DRM slavery in modern game systems.
DRM slavery in modern game systems
Other urls found in this thread:
>GTA 4
>Stanley parable
Stemlets will hate bringing up facts.
>b-b-b-b-b gaben and steam are the best
>muh master race
only complete virgin will be scary about not owning his games i couldn't care less i'm not even playing them more than once
i pirate even if its not behind DMR lmao
OP is not a fag, for once.
Aaaand then you can just mod the music back. Woweeeh.
>xbox invented paid online
XBAND and Seganet came before xbox live
people like you are what will end civilization as we know it and demote humankind to drones. I don't blame you, you can't help it as you only are a product of your time. I can only stand helpless at the side and watch your insect like kind turn down free society
You could make a pretty good looking tier list image like that without using meme images and cutting the steam description short enough to be on par with the others. Can you do that? I'd like to see it.
Good. Forgot to ad the pirate everything guy. Only remember that you are encouraging only worse DRM if you don't buy from GOG.
The choice is yours.
Spoken like a true stadia fag.
I agree so much the untermenschen are the worst thing that is dragging everything down and corporate cucks need to be exterminated.
dont forget about vice city and san andreas too. and im sure theres many more
>people who aren't invested in their vacuous consumerism are going to end human civilization.
Adorno was right.
I will switch to GOG once it has giftcards
kek you didnt even understand his post you fucking retard
>and cutting the steam description short enough to be on par with the others
>Can you do that? I'd like to see it.
Why? I added important information about Steam and how bad its DRM is.
Steam fanboys like to pretend like steam is a gift from god while its a shit DRM system that pulls shit like shown in facts.
There is literally no reason to buy single player games on steam since pirating it will be better in every way and you don't need to check if something was purged by your steam overlords from the game.
>Where there not more songs in this radio station? I think I remember more.
While the pirated version is free of this DRM.
No I do. His point is just moronic.
There were paid online servers for games back in the day on PC as well. Every time you quit Shadow Warrior for DOS you get a nice ad for one of them.
no you didnt.
>people who aren't invested in their vacuous consumerism are going to end human civilization.
this is absolutely not his point dumbass
gta 4 songs were literally modded back in the same day they were removed and the songs were also removed from all other digital platforms.
Imagine actually defending being the fuckboy of steam and DRM.
1) Pirates and traditional PC gamer don't need to do this crap. Because their games are not infected with DRM!
>just mod the music back
Waist of my time. Why have the inferior DRM version that I need to baby sit with mods every time steam purges things?
>just mod the music back
You just violated lots of laws. Why not have the GOG/CD or pirated version instead?
>just mod the music back
Knowing that steam scans your system for ""hacks"" prepare yourself for a possible VAC ban or account suspension for this. The capability of the DRM framework are there.
You steam fanboys laughed at steam purging content ever yet it happened, get ready for the next level of steam fuckery.
How can you get anything else other than "I care way too much about this ephemeral bullshit" from a response to "lol why u scared I'm only gonna play this once anyway" that includes such amazing conflation of "not caring if video games have restrictions on use" and "humanity in bondage".
Either the scope of the concept is lost on the aforementioned poster, or he, as I said "cares too much about this ephemeral bullshit"
inb4 I get misunderstood Orwell quotes thrown at me.
Exactly lets get a fact list going to shut up all steam fanboys.
>Knowing that steam scans your system for ""hacks"" prepare yourself for a possible VAC ban or account suspension for this.
gta games aren't vac protected you dingus. there's literally guides on the community hubs telling you how to put the music back and links to all the files you need.
GOG is drm tho
have sex
Nintendo is above Steam since their current platform holds some value, even though paid online is cancer.
Here OP, fixed that for you.
I never understand the people making these images.
>gets assraped by DRM, still defends it
>shits on pirates
What the fuck nigger, nobody's defending steam for its faults, people use it for the sole purpose of it being the earliest established, biggest decent platform. Anything removed because of steam can be modded back because it's the motherfucking PC.
Absolute brainlet arguments that don't even hold water, trying to force a false narrative.
Well you forgot epicchads, egs doesn't have DRM
I wonder
who is
Add the
>Egs doesn't support DRM, Dev needs to pay money to add DRM, means almost every epic game is DRM free
>not just chad pirate
fuck off zoomers with your shitty stores for cucks
GOG literally puts cracked games on their store.
If I want cracked games, I just pirate them.
Imagine being this level of retarded.
look child games are only one medium of this SAAS software is another level of far more dangerous cancer.
And while its fiction the new totalitarian age smells of 1984 hard! in 1984 all books where changed and rewritten to show that the party was never wrong.
Today there is the technology to change content in games. The Stanley parable is one great example. This means your steam games are not some solid recording that never changes.
And you have no idea if the game did originally have this content or if some steam update removed it. The same can be for books and articles. The irony is that amazon deleted the book 1984 in its digital form from everyone who did buy it(because copyright and licensing bullshit).
If you do not see how this technological capacity opens a new level of totalitarian control never imagined in ages before you are part of the problem.
And you are part of the problem if you are not fighting it.
Welcome to the 1984 cyberpunk dystopia.
They allow constant online shitnuvo on their platform.
well that's just capitalism
>from all other digital platforms.
Not from my pirated copy. Cope harder you corporate cuck.
>from all other digital platforms
>Herp derp all other totalitarian governments are doing it
How about we don't have have totalitarian corporate overlords?
More up to date version of that image. I can't believe he said these things.
Imagine not understanding technology this hard.
Steam scans the GTA you start for "pirated songs" you introduced into it.
Steam suspends your account for this or VAC bans you form all online games have fun getting a massive crippling of your steam library.
Single point of failure.
Valve can do it technologically and legally, read the EULA once in your life.
Last time I downloaded from the GOG WEBSITE all the installers are DRM free.
Can you elaborate on this?
Ok, in which game did you use cheats?
You have to log-in to download the game
>And while its fiction the new totalitarian age smells of 1984 hard! in 1984 all books where changed and rewritten to show that the party was never wrong.
t. Never read the book. Nor knows anything about Orwell.
>If you do not see how this technological capacity opens a new level of totalitarian control never imagined in ages before you are part of the problem.
Of course it does and it is a problem. DRM and video games are the least important facet of this and an over-concern about them is within itself a huge problem when it comes to fighting against a totalitarian presence.
What this guy said.
>playing games is slavery
can we just euthanize all of you cheap neet faggots? you add nothing to society. I would just liquify all of you and use your biomass as fertilizer or even for bio diesel. greener Earth
You notice that they have the same avatar. Would be above steam if they did not implement payed online.
>above Steam since their current platform holds some value
I see that you could see it this way and I acknowledge its a possibility and valid point.
Overall traditional non DRM cartridge console games are above the modern console cancer garbage.
Imagine being this delusional.
>words words words
Weak shitpost
you are full of shit. you can even play pirated games on official steam servers without getting banned.
How old are you buddy?
>2 and 4 are the same
Man you are astoundingly dumb.
If you pay for GOG you basically are a retard who pays for torrent games.
I love how those threads started with some decent points and then dwell into absolute insanity and conspiracy theories. It's almost like people who create them are retarded.
>Anything removed because of steam can be modded back because it's the motherfucking PC.
>If I live with a monster that randomly trashes my room its OK because I can fix the room after it gets trashed
How about we don't allow this behavior and live like in the good old days?
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b If I literally commit crimes and do illegal stuff then its good once more
Why not pirate it in the first place you dingus? No pirate needed to deal with this crap because his version is free of the cancer that is DRM.
You have proven that you literally are
>gets assraped by DRM, still defends it
It's weird, I just play vydia regardless of platform or drm or anything and I've never had any trouble, I pirate some stuff and buy some other shit.
Methinks you guys just don't like videogames and just the discussion created around them.
>Steam scans the GTA you start for "pirated songs" you introduced into it.
>Steam suspends your account for this or VAC bans you form all online games have fun getting a massive crippling of your steam library.
okay now this thread is just silly
Games aren't important but the normalization of "as a service" subscription you-don't-own-anything is just trying to indoctrinate people into a slavery of their own design. See: People paying $1000/mo to live in bunk bed aisles that you find in a typical homeless shelter out in LA.
This idea of "Why pay for it indefinitely if you just need it now?" is going to result in people 20 years down the line that live and die working solely to pay for other people's property and dying with nothing of their own to secure or pass down. Not only do they leave nothing in death, but in life they must always tread on eggshells and obey their corporate overlords lest they violate the TOS and be forbidden from renting (and thus, left to die in a world in which only the rich own anything).
>Piracy is a service problem
One of the most retarded things you can say. For the over 99% of people who pirate its 60% price and 40% no DRM.
I'm concerned about DRM not ... wait a minute the sentence "Piracy is a service problem" literally makes no sense.
Yes don't get your games in 30 minutes after guying them in a brick and mortar store download them for 8h its a better service!
>muh digital distribution
GOG exists eat a dick fat fag!
And how are they scanning it, exactly? the GTA folder, or do they have a super duper advanced machine learning bot that listens in while you play the game? Do they then compare the song they heard to your banking transactions to determine if it's pirated?
You have to be trolling, because no one can be this stupid.
>egs doesn't have DRM
Isn't it because they are to incompetent now? And will implement DRM later? The same way their library system is fucked and unusable now?
Based GOG nation.
>you need to pay for online
You don't have to if you're smart like me
again that's capitalism retard
If everyone is like that how come there will be people who own property you insane mong?
>If I live with a monster that randomly trashes my room its OK because I can fix the room after it gets trashed
That analogy doesn't even work
More like
>If I live with a monster that is about to trash my room, it's okay because I've installed machine gun turrets to my room that kill the monster the moment it's about to destroy things
>Why not pirate it in the first place you dingus?
People don't pirate purely out of convenience. It's easier to just buy and install.
Not once have I defended DRM, I only use steam because all my friends use it and all the games that I play with my friends or anyone else online, the online play only works through steam.
>>not just chad pirate
>'favorite' game companeis
okay bootlicker
>I only use X because all my friends use it
Do you take dick in the ass because your friends do it too?
>GOG literally puts cracked games on their store.
What is wrong with this?
You are literally making no sense.
Why develop a crack if you can download a working crack from the internet?
Didn't happen with vice city. They made a new appid so that old copies still have the songs and only newly bought ones don't have them.
????????? They have never done any of this, you are just making up problems that don't exist.
That wasn't the only reason I use it, did you miss the last 75% of the sentence?
We all use it because it's an inconvenience to pirate and the online play doesn't work.
Sorry, that's not what my favorite journalists think.
It's crony capitalism
Because like literally everything else there will always be a wealthy upper class that benefits from that economic system. Everyone (the 99%) WILL be like that. Only those already owning land and corporations will have the economic capability of property ownership, and once enough of us peons are content with never owning anything, they'll be sure to jack up pricing until it's virtually impossible for anyone, dissenting or otherwise, to own land if they're poor. The corporations that possess all the ability to create products will just lobby regulations into being prohibitively expensive for competition. You won't be able to go innawoods because the woods will be private property.
It's more of an inconvenience to buy shit than pirate
>t. Never read the book
I actually did! What now retard.
The main character works in the ministry of truth who destroys old paper books and prints fake ones so the party is never wrong in the paper book library's the populous uses to refers to facts.
Prove me wrong.
No, it's just normal capitalism. Rich will get richer because they have more capital that they can use. It's how the development costs for shit like processors and shit like that are mostly in design and the machinery required to make them while the cost of the resources to actually make the processor is minimal.
I wouldn't even mind not owning games if they were rental prices and I could pay 3-5 bucks to play a game for a month and only spend full price on the games I really like, but I'm not spending 60 dollars on a game that I don't even own, especially if it's a shitty one I'll drop after 12 hours.
If you use a cracked version of a game you can't use some patches, some mods, and other stuff that requires original .exe or launchers of the game.
If you want to use GOG, you better pirate games at that point.
You think like a Marxist.
While its semi related to capitalism (corporations are doing this) other totalitarianisms like this existed under feudalism and feudalism is not capitalism.
This is why you don't obsess over capitalism you obsess over totalitarianism who shows up in different forms over the ages and will show up after capitalism is long gone.
Of course it makes sense to tie the ownership of a software asset to a user account, and not the device (like eg nintendo did in the past).
The term slavery is also never applicable in a scenario where you sign a contract with consent.
I don't ever happily and readily condone piracy under normal circumstances, but when the pirated version of a game runs better and without stutters that the version you'd pay for has then I wholeheartedly support not giving the devs a dime. Far Cry 5 and pre-patch Hitman 2 and pretty much anything Ubisoft puts out on PC is the worst with this.
>Because like literally everything else there will always be a wealthy upper class that benefits from that economic system. Everyone (the 99%) WILL be like that. Only those already owning land and corporations will have the economic capability of property ownership, and once enough of us peons are content with never owning anything, they'll be sure to jack up pricing until it's virtually impossible for anyone, dissenting or otherwise, to own land if they're poor. The corporations that possess all the ability to create products will just lobby regulations into being prohibitively expensive for competition. You won't be able to go innawoods because the woods will be private property.
This is a lot like what happened to the Roman Empire.
NeoSerfdom when?
>GoG only
So basically, you get cucked out of playing Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar because CDPR socjus faggots didn't like it.
how so?
>seek working pirated copy that isn't bitcoin miner or infested with viruses
>download it for hours because nobody seeds their torrents
>not latest versions so old bugs persist
>can't even play online
on steam
>buy the game you want
>install it
>play it
I want to see you play games like Squad by yourself, retard.
Feudalism and capitalism aren't close though. People in feudalism had power due to land and amount of people. Capitalism is about free choice, if you don't like it then don't use it. No one is forcing you to buy anything.
You'll grow up of communism don't worry.
>Ok, in which game did you use cheats?
You don't get to debate it, valve not like you illegally adding something to a game valve VAC ban you.(its a crime to introduce these songs to this game because muh licenses and muh copyright)
Read the EULA you have no say in it if you get VAC banned and valve can VAC ban you for any reason it wants without telling you anything.
i don't pirate games with drm because i don't trust cracks or any public trackers, so i only pirate gog games and switch games sometimes
>go on torrent site
>sort by date
>download newest one
on steam
>go look for game
>add it to shopping cart
>look for credit card
>fill in the information
>check out
It can't VAC ban you in games without VAC you retard
Remember when YT was full of pirated material? Now they are cracking down hard.
Be a corporate cuck get fucked over. You only have the good will of a corporation preventing it form mass raping you.
Get absolute power to your overlords and hope they will not abuse you. Disaster in the making.
Nintendo now has paid online and GOG has DRM.
You need to update image to show literally everyone being sad and disgusting, but only after you’ve come to terms with the fact of that being reality.
>reee why does GOG have actual quality control reee
>Holy crap, Lois
Ok, in what game did your little brother use cheats while you weren't looking?
>okay now this thread is just silly
Lets see and wait I collect facts lets see you QQ when valve starts doing this.
Remember that lots of people say they where VAC banned for nothing?
While you steam fanboys are
>LOL volvo never do anything wrong, volvo friend, LOL hackers tell lies HAHAHAHA.
The intermingling and incestuous relationship between corporate and political classes is what makes it crony capitalism, user.
I'm not a communist. Communism is just the opposite end of the "Nobody owns property." You're just replacing the corporate impetus with a political one.
>GOG has DRM
Not surprised but explain what happened to me since I wasn't actually aware of it.
>GOG has DRM
>Hating on consolechads
pick only one consoletard
>And how are they scanning it, exactly?
Are you seriously asking or ironically?
Steam scans your RAM and installed content of the OS and is openly telling you they are doing it.
> the GTA folder
Most likely.
>Do they then compare the song
I answer this with a counter question
How can YT algorithm detect pirated music/movies? How this possible!?
Most likely they check the directory see the MD5 sum of the official radio station music file and if its anything other then the official MD5 they start shit.
Educate yourself on MD5 and checksums.
>i only pirate gog games
Finally someone who uses his brain.
It's not communism in his case, it's just common sense. Being able to admit that society is and will always be based on inequality (using the dictionary definition here, not identity politics), without passing moral judgement on it, is just being sensible.
Fanboys like you did say the same about game content purges yet they happened.
Legally and technologically they can do it.
You are stupid and/or tech illiterate or lack imagination if you don't realize this is a possibility.
This, console bitches need to bow down to MacBook superiority
you need to use gog galaxy to play online
but who the fuck cares? multiplayer sucks
>pirate game
>get virus
>You have to log-in to download the game
This is not DRM.
Once you download the installer it works offline with zero problems.
The GOG game installer is identical to any pirated installer and is DRM free.
Yeah, people are atoms whose identity, needs and expectations don't depend on the world around them.
Still not surprised considering introducing a dedicated download client means you're one step away from requiring people to use that dedicated download client.
i don't fucking care about what's possible, i care about what's been done, and they do not try and stop modders.
>he'd rather install a trojan than reach to his credit card in his wallet
fuck off microdick pcchads have big black cocks
Just go live in the woods retard
>Why not have the GOG/CD or pirated version instead?
Do you think that GoG releases are magically exempt from song licensing?
>it's that easy to get a trojan
>you need to use gog galaxy to play online
You do only for games that have developer side servers. Any non jew game can be played in LAN or you can make your own server.
>Torchlight 2
>has LAN
>you don't need Galaxy
All older games can be played trough Hamachi. So stop spewing lies you fagget.
>egs doesn't have DRM
Ye but I still have to be online to log-in and download the installer. Don't see much difference compared to steam.
2 and 4 are nothing like try harder brainlet steam fanboy.
Purge content VS account/VAC ban do you think you getting 1 post deleted by the mods is the same as getting a ban?
And even if they are your objection is pathetic.
>needing to confirm the rights to my digital content isn't Digital Rights Management
>It's crony capitalism
Which is an inevitable result of capitalism.
that's even better but multiplayer still sucks so i still don't care
always download the offline installers from gog through their desktop site. these motherfuxkers have been infiltrated and subverted by she's within th elllle last 4 years and it shows. Galaxy is basically the Trojan horse that they're using to make it more in line with steam.
>EGS exclusive
>starts uploading userdata
In very few cases like Medieval 2, you can just use Steam emulator instead which preserves the exe file. Checkmate
fuck off delusional mentally ill chinkshills
umm galaxy is perfect and not drm user, please delete your post
holy shit, you are retarded. the log in is to protect your stuff from being accessed by others.
NotTrotsky's book is intentionally left and the proles aren't even particularly scrutinised, it's middling outer party members like Winston are. It's part of Owell's overall optimism.
>The intermingling and incestuous relationship between corporate and political classes is what makes it crony capitalism, user.
That's just capitalism, it's there by design.
Egs doesn't have DRM yes, fucking brainlet
are you retarded? you need to log into your account to prove you're the one who owns the product you've bought, and that's only required to download your game
>You just violated lots of laws. Why not have the... pirated version instead?
Oh the irony
>Don't see much difference compared to steam.
That's cus you're retarded.
>DRM free game on GOG
>download it once and store it on whatever you like
>steam depending on the type of the DRM
>you will need steam in order to start the game that is unavoidable(for GOG you don't need Galaxy)
>if the game has Denuvo it will shut down after a certain time even if it is a singleplayer game a
>steamworks are similar and you wont even be able to start the game
>saving your game on external media is peroblematic since you don't have a packed instasller and you'll have to be searching the Steam folder(you still need steam installed to run the game
So consider suicide you miserable piece of cancerous shit.
>has all the control
>this is what cd and gog babbies actually think
The exclusivity and that you require a launcher is the DRM you retarded mongoloid
>i have all my games on DVDs and external hard drives
Yes, i have all the control shitposting tard. So reee more while i buy even more games from GOG.
Sorry your analogy fails
>If I live with a monster that is about to trash my room, it's okay because I've installed machine gun turrets to my room that kill the monster the moment it's about to destroy things
So you have some automated system that detects if a steam game gets content purged and automatically fixes it without you needing to do anything?
Because if not your analogy failed. You needed to know about this, waist your time searching for a mod and installed this mod. While this stuff is impossible in CD/GOG/Pirated games to ever happen.
And even if you machine gun turrets analogy is correct you are still doing stupid steps to prevent your beasts form trashing your room.
While the alternative is to not live with the beast.
>Not once have I defended DRM
Sure sounded like you sucked steams cock a lot with you
>LEL you can use these mods to return the songs
>I play with my friends or anyone else online, the online play only works through steam.
This is another subject, anyone getting locked into a service does not mean you should turn into a fan boy who sucks corporate dick all day. You are expected to make lots of noise about how this is bad even if you are forced to use it.
For a short list, you sure did repeat yourself a lot
>you need to have Steam installed
>whatabout this other DRM that isn't SteamDRM
>Steamworks games will stop working eventually! Here's a list of all of the games that have stopped so far:
Teach me sanpai.
>what is bit rot
>gog is still a service and you dont own anything
It sounds like you weren't around for online multiplayer before Steam. So many shit services or terribly set up games that required jumping through so many hoops to get working.
>download it once and store it on whatever you like
why would I do this, I don't uninstall games cause I'm not a poorfag that can't afford disk space.
>need steam
wow its like you dont even need to be online to actually play the game either, which I guess impacts performance on your pc from 2003 that
also kys you gog shill
>>you will need steam in order to start the game that is unavoidable
But it is avoidable.
if you bought the game on CD with a DRM free version and YEARS AFTER the disk rots, you can pirate it without feeling any regret since you bought the game in the first place
>can't use some patches, some mod
Tell me the exact scenario where this was a problem for anyone. I'm actually interested to know.
>If you want to use GOG, you better pirate games at that point.
The difference is that GOG is LEGALLY DRM free while pirated is illegally DRM free.
Also you are simply encouraging even more bad DRM schemes who are now often uncrackable. Why not support the legal DRM free option?
steam is a DRM marketplace and by buying on steam you will be subject to other DRM systems ontop of steam so how am i repeating myself you disgusting shitlord?
pirating isn't illegal, uploading/seeding is
>PC "masterrace"
shouldn't you be playing your decade(s) old wrpgs instead of posting on Yea Forums?
>inconvenience to pirate
Imagine choosing slavery because its more convenient. This is the future you chose.
>what is bit rot
>what is making a new copy every few years
Yes, with GOG games you can make as many copies as you like so even if one DVD will rot away i would've already copied my game on a new one. That's why GOG being DRM FREE is awesome.
Depends on the country you live in. For example, in Poland, what you said is true, as downloading copyrighted works falls under fair use. However, software is exempt from fair use in Poland, so downloading games is illegal.
>some patches
Just wait for the new torrent to pop up lmao
>some mods
painfully untrue, stop spreading that myth. Even the mods were the creator is a cocksucker and says "hurr it won't wurk with pirated copy", well guess what, they still work with a pirated copy.
I'm in Poland and lawyer said software is ok too tho
>He rather give his credit card information to a megacorporation who will sell it and abuse it then to have a friendly Russian surprise horse mini game included.
Also I never got viruses and I pirate a lot, looks like you never pirated once in your life and only believe corporate propaganda.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
>NeoSerfdom when?
Winston is not reliable. Earlier in that very chapter they express this, and many other times throughout the book.
>In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda.
To add: If you read Orwell without the quote “It is always the anvil that breaks the hammer, never the other way about” in your mind you're reading him wrong.
Lawyer probably said trading halls filled with bootleg copies of games and consoles in the 90s was OK, too.
>Feudalism and capitalism aren't close though.
I know. They are bad however. And your freeduuuum crap is equally valid for feudalism.
>totalitarianism under feudalism
For crying out loud, stop using words you don't understand, you numbbrain.
What did they change to Stanley Parable?
Didn't ask him about that
>The term slavery is also never applicable in a scenario where you sign a contract with consent.
Imagine not knowing that in the past people actually sold themselves into slavery. With contracts! American education everyone!
google these words "selling yourself into slavery"
??? I think you replied to wrong post
That I did.
This after the shit devs pulled no one coan object to piracy.
This is not the 90s where all games are wholesome and DRM free.
Is the devil, their service literally cheated me out of a game I bought there, they can eat that money I will never buy anything ubisoft in my life.
meant for
I see this fag likes the steam gang bang. You buy on steam and think you get only fucked by steam DRM however Nop~! Its a surprise gang bang and other DRM services are here to ass fuck your boy pussy. Its a DRM orgy and you are the bitch.
Agree only utopians like libertarians and Marxists disagree.
Marxists aren't utopians, there are utopian marxists but not marxists are utopians.
Read the EULA
>in games without VAC you retard
Prove that they did not [this is a lie] VAC ban you for cheating in VAC games.
Its irrelevant you have no say in it or look into it.
Enjoy valve totalitarianism.
Look, we're devaluing the term totalitarian by using it in this context.
Gog is only good for single player games.
wtf did you mean by this
Marxism is, by definition, a utopia.
No it's an analytical methodology. Do you actually know the first thing about it or are we actually at the point of "uuuh, communism"?
>Marxists aren't utopians
>LELELE we are not utopian because autist Marx say we are not!
No fagot you are utopian in practically all meanings of the word.
Pictured book utopia long before Marx was a jiz stain in his jewish fathers cock.
1) Utopia literally a place that can not exist
Also the:
>Only if we abolish the fed/capitalism everything will be good forever and no evil people will exist or do other tricks and everyone will help one another and ...
is the meaning of the word I use here.
3) in the book utopia people live in what can be named communism/communally or without personal property.
Yes I actually did read 100% of this book you can do the same its public domain.
>GOG has DRM.
Red pill me on this.
I'm no GOG fanboy however last time they did not have it.
I know they can turn bad, like every corporation.
Misplaced condescension after throwing a couple of technical terms doesn't make you sound smart, user. Socialist revolution is inevitability in classic Marxism. In the eyes of people that follow that ideology, utopia is the logical conclusion of the social conflict that it has defined. It really is basic stuff.
M8, you do realize that "utopia" is a common noun that is not necessarily tied to the book?
heh i used to buy dvd roms for games
but nowadays if you buy a dvdrom is just going to tell 'you to install the game through steam. so i gave in
Steam was never a monopoly dickfuck it was just the best overall service with the most amount of features so people used
it. Steam isn't using their dota or csgo bucks to bully indie devs and triple A studios into only publishing on steam.
>Red pill me on this.
GOG doesn't have DRM. Consider yourself redpilled.
GOG galaxy is cancer and the worst thing about GOG now.
>galaxy to play online
I'm OK with this since getting online to function in other ways can get the publishers to REEE hard.
Contrasting Earth 2160 Steam version with Earth 2160 GOG version is not even funny. Steam requires you make a separate account in another DRM service to even play single player of that game. and I know the publisher of Earth 2160 they deleted my account over nothing (seriously unable to login after some time for no reason whatsoever) some years after I did buy the game (not Steam version only their DRM service version) in their cluster fuck DRM system.
You realize that GOG Galaxy is optional, right?
>stanley parable problematic content
What was it? Seemed like the most tame game out there.
I think you're conflating idealist and utopian here.
>3) in the book utopia people live in what can be named communism/communally or without personal property.
That's not true at all though. The Utopians, do to use More's own language put heavy emphasis on the public weal, but they most certainly have private property for even the bonded servants are paid. I read the book, my copy is sat on the shelf near me and I even for kicks decided to learn to write the alphabet. (the symmetry is very elegant)
>Only if we abolish the fed/capitalism everything will be good forever and no evil people will exist or do other tricks and everyone will help one another and ...
Please do point to the part in Marx's writings where he says that.
Not true, More actually did coin the pun.
The old consoles without DRM are good the payed online is simply a money extraction scheme.
I seriously can not take this restriction and scam behavior.
Well, More's language, I suppose it's Robinson's language. I'd have to delve into the Latin for More's.
>every disagreeing post is "you just have to hack the game, add mods, find a torrent of the original, buy the entire internet and reformat it into .rar for the game to be as complete as it was before my benevolent masters told me what should be taken from me" or straight up "AAAAAAAAAAAA EAT SHIT REEEEEEEEEEEE"
haven't seen such a comedy gold thread in years
and I AM a steamfag
kudos OP, you got those stockholmian slaves good.
>lalalala I only care when it happens
No imagination or foresight. Lets wait and see and let future news prove me right. I can bet this already is going on only you Steam fanboys are discarding all these people who say they are getting VAC banned for nothing.
its not that you are supposed to believe every kid who can lie over this, simply don't discard the possibility of valve using VAC bans or banning accounts and telling lies.
Valve has no one to answer to so its not like they must prove in a court of law you cheated they can tell lies and you have no way of legally fighting this.
Read the EULA.
>I think you're conflating idealist and utopian here.
I am not passing any judgement one way or another when I say it's a utopia. It's just the definition of the word.
>Utopia: imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens.
>Endgame of the social conflict is a socialist revolution, "Marxists believe that a socialist society is far better for the majority of the populace than its capitalist counterpart"
They also believe it's inevitable. By definition, inevitable endgoal of the world as you view it is an utopia = your ideology is utopian.
Idealist has nothing to do with it, it just means you believe in something strongly and are prepared to work towards making it happen, if you take the common definition.
>Buy game legally
>give money
>Slit get spyware and viruses (red shell) or no game at all.
I never got viruses and you are officially retarded if you don't know how to make your PC virus proof.
M8, Marx and Engles both criticised the Utopian socialists extensively.
>The Utopians’ mode of thought has for a long time governed the Socialist ideas of the 19th century, and still governs some of them. Until very recently, all French and English Socialists did homage to it. The earlier German Communism, including that of Weitling, was of the same school. To all these, Socialism is the expression of absolute truth, reason and justice, and has only to be discovered to conquer all the world by virtue of its own power. And as an absolute truth is independent of time, space, and of the historical development of man, it is a mere accident when and where it is discovered. With all this, absolute truth, reason, and justice are different with the founder of each different school. And as each one’s special kind of absolute truth, reason, and justice is again conditioned by his subjective understanding, his conditions of existence, the measure of his knowledge and his intellectual training, there is no other ending possible in this conflict of absolute truths than that they shall be mutually exclusive of one another. Hence, from this nothing could come but a kind of eclectic, average Socialism, which, as a matter of fact, has up to the present time dominated the minds of most of the socialist workers in France and England. Hence, a mish-mash allowing of the most manifold shades of opinion: a mish-mash of such critical statements, economic theories, pictures of future society by the founders of different sects, as excite a minimum of opposition; a mish-mash which is the more easily brewed the more definite sharp edges of the individual constituents are rubbed down in the stream of debate, like rounded pebbles in a brook.
user from right above your post here.
I'm inclined to agree with you, since valve has become EA-tier since Mann-conomy.
but do you really think valve just _randomly_ bans fuckers just to feel powerful? unlike the furries at Discord, it's their customer base they're fucking over, and we know they value money higher than importance or relevance.
>Ye but I still have to be online
you also have to be online to torrent a pirated game retard.
> Don't see much difference
Did you even once in your life download anything from this website? Let me help you a free GoG game for you.
Get an GOG account and download it. After this you can use the installer forever, disconnect from the internet, install on lots of PCs without internet connection. Once you have the installer its DRM free.
>whatabout this other DRM that isn't SteamDRM
Steam version includes sometimes extra DRM and this is a bad thing so get fucked you retarded steam fanboy.
Yes, but Utopian here is an actual school of thought. I used the word "utopia" in the common sense of it. It's as if I said "I hit my head five times against the same table and concluded it hurts. I got there using empirical data." and you told me that I am not an Empiricist, because Empiricists did not believe in hitting their heads against a table.
That was indentured servitude, not slavery. Someone being retarded enough to voluntarily sign such contract (temporary contract btw) doesn’t change the actual meaning of slavery. Don’t tell me you’re a postmodernist user
These terms have specific meanings though. And even in the common sense Marx never believed everything would turn out to be perfect and there would be no problems ever.
>why would I do this
Because if you want to get a new PC (you poorfag ) or windows decides to suicide itself you want to reinstall things and the installers are DRM free.
Also fun fact Steam games will refuse to work after 1 year of Steam offline actually tested this with a laptop that was powered down for a long time. Turns out even offline mode will not be there.
bro his point is that some people aren't parasites like you, who have an income of ressources on an obligatory level. their income and survival is at risk because neither capitalism nor socialism gives a shit about them. so what do they do, if some kike employer is telling them "be my slave for compensation, or starve."
starving is a horrible and gruesome death. it's never an option.
you remove human mortality and necessity from the equation, and therefore, your philosophy is full of errors because not even its foundation is complete, stable, or realistic.
The concept of social revolution was adopted after Marx (but that is still Marxism, it's even called "orthodox Marxism"). And yes, the terms have meanings, plural. One meaning of utopian is
>one who believes in the perfectibility of human society
another one
>of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a utopia (ie, "an imaginary and indefinitely remote place")
Both do fit the definition of the post-class conflict society, without any judgement passed on the concept.
Not him however
>The exclusivity is the DRM
No its not and I don't like EGS.
>you require a launcher is the DRM
Marginally true. DRM is something like always online or needing to talk to a server before you can install. you can do it without a launcher and have DRM without launchers however most of these cancerous shits use launchers.
Another fun fact EGS is so incompetent their giveaway games are DRM free now (can fix in future) so they don't require the EGS.
And you do this ONCE! unless you don't keep the installers(this is stupid).
The installer itself dose not require online verification unlike steam cancer.
I disagree, Marxism places it as a specific process, which means that, in my reading — it is inherently not utopian in the secondary sense. And the lack of any real concrete conceptualisation of "what comes after" in my opinion removes it from the first.
To exemplify a bit more, I would call Jean Jacques Rousseau an utopian before Marx.
Its a logical question to you. If you are willing to violate laws and pirate with your mods. Why not get the pirated version?
I like Steam because of it's many features that you simply don't find on any other platform and certainly not by having a full offline copy of the game. I mean goddamn I do not miss the days of having to go to a file hosting site to find the latest patch that actually works, fuck that shit.
Where is this option?
>Doesn't care either way, plays multiplat games, owns multiple consoles and plays what he thinks looks cool without getting into the drama surrounding the game.
>>what is bit rot
What is ZFS scrub the post. Tell us more how tech literate you are.
consumer, dead last
are you fucking stupid? literally everything in life is black and white
How so? It is an imaginary state as it only exists in concept (so far, according to Orthodox Marxists). It is also "indefinitely remote" as no one can with certainty give a timetable of when such a society will arise.
I don't know enough about Marxism to say what they think will come after, or if it will be a state that will so stable it will last for all eternity, but I think that's splitting hairs. Besides, if it's inevitable, it implies it will always eventually happen.
Tell this to my Quake and Unreal face you colossal cosmic fagot!
>Bad cancerous online services before steam make steam DRM Ok.
Well yeah, the guy was peak utopian, no questions there. One could say he was the first hippie to have ever lived. Got bullied all his life by Voltaire for being so.
>Winston is not reliable
Imagine spinning a postmodern book analysis to try to defend your retarded point.
Because there is a specific structural way upon which the path is set towards; that in my mind precludes it from being "indefinitely remote" in this sense. The analytical methodology of Marx was a direct contrast to the previous primitive attempts. Which I would say yes, they were Utopian.
So I suppose if you wanted a quick one sentence way to describe it: I feel like the analytical and rigorous nature coupled with the lack of defining "what comes after" other than the broad strokes is what makes it not Utopian.
Voltaire also did offer to let him hang with him to be fair.
You fcking subhuman, it's not about incompetence, egs is DRM free that's why most games are DRM free steam drone subhuman
What word do you think everyone should use for this corporate tyranny? And some people having incredible power over you?
>Characters in a book not being reliable is postmodern now.
Removed problematic content because muh shitskin was hurt.
And this is a bad thing
>egs doesn't have DRM
Do you expect anyone to fall for such a blatant lie?
>Voltaire also did offer to let him hang with him to be fair.
It was a Chad/Virgin type of deal. Bros but bantering bros.
Let's just agree to disagree. I think it's a perfectly good word to summarize the idea in broad strokes, I can concede that if you get more technical there can be some aspects where it the categorization doesn't click anymore.
>GOG literally puts cracked games on their store.
...so what?
It's the game, isn't it?
What's wrong?
Based GOG
>Teach me sanpai.
Use a PC.
I just feel like the brush has gotten too broad at that point and the meanings are lost.
I meant using totalitarianism in a medieval context. But sure, I also think that over using that word everywhere, like applying it to steam, is too much. You used a good replacement, "corporate tyranny". That works, let's go with that.
>doesn’t change the actual meaning of slaver
American education everyone!
>Slavery can only be shit skins getting captured and forced to work by evil white men.
Look into the history of slavery in Rome and Egypt.
>indentured servitude
>An indentured servant or indentured laborer
>and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery.
>a form of slavery.
>a form of slavery.
>a form of slavery.
>Look, we're devaluing the term totalitarian by using it in this context.
Corporation has absolute control lover your games.
Don't see how.
Because I already have a legit copy?
>M8, you do realize that "utopia" is a common noun that is not necessarily tied to the book?
And its use predates Marx with his retarded word redefinition's.
It literally means a "place that can not exist".
I like GOG, but I wish that it had the controller options that Steam has. Especially gyro aim
I was not using Marx's redefinition (because I don't know it), I was using the everyday's definition of "utopia". Just like you can say someone is an idealist without implying he is a fan of Plato.
What happened with The Stanley Parable?
Will we ever go back to a time without paid online bros? This isn't right...
>Please do point to the part in Marx's writings where he says that.
Marx writes like a schizophrenic hobo (because he is) however every time he talks about his utopia communism the implication is that there will never be bad things and this utopian communism is forever.
>Please do point
This would be hard since Marx is all over the place. I prefer Friedrich Engels and him telling us that there totally can be rich and poor people under communism.
>Question 8: Then there have not always been proletarians?
>Answer: No. There have always been poor and working classes; and those who worked were almost always the poor. But there have not always been proletarians, just as competition has not always been free.
>Comrade me having all the food and you having no food is not capitalism this is communism comrade rejoice!
>Question 9: How did the proletariat arise?Answer: The proletariat came into being as a result of the introduction of the machines which have been invented since the middle of the last century and the most important of which are: the steam-engine, the spinning machine and the power loom.
Literally abolish the fed crap only abolish the capitalist class crap.
No, Microsoft set the precedent that retards are willing to pay to play their games online with NO upsides and Sony followed suit. Now that Nintendo has done the same, there is no going back. I am willing to bet that it will happen to PC one day as well.
might as well pirate it if it's cracked lol
It doesn't have control outside of that. It's in the name TOTAL. Not just "within this specific area"
If Marx is Schizophrenic (he's not, Capital is very well written) then you're barely typing English.
Though I suppose citing his actual work that wasn't written on commission is hard.
Nah i'd rather pay GOG so they stay in business and bring more DRM free games to the internet. If a game is good and on GOG i buy it. I also hope that my purchase will support that developer who made this good game and show the publisher that GOG is a viable platform. You do you, i'll keep buying my games on GOG.
You confirm the rights to your account, the content after downloading will never ask for your rights, unlike Steam which always checks everything.
>and you told me that I am not an Empiricist, because Empiricists did not believe in hitting their heads against a table.
Great counter example.
No one gives a shit about Marxes redefinition of words and his super secret autistic meaning of them.
>You can not use the word utopia because I'm redefining it
Fuck off retard.
>These terms have specific meanings though
And Marx is in violation of it so he is autistic or deceptive pick your poison.
>Marx never believed everything would turn out to be perfect and there would be no problems ever.
He sure wrote and implied like he did.
What are the dangers we will face in communism?
What are the possible exploits?
If capitalism was only created because of "muh industrial revolution" how long will communism last and how will it end?
What will end communism?
What bad things will be in communism?
The retard Marx wrote as if communism is forever and there are no bad things in it. And this directly contradicts his worldview where previous systems where replaced by new ones
feudalism -> capitalism -> communism -> ???
>b-b-b-b-b communism is forever and I figured out the solution to everything.
Get a load of this retard.
This wall of text is devoid of any meaning, try writing something that is less word fluff and more substance, Marx.
>owns everything
>software licenses
My bad I think somewhere in there I was debating a Marxist.
I use utopia to mean:
"Idyllic place with no bad things that is only a delusional and false fantasy of its believers"
And I'm engaging a Marxist whose only argument is
>b-b-b-b-b-b Marx defined it differently
And the way I use it predates the birth of Marx so checkmate.
This is how the cancer progressed.
Steam only got this big because HL2 required it to run. And HL2 was popular because HL1 was.
So do I, Marxists believe that what comes after the class struggle, a socialist society (trying to avoid using the word utopia here), is better in every way for everybody.
Seems this picture was considered racist by two persons, so the developer removed it.
>Steam was never a monopoly
Literally no one was talking about "muh monopoly" we are talking about DRM cancer and how it hurts the consumers.
>the most amount of features so people used it
Crock of shit! It only was popular because HL2 required it and HL1 was popular zoomer!
>so people used it
No zoomer we are forced into it. Want to play HL2 ? To bad you must use steam no other option. Don't like it? Don't play the game!
And Steam turned into a digital storefront and since so many people did have it on their PCs(because HL2 installation) they used it. This is history for you zoomer! Saying that other DRM schemes are worse then Steam is no real excuse for the evils of steam.
And now all steam only games use the same model of To bad you must use steam no other option. Don't like it? Don't play the game!
I'm still mad that it exists. Its possible future DRM.
>private property
This word means something totally different in Marxes world no idea how you are using it now.
Marxist private property simply does not exist in the fictional country in the book utopia.
>stockholmian slaves good.
You think? not the Steam internet defense force AKA Valves public relations office payed workers?
All I'm saying is that the technological ability is there and legally there is no burden of proof on valve(this is a terrible thing and a injustice on its own and why I say to not discard people who say they got VAC banned for nothing ).
>just _randomly_
I was saying they do it because they don't like you for example modding your steam GTA 4 to have the songs they removed.
>they value money higher than importance or relevance.
This about it from a different way the YT way, it was in YT interest to leave pirated content on their website, it was piracy heaven back in 2007.
However the rights holders to this content simply threatened YT to do something about it or they take legal action. YT has everything to lose and be shut down so this is why they purge so hard now.
Same for steam you don't think the rights holders of these songs will give valve a ultimatum, start detecting this pirated crap of we sue you hard and you are shut down? money speaks and here are powerful copyright organizations threatening to shut them down.
>they value money
There is a joke going around that after steam VAC bans you you have to buy the game once more in a new account giving it more money.
Don't think valves greed is your friend.
oh right
the way we know valve jews,
they DEFINITELY do self-promotion on chans, especially this one
Great English there chong, 1 yen was deposited for your post.
yuan, dumbass
>"corporate tyranny"
But if you can not see the same power structures in feudalism you are lost.
While losing access to games looks trivial getting fucked over like this by kings is a nightmare.
You see its the same power relation the top guys have practically all the power while the ones down have nothing.
I call it totalitarianism because I'm not a marxist one trick pony who only moans about the specific problems of his age while ignoring past and future.
And this steam purging will be less fun if you need a true recording or evidence of something existing like the scene in the Stanley parable.
How do you think the world totalitarianism should be only used ?
Sega started paid online on consoles Mmo games on Pc
Stop buying console games.
All of you fucked yourself over by not boycotting MS for their payed online shit.
This is the future of your own making if you did not boycott PS4 with its online crap.
The "I buy all consoles and slightly moan about payed online" guys are the worst.
>Nah i'd rather pay GOG so they stay in business and bring more DRM free games to the internet. If a game is good and on GOG i buy it. I also hope that my purchase will support that developer who made this good game and show the publisher that GOG is a viable platform. You do you, i'll keep buying my games on GOG.
Seriously? Anything bad happening to a black person is racist by default now?
I sue utopia as a slur because of how fucken propagandist and full of shit this picture is.
See questions to marxists What are the dangers we will face in communism?
What are the possible exploits?
If capitalism was only created because of "muh industrial revolution" how long will communism last and how will it end?
What will end communism?
What bad things will be in communism?
>But if you can not see the same power structures in feudalism you are lost.
Then it's even more accurate to avoid calling it Totalitarianism.
>How do you think the world totalitarianism should be only used ?
Not in a medieval context, and certainly not in the context of company selling/renting games. It just sounds silly as fuck to put that word next to something so benign as a glorified digital gamestop.
Alan Wake was removed from the store entirely because of music rights expiring. Do removed games count?
>no drm
you sure have a short memory
Maybe the word you’re looking for is “authoritarianism.” Totalitarianism is very specifically tied to the early 20th century, where technological developments allowed governments to become more involved in the lives of their citizens than ever before. Things like secret police, full mobilization of all citizenry, central planning, and eugenics were not really possible for the relatively decentralized governments of the past due to practical limitations of the time. Authoritarianism is much more broad and speaks simply of a rigid hierarchy in society where there is a culture of obedience being imposed on the lower classes.
Unironically this.
Fuck Steam