we live in a society...
You see Dutch
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Dead game. Even more dead now since the bad update. It's a good thing though. Rockstar shills will leave for a while until gta6
Shut the fuck up, schizo.
Would you like to know how I got these scars, pardner?
Btw the new update slightly fixed the relaxed input so its good to be back
update was fucking terrible and solidified its death to me. Such a shame it had so much potential.
facts. theres less and less rdr2 threads now. Just a few retards trying to hold on for dear life with their failed game. theyll stop completely at the holidays with new releases and all. next gen consoles as well. theyll be back with a vengeance foaming at the mouth with gta though lol
>downgraded game after release with patches
>Dead game. Even more dead now since the bad update. It's a good thing though. Rockstar shills will leave for a while until gta6
It's nearly been an entire year since it came out. Things are allowed to come out and have their relevance fade shortly after. You people seem like those types that think that twitch viewership is a valid metric for a games current popularity. Anybody with half a brain has thoroughly enjoyed the singleplayer by now and are ignoring the lacklaster multiplayer.
I'm glad you think all those "10/10" scores that were spammed everywhere didn't matter, because in the end they didn't. It lost to an exclusive which is very pathetic. Like I said, it's only a matter of time until you people are gone for a long while. I admire your dedication to shill for your corporation to the end though, no matter how gay you sound.
How the fuck did the latest update hurt the game? For all I know the basic problem, the input, got fixed to some extent
They downgraded graphics with patches, even if 1.0 runs the same as 1.1-1.9
Any proof of the downgrades? I havent seen any change in single player mode. I dont give a shit about mp and neither should you because this is where R* gets scammy on you
Why does everyone try dress up Arthur to look fancy in all their screenshots, he doesn't suit it with his personality.
you can do it, so why not
>I'm glad you think all those "10/10" scores that were spammed everywhere didn't matter
Christ why are you so hostile? did a rockstar employee piss in your corn flakes one morning?
>It lost to an exclusive which is very pathetic
What the fuck are you on about? the Geoff Keighly award show? are you seriously stating the validity of GOTY at an oscars level industry bait tier award show?
>it's only a matter of time until you people are gone for a long while. I admire your dedication to shill for your corporation to the end though, no matter how gay you sound.
Please seek mental help from a professional. I hope you turn into a productive and healthy human being in turn, instead of picking fights with random strangers on a aboriginal didgeridoo fanclub website.
That level of cope
I dunno just seems weird so many pictures of him in expensive suits when he probably wouldn't wear something like that, I mean he makes fun of fancy suits in that one mission at the party.
Sucks I guess, but in my game experience the input delay is much more of a pain than the slight downgraded graphics. I couldnt even shoot straight in fps mode, now I can
>get questioned on your insanity
>reply with textbook 15 year old 4channer response
There is more to this world than sitting in a dark room and engaging in Yea Forums culture.
I miss dutchposting bros.
almost a year after and still the game of the decade. Nothing on the horizon comes even close to it.
Damn R* are based.
If RDR2 won Game of the Year we'd never hear the end of it. You're angry that you lost to a movie game, an even better movie game than your movie game.
>h..hashtag not my president
>she should have won!
Enjoy your dead game, fanboy. Once you start getting homework after the first few weeks of school you kids won't be on here this late. Happens every year.
nobody cares about fucking video game awards you retarded pleb. shut the fuck up and don't post here anymore.
you pussies were spamming threads all day shouting "GOTY, GOTY HUZAAHH", and then when the announcement happened, you lost, and you all left the site. Lmfao. Now the awards dont matter kek typical cockstar shill
>people seriously think shills are anything more than shitposters stirring the pot
>people think actual marketing happens here
>people who don't realize this shit's been going on since Borderlands 1 when a bunch of autists decided to flood the board with copypasta threads to get people to think there was actual shills
That said, quit being a fucking ape.
Rockstar fans actually did...until they didn't.
>Now the awards dont matter kek typical cockstar shill
they never did, I don't need some "game journalist" to tell me what game is good. Unlike you apparently. Don't be assblasted that R* is the only AAA devs that make bold serious games pleb, you'll get your annual dose of buttonmashers and arcade games to feel good.
BASED, dead game spammers, about any game older that 6 months is peek brainlet.
>it's not spammed on Yea Forums
>it doesn't have shitty memefactor
>lul dead game suck it
nice thinking there brainlet, no wonder you hate rdr.
What's with all the constant shitposting about this game all of a sudden? It makes sense that it doesn't get discussed often because the majority of people played the single player only. The online wasn't all that it was hyped up to be unfortunately, but that makes me hopeful that they might focus on single player dlc. I'd love to get undead nightmare 2
Liberal game journalists weren't claiming that RDR2 was a 10/10 game or that it was the Game of the Year. Rockstar fanboys were. How does the pic related make you feel by the way, kid?
lul. you literally don't know how to read. maybe finish school before posting here retard.
>Say Arthur, how 'bout singin us a song?
>A shong eh? Hmm... okay, I think I got one yall know
>Splendid! Take her away!
>Ooooooo mister oh mister, oh sorry I mean miss
>Excuse my misgenderin', this sorta ignorance ain't bliss
>With your hormonal therapy, all the transphobes may laugh
>But there ain't nothin funny bout cuttin your willie in half
>I walked to my sons room, caught him wearin a dress
>With a tear in his eye, he said "dad I must confess"
>I said "Son, it's okay ferya to dress in skirts and night gowns,
>In fact it's all my fault fer not askin fer yer pronouns"
>Yes bigots and fascists deserved a good bash
>I'll smash their heads open like a dilated gash
>cause if there's one thing I hate, one thing I find wrong
>is shitlords who dont know a woman can have beard and a dong
Really Rockstar? A bit heavy handed, no?
You're getting desperate. But I have all day. You have to leave in an hour or two.
SeeYou must be new here.
Negro, I was agreeing with you. Motherfuckers, say dead game on every game like it matters.
rockstar games past gta4 are designed for kids.
Swallowing that corporate dick lel
You know cockstar made the controls more arcade like right? they have a battle royale mode too. what a joke. typical zoomer trash
motherfucker who gives a fuck? youre a nobody with a shitty opinion, people are just here to make fun of you
>t. pcfag
You sound like a kid to be honest. I made my point though. You'll be gone soon enough, just like your game (religion). I'm not going to argue with a child. You shouldn't be on here anyway as you're supposed be 18+. But have a nice life.
>I made my point though
you made the point that you can't read. And whats this talk about R* fans being some sort of fanatics? They practically don't even exist. I have never met a hardcore R* fan in my life, everyone plays their games and everyone agrees that they're one of the best.
all cockstar fans are fanatics and your post here proves it>bold games
lmao do you hear yourself corporate dick sucker? no other fanboy acts like you people. not even ubishit fans, not even beth fans. its only your group. im glad cockstar keeps monetizing their games. they represent their fanbase after all.
What did the latest update do? I don’t play the online part, I just play singleplayer
Different time of day
It kinda fixed the relaxed input. FPS mode is more accurate. The rest are online mode updates
I really thought the update would change things. It's still a long grind to get anything unlocked...
Same thing happened to GTA V story mode
>facts. theres less and less rdr2 threads now.
Because the game came out almost a year ago?
keep sucking Geoff Keighley's cock lmao.
>failed game
In this industry success is measured by two thing only: a critical reception and sales numbers. You can look at both yourself.
Thats impossible because RDR2 barely has functional framerate. Forknife runs on 60fps
Only by one thing, actually.
>Thats impossible because RDR2 barely has functional framerate.
Probably because making him look cool or badass is impossible with the shit clothing options
I don't know what went wrong with the rushed development of this game exactly but while they did a phenomenal job on some aspects, aesthetics are one of its biggest failures. The game looks like a fucking shitty ass technicolor 50s American western movie rather than the superior Spaghetti western genre of movies like RDR1, which all western games should aspire to be like.
Basic controls have been radically changed by some fucking insane maniacs for a game that needs very specific controls in order to function properly. Shooting, moving, moving while aiming, reloading animations have all been sped up to absurd degrees, making the game beyond unbalanced. Shotguns are literally machine guns, perk cards still exist and are as bullshit as ever, aswell as tonics and special ammo abuse etc. I don't see them keeping these changes to be honest especially since nobody asked for them. seems like it might be some kind of experimental thing although no idea why the fuck they decided to do this when the game was stagnating with an update that was supposed to fix and add things, they killed the game. Everybody came back only to never play it again
fake news
If you stop raiding our threads maybe we wouldn't attack Nintendo games so much
You mean you actually have to play the game to earn items? what a nightmare.
No my retarded friend, he said you have to actually grind for it and that's true cause almost nothing in this multiplayer game earns you worthwhile money and you even lose money for ammo or just waiting a day for fucking nothing
So it's bad game. Gotcha lol
R* hasn't made a good game since 2004
Your opinions are shit
Most people complained about the controls. it works as intended now. people are moving fast now because of the first person mode which should be removed along with ability cards. But they won't. Rockstar only cares about money and their drones here and everywhere else will continue to shill for them. im glad its dying though in a way. Get these retards out off Yea Forums
nobody on Yea Forums cares about the online
Played some of the online since it's a free weekend. I always end up getting annoyed that all this extra content should have been on the single player, same as with GTA. Is there anyway to make a session just to myself so I don't have to deal with other players?
The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>I never had a problem/it's on you
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>your opinion doesn't matter
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>claims Never Without One is a crutch, but doesn't want ability cards removed
>online review scores
>hypocritically calls God of War a movie game
>thinks RDR2 is an Xbox exclusive
>nobody complains about x
>it's only the beta (past catchphrase)
>lol cope
>angry PC gamer
>Reddit Spacing
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's a single player game
>nobody cares about the online
>it's not a twitch shooter
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>input delay is a good thing
>name a better game
>what games do you play
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite:
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
>almost nothing in this multiplayer game earns you worthwhile money
And that's how i know you don't even play the game, or have any understanding of it's only meta.
Just 30 minutes to an hour of playing and you'll be set for whatever it is you wish to buy, not to mention rockstar litterally pays you just for playing.
nice screencap of something you just typed up in mspaint
Two scoops! Two checks! See
why do you cunts obsess of those freaks? i come here to get away from that disgusting shit but you cunts just keep bringing them up in every unrelated thread
You can watch the DF video for yourself :)
I got what I wanted out of it. 300 hours in story mode and a beautiful story about a mans redemption. Didn’t even touch the multiplayer.
What do you mean "most people complained about the controls"? Where do you see these complaints and what are they?
Nobody would complain about shooting and reloading animations being slow especially since they were already considerably fucking too fast to goddamn begin with. And by moving fast I mean moving fast while aiming with R2 or L2. You move slower but turn and aim faster in FPS.
People who complained about the movement didn't realized that the problem was vsync implementation. If you are going to have slow and realistic animations you have to make your game be 60 fps, or disable the vsync, otherwise it's going to be really unresponsive.
based retard
Dapper as fuck, I'd rate it
Not the user, you're replying to, but there were plenty of posts whining about how slow (mostly for stuff like looting and gathering) the controls are. I personally never found an issue with it as I wasn't trying to rush through the game, but it's probably why they sped things up for online.
Where though? And looting and gathering should be the exact speed they are for gameplay purposes, although looting things like cabinets or chests could be better.
honestly there's not much to work with. so many
color styles of cowboy jeans and work shirt can only go so far.
>NOoOOoOoO, this was supposed to be Rockstar's new cash cow
Yikes, no wonder Take 2 wants to stop the PC port, just not worth it.
Especially since pc gamers are not as starved for games as console players
Ok, whose white fiancé was coal burned by a black Rockstar employee. I need to know so we can finally put him out of his misery and stop this sheer amount of sheething in every single Rockstar thread.
Do I really have to spoonfeed this shit or you legitimately don't know archives exist?
Plenty of whining, not that I care, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and agree with you on the points you made.
On any website pertaining to videogames is where you'll find your answer if you're willing to put aside your cognitive dissonance. That included shooting, like pressing RT twice just to fire a gun.
thoughts on this?
You need to be 18 or more to post here.
what did the new update do?
I still haven't found this.
He wasn't redeemed. He helped his fellow criminal in arms escape justice with his whore wife. The only people that need redemption are all the innocents that were killed along the way. If Hosea didn't die and Dutch never lost his way then they'd all be doing exactly the same thing they've always done, whether on an island resort or not. What's worse is that they would have raised Jack just like them. Arthur deserved what he got and so did John. Micah is the only true character in the game. At least he knows what he is. Stop with the moral bullshit.
South Park ManBearPig joke.
>any website
What website? IGN, Gamespot, Twitter, Youtube, even in fucking Kotaku I see nothing but praise towards this game's single-player. Maybe there is some well deserved criticism towards the multiplayer, but thats about it. You people are fucking delusional, you seriously think Yea Forums is like a measurement on how the entire world views a videogame. Seek help, you troglodites.
Like they did with GTA V before the PC port
Rockstar fixed the controls. There's no more stupid input delay when you perform any action. People keep saying it feels "too fast". This is because people are using first person mode for PvP. But people are using first person, because you don't have to worry about the dumb ass bloom mechanic as much, nor do you have to worry about the game breaking "sway" that happens when someone fires in your direction. First person mode shouldn't even be allowed. Nor should ability cards. Which leads to the next point: Rockstar nerfed Paint it Black and Slippery Bastard, but buffed Slow and Steady. Everybody is back to tanking bullets again like in the beta. You spend all this money to upgrade them only for Rockstar to nerf into the ground.
Rockstar does this on purpose to force players to buy gold bars. Much like GTA5.
Payouts for missions and PvP modes were nerfed. Animal spawns were lessened again. The trader, collector, and bounty hunter roles are a complete waste of time too. They barely pay anything. Not that there's nothing to pay for anyway. New haircuts are locked behind exp walls for each role. Character creation is still shit and ugly. If you need up, you have to pay 10 gold bars or 400 dollars to edit your character again.
TLDR: the controls and gunplay are bad and outdated from the foundation up, and the update was shit.
youre in denial
There are no more societies.
Gamers, rise up
it is incredible how bad their online related decisions are. i am sure rdr2 campaign is god but shit like that makes me not even want to play it.
RDR2 is still appearing in the top sales charts almost an year after its release, its still ebing mentioned by multiple game developers a a source of inspiration and even its shit multiplayer is played by thousands. But sure, we must accept that everyone hates this game just as much as you. Is it easier to lock yourself in a bubble and keep repeating that RDR 2 failed than it is to accept that a game you despise is beloved by milions of players, user?
How does this make you feel?
He's going all out, boys! See
Are you talking about online shit? Or did they do something to the game?
You asked for the biggest complaint about the game. I gave it to you. I never even said the game was bad. You're like a religious nutjob.
>3 hours
Not watching it. Get your point across.
Ah yes, because autists on Yea Forums are the majority.
I have never seen anybody complain about that on Reddit, Yea Forums, GTAforums, Gamefaqs, etc, ESPECIALLY the latter part. What kind of fucking retard would complain about having to manually cock the gun in a wild west game? A retard, whose opinions don't matter.
By the way, and isn't me.
hitting R2 to cock your gun isn't an example of bad controls lmao
RDR1 was a wild west game and you didn't have to press RT twice to fire your gun. Poor argument.
Pressing RT twice to fire your gun is bad game design. In every other game you press RT once, including RDR1.
Guy in the video seems to be fine with how Red Dead Online is shaping up to be.
>Pressing RT twice to fire your gun is bad game design.
No it isn't
Explain how it isn't.
I didn't say anything on that post. Might as well update that shit because your copypasta is already losing steam, moron.
I didn't ask you for anything, you delusional cunt. I started arguing with you on this post. You said everyone on the internet has a problem with RDR2, I argued against that and you just said I'm in denial when its clear everything around this game points to people loving far more things than they hate about it.
Second reply was mean to
I'm glad he enjoys the game. I'll stick with single player though.
It's fun
Yeah, this is bait
Everybody is all over the place here. I'm talking specifically about the controls. I never said I hate the game. And someone asked me about the update. Rockstar changed the controls with the recent update.
That doesn't tell me why or why it isn't bad game design. Fun is subjective.
Not an argument.
I fail to see how saying "Not an argument" is supposed to piss me off
>thoroughly enjoyed the single player
It was “alright, I guess” at best. Arthur is such a cuck and Dutch has no charisma or purpose thanks to the writers. Barely even felt like I was in a gang or a criminal