Which series do you wholly love?

I love all Xenoblade games

Attached: Xenoblade_Series.png (922x519, 933K)

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I'm with you, OP

I'm with HER

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Played Xenoblade 1 and 2. Love to play Xenoblade X but I aint buying a Wii U so they better port it for the Switch.

Zelda and Ys

Xenoblade is a good series but I can’t say I love it.

You love all Ys games? All Zeldas?

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I mean considering how big those series are, I’d say I love them wholly even if there are one or two bad apples. Xenoblade has 3 games so you’d need to love all of them to say that.

Well, that's what I meant. I'm asking which series do you WHOLLY love, meaning every game in the series. I guess you can count out the spin offs from Zelda but all mainline titles are a part of the series. Do you love Skyward Sword?

>XB2 made me realize I only really liked X
>Pokemon would've counted back in Gen 4
>SMT has IVA and I stopped caring for Persona long ago despite loving 4
M-maybe Wario Land. But even then that's more "like them all" than love.

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For me it's mario

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Mega Man X

Yes, I really do mean that

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Splatoon. It's only two games but I love this shit so much.
I love everything about it from the gameplay to even the advertising like YOU'RE A KID NOW YOU'RE A SQUID NOW or that fucked up inkling statue that was in Canada. Don't even like the porn.

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Half-Life. Even Episode 1 and Blue Shift. Fuck, HLs good.

Fire Emblem

shame I started with one of the latest titles

Sonic the Hedgehog.

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It's GLUE! Get him!


i implore you to reconsider

Shadow Hearts

Gravity Rush

2 was so terrible it literally killed the series, both financially and culturally.

kat is cute and makes my peepee hard

So what's the deal with Xenoblade? The story and setting looks like complete nonsense and the gameplay is insultingly easy and basic with nothing that resembles depth, even by modern JRPG standards.

Are JRPG fans subhumans?

Chine mega mii ten say

A fool can't appreciate good games

Nah, while I do prefer the first game, 2 wasn't that bad, it just felt like they added things that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Then again the first games plot was a bit of a clusterfuck, maybe they were just trying to fix it. I think if we had gotten the Gravity Rush they originally planned for the PS3 the series would still be alive.

looks like someone is in dire need of sex

What about that post made you think it would be worth responding to? Are you expecting to get anything out of this other than perhaps a stupid fucking argument with a blatant shitposter?

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Is that why they're playing trash games on on consoles with hardware from 1999?

You posted it.

>have sex
>fall 2019
you just posted cringe, user

back to your censored games snoy

Look, faggot, I just wanted some answer on what the appeal of Xenoblade was, because it can't be the gameplay.

having sex doesn't break no-fap unless it's with a hooker dummy

Wrpgs are boring Tolkien ripoffs with horrible combat systems.

>being restricted to only one platform
Get a job

I have no favorites, i love them all equally
Every single one has a different charm and strength over the others

>implying that Xenoblade has good combat

wrpgs aren't being made anymore, so they're a moot point. Though I will give the genre credit for trying to evolve a bit before devs stopped making them.

Instead of copeposting, why won't someone just explain the appeal of Xenoblade to me.

People have different tastes, I don't know what kind of secret answer you're expecting. It's a video game
Oh wait you're shitposting

I do love all zelda games, i don't think zelda cd i are canon though. Zelda 1, 2 are bad apples but i think they are ojbectively good games though.
I like castlevania, megaman but they have too much games that i don't like.
Monster hunter i like a lot, but there's too much rereleases.

They aren't the best games and they have a ridiculous amount of dumb shit in them, but goddamn I love them so much

Final Fantasy

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>The story and setting looks like complete nonsense

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>Alex Jones
JRPG fans can't meme, not gonna watch

The video literally reinforces your point that it's complete nonsense

What part of "not gonna watch" do you fail to comprehend, you illiterate subhuman?

looks like someone is in dire need of a cure for their down syndrome

You seem really angry over an anonymous imageboard, user. Go outside. Make friends. Have sex. Start a family.

All of the xeno games are pretty great.

not gonna watch, not gonna read, go kill yourself

>go kill yourself
I have a feeling you will soon

>projecting this hard
Suicide is not a joke user, and I think you need to seek help. Don't end it, you have so much to live for.

>shitposter decides he wants to destroy a thread
>Yea Forums falls over themselves to respond to it no matter how many times you urge them not to
>mods predictably do nothing
>thread inevitably gets ruined because of a single sociopath
What the fuck are you supposed to do in this situation?

Games with legs!

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based and zoharpilled

Move to a better website

Are we really gonna ignore that the thread itself was shit and the premise of it pointless? Hell, I've still yet to receive an answer on what the appeal of Xenoblade was.

>Mods won't do anything
Go be cringe on resetera

Twisted metal, sad that car combat is a dead genre

MegaTen. I've played most of them and they're all great.

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I aint no god damn furry. I just really love the games. Except the really shitty ones but even the shit ones like have some good in them, like the soundtrack in 06 or the so bad it's good edginess of Shadow.


>loving Neptuniablade
Get better taste

I have plenty of help. That's why I'm not angry but you are.

Xenoblade 1 is not that bad

Damn, that's a hard question.
I like the Zelda series a lot but my favorite games are Xenoblade 1 and X. I honestly don't know which I like more.

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