Battle for azeroth is finally over, no more new raids until next expack
Battle for azeroth is finally over, no more new raids until next expack
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Yeah no, the leaks confirm that siege of thunder bluff will be the horde raid and siege of stormwind will be the alliance one.
You mean "I think that"?
maybe but they're re-releasing Firelands so it's fine by me.
no one cares what leaks out of your prolapsed anus faggot
Actually with wod timewalking next week already even though mop one just ended, I think they really want to rush to cata one.
Because usually it takes month until next.
/wowg/ is laughing at us again bros...
wait, they went through with the stupid leather belly thing on sylv?
It's just going to set up 8.3. At Blizzcon they'll do a panel talking about the end of BFA and then another one for the new expansion.
its been there since 2016
8.2.5 wont be the final patch though.
yeah but i remember backlash;. so i figured they cut it
They won't make patch without campaign, this shit was there since mop with it's legendary cloak chain
>retail wow in 2019
>They won't make patch without campaign
they already did
And yet it is far better than Classic lmao
Wait, it's been only 2 major patches and it's the end of expansion?
There's no way, usually that's 3 patches and after last raid it's 1 year wait for next expac.
>Party sync
>Replaying quests.
>Get to last part of a quest chain.
>/1 "On last part of [quest] /w for inv"
>Everyone joins, syncs up to his part.
>Original guy leaves
>They continue and get their rewards.
Just because war campaign is over doesn't mean expansion is over. I can very much see blizzard pulling something like Legion's Argus patch where we head off somewhere else.
>make xpack
>wait 6.5 months so people with a half year sub run out
>make patch
>wait 6.5 months again
>make another patch
>wait 6.5 months
>release new xpack
WoD only had one patch if you discount the selfie cam and Facebook posting "patch".
Blizzard focused on Classic instead. Enjoy.
remember when WoD was a huge failure and everybody hated it? yeah they cut half the planned content from it and focused on developing Legion
now BFA has been an even bigger failure than WoD and everybody + your mom hates it, so they're probably focusing on the next expac instead of making more patches
theres also classic now
Except, you've never been able to share a quest in a chain with people who haven't also done the previous steps of that chain.
I'm glad I stopped playing it then. What a fucking trainwreck of expansion.
I could live with them cutting the Shattrath raid but cutting the arakkoa raid will always make me sad inside.
what about Ogre Island and the unnamed southern continent?
You're tellng WoD had an actual chance?
WoD became failure BECAUSE they cut content from it, not the other way around
People started unsubbing only after foundry patch and 6.1 news
Which is 3 months, classic has people leaving after 2 weeks for compassion
>Best leveling in any expack
>Great raids
Sure it did, even jungles were pretty fun as patch, but lack of content and wasted potential really hurt it
So what's the conclusion?
Start of wod was great, foundry was probably best and coolest raid in the entire game
The part in Shadowmoon is there in retail, it's one of those daily quest areas called Darktide Roost. I'm also pretty sure the brown bit above Tanaan is actually Ashran in-game. As for the rest, I can't say I feel bad about losing ogre content but assuming Farahlon was supposed to be different I do regret the fact that they completely abandoned that area so early.
Tanaan was very good thematically but it wasn't the same as Timeless Isle and really shouldn't have been treated the same way.
new raid will be 8.3
What is literally left to do in wow, they even have spaceships that went to other planets and shit AND NEVER WERE BROUGHT UP AGAIN
WoD turned out a failure because they cut all the content from it, user. It was stripped bare,
I forgot about the Vindicaar and the Demon Hunter spaceship
Why are DH even here lol they have space demons to kill
reddit wins again!
>turns out the siege is just a warfront
>updated worgen models
Finally! We are coming back home...
>updated goblin models
I guess I'll check retail for a bit...
Some will never forgive WoW retail team now that Trolls can be Paladins.
Better than Tauren paladins
Why would they be mad at that when things like Tauren druid exist since vanilla?
The goblina looks like Billie Eilish.
trolls can be paladins (lorewise) since the days or warcraft II you zoomee filth.
by some you mean one Yea Forums sperg?
Why are you full of shit?
>retail wow in 2019
>one of these cucks living in the past
Who cares? just move on like everyone else did like 7 years ago.
Shitty timetravel plot or maybe a major villain redemption arc.
There is a ton of different Troll tribes, the Zandalari are not the Darkspear
Oh boy, I have a news for you
It's now literally one face for all models
they saw classic numbers and actually decided to pull the plug. Sorry /wowg/ trannies but its actually worth their time to retain players and get rid of the shit version of the game
This, I hate vanilla too for introducing troll paladins
Hey, tauren templars were in wc3 manual and codex books
Still not as cool as forsaken blight druids with mushrooms
its not
they just use the same face on this image
i still visit brf occasionally just to see blackhand smash the fuck out of floor. probably one of the coolest boss arenas.
No, it's literally compassion of all available faces
when did WoW turn into minions: the movie?
yup. patching away p server codebase was haaaaard work
New expansion will be announced at blizzcon in 2 months, unless blizzard is really retarded
2 months until announcement is too long, azshara was in june, and 8.2.5 won't have any content, only 6 minute long sylvanas cinematic
>it's been 15 years
>still can't be tauren rogue
Siege of Stormwind? I sieged and killed all the alliance leaders back in wrath... dont tell me they respawned?
What the fuck Blizzard?
Also when is retail cancelled and all effort put into classic and the rebirth of WoW?
Dude it's common for blizzard to leave players with absolutely nothing new for 8-12 months until the new expac, they are that soulless
>stealth tauren
You're one of those idiots that want everyone able to be druids and whatnot, aren't you?
Tauren has proper stealth animations even since vanilla wow, they just can't be the class.
>2 seperate raids for the factions.
Yeah no.
Both old and new show only a single face, but different ear options
Yeah i don't really care what animations are in game it's a retarded concept, just like Undead hunters.
What's wrong with that? Why wouldn't Undead have marksmen and animal trainers?
Didn't classic kill retail already?
Why would anyone siege thunder bluff lmao
Because hunters in WoW aren't archers and have nature magic tied into the class though a lot of that shit was removed with the pruning in recent expansions. Nature is the opposite of death/necromancy as explained in that magic chart they released a few years back. At least they gave a shitty explanation for Undead holy priests back in the day while they never even bothered with Undead hunters among other "new" race/class combos post Cata.
Because Sylvie is an unlikeable bitch now who just does villain things
And then they removed mana from hunters.
>using Chronicles as an argument against something from Cata
Wow, it's almost like you've had absolutely no real argument against it for years and spent all this time seething over headcanon bullshit
Hunters absolutely are people who are just really good with animals and always have been. Take your head out of your ass
Because Thrall said that TB will burn
I honestly don't know, with as much success he could say "Now crossroads will burn" or "Now stonard will burn", shit was retarded
Since when have Hunters been necessarily linked to nature? Dwarves have been hunters since day 1 and they're no more tree-humpers than humans are.
If a race has ranged specialists at all (and all of them do, even if it's just guys manning their walls), then that's all it takes to justify them able to be Hunters.
Do you think Blizzard learned anything from Classic's popularity when making the new expansion?
Is there any chance that they will go back to the harder leveling experience focused gameplay?
>Do you think Blizzard learned anything from
stopped reading, and the answer is no
what do you want them to learn?
that nostalgia is a mental illness?
>Classic's popularity
You realize that guy
was right, and no more queues and medium status on many servers just after 2 weeks confirmed it, hard way
>no more ques and medium status
Really? Must be american servers. On EU I can just forget playing in the evening, since I wont get in before midnight. I have to get up early.
>On EU I can just forget playing in the evening
See, this is how you know you lying and shill for classic
If before to get into Shazzrah, it took 4-5 hours at evening, not it's little more than one
>On EU
Every fucking time. Just accept it
You doubt the power of castrated men and jealous women.
Is this intentional falseflag post-irony?
Troll paladins are fine, I just wish they made more of an effort in showing that they and the cows aren't typical run of the mill paladins.
At least it looks more like a werewolf and less like a styled up furry now.
Oh common, if this was WoW years ago there would be people playing in the morning aswell.
When i go onto retail i can play games in the morning and latenight, while classic is fucking empty.
And even if classic is not empty i cant do shit because all the people are just melee or spellcleaving.
Retail is cancelled, just accept it. It will make the transition smoother for everyone.
mmorpg`s are dead
Siege of Thunder Bluff is a red herring. Assault on Stormwind is real though.
>Cant refute anything
Have fun spellcleaving through sm and clearing classic content in 1 week.
Im out, playing guild wars 2
>a game even deader than retail
Are you just contrarian and love wallowing in shit? You know what? Dont even reply to me. I've filtered your IP and your VPN. Dont ever waste my time again retard.
>german servers at 6 am have low pop
why are fucking germs so goddam retarded go fap to scat fucking subhuman
On retail they arent.
Classic is the only game that is dead.
Theres in fact not a single online game installed on my pc thats as fucking dead as classic after 2 weeks
No, they are empty instead of low. There is probably like 5 people playing retail right now.
retail servers are like four times smaller than classic ones high for retail is the same as low or medium in classic
*punches you in the face*
Shut the fuck up retard?
*kicks you in the balls*
Giving me lip you piece of shit?
*puts on womens clothes and inserts your dick in my ass*
Now your gay.
*sucks your cock*
Video game.
Any other new combinations? Can Draenei finally be rogues?
The bottom one looks like it has feathers instead of fur
today i will remind them
OMG imagine if pandarens coud be rogues, it would be hilarious
The difference that wod was abandoned before release, and still was good at the start
They actually tried to develop bfa and it's still was wotlk level of shitfest, just without lich king
Goria was never meant to be part of the expansion
>good at the start
>hey guys what should we do with our new expansion
>people like those facebook games right let's just do that
You realize that garrisons only became useful after first raid, right? Lke one shitty epic per week, you knew it right? You not just shitposting, right?
The fact that you associated "facebook game" with the primary feature of the expansion tells the story right there.
Fuck WoD.
>you associated "facebook game" with the primary feature of the expansion
So you just shitposting, okay
Or you would know that primary features of all expansions sucked since bc
Well, primary marketed feature of vanilla was literally not needing to play with others players, so...
I may be shitposting a little bit, but I hated it.
WoD was my first time playing WoW after I dropped it in WotLK and it was pure garbage.
I hated the maps, the gameplay, the story, the progression, the garrisons - everything.
An absolute waste of money.
>this autist still lives
>g*rman retail cuck
disgusting how is merkel treating your country?
what the fuck is wrong with these people..
> how is merkel treating your country
Pretty good actually, we are the only serious power in europe with french and british losers literally giving all industry to us because they can't compete
More upset that its just another reskin.
The last raid doesn't have anything to do with the war campaign. That's why it's ending before 8.3
so how does the stupid war end? Is Sylvannas a raid boss yet?
if the war campaign ends that pretty much proves the shadowlands leaks false
Alliance fags seething, nice
6 minute cinematic encrypted in patch without raid, so i guess they spend all time explaining her super secret plans
The gist of it is they're angry because undead night elves are immediately joining Sylvanas and that makes absolute 0 sense unless she's placing them under mind control.
If she's mindcontrolling them then Sylvana's is pulling an Arthas, the undead nightelves will betray her and the cycle begins again. If she's not mindcontrolling them it's literally the writers being retarded.
Why? The finale of the campaign just means the finale of the questline, not the finale of the story. The story can be concluded in the final raid.
They literally explained hundreds times how this shit works, but people still scream about mindcontrol
Because since mop they had entire questlines through expack, and now it's warcampaign
Damn.. It feels good to play retail. Right boys
They feel Elune abandoned them so they switched sides.
>Is there any chance that they will go back to the harder leveling experience focused gameplay?
They already tried to do this in 7.3.5 and the fanbase bitched and whined about how it was all a secret plot to "force" people into buying levelling boosts by making the levelling too hard.
And the faction war questline in mop culminated with the siege of orgrimmar.
>dying fucks up with your emotions
It doesn't make you join forces with the person who literally murdered and raised you against your will 20 seconds ago. It's literally Sylvana's backstory that she fucking hated Arthas when he did that to her so as soon as the MC wore off she betrayed him.
8.3 will have the old "Alliance and Horde unite to face big bad" again. We're killing N'zoth in Ny'alotha after deposing Sylvanas in 8.2.5.
She'll fuck off to the Shadowlands and will be a major player again in the 9.0 death/undeath themed expansion.
And that's fucking retarded, Elune abandoning you does not mean you're gonna join the people who actually killed you.
>everybody just waiting for that one mob to spawn to instantly kill it and hope for a mount
god this why retail is literally dogshit.
undeath is a hell of a drug
This shit is not new and has been going on since fucking Classic, go play that, play the UD intro quests, go through Tarren Mill, and try to tell me that being risen doesn't fucking destroy you emotionally.
>People claim Classic WoW will be dead in a month
>decide to wait on my leveling to avoid the crowds
>3 weeks later
>Its still fucking crowded.
Fuck you Yea Forums
Undead Alliance Forsaken Paladins soon.
Before I'd go "muh lore" at that, but I've stopped caring. Lux Vult Lordaeron undead paladins led by Uther's ghost, I'd play it.
It's not any more ridiculous than most of the stuff that happened in BC.
No wait wait I can do myself one better, go play TFT and see how fucked up Sylvanas became in the span of less than a fucking year.
>trusting this shit board full off zommer on anything
lmao this board is literally always wrong if you want a good board you be on Yea Forums anyways Yea Forums sucks so hard nowadays.
>retail cucks deluding themselves into believing Classic is dead
I almost feel sorry for you guys. Almost.
Imagine not playing FFXIV, an MMO that actually cares about updating regularly and doesn't force you to be subbed for the entire expansion not to miss out.
This. It's also kind of the logical conclusion to Forsaken from the very beginning.
They either slowly die off, antagonize everyone until everyone turns against them and kills them, or they get a redemption/cure, exactly what the Tauren were hoping for them and why they let them join the Horde way back.
The Tim Burton evil mad scientists who want to kill everything vibe was unsustainable from the start in a game where you're supposed to be playing a hero who kills evil big bads.
Ok, then go play the Cata UD starting zone and see that a lot of them do just plain join Sylvanas, even without mind control. You're trying to pretend that you know better than the lore and setting that has been available to us openly for nearly twenty years. It's not a stretch to assume that a bunch of dumb, angry elves would turn traitor, especially ones like the wardens who always lowkey hated other Night Elves. Also, undeath canonically cuts you off from the light, which would also mean Elune in this instance, they're probably be rehabilitated by Faol or something later, if they aren't all killed.
Reminder that this leak is still in the running.
So much so that if it's fake, it's the most impressive fake to date.
>Before I'd go "muh lore" at that
and you'd have been wrong, so it's good you've moved on.
the only thing required to wield the light, whether for healing or as a weapon, is faith in it, even if it sears you from the inside as you do. it could be argued that might even make a better paladin, because the trial of faith and therefore your confidence in your wielding of it is literally constant.
>still atleast 1 year of bfa left
finish already
noone cares about the story anymore new expansion with better gameplay please
Yeah but the whole point of this new thing is that it doesn't hurt them. It's a perfect balance, a pact between the Light and Death.
>everybody just waiting for that one mob to spawn to instantly kill it and hope you got the tap for the quest item they drop
Your choice is between a year of nothing until next expac, or a year of maybe some temporary fixes and a good raid.
Canceling 8.3 would have no impact whatsoever on getting 9.0 earlier at this point, that's not how game development works.
WoW: *hires sjw diversity hires* *forces you to sub to stay up to date with azerite and titanforging*
FFXIV: *hires qt japanese women* *director tells his players to unsub*
nu-uh sweetie, you have to get in line first
>Undead Alliance Forsaken Paladins
Reserving the name Gravehearth now.
Any more fun ones?
was that line meme only on us? i leveled to like lvl 20 and everyone just spammed tag and an instant ability on eu
and then you insult the guy who got it
I usually call bullshit, but I believe this one.
Blizzard is a husk being run by nepo/crony hires and sjws. I'm sure employees hate the company enough now to leak stuff out of spite.
Just came by again to post this.
My original prediction was 2 month till the game is dead, i change it to 2 more weeks however.
This seems BS but I belive it. inb4 sylvanis never gets hers she was good allong and she ascends to ruler of the underworld in a similar fashion to kerrigan.
even if that leak was true this was taken like a bit less than a year ago, how much do you think was changed and cut
According to the info posted with it, Ny'kaithos was the only thing cut so far.
all those posts were cool and all but where's my screenshots of the new goblin female model????
I wanted to check back in and burn through the single-player/LFR stuff but it seems the Classic release has driven up the Token prices
How did they make it even worse
I've been wanting undead models without hunback and bones sticking out since the beginning.
Hope they'll do the new batch of races in 8.3.5 like they did 7.3.5.
Vulpera and two others on Horde and Mechagnomes, holy undead and another on Alliance.
Battlefield Commendation Grants the title "Veteran of the Fourth War".
They're doing it. They're actually fucking doing it. They're ending the old stale Red VS Blue faction war/
why did they close her mouth? it looks off
Same happened with all updated models. It's to accomodate the new facial animations on emotes that come with them.
Oh okay, it does look quite a bit better in motion than in a still image. The Worgen look much better too, but that's not very hard.
I'm loving the new female worgen, might actually roll one depending on what their upcoming heritage armor looks like.
No more angry chihuahuas.
they look chonky and cute
Doesn't look bad, but it shows what I've hated about all the new updated models since WoD: they're all the same facial model, just different textures slapped on. It's especially bad in orcs.
WoD had a chance to at least have more content than what it had, but every team was being moved onto Overwatch to make sure that it was a success, and the failing of Titan was causing a ton of shit within the company.
Movie ID 903 - 3:18 Min Long
Audio FileID: 3075714
Subtitle FileID: 3075715
Movie FileID: 3075713 - 1920x1080 - 98mb
Movie FileID: 3075712 - 1280x720 - 49mb
Movie FileID: 3092483 - 640x480 - 24mb
Movie ID 904 - 6:18 min Long
Audio FileID: 3075719
Subtitle FileID: 3075720
Movie FileID: 3075717 - 1920x1080 - 188mb
Movie FileID: 3075716 - 1280x720 - 94mb
Movie FileID: 3075718 - 640x480 - 47mb
Those are long cinematics.
I don' ge tit
>I want an undead that's not an undead
I fucking HATE retail fags
Kill yourself
As far as the whole spectrum of fantasy goes, current Forsaken models are only a very small sample of what qualifies as "undead".
These are the same people behind ElfGate, i.e. when Blizzard revealed Void Elves for Alliance and the forums collectively exploded because "I-I WANTED THE ELVES WITH BLUE EYES!!!!! NOOOOO!!! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY US LIKE THIS, BLIZZARD!!?"
Long story short, Alliance players are all extremely autistic.
you can have an undead without bones or missing bits already
i hope you like bread tho
>hurr raids raids raids raids
kurva anyádat
Wake me up when Vulpera get announced to be playable.
Considering that there no more patches after 8.2.5...
The "Harder leveling experience" isn't classic's draw.
It's the forced interaction with the world. You have to go around on foot, you have to fight in wpvp for quest mobs, you have to look for and find people to run dungeons by actually talking to them.
The only thing the slow leveling up is doing is increasing the amount of interaction players are forced into.
Nobody actually enjoys grinding 300 mobs, but that grind is facilitating interaction with others. If blizzard is intelligent (they aren't) they will adapt the forced interaction that all of this has caused without using brain dead mob grinds to do it.
they need to reboot the game or softreset it
i dont even mean it in like a boomer "make everything classic"
the game base is to messy and fucked atm. they keep piling stuff and fixes to stuff.
Reminder that before wow (and a little bit after) it was compleltly normal to release sequels to MMOs and most of them were more succesfull then the initial ones
You cant ride that shit forever
Ashran is the little island northeast of Tanaan.
The big brown landmass he's referring to is Faralon, which never made it into the final game and pissed a lot of players off. It was going to be TBC's Netherstorm before all the mana pumps and shit, and according to an NPC looked "similar to Westfall."
What they need to do is port WoW onto a new engine without all the spaghetti coding and whatnot. Graphically and functionally, the game is on its last legs. They've managed to push it quite a lot in those years, but things are starting to pile up. The old, shitty models side by side with brand new ones, the old shitty looking armor that's painted onto your character, the overall lack of articulation. I would much rather the new expansion be a complete revamp of EK and Kalimdor, because I'm sick of all the Cata stuff. You're literally time traveling constantly throughout questing to endgame.
I'm more surprised someone can stand playing mage in BfA. Guess they didn't play since 2005 so they don't know what they're missing.
>You're literally time traveling constantly throughout questing to endgame.
>roll a Nightborne
>somehow be transported back in time to Cataclysm era Orgrimmar
>quest through Stonetalon, this Garrosh guy seems cool
>reach level 60, be transported further back in time to Outland, suddenly this Thrall guy is Warchief
>man this Garrosh guy used to be emo
>reach level 70, Lich King out of nowhere, who the fuck is this, oh well better go kill him
>oh Garrosh is Warchief again but he seems a bit more like a cunt. Anyway there's this big dragon who's fucking shit up, best kill him.
>okay now there's a magical land full of pandas wtf, and we rebel against Garrosh now? And who the fuck is this Vol'jin guy I never heard of?
>Outland again? Huh, it looks different. I've sure been killing a lot of orcs since joining this Horde thing. Oh look Garrosh got fried.
>Gul'dan? Isn't that the guy who tried to control our Nightwell?
>this is some weird shit, now I'm freeing myself from demons
>helping out the rebels, get a disguise to disguise myself as myself
This'll get me to actually play retail for a bit. I've been wanting to play my worgen for a long time.
Like Wrath's final patch was ICC, right?
Or BC's was BT?
I wish they didn't have to kill off literally EVERY Horde leader just so Sylvanas could be Warchief. Seems a little unnecessary.
>finally an updated flying machine mount
>9 monthh recruit a friend reward
>meanwhile actual rewards while playing are recolored 6 year old gryphons
For fuck's sake.
New female worgen is a ridiculous improvement, though really it feels like any change at all from chihuahua face would have been an improvement so that's not saying a lot.
It's a shame it took them so long to do this. I haven't played my Worgen since mid-Cata.
Vol'jin only died because Varian died, even though we already lost Cairne and Garrosh prior.
Blizzard doesn't give a shit.
>Horde loses four of their leaders (Sylvanas including inevitably), five if you count Thrall
>Alliance loses a single one in the entirety of their existence, couldn't even have the balls to kill off that utter stupid fucking bitch Tyrande
>People will still say that BfA is a Horde expansion
>Literally RfA'd my cousin last year and chose the rocket
>This comes out
>New femWorgen face came out
>People in the Wowhead forums were screaming about them not looking aggressive enough
As if history REALLY needs repeating.
Why not? We've had 2 raids at a time before. BC had TK and SSC, and I'm pretty sure Cata did something similar where 1 tier set was spread over 2 raids. They could just use the faction change thing they did for BoD when the opposite faction zones into the other's raid.
Can't wait to roll with my homies again.
Warcraft became too futuristic
goblin and gnome have ruined the classic medieval feel
also I don't want classic I want retail to be good because classic doesn't have content at all
Draenei ruined the feel of Warcraft, not Goblins and Gnomes.
Wtf you talking about, Warcraft has been gaslight fantasy/steampunk since the very start. There's very little "medieval" feel, the only thing I can think of is Lordaeron.
>players want a cool mount
>this is bad
they fucking butchered these guys in legion
unlike OP you WILL actually kill yourself soon tho tranny
why? draenei are a pretty cool race and I can just overlook the whole ship thing as it's not really a spaceship or anything but a teleportation thing that travel dimension
DK class campaign was the best out of all of them. Fight me.
Thoras was the only one that amde little sense to me, if only because he's been dead for so long and hardly any WoW player knows who he is.
Draenei's main problem was the massive Sargeras/Eredar retcon.
They introduced the concept of Light just being some Naaru shit, along with literal spaceships and whatnot. That just doesn't work in the universe of Warcraft.
Tauren get the light from the sun.
Zandalari get it from Rezan.
no sjw fags like you screeching about her all kill yourself reddit bitch
And that's a billion times more interesting and coinciding with the lore than literal space aliens and gods. Not to mention all the Lightforged bullshit.
Bothers the fuck out of me that Highmountain can't be Sunwalkers though, considering that they clearly have far more of an affinity for An'she than the Mulgore Tauren.
The fact that they didn't continue class campaigns into BFA in some form sucks major ass.
>people who like that undead elf whores are SJWs!!
>ignores the 15 years of MUH QUEEN waifu faggots
It is like you ignore reality because it does not fit your political views. KYS faggot.
Powerful, neutral factions aren't conductive to a large scale Horde vs Alliance conflict.
I'm just glad we seem to finally get rid of that rehashed plot that hasn't made sense since the end of Warcraft 3.
It's like people completely forgot why we got the angry chihuahua face in the first place. I think Blizzard has at this point learned to not listen to people on the forums when it comes to race models, though - imagine if they had done that with the female pandaren.
Is the patch out on retail? I haven't logged in since classic launched but I would like to finish the war campaign.
yes its such a fucking shame, i played so much in Legion to see all the class questlines, barely touched BfA and dont have a single max level alt
The fact that our Class Halls are now entirely empty showcases one of the biggest issues with WoW: The fact that content from an expansion ago is considered immediately outdated and not worth revisiting in the slightest. Blizzard has mountains of shit they could easily retrofit to be widely available and used, but it's forgotten about completely.
No. 8.2.5 has been in the oven for like five months now. It feels like they're waiting for people to get tired of Classic before they drop it. Which is frustrating, just let me play my fucking worgen already.
>>It feels like they're waiting for people to get tired of Classic before they drop it.
Well at least you won't have to wait too much longer.
>plays retail
Tranny detected
8.2 has been out for less than 3 months.
I don't get why people are hoping for 8.2.5 to drop next week, isn't the WoW patch cycle like 4 months instead of 3 this time because they want a shorter drought between 8.3 raid and 9.0?
Keep seething you autistic faggot, enjoy no more raids this expansion LMAO
NO all ant syl are sjw niggers you lost go cry on reddit going MUH WAR MUH CRIMES MUH HONOR #SHOULDERSOFF
you got BTFO you stupid worthless subhuman fuck now kill yourself
Fuck you I like the steampunk/industrial shit (gnome/goblin technology) of warcraft
I always loved sci fi fantasy in general so it's nice to see that blizzard aren't stuck up bitch who went muh medieval trash used in every single fantasy game ever
I want more thing of the sort (and maybe more gun aswell because why not, bring back ammunition too)
I dropped BfA the fastest I've ever dropped an expansion. I got to max level and that was it, couldn't stomach finishing up the campaign or gearing or anything. I was just done, I didn
I hope they've improved it through patches because I would like to come back and give it another chance.
People are expecting it to come out in a more timely manner because it's a minor patch and the biggest thing it does is add new models and a new questline.
Cry more Classicuck. You're irrelevant.
They made them personality-less husks (yeah, I know). Like there was just barely any point to even having those characters specifically, they become generic (Whitemane) or a meme (Nazgrul). I agree the DK campaign was fantastic but absolutely not the four horsemen.
>biggest thing it does is add new models and a new questline.
Ending the war campaign, concluding the faction conflict and the two longest cinematics in the game's history until now is a bit more than that.
uuugh its so sad, i often go there just to feel bad
That's why I'm hoping to see more of them in 9.0's death/undeath expansion, so they can be fleshed out (heh).
i still cant believe uma thurman somehow spawned an even hotter version of herself
>Ending the war campaign, concluding the faction conflict and the two longest cinematics in the game's history until now is a bit more than that.
It's a new questline. I could give a fuck about its supposed plot importance. It will likely take about an hour to finish at best.
That'd be nice, but the writing in modern WoW is so scattershot (not necessarily bad, but very often pockets of very good stuff amidst a lot of shit) that I don't have high hopes. Nazgrim in particular was jarring because MoP was arguably the best written expansion and his arc was great and tragic - just to become a meme character in death.
love DK campaign, but have to agree
>an hour
Spread over 4-5 weeks :)
PFFT no.
She is just an undead elf whore. She has always been shit.
Garrosh did nothing wrong.
Huh? It's basic MMO design. You purposely devalue older content in order to focus the player-base into one area/activity/range. If your content's perceived is flat across all the content, your player-base will be spread thin and it'll actuallynomeme look like a dead game.
If anything, they actually added a lot of evergreen shit(cosmetics) in MOP/WoD/Legion for players to return to do them.
Reminder Goblins instigated the Battle for Azeroth and were the main powerhouse behind Garrosh, as they are the real masterrace
>Reminder Goblins instigated the Battle for Azeroth
Maybe if alliance didn't attacked them first...
They got to lock the good shit behind RAF or else folks would dropped their game sad part is people actually defend this.
Wow how riveting
That's not the leak. Both factions will try to defend Stormwind from Sylvanas. Both factions will also try to defend Thunderbluff, but it's a red herring.
This is incredibly inefficient in terms of development, though. They void content that's often still perfectly playable for the sake of a new expansion. There has to be smarter ways to do this.
no you are sjw nigger with no human rights and cant live day with crying about syl on reddit and you just proved it get lost before you look even more retarded and worthless
why do you post like this
We're still getting an 8.3, another raid is already confirmed. This is just the end of the war campaign (because now both factions want to kill Sylvanas).
Come on man, Mage was garbage in vanilla. I'd argue peak mage was during Early Cata (Frostfire) or Nighthold Legion (legendary gearswap fire/arcane)
why do you cry about a video game character oh! wait your a sjw nigger thats why
Rent free bitch nigga.
Waifufags should get free helicopter rides.
According to the leak, there's a feint on TB but Sylvanas then conquers Stormwind. Final raid is Alliance and Horde gathering at Goldshire to retake Stormwind.
Mind you, I think the images are real
but the stuff posted with it must be speculation because it's just too wacky.
Watching people trying to argue about upcoming content in retail WoW is like watching AIDS patients in the hospice try to argue which one has the least severe case of HIV.
Night elves paladins when
Back to your containment game, zoomer. Queue up for Asmonlayer and remember to renew your Twitch Prime sub.
God damn have you not attended Jewish Community College? This system makes it such that you can always rehash old content by raising its perceived value and/or flipping it under a new flavor. The biggest example of this is obviously Classic, but before that there was timewalking and all those dungeon remakes. The most jooooooooo one is misson tables, then mission tables BUT boats, THEN not-mission-tables-but-just-kidding-its-still-a-mission-table, THEN mission-table-lite. Imagine if mission table 1.0's value remained consistent throughout, blizz won't have an excuse for mission tables 2/3/4/5/6/7.
When are you guys going to develop some self respect and stop allowing Blizzard to milk you of your cash in exchange for this mediocre, shitty content? You realize they're only using you for money until they can launch their mobile games, right? PC players are useful idiots.
I was just replaying War III. Man, what a great game that was, and still is.
I wish that Blizz would never go the MMO route and instead would return to their original idea of War III where it was planned to be more of a party-based RPG.
Basically make a Warcraft themed Baldur's Gate, but with more emphasis on combat.
All in all, Fuck WoW. what a piece of shit this game is. Designed from ground up to suck as much time and money as humanly possible. And fuck everyone who supports that kind of crap.
>Why are you giving them money?!
>he has not bought everything from them with WoW gold since they made it possible
must suck bein a brainlet.
Garrosh didn't bother to learn diplomacy, so yes he did do something wrong
>I was just replaying War III. Man, what a great game that was, and still is.
You mean casual piece of shit with cut content that ruined story?
Reminder in wc3 beta, Thrall adventure on troll islands was in original game, but it was cut to sell you again in tft
Of curse retards like you will defend it
Why even fucking waste your time on a company who doesn't respect you? I don't understand why you're so keen to waste literal hours on your life on this trash. Do you like being used, is that it? Are you some kind of corporate masochist or something?
I want Fighters of the Storm and an Action game with Garrosh as the playable character.
>company who doesn't respect you?
do you think ANY company respects you?
i really, really hope they remove AP in general, it's really fucking ennoying to farm this shit every day even more if you raid mythic, just bring back the days of loggin in just to raid and logoff
It looked much better in concept
>yfw you actually like using reddit.
Its pretty hard to sneak around with massive 20 inch horsecocks though
Tauren and Draenei hunters can camouflage
As much as I've enjoyed playing WoW throughout the years I do agree with you. Blizzard could have done great things with a Warcraft-themed CRPG.
n'zoth is 8.3 retard
They probably realized that all their diehard addicts complaining about the state of the game can just go on classic/bc/so on servers and make retail all about that whale-milking machine now. Or I'm just pessimist.
Nope, not getting that until next expansion.
The biggest hint are the Warbringers shorts.
First short: Jaina, final boss in 8.1.
Second short, Azshara, final boss in 8.2.
What was the third short again?
Power creep is the problem. You shouldn't be able to solo everything. You should have to struggle to do anything by yourself - or it should be a stupid slog to do shit by yourself - and partying up should make things much more doable. That's how you force people into interacting.
LFR and dungeon finder are of course their own problems, and there's no clear solution. Now that people have them they're not giving them up.
>cairne died because of sylvanas
>garrosh died because of sylanas
now this is reaching
The only good thing which came out of this expac was Jaina new design.
>>he has not bought everything from them with WoW gold since they made it possible
>it's only possible because on the other end of the token someone spent 20 bucks
So you're okay with enabling whales? You're part of the problem user
even if it's only one face, that does look way better.
>this is actually more realistic than shadowlands
>especially since all the layoffs and the more economist mindset in the company
>breaks peace treaty for no reason
>invades ashenvale and loses it
>loses to cairne if not for poison
>gets told off by voljin
>loses air fleet in twilight highlands because he wanted to attack the alliance
>would have lost lordaeron for nothing if sylvanas stayed dead after suiciding
>too pussy to maintain eye contact with her
>gets 1 shot by thrall when he tries
entertaining but retarded character, as orcs should be.
>not getting that until next expansion.
>literally told that azshara cinematic would show the final boss
>last blizzcon teased 8.3 with n'zoth
the leak is fake you dumb fucktard.
>Magic for the weak user, leave that stuff to the Humans.
Legion was peak in class sets. Now we have no class sets and all the raid gear looks generic and boring.
You think you want your subscription to go to content, but you don't.
Because there it looked like a natural part of her armor and not a last minute addition to appease jealous landwhales
It’s so that you will continue in your never ending quest for better loot once Devs introduce their next big thing.
As weird as a lore jump this is, I'm really liking this model for her.
there it seems part of her chestpiece. In the model its leather and it looks weird, like they jsut changed her belly texture with a leather texture
I'm a filthy casual so i can only get the better looking Mythic stuff once the next expansion is out. So if 9.0 looks good again I have to wait for 10.0.
Maybe 8.3 will have some edgy old god eyeballs stuff.
What server if I want to make a gobbie prostitute?
Why the fuck is so much stuff encrypted in 8.2.5 PTR
It's been fucking silent for weeks now, are they seriously keeping 8.2.5 for AFTER Blizzcon? Because that's just fucking retarded
cuz it's gonna be epic :)
Seems believable up until "Bolvar shows up and starts killing Horde leaders"
I want to FUCK a druid.
>2 raids at a time
>2 separate raids for separate factions
completely different concept, brainlet
fucking furfag
they are stopping dataminers from spoiling everything.
>Party sync
This should've been a thing a whole ago. It's fucking cool
Because last time in epic twist that showed that bfa and mop have different stories, LorTemar screamed that Baine is heart of horde and killed his own people to protect Jaina, and blizzard got mocked on their own forums
>your a
Elves aren’t furries user. Worgen are.
Yeah but that wont stop the sound from alerting enemies plus do you know uncomfortable it would be to bend down with that?
Why are Illidan fags so delusional?
>Darling? What should I cook up for dinner after you’re done in the forge?
you specified druid, not night elf, fucking furry
the war campaign is over but it will lead to the n'zoth bullshit in 8.3. why are guys so silly
she must be a billionaire
Classicfags are desperate to prove retail is shit and dying while Classic servers are emptying out now that people find it's what it always was: a nostalgia pipedream.
>Ironforge dwarves
Thank you ever so much saving our village brave Adventurer. If I may be so bold... could you pray with me at the Church and hold my hand during service?
dwarf girls are extremely underrated
That Druid in doesn’t look like a fury to me.
I hated WOD. Leveling pissed me off because the only thing you got was those “””perks”””, and a LOT of them were just parts of an ability that got removed, then added back as a perk. What the fuck is the point of that?
Garrisons were also tremendously shitty and set a lot of really bad precedence that we’re still stuck with.
>You shouldn't be able to solo everything. You should have to struggle to do anything by yourself - or it should be a stupid slog to do shit by yourself - and partying up should make things much more doable.
You're a retard. No body wants to either be crippled or only be able to play a game two hours a day when other people they know are available.
>ooh i didn't know you'd turn into a panther during sex haha don't change though
literally you
considering those groceries...bread. exclusively bread
>literally told that azshara cinematic would show the final boss
No, we were told that after the cinematic, we would know who the boss of 8.3 is. The cinematic ends with two Alliance and Horde leaders standing together... ready to go take out Sylvanas.
This entire xpac is a half baked MOP 2.0 except Sylvanas gets to be the good guy because why not.
And Dark Irons are the best. The heritage set is one of the best gear sets this game has ever had.
delusional retard
too bad all the heritage questlines are lame as shit
I love the Dark Irons though, the smouldering beards and hair are excellent - I just wish they weren't a pain to unlock
People who want to play an MMORPG do. People who want a single player shared experience don’t.
Not that it isn’t WoW’s buggest customer base, WoW is as big as it is because it was designed as EQ for solo players. They will never fucking ever make the world as dangerous for a solo warrior as they did in vanilla, nor should they, that’s what classic is for.
How would fantasy MMOs be like if the the default skin of Elves and Dwarves were like Darkirons and Night Elves? I feel games like Vannilla WOW wouldn’t be such Alliance lopsided then.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here, nightelves were the only elf at the start for one
get your bullshit propaganda out of here you retail fucking faggot
Thanks for proving my point.
There's nothing wrong with Night Elves joining the Horde.
After all the Nightbornes and Blood Elves already did that.
and trolls
I think he means void elves.
In vanilla, Alliance was clearly the good/beautiful races and Horde was savages and evil edgelords.
Along the way Alliance has gotten their own savages and edgelords to balance, but still Alliance has more players overall and like half of all Horde players are pretty elves or edgy undead.
its a retail wow thread faggot
NE always were savages
> but still Alliance has more players overall
Not true since bc
NE were never savage in WoW. They are just loyal human pets.
i play m+ on retail and level toons on classic. you and your point are dumb and wrong.
well then, fair enough
How the fuck does Sylvanas have enough manpower to attack both Thunderbluff and Stormwind at the same time?
NE's were savages in WC3. They've been tame the whole time in WoW. They tried making them more savage and edgy with the Darkshore arc but it all went down the drain after Night Warrior Tyrande and Archdruid Malfurion jobbed to a lowly undead ranger and a spooky ghost lady.
My guess is Xal'atath McGuffin.
She still has a lot of Forsaken and other Horde loyal to her.
>Show off ear selection
>claim it's face selection
why are you lying on the internet, user
Same way alliance has any power after jobbing in undercity
same way the belves have enough manpower to retake their kingdom
WoW story was always trash
This is the #1 wrong with BfA for me. I get grinding to unlock void elfs and lightforged (end of life Legion shit) but the other allied races should be unlocked with the expansion. Why the FUCK can't I experience the Kul Tiran areas as a Kul tiran?
But even so I dont think the horde would have enough to siege both cities even if they were at full strength.
>Shamans unite the elemental lords of Azeroth for the first time in the planet's history, basically turning the planet itself into a weapon of mass destruction
>Does literally nothing in Legion
>Never mentioned again
Man the Horde easily destroyed the race with two "demi gods". They also cuts the balls of Cenarius.
Don't underestimate us.
There's a reason why the Night Elves like Tyrande are terrified of us.
Yeah but everyone's fortifying Thunder Bluff while she's going for Stormwind which is left undefended.
Which is completely retarded because she already pulled that trick at Teldrassil and everyone involved should know better.
I really wanted to play the Alliance zones as a Dark Iron, but then I realized I had to get a DIFFERENT Alliance character to 120 and grind the rep and my enthusiasm just fizzled out
you shouldn't worry about logistical problems in a video game plot
the planet got stabbed bro
I never understood this. I am from EU but never played a single game translated into my language. You're extremely braindead if you actually bother to go and change the language
Also not unpinning default taskbar icons
That's like asking why Horde Pandaren exist after Garrosh fucked up their land even further
germany has a long history of stubbornly resisting english to the point where they dub all forms of media to german, they literally dont speak english
they could use that faction chance system they already used for when you fight King Rastakhan/Jaina
I always thought that frogs resisted english the most.
yes they are even worse and they stink
It seems believable if he's in on the plan with Helya and Sylvanas.
>Man the Horde easily destroyed the race with two "demi gods". They also cuts the balls of Cenarius.
*After being pumped to the brim with demon jizz powers. Grom and his orcs were getting raped until he sucked off Mannoroth.
this is basically what wow is nowadays you bonehead
I refuse to believe that the lich king would work with Sylvanas. It would be fine if he stabbed her in the back right after.
>Grom and his orcs were getting raped until he sucked off Mannoroth.
But first they raped ne so hard that they summoned their god
Hey if I had the option to play a game in my native language I'd pick it provided it's a good translation.
>priests unite the forces of light and shadow in a single fuck you inter-dimensional fortress which, if it didn't need constant saving by paladins, could challenge the very cosmic order
>paladins start the ultimate crusade that by all means should've eclipsed the actual Army of Light, if it wasn't constantly busy bailing out priests
>demon hunters organize a spaceship strike force capable of bombarding small worlds into nothingness
>death knights pull out all the stops and marshal an army that Lich King himself would envy, if he hadn't sponsored the whole thing in the first place
>mages reform the council of tirisfal, a mary sue force that's on record packing enough power to fuck up avatars of Sargeras himself, when it isn't being used to mess with the fabric of space and time
The only thing that prevented all the bullshit from Legion going out of control was Blizzard's unparalleled ability to forget their own lore.
most of the horde army still follows her and there aren't many stormwind soldiers lefft
who would expect that when the horde shouldn't have a fleet
But why? Its always so much cringier when you translate something like deathkinght or something edgy.
This how the fuck did they even get to stormwind? It has to be by the sea but they dont have the ships.
Tomb of Sargeras has the best looking sets
>Tyrande, empowered by a ritual so powerful even witnessing it can kill you
>Malfurion, the most druid to ever live
>the alliance champion who slew the lich king and a titan
>all together couldn't finish off a decrepit old man with a bow and his two pets
WoW writing is fucking trash
as retarded as it was i miss it, the only thing i hated in legion were the void elves
It's actually just as cringe, you just grew up thinking it was normal because it was spoken in a language that you understood poorly.
I really don't mind the cringe.
On the contrary something like "Ιππότης του Θανάτου" or "Θανατιππότης" sounds cool.
sweet jesus that looks retarded... these poor blizzkids
It would make no sense after the Vol'jin questline for Bolvar to just go "I lied".
All of the death-related entities we visit say Sylvanas upsets the balance.
The most interesting tidpit in that quest imo is Eyir hinting who/what brought Vol'jin back. "The hand of valor."
There's one Titan Keeper we've never seen because he's been dead for thousands of years. He was the most powerful and bravest among them, and lived on in human legends ever since his death, and the order of paladins was named after himand his weapon. Tyr, the Silver Hand. And he's probably fighting Helya in the Shadowlands.
Who cares.
Helya's Kvaldir.
>t. pic related
>Death Knights literally invade and desecrate the Paladin Order Hall
>Not immediately kicked out of their factions
you do obviously trannylord
I like FFXIV quite a bit. But it's pretty much a single player game with multiplayer elements at this points.
>the balance
lol wtf is this shit
I hate Blizzard
Yes. Imagine being able to play as a Ghoul.
This. Particularly the Life-Death axis.
Faction leaders were probably too busy being dead to notice
>Dwarf woman.
>No beard.
Tolkien is rolling in his grave.
how the fuck does it take so god damn long to update those shitty models
Post your face when Sylvanas gets away with everything
>WoW is as big as it is because it was designed as EQ for solo players.
Vanilla Wow was not meant for solo players. Even if you want to argue that all of the "forced" interactions were a accident. Then, it was a very good accident.
FF14 is pretty much a single player MMO anyway. Why try and compete with that when you can be your own thing?
I'm pretty sure the Horde and the Alliance have lost their entire army about ten times as this point.
This looks cool, give me a quick rundown
That's going to cost you, deary.
What classes would they have?
Would they be intelligent enough to handle magic?
Personally I love this idea but I don't know how they would distinguish the males and females unless they make them non-binary.
>party sync
>major patch feature
>What classes would they have?
Warrior. Rogue. Mage. Maybe Death Knight or Warlock.
Cannibalism. Something related to looting corpses.
>Would they be intelligent enough to handle magic?
If a skeleton can use magic, then why not a ghoul?
Helya is probably the head honcho behind all of this. Bolvar is probably willing to play nice for Helya's sake.
Hell, Helya is probably the person who whispered to Vol'jin to set this whole thing into motion
Not much to it. It's basically just a watered down D&D multiverse. It even has Feywild (Emerald Dream) and Shadowfell (Shadowlands) as life and death aspected reflections of the material plane.
Isn't Helya dead? As well as a somewhat unpopular villain nobody seemed to care much about.
>end up in Thunder Bluff to turn in a quest
>running through the city
>see an important NPC
>wait, who is this again?
>click on him
home... we are home again bros..
What is the difference between necromantic and undead?
This is literally them pendering to furries
and why does there all of a sudden need to be a "balance" whatever the fuck that means
Huh, guess they want to make her important for some reason.
I mean, I can respect that. It's weird, but I can respect that.
None. In the image it just mentions "undead" as a type of being, and "necromantic" as a type of magic associated with the domain "Death".
Status Quo is the core of WoW "lore"
It's not, stop using Yea Forums as your only source of disinformation
Even FFXIV can get that one right
What other racials other than cannibalism?
>Status Quo is the core of WoW "lore"
How? They've been killing villains and characters left and right since TBC. The Legion was completely destroyed in the last expansion.
Probably because Azeroth is dying, and the scales being tipped willr esult in her dying for real, or maybe an imbalance in the Shadowlands will strain reality to the point where the Void Lords can manifest in the material plane.
Or, depending on what happens to Old Gods when they "die", N'zoth could be trying to resurrect all his fallen siblings.
Save for Mal'ganis oddly enough.
Would love to see more technologic stuff in wc
We just got a steampunk gnome city megadungeon and zone, what more do you want?
Poor N'zoth all his older siblings are dead.
Like I said, something related to looting corpses. Like, getting more gold from mobs. I also think including their passive ability from Warcraft 3, which allows them to move and attack faster, as a activated one would make sense. And I guess a resistance to things like fear and shadow would also make sense.
Did Malganis do anything in legion I do remember him showing up at the very beginning with all the other named demons.
Guy is too awesome to be put down for good.
He's completely unaccounted for after that.
I think he might've been planned as the final boss for the DK class campaign but was cut.
The DK campaign, despite being really good, has remarkably little to do with fighting the Legion and more about building up the new 4 Horsemen and strengthening Bolvar's position.
So how does the story for the expansion end? Sylvanas dies? Will there be another major death? A betrayal? I am interested to see the ending cinematic for the expansion.
Horde vs Alliance, no one wins, every race, faction, class, source of power is the same.
You get to defeat a generic villain every expac.
no no no
Two very long cinematics in the 8.2.5 files, but they're encrypted and we won't know shit until they are unlocked server side a few weeks after patch drops.
We'll know more at Blizzcon in two months I think. Regardless of the final raid not being out yet, they can't very well announce a new expac without spoiling the ending a little.
this is the visualization of the cancer that killed wow
>Horde vs Alliance, no one wins,
Well, duh. They can't wipe out 50% of the player base.
>You get to defeat a generic villain every expac.
I mean, sure. But the status quo is still changing as those villains are defeated. At the start of WoW, factions like the Legion and the Scourge were massive problems. Now, both are basically gone.
Mal'ganis showed up at the broken shore for the alliance. Then he never showed his face again.
Ten years ago we discovered he was still alive in Icecrown. Ten years and they have yet to do anything substantial with him even in the expansion where he had the greatest opportunity to do something major.
The way things are looking with the new patch files and the things that have happened til now, they're doing away with the faction divide at the end of the expansion.
yes and therefore a new generic villain comes up (the void this time). It's like they wait for their turn to be defeated by the godlike Horde and Alliance.
It's the same boring pattern since vanilla.
>they're doing away with the faction divide at the end of the expansion.
Good. It's been a fucking noose around the story for more than a decade already. Kill it, and never bring it back.
So lets say we defeat the void lords what is there left to kill after that?
remind them what?
you got a mount that people had 2 months ago
I mean, fair enough. But there really is no avoiding that, unless they want to make a expansion where you fight nothing.
>Vanilla Wow was not meant for solo players
It was marketed as mmo you can play alone, retard
>Bbbbbut I started in wotlk and heard so many memes
No one cares, wotlk kid
Who knows, some dragons, the scourge again, etc.
Or they can hire good writer, stop pandering to some whiny players, take some risk.
The Lich King being destroyed just makes no sense. At some point the generic Horde/Alliance have to lose. Stop the faction bullshit and try for the adventurer/Covenant gameplay.
>It was marketed as mmo you can play alone, retard
1: Source? 2: If that was the intention, then they failed. Even ignoring dungeons, raids, and group quests. There is no reason not to team up with people.
>"The hand of valor."
The Hand of Valor would probably be Helya. Odyn is the one obsessed with Valor, and Helya was his right-hand until he fucked her over.
Does this mean classic dev team is taking over future expansions and we won't have streamlined garbage anymore?
>"you think you do but you don't"
>Or they can hire good writer, stop pandering to some whiny players, take some risk.
I mean, sure. But I don't know that's going to fix the problem of new threats needing to show up to replace old ones.
>The Lich King being destroyed just makes no sense.
Why not? The guy wasn't unkillable.
Gnomes are the shittiest part of WoW. Their shit maps look like every level of every platformer released in early 2000s. Absolute trash. I hate them.
Odyn is a vainglorious hypocrite.
Tyr actually sacrificed himself, rather than one of his underlings.
The only thing blizzard learnt is they can cash in on old rehashed shit and appeal to two different markets of utter degenerates at the same time while investing absolutely minimal resources.
>Water elemental with 100k hp and 100k mana
This looks so fucking stupid after playing classic
Odyn is still a bro to hunters and warriors even though he can be a giant dick
If you think about it, the Warcraft universe teeters on the brink of oblivion due to a lack of balance. Sargeras's Burning Legion fucked up most of the universe, Azeroth is one of the few non-fucked worlds left, and the only one with a living Titan. Meanwhile on Azeroth we have crazy undead entities running around, old gods, all kinds of shit.
If all life on Azeroth dies off there won't really be much life left in the universe and the whole system breaks down.
I hate the shit story telling of one of the horde leaders died so now one of the alliance ones HAS to die. They're so afraid of killing anybody off.
>Why not? The guy wasn't unkillable.
He was supposed to be the most powerful entity in Azeroth. It just feels like there's no threat at all. It ruins the immersion. At least don't kill him in one expac. It just sucks how villains in this game have 0 story as they are immedialty turned into loot pinatas.
yea all those alliance leaders dying what a shame.
They're just arbitrary numbers, what does it matter?
even more of that,also give some sweet techno outfit for other race
Ew fuck no. It's generic as fuck
When the fuck is this stuff actually on the PTR?
Honestly only Muradins death could be something I would give a shit about. The rest I really dont care about.
>He was supposed to be the most powerful entity in Azeroth
Was he? Like, I think the Old Gods were his equals.
>At least don't kill him in one expac.
That I do agree with. Have him be beaten, sure. But killing him off seems like a waste.
You're right lets just do 6m and 7m damage numbers.
Yeah, why not? What does it matter? If they divided everything about 1000 before showing it to you, would that make the game more enjoyable for you?
Because everything in retail is super arbitrary. No thought goes into anything.
They can't afford to make things interesting or build a deep game because after stacking 900 expansions and patches on top of each other they have to keep things as streamlined and basic as possible to make sure the game even functions.
Could the old engine handle it?
Not that guy but I had a friend in high school who legit said he hated Paper Mario because the damage numbers were so low and that he'd much rather play Final Fantasy because he could do thousands of damage per hit. Some people are weird.
well idk I think sci fi fantasy is a pretty good theme
Even if they put the war campaign quests on the PTR in the coming weeks, they won't unlock the cinematics.
Because it looks stupid.
You cant brag about a 5m mortal strike crit, you can brag about a 7k mortal strike crit.
So you just too young to remember magazines, well that was obvious from the start, wotlk kid
>There is no reason not to team up with people.
But there no reason to team up, with real mmo you couldn't even play properly without party. In wow you could up 60 without speaking with other person even once, so yeah I would say they succeed at it
>Bbbbbut i started in wotlk and heard people loved vanilla because it was hardcore
ahahahah, oh lol
But seriously, no one cares wotlk kid
>So you just too young to remember magazines
I never read them. Waste of paper and my money. Also, still haven't given me a source.
>In wow you could up 60 without speaking with other person even once, so yeah I would say they succeed at it
You could. You would also have to skip most of the content.
>>Bbbbbut i started in wotlk and heard people loved vanilla because it was hardcore
I'm playing Vanilia right now. And there is no reason to solo.
Wc3 ending cinematic, and WoW manual made it looks like the guy was unbeatable.
I mean the Legion was scared of him, not the factions.
>a waste of paper and money in the pre-internet guides era
how to spot the little zoom
>Have fun spellcleaving through sm
>mad he can't into groups cause he rolled Hunter
Jesus, you people should just cut your legs off because forcing interaction would make you enjoy life more. Like what the fuck is your problem, why shouldn't i be allowed to solo mobs. I dont want/need to stay 30 min on a mob with other 5 people just to maybe get a quest item that should have dropped 100%. Fuck off
I hope next expansion they make classes fun again
They all play the same and are really boring right now
You must have never played EQ then. You never, ever had to group for anything in WoW. Elite and dungeon quests are optional to reach max level. A character could handle one or two mobs their own level just fine and most quests were solo. Not arguing that it wasn’t harder on a soloer than modern WoW, but that it was reasonable to solo AT ALL was huge.
Come on, don't bully wotlk kid too much
He just can't comprehend that vanilla was popular only because it was casual and the only solo mmo on the market
there is no new 6 min cinematic, they're importing the saurpuss ones into the game. old soldier or whatever
>You cant brag about a 5m mortal strike crit, you can brag about a 7k mortal strike crit.
Is this what low functioning autism looks like?
Azshara was one of the most powerful entities on Azeroth too and she died in a really anti-climactic way. At least Arthas went down in a memorable way.
Incorrect. If that were the case there'd be three cinematics, not two.
Agreed. People shit on MoP a lot due to the daily quests but I didn't mind doing them because fighting was fun. I really miss symbiosis...
>Vanilla Wow was not meant for solo players.
Fake Vanilla WoW zoomers are the fucking worst. Back to Asmonlayer with you!
which is the third one? i only remember the one with the troll convincing him to not suicide and the other with his gay anduin moment
Thrall one
Also, they would have to be encrypted in the first place.
Also, Muffinus tweets:
wait, is 8.2.5 live ?
I just want to play reskined worgens
>Azshara is the most powerful sorceress on Azeroth, been alive for tens of thousands of years
>hits enemies with a fork
>Jaina is a simple mortal mage
>Can use ice to terraform oceans and has actual magic feats
The war campaign itself is already in the files too, but it's also encrypted.
They REALLY don't want however they're ending this war to be spoiled by dataminers. All we know is that it's ending.
Whitemane was such a waste. She's like wow's prime waifu, she deserved more.
>Keeping this hidden was a fun challenge, hope you enjoy it :)
What did he mean by this? What's the twist?
>What's the twist?
Like who burned the tree
Or who attacked first alliance or horde
Or azshara ending cinematic
Could be anything. We'll most likely learn what Sylvanas' grand plan from the start was, and it will involve the Xal'atath dagger.
Whatever she does, it probably fucks up everything to the extent the Horde turns against her, no one can afford to continue a war anymore and the faction conflict ends before we kill N'zoth in 8.3.
Calia will make an appearance so she'll likely take over the Forsaken.
Same facial structure with different skins so it all look like "SAMEFACE"
Yes, user. Even in the pre internet days I thought it was a waste of money. Most "gaming" magazines back then were basically commercials.
I can comprehend it just fine. Wow was more "casual" than the likes of Everquest. But the reason why it did so well is that it managed to actually find a balance between "So easy pretty much all social interaction is unnecessary" and "Every single quest has to be done in a group".
Pretending that Wow was "only" popular because it's a casual game is nonsense. Other games came out in 2004, and Wow was a lot more hardcore than most of them.
Is Sylvanas pulling a Lelouch where she makes herself be the big bad evil guy and stages her own death?
If the BfA prequel book is still relevant to her current motivations, she wants to become a goddess.
My own guess is she'll try to kill and then possess Azeroth, merging with the World-Soul, an undead Titan.
That isn't basic design, that is post WoW design. I played many MMOs where even earlier stuff is till worth it.
>Other games came out in 2004, and Wow was a lot more hardcore than most of them.
Like matrix online or eq2?
Nope, wow was the most casual one
> find a balance between "So easy pretty much all social interaction is unnecessary" and "Every single quest has to be done in a group".
Not really
>Yes, user. Even in the pre internet days I thought it was a waste of money. Most "gaming" magazines back then were basically commercials.
Stop pretending living back then, no one would believe you
Magazines become commercial only around 2004-2006, wow marketing was earlier
>Nope, wow was the most casual one
City of Heroes was probably more casual friendly, but it also had a non-existent end game. Better combat at the time though, IMO.