>Because the game's hard, it's good!
Because the game's hard, it's good!
celeste dlc big poo poo
Name 1 game besides souls which aren't even that hard soulsfags are just insufferable faggots.
found a n1nt3ndr0ne
go back to smash thread to discuss your fresh leaks, tranny
I like to write down my achievements of difficult things in games I did and then masturbating to said list.
>Games with challenge are bad
Since we're not actually having any meaningful discussion here, or ever, I'd like to point out that modern video games are exploitative vapid gimmicky trash mass-marketed towards the lowest common denominator and stock-holders.
>if you hate that the game is tedious hard it means you're bad at the game!
I hate dark souls so much. This never happened before if you criticized a game for being boring but all the newfags and casuals picked up on that difficulty shit like it's the only thing that matters even if it just made the game shit
What part of Dark Souls is tedious?
That's one of the worst criticisms I've ever heard.
>that one friend that uses internet guides, walkthroughts and co-op on his first playthrought
I'll never understand these people. To me half the fun of a game is to go in blind, explore, figure out my own builds and strategies, etc. Nothing compares to that feeling of when you meet a boss for tue first time and go "oh fuck" or when you finally get gud and defeat him.
cuphead but that one also isn't even that hard
ESL go back to school
Never finished cuphead but beat ds1/2/3. Cuphead just didn't feel rewarding the same way ds felt.
Good argument.
That's why i don't get the appeal of Megaman, it's "muscle and level memory hard", don't know how people can have fun with that. I only had fun with MM10 and 11 because of easy mode.
Ninja Gaiden II
Total fucking downgrade over Ninja Gaiden Black, but as soon as you mention how incredibly fucked up the balancing is you get labeled a shitter.
No dude, is right.
No point of that game is tedious unless you're grinding or something, and if you're grinding you're objectively a total shitlorde at playing the game and it's too hard for you.
Great, another ESL
>if you're grinding you're objectively a total shitlorde at playing the game and it's too hard for you
Though it's nowhere nears as bad as in Demon's Souls, Dark Souls still has a bit of the grinding for upgrade material shit. There's nothing to be gained by having gimped weapons. It just makes the individual fights go on for longer and not much else. It makes the combat more tedious, one might say.
No one has ever said this unironically
>game is hard but i cant win so game is le bad not me xD
>games without challenge
based casual just go back tou your visual novels
Ah, another no argument. If this was Reddit, you would have been downvoted into oblivion, thus you must follow the rules of this universe and fuck off, you loser.
It’s the very definition of tedium
>kill a fuck ton of enemies in a row while being careful not to pull too many enemies at a time
>make sure you never fuck up a roll or parry, or there goes 1/3rd of your hp
>better hope you have enough estus for the boss’s bullshit mechanics and 30 foot long greatsword
>congratulations, you beat the boss, now do it for the next area.
And that’s not even including grinding for upgrade materials or any drops you might want. All of that is 100% true, unless your overleveled, in which case you’re a tryhard who dumps all his points into HP and min/maxes armor.
>if this were reddit, I’d show you!
>but it’s not, so p-p-p-please stop disagreeing with the hive mind
You not being able to read English isn't my problem
You realise using enough brevity you can make any action look tedious?
Surely you can do better? :)
I don't care if the game is piss easy as long as it's compelling and engaging.
>There is no wrong way to play!
How was it my fault that you can't read English, ESL?
>Because the game's soundtrack hits hard, it's good
My first language is Americanese, FYI.
Or would you prefer "Americanish"? Has a nice ring to it, right?
Honestly, I can admit to thinking this way.
I know a lot of games that wouldn't be great if not for their killer OST.
Getting Colorless Demon's Souls is the worst.
Trophies are everything these days, might as well get them all done upfront.
There are people who don't want to miss important stuff and don't have the time or don't want to bother with a second playthrough.
Building in Fortnite
This intimidates Yea Forums so much.
i fully accept this, my brain is too slow for that shit. seeing people erect skyscrapers effortlessly while fighting someone is unironically impressive
much easier to call it basedboy faggotry for people who are too shit to play quake though, so i'll stick with that :^)
where's the Celeste DLC where you can make her do a big poo poo?
now that the dust has settled, what did he mean by this?
Demon souls is terrible to try and play with the servers offline, they didn't future proof it at all.
And yes I'm aware of ways to play it online, I'm just saying they didn't consider how it'd be after the servers shut down.
Went though the Castlevania series this year and there were many moments where the soundtrack complimented the game so well that chills went down my spine when I was playing it. It was fantastic.
I never get sick of Vampire Killer.
>"Game is bad"
>"Bet you didn't plat it scrub ;)"
I literally play by not killing any enemies, dodge rolling everything on the way to the boss room and them beating it on my first try.
It sounds like you're playing it wrong m8
>game where the main character has super powers
Sounds like you’re a speedrunning tranny.
The game isn't hard, that alone invalidates your whole statement. You fail to invest effort to pick up on the systems and to protect your fragile ego you instead pretend the game MUST be incredibly difficult. It's not, you're just lazy.
>games too slow it's tedious and i hate it
>lul you play fast and don't suck?! speedrunning fag
You're a fucking retard and I want my time back.
>calls others ESL
>uses "tedious hard" in his original post
go back to nightschool, Pajeet.
you mean challenging
You should have plenty of time, since you’re saving so much by speedrunning. Fucking tranny.
I'd rather be a tranny than you, at least trannies have a brain.
Literally no one says this you gigantic faggot.
>trannies have a brain
This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen all night, thanks for the laugh.
lol, for real though; You're dumb and it would be best to KYS. Your parents must feel absolutely ashamed of their retard biggot incel manchild.
Project Cars 2
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!
I’m not the guy you replied to, I merely called you a tranny, I never said the game was tedious.
This isn’t reddit, friend.
I love Soulsborn but I find this statement and others like it genuinely funny and in some cases, apt.
Umineko and a lot of puzzle/VN type games would utterly suck without the atmosphere provided by the soundtracks. Same for most JRPGs by the way
The inverse is more annoying, DESU.
>multiplayer game
>game has a lot of stuff like foliage to hide in from the enemy team
>on the lowest settings half of those foliage is not there
it rarely happens, but in games like Rising storm 2 it gives you one hell of an advantage over people who play on higher settings