There has never been a good Sonic game.
No, not even 1, 2, or 3. No, not even Mania.
Your turn!
There has never been a good Sonic game.
No, not even 1, 2, or 3. No, not even Mania.
Your turn!
Paper Mario Sticker Star was a great game with many unique features and the game was enjoyable throughout the entire playthrough
OP is not a retarded faggot
You can't just dump your shitty opinion without explaining it.
Tell me what makes 2 bad?
Not just, what makes it not great, but what makes it actively bad.
All Dark Souls is a shit.
Monster Hunter World is a shit.
Kojima is a genius.
WRONG! Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed was like the best kart racer right after CTR.
Undertale is an awful game
Smash Bros. as a franchise was never good
Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VI are the most overrated games of all time.
They are both solid, good games, but far superior games have been made (both in and out of those series) that completely blow those "classics" out of the water.
Dark Souls's non-linear world does not make up for the mediocre-to-bad designs of the individual areas.
I sure hope you meant to type VII
There is no redeemable qualities of kingdomhearts, absolutely none its a game for 6 year olds. I'd have more respect for people who pay cam girls' patreon than a fucking kingdom hearts fan
Pokemon is boring and stupid
Goldeneye's control scheme has aged like spoiled milk.
Turnbased mechanics are a relic of an era of less processing power and there is no excuse to still be using it.
Gen 2 is worst gen and the remakes are awful and don't fix anything just add useless shit
Todd Howard is actually a pretty cool guy.
Final Fantasy games are overhyped, overproduced garbage that people cling to because muh anime and not because of any gameplay value
more an unpopular fact
Japanese gamers have shit taste and their market speaks to that shit taste.
Persona 5 has an awful UI,
There isn't a single good Nintendo game.
Wolfenstein the new order was painful to finish
Japs are the most casual Gatcha faggots on the planet.
DQ would have been better without that insufferable retard and shit composer that is Sugiyama
Fucking kek
Most people think this way, they just wont admit it. That's why the only people that are dumb enough to admit to being KH fans are fucking niggers.
factually, objectively correct
The zelda base in general are mouthbreathing retards and are capable of rosetinting any of the entries from the entire goddamn series.
RE4 is hot garbage and put the franchise in the shitter, not RE5.
Good game.
I thought the game was deeply flawed but it's art style, aesthetics, music and entire presentation was 10/10.
I respect your ability to find enjoyment in this game.
Most sonic games are good.
Classics aside,
The adventure games have so much charm (and soul) that its easy to distract from the jankiness of them. The alternate play styles really arent as bad as people tend to make them out to be, especially with how theyre handled in the first game.
Heroes is fine if you only stick to one campaign at a time and occasionally revisit it in small doses. Sure you may not be getting the "true" ending immediately but surely you can set your autism aside over something as silly as that.
Shadow i used to despise but developed a newfound appreciation for. The 'edginess' is done very tongue-in-cheekly at points and you can tell the developers were at LEAST self aware. Like with heroes, best in small dosages. You dont always need to force yourself through its padded length by doing multiple playthroughs in weeks time, just visit it occasionally.
People knock on Unleashed for the werehog but to be honest the werehog is actually pretty fun. The real problem with Unleashed is the frame rates, sun and moon medals, and the fucking werehog battle music.
Colors is good minus the overabundance of 2d stages.
People actually like generations.
Lost word is probably the worst game here that ill defend but i can at least appreciate its experiments and how weird it was.
All of the 2d handheld games are good, barring Generations which was just ok.
Theres no point in mentioning boom, 06, and forces, we know theyre bad.
People who dislike classic sonic cant comprehend that its a physics platformer first with speed as an element. Theyre a lot more fun if you think of them as "marble" games rather than "speed games".
Dodge rolling is a terrible avoidance mechanic and instantly make your game worse, forcing it into a really limited space when it comes to designing encounters.
Best boss threads that keep listing soul shit are a disgrace.
Nigga he said UNPOPULAR opinions.
holy fuck
Post face pic please
I bet you have a sanic OC that has the same name as you.
you are supposed to use that one family guy pic in order to talk about your contrarian opinions,so you feel safer :)
Impressive, the power of sonic fans... just wow
Its why they almost got their own containment board but were outvoted by /mlp/
Im a sonic fan, what did you expect
But i did address unpopular opinions, its just the wall of text made it seem more rant-ish than i meant for it to be.
AFPS games are boring as fuck to git gud at and are the primary reason they die. They are figured out at this point and that is why nobody plays them
Ion Maiden was mediocre as all fuck anyone that talked about the dev shitstorm over the lotion doesn't care about vidya and should be banned from this site
Minecraft hasn't gotten worse with any update. You got older and more experienced with the game
RE1 fun up until you leave the mansion. After that it becomes an utter chore. RE4 is just bad. RE7 is actually quite good outside of the black monster's boring designs
The people who complain about the bust sizes in FF7 remake dont actually play vidya
Skyrim is more fun than Morrowind.
Those people are the only ones who would disagree with you.
MMOs, MOBAs and fighting games are fundamentally terrible genres
>t. has never played Shadow the Hedgehog
Fallout 4 is the best in the series.
Duke Nukem Forever was exactly the game it was supposed to be.
Melee is the best form of combat, and it has never been done well in first person. Therefore first person games are mostly mediocre.
I stand by my statement.
Dragon Quest IX is the best Dragon Quest
What would be your idea of one that is good? Im genuinely curious.
Speedrunning is a cool and interesting niche of videogame culture and Yea Forums will never talk about it due to their incessant obession with lulcows and trannies
what? pokemon is the best form of combat
It would need to have mechanical complexity on the level of the great third persons melee games. First person melee games are always shallow as fuck.
What do you think of Kingdom Come deliverance? That games combat was pretty intricate. Five degrees of initiation for blocks, parrys, attacks, and breaks. There's also grabs and dodges as well.
>Melee is the best form of combat
>keep thinking Smash Melee for some reason
There's gotta be a way to differentiate the two
Can't blame the Japanese they work like slaves as adults and there are so few young people to to have the free time to game.
here i go
*cracks knuckles*
LISA is trash
Dark Souls is trash
Strategy and Stealth games are for autists
All weebshit is trash
That flash sonic clone is unironically better than all mainline sonic games
3D games look ugly 90% of the time
Undertale is based as fuck and toby deserves every bit of praise he got
This board needs more mods and to ban waifuposting
>mechanical complexity on the level of the great third persons melee games.
Give some examples because I suspect some enemy-juggling spectacle cringefest like DmC.
Okay. Boss fights are unironically dated design.
>All weebshit is trash
>This board needs more mods and to ban waifuposting
I liked DmC Devil May Cry's level design and the platforming that goes into the levels..
Half of those are pretty widely held views.
If Yea Forums says a game is bad, it's probably good.
If Yea Forums says a game is GOTY and the best thing ever, it's probably shit or is only fun for people who can't play sports and think beating a difficult game whilst playing on bongo drums is an achievement.
There is nothing wrong with using cheats, trainers or playing easy mods in a SP game; the aim is to have fun.
There's nothing wrong with a character being gay, black, a woman or anything as long as it is written naturally and isn't forced.
Games are about making money and appealing to the most players as possible, if you don't like a game just don't play it instead of having an autistic fit about it.
Talking about people like Zoe Quin/Sarkeesan just gives them free rental in your head and gives them more attention.
Gamers Gate may have been about ethics in journalism at first, but within seconds in just turned into incels bashing anyone who disagrees with them.
Being a fanboy of a console or PC or is a clear sign of autism.
Honestly haven't played it yet but that sounds like it has potential.
DMC is fantastic, but there are many other great TPS games too. Monster hunter, god hand, ninja gaiden. Hell even souls games are more interesting than any first person games I've played to date. Using the word cringe doesn't make your argument any stronger by the way. Whether you like them or not those games are deep and mechanically interesting and something like MnB is not. I would LOVE for MnB to have good combat, but it sadly does not. I still play it though.
You're totally going to play Desu Strandy aren't you
Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game. Sekiro is the best game Fromsoft has put out at least for a first playthrough.
you sound like a total faggot
>Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VI are the most overrated games of all time.
>unpopular opinion
This is the new hip thing to say, this isn't an unpopular opinion at all.
All MnB needs is a lock on. Thatd be a game changer.
You are correct. There is more than one.
>Undertale is based as fuck and Toby deserves every bit of praise he got
I can understand if people don’t like the game but if you just say it’s “bad gaem” you’re actually retarded. Anyone who I’ve tried to have explain to me why they think so either mentions the fandom or the graphics, which I don’t need to explain why those are stupid arguments
And all the games you mentioned don't resemble real melee combat for a bit, DmC especially. Well, you like that style of "combat", but don't expect other games to cater to that style of design. Your vision of "mount and blade with GOOD combat" is something like straight out of musou genre.
>not forced
Name one
Why would I?
Nu-HITMAN 2 is better than the older Hitman games in every way except the always online part. This is coming from someone who got into the series at Silent Assassin and never skipped a game after that.
GTA V is good and none of the GTAs are in any way bad.
>Yea Forums is one person
This mentality right here, is why you get so many retarded arguments on this site.
Kuckjima has been saying shit like that about ditching overused and outdated design and mechanics.
Arcade Gannon is the first that springs to mind, didn't even know he was gay until my 3rd/4th play-through and he only ever tells if you keep pressing him. A character where being gay isn't his identity.
Fapping to furry porn does not make you a furry.
Dragon Quest music is dogshir across the board, not just 11.
Yeah, that's right.
FF8 is unironically the best put together and well written FF. Don't @ me.
Shhh you'll scare away the stray redditor.
Nintendo makes terrible games and only got lucky with Mario
What a dumb opinion
Cojimba says, but other devs do.
It should steal some stuff from KCD by the sounds of things. For Honor honestly did semi realistic combat better than any first person game.
Like I said For honor did semi realism better than any of the first person games I've played.
>t. smoothbrain with slow reaction times
>Undertake is ba-
No you're wrong. Here you just exposed yourself as an idiot.
Hollywood games like Uncharted or The Last of us are boring, generic trash. People who love them are mostly retards.
Yea Forums has a hivemind, just like Reddit.
Been here longer than you kiddo
Not vidya, also, yes it does you degenerate.
Hola cringola.
Jokes aside, the best melee combat implementation is, unironically, Exanima.
>ITT: Yea Forums's most popular opinions.
You guys are fucking retards
No it doesn't, because I don't participate in the furry community, I am not a furry.
There's nothing wrong with interactive dramas like Her Story or walking simulators like Edith Finch. They are video games just the same, and they can be very good.
don't bother user, "furry" means wildly different things to different people
to some it's not immediately discarding all media with a talking animal
to others it means having been to a furcon or owning a fursuit
Who's attacking Her Story here?
What's wrong is when walking sim is used to drive forward some bullshit story like Firewatch did. Walking sims should be about exploration, not an excuse to make barely movie.
OP didn't specify in what capacity the opinions should be unpopular. There is a world outside your room and this board, you brainlet.
Haven't played it yet but it looks promising. You're a realism fag and I'm not but I still enjoy realistic games. Realistic games have a lot of catching up to do in terms of mechanical depth though.
Neptunia is a good series
Fatal frame 4 sucks
Disgaea 1 sucks
tony hawk pro skater hd is not bad as people say
NFSU1/2 ruin the series
Gacha games needs to die
Bombergirl looks fun
>unpopular opinions
>all the posts are 'i hate x'
How about an unpopular opinion that a game is good, you insufferable faggots?
People praise the Spiderman 2 movie game a lot but the first one is really good too.
>How about an unpopular opinion that a game is good
Yea Forums is full of PC gamers that hate video games
maybe read the thread first
Sure. I love pixel art and indie games and think they're on average much better than AAA these days.
Not OP, but the entire formula is shit. So one game being the best just makes it the best turd.
smash needs a containment board like pokemon