Why is Expert mode so fucking hard? I can't even beat Queen Bee, QUEEN BEE. This double damage and double health is retarded. Do I really need to make those ugly fucking platform arenas for every fight?
potions and platforms are pretty mandatory unless you're yrimir 2.0
I'm shit at the game and managed to beat expert mode. If I could do it so can you. Just man up and make the platforms.
Why are you acting like Queen Bee being hard is in any way weird? She's supposed to be the second to last normal mode boss.
The only hard parts in Expert mode are Skeletron and the lunar events if you refuse nursecheese them.
Imagine being this shit at terraria. just kys, you pathetic loser
I've been playing on Expert Mode ever since it came out and never had any issues, and I'm one of those fags who won't use potions because they might be more useful later. Literally learn to move around fast with grappling hook cancelling
Reminder that hairdresser is cutest girl
I killed Duke Fishron on expert five times in under two minutes. git gud, scrublord
>and I'm one of those fags who won't use potion because they might be more useful later
>hoarding in a game where every single consumable can easily be farmed
bizarre way to write mechanic
How am I supposw to git gud when majority of pre-hardmode weapon damage output is horrible?
Because Queen Bee is a joke in regular Terraria and I can keep farming for honey goggles or Bees Knees. Now with double health,19 second poison timer and stongers that do 60 health a hit you can't even fight in the hive anymore.
he didn't tell you to get better equipment, he told you to get good retard
I'm aware of my shortcomings on that front, and to be fair, I do use healing potions. Nowadays I also use Well Fed, since fishing grants so much bass it's ridiculous.
i don't even use ranged weapons either in fear of running out of ammo mid-battle and because it hogs inventory space. sometimes i'll use them early hardmode with the endless pouch, but post-mechs not so much
i know i have a fucking problem, i can't even use boss weapons in mega man.
I am just a simple farmer, tending to his dayblooms
>hogs inventory space
You have four ammo slots that hold 999 Ammo per slot. How in the FUCK do you run out?
Ever since I got into hard mode the bosses have gone from too easy to too hard and I have no idea what to do about it
Farm a daedalus bow and a titanium armor and you're set for a good part of hardmode
expert mode is just like playing dark souls at level 1, tedious.
I wouldn't play it if expert mode didn't have content locked behind it. What were they fucking thinking?
sl1 dark souls is some of the most fun I've had with a video game in recent memory.
Particularly the DLC bosses.
I mean if you feel that way you can just get a mod that makes it so you get expert drops from bosses in normal mode too.
I just get bored, dunno maybe it's low attention span or some shit but doing garbage dmg and dodging for like 10 minutes doesn't feel very fun.
I beat skeletron yesterday and had tons of fun doing it. The fact that I actually had to put in effort and make sure that I had the best stuff, while also still being a challenging but fair fight at that point is something that more vidya james should take note of.
Hardmode on the other hand is another story. Getting invaded by piratefags on day 3 who 2 shot you and are almost impossible to kill with pre-hardmode weapons, not too mention that they don't leave till you beat them really sucked.
It's not about the loot it's expert mode has mobs that will never spawn in normal Terraria. Maybe the 1.4 update will add them into regular terraria but thats just retarded kocking variety content behind this bullshit mode like that.
Just go into the caves
Expert mode isn't hard if you know what you are doing and what build you are going for. So far I found playing a ranged non magical the easiest one.
As for the Bee Queen. You can set up an arena around the bee hive, put down heart lamps, campfires, farm materials and make buff potions. Make the best ammo you can get right now. If that doesn't work for you then build a small rail arena and kite the boss with the mine cart. Expert mode is all about knowing how to approach bosses, if you go in yolo then you'll die, unless you have amazing reflexes or you outgear the boss