What’s it like Yea Forums? It’s on sale right now.
What’s it like Yea Forums? It’s on sale right now
Am I supposed to know what this is?
Objectively the worst Tale Of game, a bad game in general.
Get Symphonia or Vesperia (or both) instead.
Tales of Zestiria. Weebshit but I’m starved for JRPGs.
It's probably the worst modern Tales for a bunch of reasons. It still ultimately delivers on what Tales is - an action RPG with a colourful party, but a variety of mechanics specifics (your party must contain two specific human party members at all times, meaning no complete freedom of team making like Tales usually has) and an uninteresting world/plot make it pretty weak.
You'd be better off with Symphonia, Vesperia or Berseria. Symphonia might be a little rough if you aren't willing to put up with the design standards of a PS2/GC era JRPG though.
I don't hate Zestiria, but I wouldn't recommend it over any of the other ones personally.
Why even respond to the OP if you don't know the game he's asking about?
I'm confused.
Horrible game, never pander to females or let directors let their real life waifu get roles
>I'm confused.
No, you're just retarded.
Is this worth it for Edna?
I could never finish jrpgs.
Not turn-based
Edna is amazing. I dunno about worth it just for her but she's legit one of my favourite vidya lolis ever.
Its worth it for Lailah
It's okay, I really don't get all the hate the game gets. It kinda feels unfinished near the end and I can get hating the fusion mechanic since it limits your party somewhat but it's not a horrible mess like people make it out to be.
Still wouldn't want to buy it outside of a sale.
Honestly the entire party is fucking great and everyone's got their unique kind of endearing autism
Anything is worth it for Edna.
I think not that many people outright hate it, there's just a general negativity around it due to all the bullshit and design issues. It's overall definitely the weakest of the modern Tales games, but that doesn't mean it is completely unenjoyable.
>not Abyss
It's the only Tales game I never finished, and I typically try and finish every game I buy no matter how bad it is. It does some things ok and I was enjoying it up to a certain point, but ultimately it became so boring that I just couldn't go on. Maybe one day I'll go back to it but if I don't I don't feel like I'm missing much.
It's not bad, but the combat feels very off to me. I was always getting through everything, but i never felt like i was ever mastering the combat system, but it didn't feel visceral or cathartic either.
Zestiria and Berseria are only worth for the characters. Gameplay gets boring quickly.
It's not that great. Only play it if you like the series. It might improve the experience for Berseria a bit but that's it. Boring cast, boring story, boring map, decent gameplay. Play pic related instead.
>newfags can't even reverse image search anymore
if its particularly cheap then its probably worth it, but as its already been pointed out, its the weakest entry in the series
its also not that long in the grand scheme of RPGs, I finished base game in like 28 hours
It’s like 8 bucks on the European PS Store.
I didn't like it, play Berseria.
>Objectively the worst Tale Of game
After Eternia, Hearts, Tempest and Innocence.