Is Max Payne 3 the manliest game of all time?
From start to finish, this game is nothing but pure testosterone fueled/mid-life crisis badass shit.
Is Max Payne 3 the manliest game of all time?
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Baghdad with g-strings
now if only you could skip the cutscenes that would boost the test by 200% at least
Didn't most people shit on Max Payne 3 for its horrible gameplay when it first came out?
It's fucking great when you're feeling fed up. Just beat it for the second time a few weeks back and I feel motivated
I did a bit. It felt okay but FUCK they have no idea how to make levels interesting, just typical move up to cover and then shooting gallery section.
1. The gameplay is great and 2. Why should you give a fuck what everyone else thinks, do your own research
The cutscenes are WAY TOO FREQUENT in this game. Unskippable cutscenes are absolutely unacceptable. For people that play on hardest difficulties, we had to watch that trash over and over when killed.
Fragile masculinity: the game
Level architecture was atrocious though. Cool on the surface, but they played like crap.
I love all 3 games but I've put the most hours into 3. Yes the gameplay is too chopped up with a lot of unnecessary cutscenes and horrible pacing, but the actual gunplay is the best of the series, and maybe the greatest of all time.
It's a shame it's missing the atmosphere and certain gameplay elements that 1 and 2 had, like puzzles and being able to actually jump.
>he played on easy mode
story is retarded
level design is retarded
still probably the best third person shooter since max payne 1 and 2.
first 2 games were endearing clumsy products of a foreigner's love for americana. mp3 is genuine hollywood schlock. pretty much the same deal as dead rising vs its sequels
What did he mean by this?
i think its just you who is retarded. unironically kys
You will never be a woman
No, it's actually "rock solid, uniealding, intolerant, destructive to all who oppose it, masculinity."
manliest game of all time
game starts with max crying on the floor
You stupid motherfuckers are too easy to bait, no wonder why Yea Forums is one of this site's biggest laughing stocks lmfao
> durrrr I need to be able to jump in my Max Payne games
I'd rather have a jump button than have the game clear a 2 inch gap for me with a 5 minute cutscene.
Gonna attempt new York minute hardcore this weekend. Wish me luck
Did you not play the first 2 games?
>It was bait, hehehe
Did you just ASSUME my comment's tone? How dare you I'll have you know I write utter nonsense all the time and most of it should not be taken serious.
you didn't ask for my advice but I'm going to give it to you anyways because fuck that mode
The gamemode is based around time, but don't let the game rush you. Taking it slow is key to succeeding.
You also have to pick and choose how to use painkillers and last stand.Sometimes dropping to the ground because of the latter will get you killed.
abuse the unlimited shootdodge, but don't crash into walls
put the game in windowed mode so you can alt+tab out of the cutscenes
also don't pick up shotguns
>there are people on this board who view Max as a positive role model
Don't do that.
I have complete the game in all other modes but new York hardcore
Thanks for the tio about tabbing out, honestly didnt know this. Will it change the game in some form or does it just let me watch Youtube in the meantime?
>manliest game of all time
>not Duke, Doom, Serious sam, Painkiller etc.
I think it takes a hit to performance but if you have a good pc then you needn't worry. But if you don't put it in windowed mode it'll pause the cutscenes instead of letting them play.
I didn't feel like level design was bad at all.
Those are what low test faggots think are manly games. If we are talking older FPS games then RtCW is the manliest of manly.
It's literally everything wrong with the AAA industry at the time (and kinda still today): A completely shitty game made by terrible hacks who really, really wanted to be making movies but could not cut it in movie industry because they were absolutely talentless and without any imagination.
It's the embodiment of a brain-dead MOVIE-GAME, so desperate to pander to the cinematic-experience crowd that they did not put effort in as much as most basic fucking playtesting.
And the irony is: It's a BAD RIPPOFF of a completely mediocre movie, dressed up as a really poorly made game.
And people still fucking buy this shit, because power of branding.
have sex
>windowed mode
You're a fucking idiot, windowed or borderless adds a shit ton of input lag. That goes for all games.
Play in exclusive fullscreen if you want the least amount of latency as possible.
He's relatable
>I-it's a movie game!
Okay, give some examples of better third person shooters then.
I can almost guarantee that you're some faggot weeb who only plays nip shit and wishes he was born in Japan
the level design is about as good as the first two. In some regards, better. It just feels bad because the game won't let you explore it at your own pace.
I play it in wondowed and it feels fine. Lower your settings if it's laggy, you goofball.
Third person shooters are generally a shitty genre, but even the previous two Max Paynes, Gears of Wars or fucking Dead Space were better games.
And no, you are amazingly wrong on every single one of those speculations.
>Lower your settings if it's laggy, you goofball
You are joking right? I'm not talking about fps lag, I'm talking about input lag. I run the game at 200< fps in any mode.
Playing any game in windowed or borderless mode adds some form of latency, this has been the case for all of eternity.
Sure you might not notice it, but it's there.
So don't condescend me until you learn about what the fuck you're talking about you fool
>Gears and Dead Space
Are those the first 2 games that popped up when you googled "third person shooter"? You're pretty dense if you think "sit in cover-the game" and "jump-scare with clunky controls" are better tps's than MP3
Max Payne 3 is sit in cover the game with clunky controls
I never talk about games I have not personally played, you fucking garbage can. And both of those games at least had basic fucking playtesting, and don't take control away for upwards of one fucking THIRD of the fucking playtime.
Still desperately clinging to your delusion that I don't play western games for some reason? Is that the only way you can cope with with criticism of your neo-Holywood pandering garbage?
>Max Payne 3 is sit in cover the game
I knew you were stupid, thanks for confirming it for me though
Only a sad little weeb would get this upset. Very embarrassing, and very sad. Shameful.
I suppose that answers my question.
Seriously though. The only "weeb" games I've ever played were Silent Hill 2, FF7-8 (which I did not like much), EDF and Cave Story. Why is this delusion so important for you to maintain?
I'd believe that you aren't a weeb if you weren't trying to desperately convince me otherwise.
weeb detected
I'm just curious. Could it be because you realize that there REALLY IS something wrong with Max Payne 3, which is why you were so desperate to shift the discussion to something that has actually nothing to do with the game itself?
Forget weebing you retard, and explain to me, how is OK for a game to have the cutscene/action ration 3/1 for well over ONE THIRD OF THE ENTIRE GAME, when the cutscenes are nothing than a really bad and really unimaginative recreation of Man on Fire, down to the terrible and obnoxious filters?
How is it OK to shift your game with mechanics like Last Stand COMPLETELY BOTCHED, actually not working as designed more frequently then working as intended, and even then the intend being completely misguided?
How is OK for a game to switch out/drop your weapons inbetween cutscenes (inconsistently) when it always drops you DIRECTLY INTO A FIRE FIGHT at the end of the cutscene?
How is OK for well over half of the combat arenas to be literally two rooms in size? To have no signposting of points of no return, with no manual saves autosaving past the PoR, when exploration yields key resources that transfer between them?
How is OK to not consider such BASIC elements as proper kill feedback because you value fancy "cinematic" blended animations over gameplay?
How is OK to ship the game with Max not being able to go from prone to covering without cycling through full stand up stance in a game where bullet-dive is a key mechanic and 90% of cover is chest-high?
Maybe you should fucking think more about the shit you consume than project meaningless accustations to others.
Damn, do weebs always get this butthurt over western games?
I'm sorry I upset you
Favelas is so bad I ragequit
>a bunch of fucking cartoon violence and 80's quips
Holy FUCKING söy.
Thank you for proving my point. I rest my case.
I hope I have enlightened you on the differences between windowed and exclusive fullscreen
What was your point? That you're a weeb? I already knew that.
I still prefer windowed so that my computer doesn't scream "RAPE" every time i get a message on discord, but i appreciate the information desu
Sick and disgusting, very un-cool.
dead space 2 is the best TPS of its generation. Max Payne is the best TPS of all time. Sorry that youre a soi injected zoomer rockstar cringelord but MP3 is a shitty movie game and did literally nothing except casualized and slowed MP gameplay to a crawl, added an epic console cover mechanic and then assaulted you with a MGS4 tier pace of cutscene after cutscene after cutscene, mostly unskippable to a degree and even when you were "playing" you were a victim to the absolutely raped and terrible characterization of max
Agree to disagree, you fuckin chump
>vs. muh depression, muh alcoholism
max in 1 and 2 was a dignified character straight from 1920s noir. in 3 he is a retarded action figure from the 80s that yells "fuuuuck shiit" when you press a button on his back.
Not that guy but depression and alcoholism are peak manliness
FUCK Serrano
FUCK The De Marco's
FUCK Milo Rego
FUCK Neves
FUCK Bachmayer
FUCK Beck er
FUCK Victor Branco
But most importantly
FUCK _Glue_
The story is way better than in 1 and 2
Yeah, men cry and get depressed all the time. You would too if you had any pressure in life
I dont care about what some soi cucklet "agrees" with because youre a spineless dicklet who knows nothing about the subject. Dead Space 2 is the best of its gen because of the way the enemies, weapons and core gamefeel come together while stasis and kinesis ties it all together. Its the antithesis to something like max payne 3 which is obsessively trying to dumb down its gameplay and give you epic cutscenes around every corner. Dead Space 2 amped up everything from DS1, polished the core feel and functionality to even melee is more usable and then puts you from one enemy encounter to the next while constantly putting new enemy types and formations into the mix. Impaling enemies to walls and using their own limbs as weapons is more dynamic than anything in MP3. The most ""epic"" soi moments in max payne 3 are literal on rails lightgun segments where max does something epic and the game goes in extended slowmo while console kids tag every head in the room
Not completely. Max in 3 is LITERALLY Creasy from Man on Fire, which a 2004 movie, albeit based on a book that was previously adapted into a movie in late 80's.
The game follows that movie to a fucking point, except for forgetting to involve the single element that made the original story relatable (and gave its protagonist logical motivation).
>Max Payne 4 never
Fucking kill me, they have a perfect formula with that gameplay
Not really. I mean MP3 had some good ideas on paper, ones that could make a TPS DECENT and not an utter waste of bites, but it was never amazing. In the hands of a more competent studio, it could have made for above-average TPS tops. The core formula gets stale pretty fast, even if everything had played into its favor. Which is sure as fuck did not.
>"I don't care!"
>Proceeds to respond in literal paragraphs
Stay seething
Max has fine motivation. He wants to prove he isn't a total fuck up and just be okay at his job. Then he wants to prevent a similar tragedy to one that happened to himself. And then revenge on someone who fucked him over and is literally getting away with mass murder.
If you want to talk confusing motivation let's talk about Max choosing to go after Vlad even though he thinks he's dead and he has a hot piece of ass on his lap practically begging him to fuck her, so he can save some old fart who is responsible for his wife getting a hit on her.
It makes for some pretty good kino, that i agree about. But i don't think that is what being a man is all about
imagine being such a weak faggot that you care if the board you post in is a laughing stock or not
Dead Space is great but hardly comparable to any 3 of the Max Payne games
enjoy your yearly replay
Try it out sometime, only then will you understand what it's truly like to be a manly man
But I replay it multiple times a year already, and I have it installed on an SSD so skipping cutscenes has never been a problem for me
>mfw there will never be a Max Payne 4
Press G to Glue in Haven
Except no.
Literally the entire first quarter of the game is about HAMMERING DOWN how Max is in shit because he realizes that his gun-ho approach has brought nothing but more misery to him. Then he suddenly gets invested even though the entire character before was about how he KNOWS such investment is a bad thing, and then he gets a fucking redemption arch for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON, for doing precisely the same thing that has caused him to be miserable in the first place.
In Man on Fire, the redemption comes from his relationship with Sam. She is there as a representation of the idea that some things are worth protecting.
In Max Payne 3, they just cut that character out, without adjusting any other part of the storyline, making his whole character arch make NO FUCKING SENSE WHAT SO EVER.
You're over-complicating things. Max, after years of being fucked up, admits during the narration multiple times that he had no idea what the hell he was doing anymore and was basically just gunning down whoever he thought was the bad guy, and eventually ends up killing them all in an effort to do what he thought was right.
It's definitely missing some of the detective undertones of the first 2 games though, even though there is clues and hints that tie a lot of things together throughout the story, Max seems oblivious to a lot of it. Which as mentioned before makes since at the point he's currently at when the story starts.
>move ten feet
great game
>shoot a guy
great game
>cutscene ends
>pull the trigger
great game
I'm not overcomplicating anything: what I described is LITERALLY the story as it is presented. It's just bad writing that you are trying to excuse.
The story is very simple, very archetypal one. It's one of the main appeals of the original, Man on Fire (why it got two separate movie adaptations): it's a very basic narrative.
It's just that people at Rockstar North are so god damn incompetent that they could not wrap their heads around even the most basic, rudimentary story structure, even though they were basically ripping it off scene-for-scene from a work that does it well.
I laughed at that shaving scene in MP3. It was so immensely misplaced, so completely absurd and unearned. It takes special level of incompetence to fuck this up so badly.
"He is doing the commonly recognized gesture of attonment and cutting connection to your past: he is no longer who he used to be, he found his path to redemption: By continuing doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING HE HAS BEEN DOING THE WHOLE TIME!"
Fuck me. How do these people even get their jobs as writers if they are this incompetent?
>start new game
>end credits roll
great game
How is this shit so good? I didn't even play the previous games. I don't even like third person shooting. I don't even like ultra linear cutscene/combat games.
And yet, Max Payne 3 is the most fun I had with a game this year. Playing it on PC with M&K was bliss, nothing comes close to the shooting in that game. The story was pretty good for an action film as well. If it was a film, it would be considered a classic.
You are over-complicating it. He was drunk and shaved his head as a shitty disguise, and yes it was obviously intended to pretty much be a movie reference. Just like how Max Payne 1 is based almost entirely around John Woo films and The Matrix.
Okay, let's say Max Payne 3 is already mid development. The level designers already had their little research field trip to Brazil, and you cannot change the main plot of the game, only how it is told.
How do you fix Max 3's script so that it isn't shit?
It is now a VN
Yeah, because he is a noir protagonist. Cynical, addicted, wholly unable to break out of his behavioral cycles. He tries to change every once in a while. Taking unusual jobs, helping weird folks or changing his physical appearance in a desperate attempt to bring something new into his life - something that will help him break the cycle.
And naturally, that doesn't work because life doesn't work that way. Every change takes time, and in MP3, Max is at the starting line.
I like how 3 turned out for the most part, but I really would've liked to see more New York levels.
If a 4 ever happens, it better be set in New York again.
No, I'm not overcomplicating shit. You are just excusing poor writing. Saying that major story moments in a game that is almost HALF just fucking cinematics is a pretty fucking poor argument.
We spend about 7 HOURS of cinematic learning to know these characters and their "motivations". More effort went into them than the game itself.
So don't tell me that I'm "overcomplicating things". They them self CONSISTENTLY DRAW ATTENTION TO THE FUCKING STORY.
If you have to ignore major portions of it, it just to make sense of that, that means the story is bad.
>lol just waste money faggot and buy a game that you probably won't like
First of all no. MP1/2's Max may have been a film noir protagonist, but MP3 puts an AMAZING amount of effort to distance itself from that.
Second of all, again: The whole story is about Max getting out of his fucking slump, you retard. Have you not noticed that? Do you need FIVE MORE HOURS OF BORING-AS-SIN CUTSCENES EXPLICITLY SHOUTING AT YOU: LOOK, MAX STOPPED DRINKING AND REGAINED HIS WILL TO LIVE, LOOK, LOOK AT HIS REDEMPTION, LOOK HOW HE CHANGED THROUGH OUT THE STORY, LOOK! to figure that out?
It's a simple story. Protagonist is haunted by his past and ruined, escaping to alcohol, drugs and cynicsm, protagonist gets involved in a case that forces him to face his past and his demons, protagonist finds new source of self-value and thus regains his strenght to redeem himself.
Really fucking simple. Incredibly poorly done, but very simple.
You're over-complicating it
>unironic no u
extremely based and 130+ iq pilled
>MP1/2's Max may have been a film noir protagonist, but MP3 puts an AMAZING amount of effort to distance itself from that.
Explanation? MP3 is textbook noir. You are making a mistake of associating a genre with an aesthetic, something brainlets tend to do.
>The whole story is about Max getting out of his fucking slump, you retard. Have you not noticed that? Do you need FIVE MORE HOURS OF BORING-AS-SIN CUTSCENES EXPLICITLY SHOUTING AT YOU: LOOK, MAX STOPPED DRINKING AND REGAINED HIS WILL TO LIVE, LOOK, LOOK AT HIS REDEMPTION, LOOK HOW HE CHANGED THROUGH OUT THE STORY, LOOK! to figure that out?
Wow, I really love when Yea Forums retards get upset over a video game story. This has you seething holy fuck. Your day must be ruined whenevr you think about this, soooo important. And yeah, it was important for the story to show Max fuck up time and time again because that's what addicts do. Just because you understood the concept doesn't mean there is nothing else to develop there.
no it actually does nothing but call into question the male competence and value
Can you find anything to pull out of your ass other than ad hominems? MP3 was a failure in all regards, zoomie.
>Explanation? MP3 is textbook noir.
Have you seen a noir story in your life?
Ignoring the fact that the game literally VOMITS COLOR IN YOUR FACE in order to make it clear how much NOT NOIR they are, the story is no a noir one either.
A noir story is about an anti-hero persuing his own brand of morals. It has it's roots in Nietzcheian philosophy. Noir characters do not need or seek redemption. They are not plagued by doubts and guilt, because the whole fucking POINT of a Noir story is that morality lies in strength of character and one's own self-determination.
Being guilt-ridden self-loathing coward running away from your demons is the ANTI-THESIS of a Noir protagonist. Seeking redemption for past is the ANTI-THESIS of a noir story.
And please don't try to accuse me of mistaking genre for aesthetics if you literally do not have the faintest clue what Noir genre is about.
>Wow, I really love when Yea Forums retards get upset over a video game story.
Look you fuck, you are discussing it too. If you literally can't construct argument beyond "U MAD", maybe you should fuck off from the discussion.
Yikes, that irony
Next time, google Noir story and protagonist and save yourself the embarrassment.
You could be making Cybersun threads right now
Funny how you do not say what exactly did I get wrong. How convenient.
>You could be making Cybersun threads right now
And yet another ad hominem that has nothing to do with the arguments I actually presented! But no. Visuals serve a narrative role, even if they don't establish the genre itself, they are usually used to further underline the story's narrative direction.
In case of Max Payne, the bright visuals serve to underscore the CORE departure, which is actually making Max guilt-ridden wreck, which is the REAL MAJOR element distancing it from the original, Noir roots. The switch in environment and visual presentation just helps to communicate that shift better.
As for Cyberpunk, they decided to emphatise the bright elements of the world in order to distance themselves from the Noir and Blade Runner legacy, which is not the same as distancing itself from the core tenants of the Cyberpunk genre. And I could not care less one way or another.
If you weren't mentally broken, you'd notice that I have never voiced any complaint about the fact that Max Payne abandoned it's noir roots.
I kinda liked Man on Fire. It's not great, but it works well. If MP3 had done the shift WELL, I'd be all for it.
TLDR: My complaint was never about the fact that the story is not noir anymore. My complaint was that the story is garbage. Two very, very different lines of reasoning.
It's actually a bad example since Max not only killed the son of a mob boss in a stupid fit of anger but also was so loaded during Panama he didn't realize that Passos was in on the shit Marcelo Branco was pulling and was reluctantly helping max find the corpses of the cruise ship.
It shows how substance abuse can lead to the worst kind of life with him being drunk and high on painkillers while manicly trying to stay alive.
It took Da Silva to piece everything together for him because he was living with literal brain fog where he couldn't see obvious things.
On a mechanical level MP3, RE6 and Vanquish and Binary Domain are the best TPS games of last gen, with Spec Ops The Line and Kane and Lynch 2 getting honorable mentions for aesthetics and story.
Am I missing any other TPS games from last gen?
>drinking yourself to death is manly
>Am I missing any other TPS games from last gen?
Well, Gears of War, Alan's Wake, Dead Space, Tomb Rider, L.A. Noir and Uncharted certainly come to mind. If you don't mind expanding the genre a bit then also, you could also count Hitman and The Last of Us.
Then there was Mindjack, which was absolute garbage, but it existed.
Plus a ton of open-world TPS like Just Cause, GTA, Saints Row etc... also existed.
You try to interrupt this LEGIT-A-MATE BUSINESS
>no hot women
>most characters, including the protagonist are men
How the fuck is that manly? You're fucking gay
>games women will never understand
You can't even spell Nietzsche properly you retarded /pol/tard, go watch some more Jordan Peterson videos on the matter
Only contrarian cucks because the whole game wasnt MUH MONA like 2. 3 has much better gameplay and story than 2, 1 is still the best purely for its challenge and in-house cutscenes.
Notice that not a single fucking post that replied to me had not actually addressed a single point I've made.
Tells you quite a lot about the kind of fandom this game attracts.
Also, fucking Peterson? Is that the best you can do?