What is currently the best survival sim out there?

What is currently the best survival sim out there?

Also explain why you think it's the best.

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Why is it Minecraft?

the long dark

it's the only one i have played

long dark
because it's unbelievably comfy and lonely at the same time

the long dark, no need to explain why it's the best.

Nice try shill.

long dark tho for real

didn't ask for your fav cuck vids

nice non-contribution to the subject. long dark is just a good survival sim and several people think it's the one that does it the best
feel free to post any other game

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>immediately thinks of nigger cock
funny joke though

Modded stalker, comfy as fuck

Came here to post this

the survival is the absolute worst aspect of that game though

The long Dark is a POS.
Die by wolves, walk simulator, hurr dhurr muh hungry thirst whathever.
The forest was actually OK, but besides Terraria and Minecraft (who are logically flawed in the way of how much crap you can actually carry) i´m still waiting for a good survival game.

Not sure I'd define Terraria as a survival game. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I don't think it has many aspects of that genre.

Skyrim with porn+ non porn mods

terraria isn't a survival game you retard
also didn't even say long dark is a good game, I don't even like it. I just think it does survival the best

> 4 Replies.
> 1 Unique IP.

>1 Unique IP
why the fuck are you lying?

I don't have much expirience with them, but I'd say it is Cataclism DDA.

>What is currently the best survival sim out there?
The Long Dark for sheer survival mechanics and feeling of loniness.

Subnautica for exploration and good gating mechanics.

Pathologic 2 for narrative, atmosphere, and context/feeling of involvement.

I'm pretty curious how Green Hell will turn out.

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the best game of all time, of course: SUBNAUTICA.
It has fantastic mechanics, great storyline and EVERYTHING falls logically into place - plot AND gameplay, which is incredible rare - also scary as hell and difficult.
I know that underwater thing looks kinda boring, but not when it is in an alien planet.
I was sincerely appaled by this game quality.

Attached: SUBNAUTICA miracle coffee machine.jpg (748x615, 234K)

Rising worlds is nice if you favor the building aspect of those games over the survival part.

Is this post supposed to be ironic?
I mean: I did like Subnautica a lot, but seriously?

nice try you massive faggot

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survival game but there is also a regular game to play + a bandit camp to warm you with their dicks if you fail to kill them

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He's right, it was all me!

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damn big if true

¿What about green hell?

its the only early access survival crafting game right now with positive reviews on steam

that's a big if, jew

Survival in Minecraft used to be decent when that was the actual point of the game. Now it’s just a good Survival game that doesn’t know how to do survival correctly

Look pretty interesting, developer is polish which generally means either unusually GOOD or unusually BAD, but generally not mediocre, but it's early access. I made the big mistake of buying into early access of Subnatica and I've regretted it since. While the format of EA makes a lot of sense for sandbox-ish games from a developers point of view, it really does not work in favor of the player.

I bought, played and i´m waiting for the ... well, release, since the only thing you have is a 'open world' survival mode without storyline content.
The crafting system... and the exploring... and the combat... well, nice graphics, but i fell that THE FOREST did it better. For now, at least - we´ll see.

Forest had a lot of time to polish stuff out. I have to admit that I loved how the crafting and inventory was handled in that game, but it felt like the actual survival and evironment elements of the game fell to the wayside waaaay too early, instead favoring the frustrating cave diving, which felt like a waste of potential.
I'd kill for a similar game except with a lot more stuff to do in the world: more species to hunt, more complex recipes to craft, more dynamic environment in general. It took me about two hours in Forest to have everything that was not cave-exploring figured out.

Which one to buy for PS4 ?

I am split between The Forest, The Long Dark and Subnautica.

Haven't played any of them yet.

Subnautica is literally a child-friendly game: it's colorful, beautiful, easy, and has very little actual focus on survival. The survival is there only to give the game some sense of rythm and help you establish more structure in how you explore the settings, but otherwise, the game is almost entirely about EXPLORATION.

Which is fine as far as I'm concerned: in fact it's the only one of the three that I finished.
Just don't expect any actual hard-core survival mechanics. It's also sadly pretty badly made, as a piece of software: with issues like shit performance and horrendeous pop-in.

Forest also does not focus on survival that much. More than Subnautica, and it's also more designed with coop in mind, but ultimately, the game lets you figure out the survival quite fast: the core lies more in base-building and horror-like cave exploration, which I personally found to be just frustrating.

The Forest is by far the most survival-focused of the three. It has great atmosphere, and it's easily the hardest of the three. It focuses the most on moment-to-moment survival, that "will I make it to the next day" feeling. It has by far the most "rogue-like" feeling, with inevitable deaths and retries being pretty big part of it, unlike in the previous games.

All three are good, if flawed. Depends on what you personally prefer.

Thanks for the feedback. That elimates Subnautica from my list.

What about the replayability of the Forest and Long Dark? Will be playing alone.

It's not exactly what you would expect from the survival genre, but Rain World provides the feeling of the chased animal like no other game.

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>reddit tourist doesn't know how Yea Forums(nel) works
lurk five more years

Rain world, it's the best 2d survival game with no doubt