What does Yea Forums think of Lucina?
What does Yea Forums think of Lucina?
she saved the franchise
I'll wait for spideybro to show up and then decide
Girls with blue hair are the best
Why is that, whis is it that without fail blue haired girls are always the best girls?
cute feet
She couldn’t even save her own timeline
It is just fate.
Shit girl
Luci’s voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
i love sothis' feet!
Where's Lucina +10
go away cretin
She's flat and DUMB.
Probably smells too.
I was promised girl Marth and I'm very very disappointed.
She's perfect
How's this guy still alive?
She smells her own boots when no one is looking.
Made for tickle torture.
Made for Spiderman cock.
Basically just Future Trunks with tits.
Why wouldn’t I be?
I like her new voice actress. She was genuinely nice meeting her in person. Whatever happen to Laura? Did the strike really screwed her over?
Her chest is as well rounded as her character.
She had a kid so she had to take time off. She did lucina’s voice uncredited during the strike in heroes.
What the actual fuck?
This is the only ryona picture I've ever gotten off too. Something about Lucina getting the shit beat out if her is appealing.
Looked it up. She had a kid at 37?!?
That's nothing special. Why are you freaking out?
Why is that surprising to you?