fun
Anyone else have trouble with the Velkhana siege? I’ve beaten everything from Barioth onward on the first attempt, but I’ve failed three times so far on it - it keeps killing the gate before I can do however much damage it needs to take before it’ll fuck off.
Is there something obvious I’m missing or is this actually meant to be a roadblock?
I assumed she was Algerian (or the MH equivalent).
Imagine the salt if Sand Barioth was in Iceborne
>giant ass tornado sitting in the small wildspire passageway area
>people bitching how they can't punish him after a hip check because of the dimensional warp he does during recovery
>all those carts to offscreen mini tornados
>that one guy who triple carts to the tornado surf
I really want this annoying fucker to come back in World 2 for the salt alone.
i am running agitator, monsters almost always instantly enrage when you shoot them into a wall. only at the very start of a fight it could happen that they dont enrage as soon as they stand up again.
im not sure, but sometimes when the monster doesnt enrage after i let it run into a wall and i try to do it again, i can only change their direction one time and they go into rage mode. maybe the clutch claw plays a role too?
When a character in Japanese games speaks foreign language it's in 99% cases English, and English localizations, for some fucking reason, make them speak French, instead of just inverting the trope and inserting Japanese words in their speech, which would be much more appropriate.
But as far as I know, the Fourth Fleet Captain doesn't speak English in Japanese version either. She just speaks perfect nihongo with no accent or loan words.
>he doesn't know
It turns out the optimal way to play is still SAED spam with Namielle mix.
Dumb samurai sets is an understatement.
It's retarded how every single piece demands five tickets and each has a separate entry in the Forge's layered armor list. It looks goddawful.
Do you use that dragonrazer thing?
I used Heavy Artillery, Pro Transporter and just general Insect Glaive. I made sure to break as many parts as I could, too - that said, the fight lasted a long fucking time.
I still honestly don't know how the siege works. If you just have to distract her within the time limit, you can just go full defensive. If the second phase starting relies on damage, then Heavy Artillery is too good not to use.
>velkhana's true strength is its power to weaponize ledges
I just killed listfag bazelgeuse and my weapons are starting to feel out of date, what's good around this point?
I've heard trying to turn the monster around with the claw more than two or three times in a row triggers instant rage. Not sure, since I myself didn't double dip this time.
I started working on tigrex weapons around that point, they're pretty solid.
Everytime i claw the monster is apparently too enraged to do anything with it. A little clarification would have been nice on weither or not i can do it right now or not.
SAED is great and all but I just like to feel the carnage sometimes.
Is that the Gatling gun thing opposite the gate? I’ve used it, yeah. Should I be trying to use the cannons as well?
Soooooooo SAED spam
look at the monster icon on the minimap. there is an eye symbol beside it.
yellow -> not enraged
red -> rage
so whenever the eye icon is yellow, you can use your clutch claw to change its direction.
it can enrage after you change the direction tho, so you shouldnt do it too often in a row.
I've got a better idea. Remove the stupid claw from the game.
I avoid deviation mods because i like it when my gun bucks back, feels more powerful. I'm not good but at least i don't fail quests.
I didn't have any trouble with it, I just kept smacking velk in the head until stuff happened. I did bring heavy artillery and used that dragonrazer thing, but didn't need to use any of the rest because they npcs will bind it for you and tell you when to go use the big cannon. Maybe I just got lucky because he focused mostly on me and only ran off to breath at the gate a couple times.
Do you mean recoil? You know high recoil also massively slows your fire rate right?
Anyone tried Savage Jho's lbg? It's got rapid sticky 2 now. KO lock is a beautiful thing.
I run evasion+5
I like the explosions that it gives off at 5 phials, but doing a couple normal elemental discharges with the axe head spinning just feels so satisfying, like you're just tearing through the monster.
No, it's not the gatling. It's the giant wyrmstake thing you have to load special ammo into.
so is there actually a way to know what to press for the steamworks or is it really just guessing?
Where to get slogbone?
Deviation. When my reticule stays still it looks like i'm firing a peashooter. Rule of cool and all that.
I have evasion+3 because of a narga mix. I'm afraid I'm going to be total garbage when I inevitably replace it.
>Why can't I hold all these i-frames?
I swear to god i see patterns appear. There are specific sequences that seem to follow each other.
by killing big monsters like glavenus.
I wonder if there'll be a mod on PC to just show you the correct sequence every time
It's guessing, don't pay attention to the numbers, they just tell you the order in which you SHOULD'VE pressed the buttons, but it's too late now.
You can hit some special bonus and the cats jump up on the stage and wave at you, signaling you which buttons to press.
You have 16.(6)% chance to hit all three in the right order.
Anybody else feel like something about the scale of a map is lost with World's open level design? Don't get me wrong, I would never go back to segmented arenas with loading screens again, but having doorways from one area to another means the edges of each area can be much further apart. The desert level can actually feel like a vast desert, because one of the "walls" of the arena is just open sky and sand dunes as far as the eye can see. Wildspire comparatively feels cramped, like a series of canyons, because the level boundaries have to pen you in because you can't just transition through a loading screen to cross that massive desert. It has to be a size that the player can cross in real time.
It's a silly complaint, and not one that affects my enjoyment of actual hunting at all, but it still bugs me.
Isn’t the point of the mission to distract it until they can load that? Maybe I’m tunnel visioning or something but I don’t remember noticing them saying it was ready.
Nearly every G Rank set I've ever made in past games included Evade +1
Whoops, was meant for
I'm just making sure he doesn't continue just hitting the monster until the quest is failed instead of following the NPCs to load it.
I get what you mean and I agree completely. I'd say that the illusion of size was one of the biggest benefits the old maps had, and despite World/Iceborne maps being bigger, they actually feel a lot smaller.
idk but I fucking hate ancient forest
i know what you mean and i kinda feel the same. i would love an open desert like in the old games, but i can see how infuriating it would be to run across such a huge area.
No, it's just you.
You can still see the backdrops, like a desert, or jungle or mountain ridges. You can even see them from any point of the map, not just the specific rooms. It just more organically blends in with the foreground, and doesn't stand out as much as simple backdrops in the portable games, that's why you don't notice it.
monki stronk ook ook
>90% of beta armors look like shit
>90% of overall armors are shit
bravo capcom
Why the fuck does the game think I want to ever go to Astera after a hunt? They made a better village and gathering hub for Iceborne, just let me go there.
His roar on his 2nd tier of enrage didn't always damage did it?
You can set your default return location to Seliana except for after some story missions
They never did. The enrage roar was even low grade I think.
I actually miss segmented areas because it gave the incentive to flesh out each area. Sure, we had aread like Forest&Hills choke point, but the vast majority of them were more than good enough to fight on.
I feel like this drive was lost in 4 where maps started to include shit like ledges. Oh, what I would give to bring flat areas back.
Mash buttons for that G rank print
When you are basically a mouth with legs you dont need that much brain power.
My son works for capcom and said the next monster hunter update will include mating so you can watch monsters fuck.
its intentionally random
just grind for a bunch of fuel so you increase your rolls
400 hours and I still get lost in places there and it takes forever to travel through.
Whats this webm from?
Already did that.
Most assignments throw me back to Astera which is the problem.
lmao they fucking failed a 6 cart hunt
Hunter 3 is really blowing it.
My uncle works for capcoom, dlc monsters will be:
Green Plesioth
Lao Shen
Tell your uncle I'm coming to take a dump on the floor at his place of work.
Tell your uncle he’s fired.
i will only play iceborne if they bring back the best designed monsters in all of monster hunter, my favorites khezu and red khezu
Who the fuck is Lao Shen
Lao fucked a giant crab and it was the result.
Was it always this small? In my mind it was bigger than this.
He's absolutely hilarious. If he is in the map he will stop in at the party multiple times per hunt, with a tendency to enrage so that he can follow your area changes. Does great damage to your target too, he's a good guy
You’ll be fine. I just replaced my Narga for Nami and the only thing I really miss is the set bonus.
MR is out, if you can't solo the quest in MR gear consider an heroing
People blow past 1 and 2 very fast, a lot of shitters get slowed down by 3 so just jump up to 3 and you'll see far more quests.
Easily my favorite
Maybe small crown
man I really hate how they killed gathering hubs but made them look really nice
>tfw running maximum evade extender and evade window
pls no bully, I swear I'm trying
Has anyone succeeded?
I think his issue is accessing the quest, not beating it
I’d pay good money for a cinco de Mayo Trigex with mustache and all
At 1:12, that's a pretty cool environment-sensitive stagger.
>try db for a change of pace
>trip fucking EVERYONE
The game never even counted it as a roar before
It's the duty of others to make way for DB chads
I haven't seen a single clear on youtube.
I wish poogie has a narga or tigrex costume!
That's a really neat little detail, I wonder how specific the angle and distance to a wall it has to be to even trigger something like that
How do I use the wyvernblast mod properly? Shit just shoots too slow. Is it even worth using?
everytime i join a hunt with my LS i try to hit whatever part the most people are going for, which is often the head. i time my hits perfectly, so i hit my teammates between their attack animations, staggering them. i try to only use the spirit slashes, since they have a wide hitbox. whenever i see a lance i switch to dualblades and attack into their block, instantly consuming all of their stamina.
its very fun to play like this.
Bumping this. I can't seem too get all my side quests to trigger as complete either. Wtf am I missing?
at 7:20 he just grabs a shock trap and crushes it, they're really going all out on the interactions
im not sure how it is in iceborne, but in base world the quests were locked behind some hunter rank.
you had to talk to some people after reaching that hunter rank.
Holy shit
Can't wait for the card crusher edit
i was actually talking about a friend with this, and we both felt that.
>maximum evade extender and window on gunlance
The shield only exists to balance out my massive jumps
>Grabs the trap and fucking crushes it
Alpha as shit
I've noticed that a lot of weapons that got iron/boned end at rarity 10 while unique designs from the same monster go on to rarity 11 or 12
Are they trying to get my hopes up that they'll eventually finish those
>Player faints
>"Thanks for the help"
>joining Low Rank quests with my MR gear and beating their shit in within five minutes
Am I being a dick
>five minutes
It shouldn't take more than one minute
Does the expansion solve a lot of the problems the base game had? (Keep in mind I still like the base game despite them).
I finally decided to try HH, good god this weapon is SO FUCKING FUN TO USE.
Yes. Enjoy.
Best thing to do is run 3-Piece Tigrex with a status SnS and Hunting Horn and let them do their own thing.
Depends on what your problems were.
Solves most of them, leaves several untouched. Whether or not the clutch claw is a good addition or a new problem is up for debate.
There's plenty of good QoL improvements, but at the same time some of the game's flaws have gone unaddressed or have been accentuated.
I think the first guy immediately regretted bringing a GL to the fight during the first minute
What if they made the CC a tool you equip like the mantles?
You're creating more shitters for HR
The thing's already awkward enough to whip out when it's right there on L2
Brach and Glav
Its far more powerful than any mantle unless it had a nasty cooldown
With the nerfs to flashes in MR the clutch claw is very handy for reachlet weapons
Well it depends what problems you had in World.
My main problems were:
Low monster counter -> fixed
Shitty weapon designs -> kinda fixed, there are still a lot of slap-on iron and bone designs, even for returning monsters.
Bad weapon balancing, raw was clearly superior, except for dual blades and bow -> seems like they fixed it for the most part, elemental builds seem closer now, but we will see what it will be like when people figure everything out.
I liked World, so it could be different for people who disliked it.
>Picks up doggo
>Figure ill wait until he slams him to continue
>Mother fucker turns towards me and chases me half way through Rotten Vale with a thrashing doggo still in his mouth
>John Elways the thing into my chest from 70 yards
What did I do to him, man. It's great
Should I just make a good raw hammer or have one for each element?
For progressing you can get away with just going raw on everything. Assuming they actually did make element viable you'll want a selection of elemental weapons at endgame.
I think it’s the whole running headfirst into walls repeatedly.
Elemental still seems ridiculous on the vow, especially with the right set up. I’m looking forward to running the Nami bow and armor set on Teostra to see if I can perma-stagger the fucker again
Fucking what
He can just grab you off from your clutch claw and puts you into the pin position holy shit this is gold
Not to mention picking up and destroying your traps with his bare hands
>I joked a while back that he would just use te clutch claw to grab you
>he actually does
Holy shit someone stop this monkey
Do you not have friends?
I think I missed these
But the timestamp is there
Links with time specified don't work for embeds
Works on my personal computer machine.
holy shit. they put some serious effort into Rajang
Does Glavenus's tail always cool down upon knockdown/shock trapped? Or I'm just having unfortunate luck.
Does the steam set skills go well with any weapon in particular or is it just something that looks nice?
All the extra details for Rajang make me wonder if this is te bar they are setting for MH6
Detailed interactions with hunters and the environment beyond just turf wars
I see the classic segmented design as fast travel between point of interest / arenas, cutting out the boring bits in between (some maps achieve this better than others and some of the early maps are not very creative). It definitely adds something when each "theater stage" / map segment / set piece can be very [geographically] very far away from an adjoining one.
>5 minutes
nigger if you're using MR gear it should've took 2 min max.
With at least 15 million copies sold they can afford to add in all that extra detail. I’m honestly looking forward to it a lot, Capcom had high expectations of World and it smashed even those, it’s now their biggest brand worldwide instead of just in Japan. They really need to go above and beyond with MH6 with how astronomically successful World has been.
GLseems to struggle a lot against him
what does that have to do with the gathering hub being useless? we can just start quests from the village. the hub is just a load screen for no reason.
Yeah stuff like the island in the old jungle map would be weird on the new maps unless you can claw onto a fish and ride over quickly
But some other maps like Deserted Island can probably be ported easily, literally just needs connecting hallways added there's no big geography inbetween
>tfw carted
Does Tigrex hit like a fucking truck or am I doing something wrong? He's not exactly easy to dodge either.
I'm on seething, how long until Shara ?
>Bro I hunt with can't stop spamming CC with IG
>Then this shit
Ho boy. At least it'll break him out of that habit real quick
Three more Elder Dragon hunts, though the third is in an arena of sorts so it’s a pretty quick quest. Then onto Shara Ishvalda.
Now imagine all the shitters that only relied on CC spam to get through IB
He's super agressive
What’s the downside to using CC? I’ve only just started Iceborne, but it’s been pretty helpful so far.
You just need to be careful with it and not spam it, because it’s easy to get hit if you use it without thinking. It also drastically speeds up how fast the monster enrages.
I noticed, but is his attack stat through the roof as well or? I feel like none of the monsters have hit me this hard up until this asshole.
A couple of his attacks are definitely half your health slams. Just try to make sure you have your armor upgraded as much as you can. Or make a lance set and get to countering
Elemental builds were always good for the bow, even at launch of the base game.
Who said they weren’t?
>be MR user
>"helping" out shitters in LR
>shitters go up in rank getting carried by other anons that kill the monsters for them
>eventually they reach MR
>user is doing investigations
>uses SOS because he's feeling lonely and needs some sort of placebo company to fake social interactions
>shitters join user's quest
>they cart and and fail the quest for him
>user gets frustrated because he lost precious time of his life that is never coming back then wonders why people suck so much at this game
Good job user, you've doomed us all.
please don't take me seriously
I hate using CC. Enraged monsters have virtually no openings so wounding them is pointless when they spend the entire fucking hunt jumping back and forth relentlessly.
Everyone I play with spams CC non stop and then we barely do damage after.
It's so fucking tiresome.
Rajang seems like he’s fun for faster weapons, but how on fucking earth are the slower ones supposed to keep up? I think he may be way too fucking fast
>fighting Banbaro in the Elder's Recess
>about to die
>suddenly Banbaro shows up and kicks Banbaro's ass
Thanks Banbaro
It's usefulness definitely varies from monster to monster.
Like Banbaro? That motherfucker will let you ram his head into the wall over and over again and LOVE IT
You dont got anyone to arm wrestle with or talk while in the footbath? How sad
But he's slower than old Rajang
Yeah but CCing something like Barioth is a bad move.
I've been using Nero helm B, Diablos chest A, Nero Gloves, B, Zorah waist A, and Nero legs B
True hunters talk in the sauna.
>how on fucking earth are the slower ones supposed to keep up?
Welcome to G Rank baby. Slow weapons are useless now. The meta is longsword and dualblades.
Yeah generally, like get the one in for wound on an arm and call it good honestly.
Tiggy is also a bad idea, you'll almost always fail besides when his stamina is out. and at tha tpoint just wail on him yknow?
He just seems like an harder than average matchup for slower weapons, which is a good thing so I don't mind.
Shitters either need to get good or to learn to use more weapons.
How the FUCK do I get an Iodrome head in GU? I've been breaking the head every hunt for the bast 13 hunts, but no head. Does capturing it increase the chance that I'll get head?
Generally speaking is seems that only subspecies are found when EDs are on the map
He's got plenty of openings he's just agile
Plus he's vulnerable to paralysis
DLC1: Rajang
You unlock it as a Special Assignment in the Guiding Lands once you get any region to level 4. The Admiral is tracking a Kirin there and the Commander sends you to check up on him, and the hunt unfolds from there. After you clear this Special Assignment he can appear in any region of the Guiding Lands at level 4 or above.
DLC2: Chameleos
Unlocked the same way as Rajang but at level 6 in the Guiding Lands. Serious Handler asks you to investigate why so many hunters are getting sick when they’re hunting there, and you encounter Chameleos. Beat the Special Assignment and he’ll appear in any region of the Guiding Lands at level 6 or above.
DLC3: Gore Magala + Shagaru Magala
You start the quest line by talking to the Seeker any time after slaying Velkhana. First you have to slay a Frenzied Anjanath in the Ancient Forest (buffed version of him kinda like the FFXIV Kulu-Ya-Ku), then after that you can fight Gore Magala in the Wildspire Waste. The third and final Special Assignment in this update is to slay Shagaru Magala in the Coral Highlands. After that they can be found in all maps except Hoarfrost Reach.
DLC4: Valstrax
You get a Special Assignment from the Field Team Leader to repel Valstrax from Seliana after you’ve unlocked the Guiding Lands. After that, you slay him at the Elder’s Recess and he’ll appear there, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Hoarfrost Reach and level 6 regions in the Guiding Lands.
DLC5: Alatreon
After beating Ruiner Nergigante in the Guiding Lands, Alatreon attacks Seliana. Repel him and you can then hunt him in the arena you fought Xeno’jiiva in. After that his quest appears sporadically like Zorah, Xeno and Shara’s do.
Fuck off, fake as fuck
Any gunners here? What are you guys using?
Should I go for the bone or steel tree for a switch axe? I barely finished fighting the viper kadachi, and I need new weapons.
source: trust me, dude
That's almost believable, but
>no Fatty
I mean, Alatreon IS a Black Dragon, and from what I've seen they don't want to make a whole new arena for just one monster. Hell, even Shara's Arena might be too small for Fatty.
>Fully upgraded Glavenus lance against blackveil vaal
>Holy fucking shit I have never pumped out so much damage with lance in my life. Make his head a weak point with clutch claw and I was doing 111 damage with each hit
>all that unlikely shit
>no oroshi kirin
>and from what I've seen they don't want to make a whole new arena for just one monster.
>made an entire map for Kulve
I's fine for Fatty/Ala in the second phase.
But my bet is on Fatty getting reworked into a siege fight for Master Rank.
>111 damage a hit
That's it? I was doing that much with a counter poke with high rank Nerg's lance. MR weapons are pathetic.
Kulve was a mistake, honestly. They should have put the Metal Raths there for a quest. Hell, maybe even put Brute Tiggy there too.
>no siege monster
Fake as fuck
The hub raid bullshit and gacha were a mistake. I rather like the fight itself, especially zone 3 and 4.
I have never had an issue with Kulve Taroth. The fight is fun, the chase breaks up the monotony and the grind isn't any worse than fighting any other monster.
Sure if you're grinding for a specific weapon it's fucking hell but that's how you suck any possible fun out of everything.
That said, I don't want it back.
I did find it amusing how Shara had similar movements to Valstrax, what with the rotatable wing hands and using them as palms to swipe or slam down
zones 2, 3 and 4 were some fucking good arenas (especially zone 3).
I'd be sad if they didn't get recycled for another monster.
how easy would soloing the arch tempered guys for the layered armor sets be now with fully kitted out MR gear? I mean my defense is nearly triple what it was back then.
Guess this is a good place to ask this. I just picked up Generations Ultimate and I'm looking to build a Charge Blade set. What's a good build going in to G-Rank? I hear Artillery is a good skill for the CB, but that info comes from reddit and I don't trust much of what they say.
ATs were already easy, and i'm a shitter. If you play them safe and don't overcommit, they go down as easy as the others. AT Nergigante is the only real exception in that he can cart you if you're unlucky.
As with any challenge, you can very easily adjust a build to trivialise any encounter. Alot of people abjectly refuse to do this then tell everyone else something is difficult.
>Fighting Listfag beetlejuice
>Savage Deviljho shows up
>Ignores me, goes purely after Beetlejuice
>Two turf wars back to back, then begins hitting him for 500.
>Drop him in sub 10 mins despite being undergeared
Thanks Jho!
based monkey dong
AT Nerg doesn't really have any OHKO bullshit besides the fucky tail sweep hitbox if you're unlucky
Most hard hits will do like 60-80% of your HP, with a flying dunk followup you need to avoid, but he's usually not outright lethal
Evade Window and/or Extender go a long way in that fight
sales shitposters on suicide watch
How the FUCK do I use switch axe bros. All my hunts take like 20-25 mins and I constantly get bowled over due to bad positioning. Unless I'm wailing on the monster with sword mode I do jack shit for damage
>first time against ebony odo
>almost immediately turf wars with narga
>runs off to the upper area
>turf wars with legiana
>runs back down
>turf wars with narga again
>somehow end up capping him without breaking the head
That guy wanted to fight everything but me
A HBG with a shit ton of shields because everything in world wants to move fast and attack constantly.
>two days ago
>it flopped
>look at these numbers
>sales dont matter
>shit game
it was fun
does the game continue on after MR 49? I beat garuga but havent really had anything come up since then.
Thought maybe it would require level 4 in guiding but that didnt do anything.
>That whole thread a couple days ago where they all laughed about how it flopped in the UK
>But it includes digital! the gathering halls are empty! MH4G sold 4 million!
How many more times will capcom slap them in the face with good sales? Its really too funny.
>shield mods on HBG
Buff axe mode with the new finisher
Switch to sword on knockdowns and flinches, wild swings on openings where the monster isn't disabled
Clutch claw onto ZSD whenever you can get away with it
There are uncap urgents at 49, 69 and 99 I think. 99 being Ruiner
Theres variants that show up when you level each guiding land zone up enough. Scarred Garuga, Brute Tigrex, and the Metal Raths
Evade Window/Extender
Ever tried fighting Barioth with a HBG w/o shields? It sucks.
First it was saying the game being flawed was going to cause poor sales, then it was saying millions of sales was a flop, and now it’s sales meaning nothing to the quality of a game. I want a world where we focus on the merits of a game and discuss the game rather than going “the casuals like it, so it is doomed to be worse in the future!” Just look at XX. Absolutely a slapped together game, broken in so many ways, and still really enjoyable - unless you play in pubs.
Do any of these correlate to unlocking tempered? Im guessing 49? Have seen the tracks but havent unlocked any investigations.
I did forest but its stuck at level 4. Thought it was suppose to go to 6?
i dont mind the shitposters, i imagine them as chihuahua dogs, the bark and bark and bark then they get tired and take a nap
Safe landing skill in action - youtube.com
Wanna do 10,000 damage in a single machine gun volley? Here you go. :) youtu.be
>that moan
Right, but I can’t help but feel pity anyway - and mild frustration when people egg them on. Cascade of shitposting.
Did it in 10 minutes, it's pretty easy if you manage to unload the entire machine gun on her. Greatest challenge is mostly staying alivez thank god for Iceproof Mantle and Wall Slams
Now, killing Velkhana in the Hinterlands, that was a challenge
help meee...
You can get tempered monsters by doing the urgent at rank 69. It's tempered Brachy + Glav. It will remove the cap of Guiding Lands to Lv6 and you can spawn tempered at those levels
but why
>They tie up Velk to use the dragon razor
>Use it
>It misses
Why would they fucking allow that when you have no power over when they tie it up other than bringing it in range
Ahh okay. Thanks.
I slot Earplugs +5, it's very pleasant to be able to actually finish my Spirit Combos. Also it's very useful because it's a roarfest when many monsters ate in the same place
Congala DLC fucking when?
does this also work when you'd normally land on your face? If you lose out on invulnerability it's a double-edged blade.
>uses claw to prop yourself back up
Why is this an endgame armor skill? Looks cool I guess but it makes me want it to be a timing-based clutch claw ability - you have to press L2 at the moment you land when you get hit to immediately recover. That could help patient players and teach panicking players not to start mashing roll whenever they get hit.
>tfw the plot armour capcom gave you is so strong you will never know the sweet release of death
Enjoy your eternal suffering bitch.
That would give you an option for that type of knockback, too, like how if you get plastered by the heaviest attacks, you can choose to stay down for a bit.
I never doubted IB will sell like hotcakes, but that's exactly why the matchmaking/search function is fucked right now.
>2/16, 3/16 rooms all over
Should be addressed soon
Does anybody really die in these games? Gore gets btfo and then comes back as Shagaru like we didn’t carve it and only hurt its feelers; the Teostra leading up to Lunastra is alive and mildly unwell in the arena even though we clearly slayed it a quest ago; Nergi is an eternal sparring partner despite getting wasted several times..
Nergigante is a special case because lmao regeneration. Most Elder in general can survive because of ED magic. I believe most regular monsters you hunt simply die
Did they fix sword and shield by making it good again?
why is this so hard to understand for redditors?
>MHW sells 5 millions in three days, over 13 overall
>Iceborne can barely achieve 2.5 in a week
This is embarassing
People were tricked into buying World, but they realized the game was just an awful watered down version of MH covered in nice graphics, and now they avoided the expansion (which is a mediocre mess sold full price)
This is a bigger flop than Anthem, holy fuck
Village 5* Iodrome hunt-a-thon (kill 8) is best chance, at 30% for 1 at quest reward. Kiranico is your friend. mhgu.kiranico.com
Those only come from 3 quests. 2 missions garuntee 1 drop, those missions are White Winds of the New World and The Sapphire Stars Guidance. They unlock after clearing ALL optional quests (this includes the behemoth quest in 9 star) and reaching HR 100 respectively. The 3rd mission has a fucking 1% drop rate and I forget which one that is. I'm sorry.
Give me some Hunting Horns to make anons, I feel the urge to doot and toot over these speedy monsters
Also is uncapped slugger from diablos a meme or nah?
I've been using the Fulgur Anjanath HBG. Really powerful and definitely the best one for N3s. Also, Wyvernheart with the Special Scope + Wyvernheart mod is broken as hell.
While fighting Blackveil Vaal, he did his little spore nova thing, I got effluvia'd and lost my health bar, but then my health that was left started dropping like I was poisoned and I died before I could even start the potion drinking animation.
I didn't see any environmental effect like a death cloud or anything, and I didn't think to check if it was a status. What happened to me?
Haven't tried many myself, but the Tigrex HH (Dragonga) is pretty good. Glavenus, Acidic Glavenus, and Seething Bazel also seem to have good horns.
lol you is based yes very based indeed hmmm
He does set up tick damage AoE of the spore clouds
When he does his nuke just run the fuck away and wait for him to rush to you afterwards because whatever area he nuked will be full of AoE for a while
He spreads mold all over the floor nearby. Look closely and you'll notice it's covered in white fuzz. That's what was damaging you.
If you already have effluvia he can succ your HP
Normal Vaal has done it since the base game you probably just never saw it
Fire: Rathian
Ice: Velhkana
Water: They all suck but Namielle sucks the least
Thunder: Zinogre
Dragon: Jho/Final Boss Monster
Paralysis: Queen Vespoid
Blast: Teo/Tigrex
Sleep: Nightshade Pao desu
I don't use Poison so no clue.
Me and my mate play together, I great sword and her dual blades. I typically start a hunt by throwing on Rocksteady and wounding every part of the monster I can, then she can tear the fucker up for extra damage anywhere. Makes for one hell of a combo team.
Boy that 20% on armor sure matters when we can’t fucking use it without halving our contribution to the fight
I got hit by this after 1k hours of playing, if you have effluvium he sucks your life, pretty cool
Use slinger combos to stagger him. He still has the double charge hop into backhop so you can setup a big attack
what quest can i do currently so farm lvl 4 decos?
I used Queen Vespoid HH with uncapped slugger and max paralysis attack. The combination of both is a meme since you'll trigger paralysis but 2 hits intothe proc you'll ko the monster, wasting the para proc
>Just finished my Dober Armor Set + Mad Horn Bone
It's not optimal, but goddamn, do I look cool
Arigato anons, any armor set recommendations? At least until I unlock Brute Tiggy cause his set looks fun to run with a gemmed in Horn Maestro
Oh so that's why one time I just randomly dropped dead while wailing on an HR Vaal
Have you tried not doing more KO when it’s paralyzed?
>Need a gem to finish the set
I recommend three Diablos/Black Diablos (Black has better skills in my opinion.) pieces for the Slugger unlock. Shit works wonders for HH. Tigrex is another option because ATK Boost + Earplugs is nice. Glav pieces are also good if you want Handicraft instead.
Good switch axe? I'm currently right before namielle. Been using Fulgur Anjas even though it doesn't look that good its doing good work on anything weak to thunder
Rathian is really good.
Make Velks weapons. Final Boss and Zinogre are weak to it so it will get some use for some time.
Whats the best LBG now?
Nope. In fact they made it worse by giving every weapon the ability to use the sling while drawn; one less thing the SnS has going for it. Oils didn't make the cut in World and the fact that all weapons sheathe so fast makes the SnS gimmick of using items even less relevant.
The fuck is wrong with capcom servers?
Thanks to both of you. Was gonna go for Velks eventually just havent gotten to it since I've been using his Lance and Greatsword whenever I need Ice
Just wait for japanese autists to show you how and then copy whatever they do, it's what I do
looks like acid glav's lance is gonna be pretty nice against him
>expected some lame soft bongos overlayed
>that sweet ass drumming instead
Honestly LS is pretty fun to use. Though how to aim the Head Splitter attack? Feels like I'm doing it wrong compared to what I've seen people do with it.
what's the name of the deco that allows hidden elements?
Sheath speeds are basically the same as they've always been besides HBG noy having seige mode to worry about anymore
free element ammo up i think
You'll move in the direction you hold during the stab, if you want to just go straight up don't touch anything after the animation starts.
You can attack in any direction on the way down
Seem's like there was a problem on online matching system
>This images on reply chai
For some reason i cannot stop laughing
>Zinogre already sold out
That was fast, i guess
It's mostly about adjusting your DI. You can adjust your trajectory on the jump, and change which direction to bring the blade down. If you're like me you're probably unconsciously holding the stick in a direction at all times, and it's fucking up your jump when what you really want to do is just go straight up.
The BEST, GOAT theme in the entire franchise coming through
Forgot the tweet, for some reason
>PSN server spergs out because of the overflow of current players
I've solo'd every hunt in this game with an HH minus Behemoth and KT. It just takes practice and patience.
I miss the part that's just drums with the guitar riff in the background
the state of listfag
have fun console players :(
By the time pc gets the game, all people in this thread will move on to other games....
>Running Evade Extender 2 and Evade Window 4
Try hitting me faggot lmao
What are the abilities for the brute tigerex set? Also is he guiding lands only?
>he missed
>with that cannon
>when it was right in front of him
>not evade extender 3
user commit fully, my gunlance backhops take me halfway across the fucking map
I'm a poorfag and I don't have much time so it's likely I'll still be playing in 4 months
Are we getting the DLC roadmap on the CapcomChannel stream tonight?
>rajang vs kirin turf war
>Looks like a brutal fight but rajang just keeps grabbing the horn
>Rajang snaps kirins horns off, makes happy monster noises then zooms out of there to eat the horn in some corner of the map
3 really feels like overkill on weapons that already have long rolls. Utterly fucks up my positioning with SA and HBG if I go over 2.
man, my PC drops to the low 50s/high 40s in Ancient Forest, I don't know how its going to go with Hoarfrost Reach
>give charge blade a sword charge
>Give sword more mobility with the slide
>Make SAED not take any buffs
How do you fuck up CB this badly? There's almost no reason to even care about the other changes when you can just vomit SAED nonstop.
>Faithful to the original
>Didn't fuck up the instrumentation
>New parts are inserted excellently and actually fit the song, sound like they were always there
>Mount theme adds the sick rock drums
This can't have been done by the same person who rearranged most of the other returning tracks.
Every monster should get their own unique mount theme.
I need more mats to level up my extender charm to lvl 3
The only one they fucked up is Teostra's imo
Making it longer than a 40 second loop was good but the instrumentation needed more punch. Needs enough brass to make Pokemon Gen 3 feel inadequate.
>rajang brutally have sex with kirin
I've been watching these stupid shitty cats at their Rotten Vale lair for ten minutes now and none of them have pulled out their Plunderang even once.
These picture requests are dumb as hell but I'm too much of an autist to leave them half-done.
Make a thread when the time comes and I guarantee you’ll get a room set up. Even if people complete their gear to the point of having nowhere left to progress, if the game is fun, people should be around to play it for that reason alone.
wasn't it on saturday?
Yeah, saturday on nipland, friday night on western countries
Yeah but tonight in US time will be Saturday in Japan and I don't know what timezone was being taken into consideration by whoever translated
in 8 hours and 20 minutes if the stream starts at the same time as the last stream
>2.5 million
>all servers are 1-2 people
>sos barely find anything
yeah sure, sony lying again about sales i guess
Get your last minute bait posts ready then folks
Can’t wait for my boy Gigginox to be confirmed
I have to double dip because half my faggy friends are on xbox and half are on pc. So I buy both
What is the context for this? Amount of dev time/effort put into each facet of the game?
They really messed up. Sword charge would have been an interesting way to let you recover from SAED consuming your shield. It would give the weapon this nice cycle of regular play with other phial moves until shield was nearly out, buffing your sword and getting to red charge, using SAED, and then continuing the loop. Savage Axe enabling traditional play is nice, but works in contrast to SAED, and so while we have options again, they don’t flow together as well as they could.
SEETHING nintendie
Bone has dragon element right? Go for that for clutch claw fun times
Savage Axe should just be the default state of Axe Mode with a charged shield imo, even if it had to be weakened a little it doesn't need to be a separate charge
fuck off retard, do you raelly think is sony is being honest about the sales? do you really think ps4 sold 100 million? i literally not know anybody who owns a ps4 while even my fucking grandma had a wii
I hope we get my Niggastalos for MH6, one of the better flying wyverns honestly.
Why do I keep getting "Left quest" sometimes after joining someones SOS
Is the network fucking shit?
fatalis in 8 hours can't wait
Thankfully them being forced to remake everything has led to the old flying wyvern skeleton monsters being differentiated a lot more
I just wonder what the hell they'll do to Monoblos when it eventually shows up again, it'd need to get the Lunastra treatment to differentiate it from Diablos at this point
seethe and cope bingboi
Either A: The lobby filled before it could put you in, or B: they have manual accept on and rejected you.
Iceborne is burning down the PSN servers as we speak
>Monoblos comes back stronger than Diablos
1. Servers are fucking shit and not placing people with people
2. Theyre lying about shit
White Monoblos always felt more threatening than any Diablos, mostly cause of the size difference I suppose. And the fast charge was a lot more dangerous than endless digging attacks.
That’s a facet of MVs for Axe mode being retardedly low on their own, excluding SAED of course. I think it’s fine conceptually, but it could ramp up over time if you keep it alive by refraining from an SAED or running out of phials. Then at max, you could hold down a shield thrust to spend it by doing that chainsaw move from XX.
Why is he so big in this game?
they already started to change it in 4U (he has different parterns from diablos there).
>tfw no good layered armor at all
Is it so much to ask they make all sets layered? You either look like a clown or a boring layered nigger.
I have the opposite problem: everytime I pull off the paraset I end up KO'ing a monster right before the para proc. Should I just stop attacking and sharpening my shit or doing something else?
>he doesn't have guild cross
I want several things from XX to be real moves, actually. The heat gauge for GL was nice and could’ve been a way to incorporate Blast Dash into the base moveset; CB energy blade as an alternative to SAED for higher raw and partbreak instead of explosion damage; SnS shoryuken being its own thing so we can have a normal backhop; HH double notes, though song stocking is ok too; Valor Hammer was great hit and run; Valor DB counter rewarding you for sticking to the monster but not always being the best answer..
>111 damage with each hit
I do 180 with a single uncharged greatsword swing.
I don't think I have the patience for lance.
Lance also pokes 3x in the time it takes to charge a swing and never has to back off
Its a different playstyle
GS has a much bigger reset for each hit, Lance can't even be compared to GS they're completely different weapons.
The Lance Chad had already attacked 5 times while you're recovering from that swing dude
guild cross is boring layered nigger tier
anyone have a max affinity set for GS? I'm stacking a bunch of Crit boost and crit eye yet I'm still at 55% default. What can I do to push it over the top?
consolewar faggots are pathetic
That picture was hot.
Weakness exploit helps assuming your don’t already have that
Yes. That’s the worst situation to be in with para, and since statuses are somewhat random at 1/3 without apothecary, there’s not much you can do to predict it unless you use a damage viewer. Best you can do is wait for the first para before going for a KO and then not worrying about it.
t. guild crosslet