>c-controll will flop
Well....control GOTY confirmed :)
C-controll will flop
based, now finish the fucking story and make Alan Wake 2
>best new game
as if there was anything else to vote for on PS4
>sjw trash
By playstation blog readers...wow...strong...new...what an impact...obviously the future is female...
>by playstation blog readers
Who haven't played the game on a playstation, since it runs so poorly.
voted best new game =/= selling well
keep seething
eventually, it will all be 'sjw thrash' according to you
nobody will ever cater to you again
so better prepare that noose
Mechanics seems fun but no way am I paying full price for a story game.
>by Playstation blog readers
Not even in the 20 top sellers of US in august, yeah it's a flop.
>t. didn't play the game.
no one played it you stupid Sjw bitch
I played it and loved it
the only game to come out on August for the piss4, big deal.
What is Control?
This, the sales numbers are piss poor right now.
Oh yeah.
Votes on a blog compensate for low selling units, yep, goty.
Stop supporting remedy and bad gameplay!
>best game
>of august
>Ashtray Maze is fucking awesome
>try to re-experience it by watching it on youtube
>everyone who uploads is a console player
>move like molasses
>never levitate
>always using floor/wall tiles instead of actual objects because they can't flick
No wonder those people
>always doing the restrictive over the shoulder aiming
I don't know why people bought it for console when Tim is giving out free PC copies
Default outfit is the best outfit
>have a stroke midway through posting
it's easy to be the best when you're the only one
>based, now finish the fucking story and make Alan Wake 2
The second story DLC for Control is AWE, which means:
Altered World Event.
Alan Wake Experience.
>Woman literally dyes her hair red
>Somehow thinks it isn't a virtue signal/red flag
this is sad
like winning a contest with no other participants
>Playstation blog
i cannot comprehend fifa, nips and burgers dont even know this series exists yet it always sells so godamn much. how many spics actually exist on this planet
And people will still deny that Sonyfags were shilling it.
>going down fungal Research elevator shaft early
This game has some wild content sometimes.
Also the invisible hiss that reappears beside you to create explosions was the most nerve-wracking moment I have had in ages.
yeah it keeps the Yea Forums incels away ;)
Fuck that guy
>Absolutely nothing
This game was already confirmed to be a flop by sales chart. Go dilate
Why are poorfags so mad at this game?
Isn't the game fucking pusted performance-wise on the PS4?
Hell, I'm playing it on a PC and it's an unoptimized mess and you can't even turn off motion blur.
A 1070ti isn't an amazing graphics card, but I should be able to play the game at 1080p at solid 60fps without turning every setting down.
fucking kek
This "game" bombed so hard
>playstation blog readers
All three of them?
>playstation blog readers
Lmao do people actually do this
Don’t you have a school to be shooting up glownigger trash
I saw a stream of someone playing on PC with a mouse and keyboard. they were aiming down sight with the shotgun, thought the game was too hard, used a trainer and then didn't even finish the game saying it wasn't very fun
this is why we can't have nice things isnt it user
The voting list have virtually no competition retard. I like the game but let's be honest, it will flop. Console version runs like shit. For PC, high chances that people who know Remedy aren't zoomer retards, and probably won't ever goes anywhere near Epig bullshit.
Then again, Timmy did guarantee for Control to stay afloat. If I were Remedy I'd sign the deal too.
How much did it sell?
Didn't buy it yet because I heard it runs like shit.
Who gives a fuck about snoy you retard.
They are lost since they moved to California.
>voted best game by Playstation.Blog readers
t. soitendo fagcel
The perfect framerate.
Anything higher than 20 is too game-y.
Cool, I really like it so far.
>#23 in the US charts last month (got destroyed by Astral Chain which came out a few days later)
>Didn't make the top #20 paid PSN charts in August
If not for Epic's bribe money, Remedy would probably be filing bankruptcy right about now.
Remedy got a shitton of Tencent money and are co-developing that new Crossfire game
Let's just outlaw shitty gamers honestly, PC or console. I just spent the last 3 hours replaying the ashtray maze mission. Backup your saves before you do it though because it resets progress made after the final mission even if you go back to Endgame
Around a billion. There's also 2 billion sandniggers + regular niggers and 4 billions asians + Poo's
Quick reminder that the big bad white majority is 600 million or so, worlwide.
based and blogpilled
is mirror's edge an sjw game too
or tomb raider
they haven't gotten shit and are making garbage multiplayer titles to be able to keep paying developer wages
Nigger they got Tencent money for making the singleplayer in Crossfire.
the company is going to sink sometime soon
How long is it? I really don't have hundreds of hours to put into a video game.
15-20 hours
>best new game of the month
wow its fucking nothing
Man Ashtray Maze is fucking amazing. i wish i knew what i was getting into before going in . That entire section was fucking brilliant.
>make boring shit for soiboys
>soiboys like it
western shit
What the fuck are you on about? Smilegate is owned by Koreans. Why would Tencent give them money?
I don't know who paid them but that trailer was fucking boring.
Also wamen are strong believe wamen!
Kek, you mean like Obsidian?
>make Deadfire the most progressive game of the year
>go bankrupt and get bought out by Microsoft
>(((voted by readers)))
yuropoors single-handedly keep the console cancer alive with fifa
pretty disgusting if you ask me
>Still shilling this shit
Get with the times, the current hot shit to shill is River City Whores
How can a game I've never heard of be Game of the Year?
did snoyboys even get anything else?
>blog readers
Im not right wing, sorry.
It was pretty awesome. The physics and graphics were stellar, and floating while throwing stuff was quite enjoyable. Wish I could have left the main building at some point so the public could witness my powers. Retrieve an object of power in the field.