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What's the best single player game to be a jew in?
Recettear is gonna be mentioned so that's out of the way.

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wow classic. any mmo really.

age of decadence.

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Is it good?

there is no better feeling than spending someone else's money

Seems a bit racist user.

So, are the jews capitalist bankers, or are they pushing for communism? I don't quite get the narrative.

Reviews are good. I haven't played it ,just saw it on steam and came here for epic memes.
kek, I need to do this at some point.
Capitalism enables jews the most. Communism is pushed simply for d n c

it's great. age of decadence is this post-apocalyptic rome-like setting where the remaining noble houses, a few guilds, and the remnants of the military are all vying for power.

and then you can be a shabbos goy and pick the merchant starting background and beat the game without getting into a single fight, using the power of words (and money).

What's stopping me from printing ONE MILLION DOLLARS?

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>Federal Reserve

Would you rather be living in a hyperinflated shithole like Venezuela or a lawless barbarian civilization like Somalia?

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I played it a bit as a loremaster, and got to the big city serving house Daratan, without ever fighting. Then I followed a merchant who was getting mugged down a back alley, and failed to talk my way out of those muggers murdering me.

I don't really know what I was thinking.

oh yeah one time schlomo took a wrong turn in an alley and got beat up by 4 hobos with sticks.

i need to replay this game again as a fighter but it's gonna be hard. you actually have to be skilled at the combat and have good combat stats.

I tried playing as a spear wielding drifter but man two handed spears suck a big one, on account of not being able to defend yourself from people 1 tile in your face. I guess I need more AP, but I also wanted to be able to talk and shit. Maybe next time I'll try a pure combat orientated mouth breather.

I also played as a Praetorian, but died.

praetorian is one of the hardest backgrounds, because you have to balance combat and non-combat skills instead of just dumping in one or the other like schlomo.

The fed is bad, but for very different reasons than most people think. Separating monetary policy from politics is a retarded idea unless you're a technocratic banker.

My favorite part about Yea Forums is how all the evils of capitalism are only because of the joos :^)

Blame the Jews, has been the policy for most of the west since kings realised they could do it 1000 years ago.

Capitalism wouldn't be nearly as bad if it wasn't based around Fed system, all around the world.

>getting charged interest on your own country's currency because you let a private third party company do it instead of printing the money yourself

Crusader Kings 2 lets you be an actual Jew. With eternal intrigue focus of course.

the federal reserve is the least problem part of the economic system

most being the loan and stock markets

Lucky me that I bought it when it was bundled with all the DLC for like 15 bucks.

Satoshi Nakamoto is the final boss.

>REEEE Stupid Goy, stop noticing that almost all the major banks, central banks, multinational corporations and media conglomerates are owned and run by members of the tribe >:^(

You don't get the narrative because it doesn't make sense because right wingers are fucking lunatics who don't understand anything.

GOOOYIGM!!! XDXD... That's all I have to say
this is SO epic, guys.
onions and 0n1ions... omfg lol
gays?? cant exist. minorities??? hELL NO!!! LOL/// huh?? tis ths joos fault lol
wait wtf orange man likes israe?? no no orange man GOOD... jew BAD XD russia good, china good!!

no!! NNOO!O!!! MINORITIES cannot exist on mY WATCH??? stacy wait please have sex with me ufckkk i hate women anyway #INCELPRIDE BUT NOT GAY PRIDE!! PRIDEBAD!!!
im australian btw, fuck you amerifats. can't ban me, dynamic ip.

Literal kikes shilling on this board. Don't forget it.

Jews are not hivemind. Th Although they all have messiah complex.

You'd be retarded to think any human is a hivemind, but you'd also be retarded to think people don't stick together and favor people of similar races. This obviously isn't true for everyone. That dude who got fired from havard for calling out circumcision as evil as fuck was a Jew.

>So, are the jews capitalist bankers, or are they pushing for communism?
It's not either one or the other you moron.
They want you to consume products mindlessly and endlessly, but also push for degeneracy.

The narrative is that you make the right-wing look as left-wing as possible, and the left-wing as right-wing as possible, and bumfuck everybody hard when you are in power while acting exactly like the ‘jews’ you describe

Shut up Nazi

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>but also push for degeneracy
Every single ex-Communist country is less 'degenerate' than any Capitalist country. Can you explain to me why that is?

Funny because nazi films were based on mindless escapism and consumerism made to distract people of everyday problems, while there was a lot of ‘degeneracy’ running amok among nazi officials