All hail the king baby
All hail the king baby
Other urls found in this thread:
there is literally no argument against wireless
>batteries last for literal months and you don't need to worry about it
>good wireless has latency no worse than wired if not BETTER (often due to mouse developers giving that more attention than wired mouse does)
>a wire literally hampers movement on something you move around, no big deal on a keyboard but it is on a mouse
>tfw haven't changed the battery on your wireless mouse in 6 months despite using it everyday
Ugly shit
Fuck off.
I'm not buying overpriced batteries every 3 months.
It's wired or no deal.
>buy every 3 months
um, you do know you can recharge AA batteries, right? Personally I bought four and I keep a second set charged and ready whenever I need it.
also it typically last more like 6+ months
um, sweatie. the gpro wireless has a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts weeks at a time and takes an hour to charge.
well, you only need only 1 battery usually actually. But my old charger from 2001 needs 2 batteries to charge.
okay, retard
That's terrible, AA is better than builtin batteries honestly. Batteries eventually go bad and those are easier to replace and swap as needed.
For some reason, people act like it's impossible to recharge them though.
>paying $150 for a mouse
Unless that thing comes with hookers and blow I think I'll pass.
nice argument bro
>king of anything
Nah fuck off. They're like twice as expensive and will NEVER be as good as wired
they have already surpassed wired though, but I'll give you the part about the price
AAs weigh too much, you're probably ranked low in whatever game you play
OP here, looks like I posted the wrong image because my mouse was running out of charge. Sorry!
damn nigga you dumb
At least post the good one.
>wireless mouse has del-
You literally have no facts to back that up. They already did latency testing on this and found that the difference was so negligible that there wouldn't be a difference even on a 240hz monitor.
you can use OP pic as wired too you dumbfuck
>paying extra just to plug it in
Based and wirepilled.
Step aside
But I'm not using it wired you faggotlord
>difference was so negligible
Then why pay twice the price for an inferior product? It doesn't make any goddamn sense. You're already spending a lot of money on PC, the only reason why anyone is talking about wireless is because they're fucking retards with too much money
ITT seething poorfags that can't afford wireless mouse
because the wire is a nuisance on something you move around
>Only 2 extra buttons
Why do you keep making these threads op
Are you perhaps a shill
because wire drag is fucking shit for fps, good luck getting a nice consistent swipe with your cable drag
Nah, I'm done with that shit after the second one developed double clicking. Could I replace the switch? Sure or i could just buy the G Wolves Hati and not have to worry about charging my mouse anymore
Back/forward buttons are pretty standard so it's more like 0 extra buttons
>just got a G502
>spent 10 minutes in a 500 post thread just scrolling up and down with the Infinity Wheel
the g502 is like the best mouse ever made
Absolutely fucking dogshit taste.
>sensitivity low enough that you move your wrist far enough for the cable to drag
Fuck off zoomer, we flick rails here.
ooh, hi, how do you do?
>low price
>no RGB fag shit
>perfect form
>good sensor
But yeah, keep "flexing" with your overpriced garbage, zoomers.
Why is Yea Forums stuck in the past about wireless, even though the G Pro Wireless is about to take over the Zowie as the most popular mouse in e-sports?
>$16 mouse
Nah, I'll stick with my $175 Razer
b-but I can totally tell the difference unlike those retards playing video games as their job!
because Yea Forums is filled with poorfags, being more expensive is about the only argument they have that isn't false
>My MX518 died after years of use
>Bought a G403 as it was the closest thing to it
>They announce this after I buy it
I'm mad.
>moving your wrist
enjoy those fucked wrists boomer, real gamers use the arm for aiming
that mouse with holes is fucking terrific
There's four side buttons you know-nothings
Teenager mentality. You'll understand the day you leave mommy basement.
I just place the wire under my wallet when I play FPS. It's a free solution, no need to spend money to fix that
congrats user, the g403 is miles better
they brought back wrong mouse desu senpai
Is this the best argument wirefags have?
>I just place the wire under my wallet when I play FPS.
that's even worse since now you have limited movement of your mouse.
>Comparing two current top end wireless mice to a decade old and a budget wired mouse
Nice impartial """""study""""" now show me the G403 numbers.
>twice the price for a single millisecond
Life if good when dad pay the rent.
its just a g500 made worse in every way, I returned the one i bought and repaired my g500
>wireless will never be good enough for video ga-
If your DPI isn‘t set at 800 and below don‘t respond to my post
did u type this or was it the guy hijacking your machine
most of these boomers have tiny ass mousepads and dpi over 4k
>wireless has latency no worse than wired if not BETTE
as a person with a wired mouse, I will say the wire fucking sucks cocks and dicks and I hope it fucking becomes sentient so I can rape it to death for being such a piece of shit. I will probably buy a wireless mouse for my next mouse. Even if they are twice as slow as a wired mouse (they aren't, most are faster than wired) it would still be less of an impact on my game than ping to a server 500 miles away.
they're slightly heavier and more expensive, but that's about it. it's understandable why people would still think wireless mice are trash, but everything seems to show that the newer stuff is on par or better than wired in performance. i have a g203 which i feel is almost perfect for a wired mouse but since there are no other issues i notice the wire does become a bit of a hindrance sometimes.
Boomer here, can confirm. If I have to move anything above my wrist something has gone wrong.
there are these things called rechargeable batteries you absolute fucking brainlet
it's used by many, many cs pros so yeah I think they know a little more about the importance of latency than you do
Where's the cord user? Looks like it's trash since the cord broke off.
Thats the 2019 version of the mouse, you fucking idiot
enjoy your cable drag then. 120€ for a device you use 3+ years is nothing. Especially if you are into videogames enough that you visit this site.
What third world country are you from?
Why the fuck should I even bother with them you dicksucking faggot?
There's hardly any real benefits to a wireless mouse over a wired one.
What do you think of the G400s? That's what I'm using.
My wireless M331 has a battery life of 24 months.
it's true though, but it's because wireless obsesses over trying to get it better (because people keep saying it's bad). While wired kinda doesn't care and other things end up leading to worse latency.
Not saying that wire can't be better, but gotta look at it in a context of currently existing mouse.
>All hail the king bab-
Not so fast.
Enjoy your carpal tunnel you stupid boomer.
how is that even an argument though? of course you can plug it in but why the fuck would you?
>800 dpi
i too like my 1 meter wide mouse pads
good luck aiming properly without low dpi/sens
whats the point in spending so much money on a "gaming" mouse with high dpi settings and shit?
youre still going to suck at the game.
Nope. You give it enough room and it's fine. Played like this when I play Quake in particular because I need to make big movements
Faggot, you shouldn't even be using a USB mouse if you don't have to. GET ON MY LEVEL SCRUB.
>wired vs wireless
I have a Logitech G900, if I want the wire out of the way I unplug the mouse and plug in the receiver and use the mouse wirelessly. And if I don't, I just leave it wired. I don't get why everyone here's acting like your mouse can only have one or the other.
because I bought it as a wireless mouse and not wired? how is that even an argument
G Pro wireless is an upgrade over regular model, simply put it
there's the thing about being wireless, that's a big one
go back. please go back.
What's the price? I need to laugh.
why would you ever plug it in besides charging?
Where? On the other side? Might as well not be there
the only real complain that anyone here has is that they're poorfags
and a mouse where you can switch is still going to be more expansive
why the fuck would you buy a wireless mouse and then use a wire with it? that's the most retarded thing I've heard
damn I thought it was huge and was excited then saw it to scale once the hand entered.
I giant ass block would be something I'd be interested in, like 2 or 3 times the size of the one in the video.
Why the should I care?
It's not like im moving my desktop computer anytime soon.
how is paying double for an inferior feature superior? just because it costs more doesnt mean its worth more.
Unironically, thats what literally every single competitive player does. 40+ centimeter mouse pad, 800 dpi, ingame sensitivity low enough for a single turn to need about 30+ centimeters.
At low sensitivity you will hit a wall where no amount of playing makes you better, you can not get more precise because your control method is bad. With low sensitivity you use more arm. your wrist, your fingers, thus always having room to aim more accurately and fast at the same time
>doesn't even have scroll or middle button
>looks like absolute shit
no thanks
>have these two
>bought both for the half of the price of a single Wireless Pro
>which is too small to be ergonomic but too big to be accurate anyways
But it's better? Next time ask mommy to buy it on your birthday and try yourself.
you lower your sensitivity to the point where you can still comfortably turn 180 degrees in one swift movement, there are no cm/360 rules or anything
I have this mouse. It's cool and comfortable, but it's started double clicking only a month after I bought it. Fuck Logitech and their Chinese microswitches.
Redpill me on DPI vs sensitivity. What's the real difference
that mouse was sooooo fucking dank back in the day
one of the first to try an "ergonomic" shape, one of the first with a scroll wheel
>mouse wheel started double clicking a few months in
So much for the best mouse on the market.
Why wouldn't you leave it in and running on power from the PC when you don't need the wire out of the way? If all I'm doing is shitposting I'm not going to be moving the mouse very much anyways.
a fool and his money are easily parted. trying this hard to justify your purchases isnt fooling anyone.
you cannot buy any brand/mouse that doesnt have this issue with random units.
buy mice from best buy and buy the $5 warranty with it
>Wire drag
How the fuck is wire drag even real? Is your PC across the room with the mouse wire wrapped around your desk before getting to your pad? You should have more than enough length to leave the wire lax and set in such a way that it never interferes with your actual movements. You don't even need any of that retarded shit like "cable holders".
>cs pros
No one should listen to idiots who play that shit game and still cry about needing higher "tickrates" in a game where the netcode is still so shit after twenty years that the game fails to register hits on stationary targets even when the client sees and hears the headshot effect. They know nothing about latency.
Not like it use much power at all when you're using it that way, that kind of usage leave a wireless mouse good for a literal year before you have to recharge.
You're just adding pointless tedium of plugging/unplugging for no reason.
If you have low DPI it will help you get used to slower mouse because if you just change the sens it will be slow in games but fast in desktop. There is also some research that high DPI can make your cursor to skip pixels.
a good wireless mouse costs a lot more, but has the convenience of not having a cable dragging around, and the minor inconvenience of charging or replacing batteries. the input lag, the sensor inside the mouse, and the clickers are all the exact same or equal in performance.
these are facts and cannot be disputed or proven wrong.
I spend most of my time in front of a monitor and I can afford good expensive peripherals. Why do you have to be so jealous?
so if you shouldn't listen to the professionals whose livelihoods depend on minimizing latency, then who? you, the random angry incel on
>Not like it use much power at all when you're using it that way, that kind of usage leave a wireless mouse good for a literal year before you have to recharge.
>a literal year
Try "a few days".
>You're just adding pointless tedium of plugging/unplugging for no reason.
Takes as much effort as putting my headphones back on my head when I sit down, how fat are you if you consider that to be some monumental task?
quick Yea Forums, what's a good gay man mouse that isn't some overpriced garbage?
>few days
What, is that mouse really that bad power-wise. Most mouse actually DO last months even with intense usage.
Even worse. Guess how many times I had to recharge my mouse yet? That's right: zero times.
Can anyone tell me what's the difference between the wireless g403 and the g703? Even the shape is the same.
it doesnt matter about afford. your paying double for a feature that makes it preform worse. even if by a little bit your still paying for a product that makes it inferior.
rapid consumerism is unbelievably retarded.
But user it is not a good gaming mouse if it isn't priced high.
you want a pink mouse to match with your other pink peripherals
I have it on my desktop. It barely takes 10 cm to go from one end of the screen to the other. I have a regular 30cm mousepad and I don't ever run out of space.
it doesn't have to be cheap, just
>buy rizer product
>50% of your money goes towards the super fancy packaging and the flashy rgb shit
>mouse is actually made of cheap plastic and only fit for chink manlet hands and feels like a happy meal toy
>makes it perform worse
literally performs better
Pretty much any good high-end mouse is going to come with a wireless mode anyways, it's just part of the package these days. The people hating on them are poorfags who can't afford the good stuff and have to settle for mid-tier mice where there tend to be wired and wireless versions with a substantial price difference. They are upset that some people on Yea Forums don't work shitty burgerflipping jobs like them.
Yes? That is very much the definition of a gaming product.
u already lost there
It's still dank, the almost none-existent input lag makes it superior to most the shitty 'gaming' mice these days that need special software and shit.
I had to look it up, and it costs around x1.8 not x2. I prefer wireless to wired and numerous test showed that difference is negligible.
So why should I stay with wired cheaper mouse like you when I can afford better wireless mouse?
He has to rationalize a way to feel good about the fact that he couldn't afford a nicer mouse. So he is trying to convince himself that the nicer mice are a waste of money and nobody should want them.
>DPI up to 16000
Does anybody even use that high of a DPI? I don't understand the DPI meme.
Most everybody I know uses a DPI of less than 2000 and I myself use 400. What the fuck is the point of ridiculously high DPIs?
big numbers excite consumers. Just like how they sell 1000hz TVs or some shit and then it is the actually the hz of the processor.
I'm doing fine, how about you?
DPI / CPI = hardware setting. The number of counts or pixels a mouse cursor would move on your screen within a certain real world distance (inches), these counts also relate to the rate at which a game will register mouse movement, meaning more/less turning within a certain distance of mouse movement based on your DPI setting. Even with the most recent mouse peripherals that claim shit like 16,000 DPI precision, most still have accuracy issues if you try to push them above 2000~ DPI. Pretty much everyone sticks to 400-800 DPI.
Sensitivity = in-game setting. The higher it is, the greater of a degree a single dpi will turn you. Too high and you're basically skipping several pixels on screen, potentially skipping over enemies in the distance in a shooter. Making this lower will give you vastly superior precision as each count of mouse movement will turn in far tighter slices.
It is always recommended to use as low an in-game sensitivity as possible and raise your DPI to get to a comfortable level for mouse movement. If you're finding that you're not satisfied with being able to make big turns or you have small desk space or whatever, you either
>Set up some kind of DPI switch on a fancy mouse that ups your DPI so you can turn faster/slower on the fly
>Set a specific acceleration threshold (don't use Windows "enhance pointer precision") so low&normal movement isn't affected, but very fast flicks can get you doing 90-180° turns
And always make sure your Windows Mouse Pointer Speed is at the 6th notch. It's all kinds of retarded if set to anything else.
Is the G402 any good? I never hear anyone talk about it
I bought this one yesterday and I don't know if it is good desu. It was one with the lowest prices at least
Based gpw chad
>getting permanent tennis elbow just so you can play spot the pixel csgo gooder
I have this one and it's absolutely the best mice ive ever tried.
Fucking 30€ too, it's amazing.
If they let the clients determine hits players would cry about getting killed while having already peeked back into cover.
I'm a little late but thank you user
Enjoy your carpel tunnel, wristlet.
what are some good mice with no autistic LED shit and a few extra buttons on the tumb side for hotkeys
>Doesn't have silent click
there are none
G9x was best mouse ever; sad when mine finally gave out five or six years after I bought it.
nice dick grip there fag lmao
favorite mouse of korean pros for a reason
Holy cope. Show us your collection of wrist supports, you colossal retard.
you're ranked low in whatever game you play
is this actually any good?
Here is your analog mouse bro.
how do people deal with only having 2 extra buttons?
honestly after owning a mouse with 6+ buttons I just can't go back, I use them for macros in games all the time
>TFW Logitech won't update the g602s
Like hell if I pay more money for less buttons.
>There once was a time where I had to use G key for grenade and not the Sniper button on g502
Truly horrible
>no g303
Do you fags even use your mouse for anything other than web browsing?
i dont know how people live without tilt scroll buttons, middle clicking is the worst
G403 is pretty great
I use this Chinese piece of shit because I'm a cheap Jew.
critical mass autism
>making those two bones in your arm to push against each other instead of resting side by side
You only need to keep your elbow slightly raised to keep the carpal tunnel away, brainlet.
>2 buttons
That looks like a toy car I had when I was 4
I have G900, G Pro wireless and G502.
I really like buttons/wheel on G900 and I like the look (pls no bully), but it's too heavy.
G502 is overall pretty shit - heavy and no wireless mode, gave it to gf
G Pro is my favorite because of weight but it has rubbing buttons issue (when you need to hold right click and press left click buttons sometime rub each other, annoying as fuck)
G 3 0 5
Unfortunately the GPW's shape is mediocre, the only mouse I've felt comfortable on (and I've tried a ton) is the Zowie S1. I still need to try the viper and XM1, and I'm waiting on the Ninox Astrum. Will probably end up doing a wireless mod on one of them at some point, but I get by for now with just a paracord and hyperglides.
Don't know why so many autists are obsessed with small mice, I can understand low weight at least.
>Don't know why so many autists are obsessed with small mice
The guy who made the Zaunkoenig (what you see in that webm) is an ex-SC2 pro who uses fingertip grip and hates full size mice
That's not a microsoft intellimouse
That makes sense. I'm mainly a Quake player, and like to have a good chunk of mouse to grip onto with a claw-ish grip, but most mice aren't tall enough to get a good portion of my fingertips onto.
G305 is the best.
>1x AA
>no RGB
Okay Yea Forums, I'm using a Deathadder Elite(I know) and it's been working pretty great but I'm considering other mice. Is there another good mouse out there that also offers button settings I can map to individual programs? I wouldn't be against switching mice but I won't unless I can get a mouse that can offer similar features.
Should i buy the Model O or the g305? My g400s is dying
what does the g stand for
I fear the day my G400 will die. Bought it fo 35€ and the G MX518 costs 55€ upwards
works on my machine :^)
My GPW is lighter than my old FK2
I'm glad mouse manufacturers are actually making lighter mice these days.
They've been bricks for ages.
G is for "gaymen" you n00b
I had no idea this mouse was so popular. It's amazing for its price