It'll be just like the good old days, right? You'll buy it and support Activisions lootbox grinder shooter formula because it fellates your nostalgia, right user?
You're going to buy Modern Warfare, right user?
No, I will buy it because I have always enjoyed the Single Player Campaigns in the CoD games, and I will get a few dozen hours of fun out of the Multiplayer.
That has always made it worth it for me, loot boxes or not.
Great to hear user! So glad you'll be supporting Activision's business practices.
If I, or you, were to never spend money on a product made by a game company that dealt in bad practices and that damaged people, then we'd both have very few places to buy anything from. And yes you can always make a tiny difference by choosing a few to not buy from and you are not obligated to revolve your life around making those moral choices.
But for me personally as many video games that I have bought and consumed over the last 20 years, I just don't care enough to take a moral stance against any company.
just buy the game and not the lootboxes, not that hard.
>buying CoD in 2019
Meh, this was entirely expected. Didnt even have any hope to begin with.
Didn't they just remaster this game?
>just buy the game and not the lootboxes, not that hard.
yeah, not buying the lootboxes that give you better weapons and a clear advantage over others.
did people actually think that there wouldn't be loot boxes? what matters is if they're gonna be cosmetics only.
>what matters is if they're gonna be cosmetics only.
lol, you haven't paid attention to cod in a while have you?
since when has any CoD gave ever given weapons in lootboxes? It's always skins at least as far as I know
>cosmetics only
When will these corporate cock suckers die?
all of them since advanced warfare
>cod lootboxes giving you weapons that are better than regular weapons
...based retard
Nah it looks like a walking sim with no gameplay
how much are you getting paid for this?
>all these people who haven't played or seen anything about CoD in years thinking the lootboxes will be cosmetics
How can they have better weapons If I headshot them all?
Nobody here unironically plays CoD. Not even people paid to shill it here like this guy
you got like an image or something, haven't played a cod since Black Ops 1 man, I was interested in this new game since it looked like a return to basics but not in a shitty way
>fags who expected Activision not to implement this in the first place
Imagine being this naive
I'm gonna rent it from a redbox for long weekend to play the campaign, probably. I haven't liked the multiplayer since advanced warfare, everything after it just fucking ruined the god tier mobility AW offered.
>you can play the OG
>you can play the remaster
>you can play this reboot
Is activision faping to IW?
Honestly? I don't mind. If they're really, truly getting rid of map packs, I'll take lootboxes in their place.
what makes you think they'll be dropping weapons and not skins? this has been the case for the previous ones already
cod4 was the start of the series rapid ascent into the most popular series of games, they're trying to recapture the glory.
They pulled this shit with CTR too, never buying activision shit again
Yeah I'd take cosmetic jewery for free maps/updates
someone fill me in on this gun shit, are they just cosmetics or what
I think in ww2 you could get complete versions of guns with all the attachments from lootboxes, but I don't remember seeing that in any other version of the game, and ww2 is one of the worst selling.
There have been exclusive lootbox weapons for years you retarded corporate cock holster
>cant even finish SP without microtransactions
How is this a surprise for people? One of the preorder bonus editions comes with codpoints, the fuck else would they be for?
I'm literally asking for information, you knuckle dragging trog
So they come with attachments on them? Weird, but whatever. Only ww2 had that though so they might not do it again?
Do you need those? You do realise that if they don't make enough money from game sales they're just gonna add in more shit like lootboxes to get money from whales, right?
It's a shitty practice for sure, but all you can do is hope people don't spend money on lootboxes (this will never happen). The cost of the average triple-a game has barely changed over the years, yet the development costs have improved. Lootboxes are, unfortunately, sustaining a big portion of gaming. And the ones to blame for that are those buying the boxes, not buying the game itself.
Every cod since advanced warfare has had weapons in loot crates. Not skins, not cosmetics, unique weapons.
Activision shills itt, hope you're earning overtime having to do this so late at night.
I dont get the problem, previous black ops you could just get the crates by playing and ranking up
>Removed the season pass
>Not expecting micro transactions
Not that a game that will sell millions needs loot boxes to begin with but you would be a moron to assume activision would give up an easy way to make cash out of people
So are these early unlocks, unique versions of guns (maybe with preset attachments or something) a combination of both, or something else
>Not skins, not cosmetics, unique weapons.
It literally could not have been clearer.
right but if I get an AWP that comes with a foregrip and enhanced scope with a unique skin from a box, but I can also just get that bitch manually, the gun, the parts but not the skin, isn't that just a cosmetic with a bell and whistle?
Jesus Christ user
So you mean like, I could get an AWP, but there's no AWP normally available or unlockable
That's pretty dumb, if they do that I don't see a point in buying the damn thing.
It's fine in crt atm you can easily buy every without using real money.
The Ballistic knife in blops 3 & 4 can only be gotten through lootboxes. Does it make sense now?
Lmao i rekt with the aa50 on black ops that shit is op 1 shot to the upper body and up p2w garbage shit
yes that is how it works you dumb shit
How hard is it for you to understand? Even cultist must have a better brain than you.
>Expecting a modern AAA shooter to not have lootboxes
Its scummy yeah but its standard now
>open up any of the current beta streams
>generic_fuck_the_police_rapmusic.mp3 in the background, every background
yeah never change
It's weird how people get upset about MTs in Call of Duty games but don't lose their minds over MTs in The Last of Us games. It's the same developers, guys.
gonna buy a key bought with stolen credit cards. first cod i'll "buy" since cod 1. win/win desu senpai
codshitters and reddit hate the game and complain about "campers" because they're too stupid to not just run&gun while looking at a minimap. makes the game actually sound appealing. gonna shit on them for a couple weeks, then drop it before everyone has op lootcrate guns. gg ez
People only care about single player in that game.
You are the most insufferable person in this thread. Competition is stiff, too
u mad i'm fucking with your poor attempts at reverse psychology to stir up controversy and get attention?
your shitty company is gonna lose money while i'm gonna enjoy the game lmao suck it faggot
>yet the *marketing* costs have *increased*.
ftfy. stop making shitty excuses for shitty practices.
You aren't insufferable for pirating. You are insufferable for the way you express yourself.
>all these people thinking that it's okay to have cosmetics at extra costs in a fucking full price game
I've just resigned it as a lost battle trying to tell people microtransactions in full priced games were and never will be okay. Most of the industry is already too far gone, indicating that most gamers are happy with paying for them.
why cant activision hide anything in their code and make it piss easy to access?
Is there a toggle for female soldiers/cosmetics in general?
I have no interest in shooting a girl in the face and hearing her screech in pain.
It's so fucking awful in Black Ops III, especially since I play the flamethrower guy.
CoD campaigns have always been reasonably entertaining interactive action flicks. i still replay WaW and CoD4 now and then
just pirate the game
>buying AAA games
Do you think we're low IQ retards or something?
buying any CoD after UO
Nigger, even though CoD1 and United Offensive is still my no. 1 CoD game, the CoD2, CoD4 and borderline MW2 were great games, even though I've never really got over the replenishing health mechanics
baste ching chong dating sim weebcel
He’s not pirating, he’s buying the game with stolen credit cards. That’s not even the same as pirating a digital download, that’s fucking stealing.
BO4 is genuinely the worst game in the entire CoD series and it's unironically pay 2 win $60 game with no single player.
It has to be paid shills pushing this garbage, right? Zoomers can't be that retatded
No wonder they dodged the questions about it. Fucking kikes. I was gonna buy it but now I've lost all interest.
They literally do now you retard
No they aren't early unlocks you retarded faggot, they take the normal gun and add +damage or larger magazine etc, stuff not normally obtainable on the gun in any way, and they purposely make it random + legendary rarity to exploit people. The kikes even added it to the cod4 remaster, no shame. Fuck off
No, but I know consoleniggers (including the ones on Yea Forums, don't kid yourselves) will buy this turd in droves like they do every year.
I didn't even bother when they removed the fun movement options but kept the shitty Overwatch supers.
I got with Humble Monthly after I got convinced to play with a friend, but I still feel ripped off.
I'd only get it for single player, desu they aren't that bad. I like them.
Multiplayer can die.
Who cares?
The consolefags who buy CoD every year will buy it no matter what, so what difference does it make?
They could replace all the characters with anime girls and add literal gacha to the game and those faggots would STILL buy it.
Infinity ware are less jew than Treyharch, it may only be cosmetic shit.
>playing CoD in 2019
>buying [Activision] game in 2019
literal cancer