What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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My favorite horror vidya of all times
Everything afterwards, if what anons say is true.
.t Never played an SH game, but planning to finally play 1 and 2 in October.
Can't make her waifu for laifu.
SH3 was the peak though
retards wanted continuation of snooze hill 1
return to the B-Movie cult plotline
It could have worked a bit better if it was more subtle and paced better. Instead we got an anime. The character of Heather was great though, shame the supporting characters were so weak and uninteresting.
Nothing went wrong but it traded atmosphere for more in-your-face horror, without having too many jumpscares regardless
Uh, that's not SH1 though...
Becomes too easy when you get the pipe. The beginning in the mall with your dinky knife and pistol that's constantly out of ammo made me feel like I was playing a survival horror for the first time in the series.
Instead of making what they wanted to make they pandered to fans. Fans are almost always unstable retards. It's never a good idea to pander to them.
Ok corporate bootlicker.
This. FPBP.
SH3 is a flat out better horror game than SH2 and this is coming from someone who thought 2 was the second coming of christ.
>corporate bootlicker
Corporate Konami are the ones who wanted the pandering, not the devs. The devs wanted to do something different, not just shit out a sequel to SH1. Fan pandering is almost always what the corporate arm wants because it's "safe". MGS4 is another example of Konami corporate interference for fan pandering. Konami basically ordered Kojima to give the game a happy ending against his wishes "for the fans".
But 2 is a much better story which is arguably more important in the scope of horror games.
Plenty of games are scarier, but not many can make you cry through its storytelling.
it felt too short.
nah SH3 is a lot cheesier
SH4 was flawed, but good. Most inventive in the series. So much hate.
how can you say that when 2 had Eddie and 1 had Harry
it's fucking great
kys faggot
They peaked only 3 games in
Claudia and Vincent
the cult stuff in general is just too cheesy
Play 1-3, 3's good ending is the most satisfying end to a trilogy in recent memory.
Killing off Harry the way they did
And Harry should also have been the main protagonist
You went wrong
They killed off best boy.