Are graphics getting worse, Yea Forums?

Are graphics getting worse, Yea Forums?

Attached: graphics.jpg (3841x4677, 3.85M)

no but your mom's addiction to my cock is

yes because jewish propaganda is taking over dev studios

Stop playing trash.

>graphics thread
>muh gameplay fag enters it

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No but discrimimation against asexuals is.

No but yout moms asshole is after i pork her


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games are getting worse in general thanks to studios being filled by with diveristy quotas and tumblr feminists


Not a single game with soul

Unity unironically has soul


Ass creed and battlefront are definitely the best looking games on that image. Baked lighting is a huge benefit for ass creed and the photo scanned assets in battlefront are fantastic.

Forgot pic

Attached: 256px-Scaler.jpg (256x363, 37K)

Are cherrypickers getting even MORE retarded?

no one gives a fuck about graphics, fuck graphics give me neat physics and gameplay mechanics. those games only look good because that’s the entire point of them, it’s not to have fun it’s to look good.

>muh crysis
>cherry picked screenshots
>using enhanced bullshots
shitty bait thread

Attached: doge.png (400x300, 273K)

Crysis 3 still looks pretty good.

>using enhanced bullshots
Which ones?

whats cherrypicked?


for you or for her?

ps4 games enhance the graphics in screenshot mode

Which ones are in photomode?

Yes, and it's a good thing.

If any of those screenshots are enhanced by some photo mode it is truly sad.

Well you stopped showing PC games after battlefront so yes they do look worse.

Isn't the Uncharted one in photo mode?

wouldnt it look good if it was?

no the graphics have hit a limit because of hardware limitation but the art style has become soulless.

Realistic 3D has no soul since its just trying to capture reality its not expressing it, Photoscans are the definition of soulless.

Spacelords character art is definition of soul, too bad the game is shit.

Attached: Shae_2.png (1770x1500, 1.42M)

Attached: H.I.V.E..png (1770x1500, 1.73M)

Just play indies.

What games have come out after those with better graphics? All the recent games like BFV Metro Exodus and Control have weirdly cut down art budgets. They have very advanced renderers but the environments look kinda bare.

Rtx fag here control looks fantastic at 4k 30fps with all the shit turned
But u need a 2080ti to run it and it does barely btw

Next gen gpus on 7nm will allow for 4k 60 120+ on amd intel and mobile gpus so yeah gonna be pretty interesting sadly we are in a massive lul in mainstream graphics where all the stuff is either extremely experimental runs and looks bad or looks OK but still runs bad

Give devs time.

I'm more pissed off about the shit gameplay
Gow5 was somehow worse and more bland than 4 I couldn't even get by act 1

DigitalFoundry said Uncharted, Horizon and GoW were the best looking games at the end of each year

Control at native res is kinda pointless. The engine is completely designed for temporal upscaling.

nope, youre just spending too much time on Yea Forums where a bunch of graphics fags dwell.

Graphic still shot are getting worse because most graphic fidelity these days are intended to work in motion, like intractable fog, RTX and ambient occlusion.

Those guys really are blind. They always neglect to point out completely obvious graphical defects.

>some alien-like bimbo with a scifi gun

Yeah i dunno about that shit looks like a generic korean mmo character to me

Tried the dlss/engines native aa looks really bad so I turned it off

Native resolution is just such a waste of resources compared to higher frame rate or better graphics. IMO the standard TAA and DLSS in Control are both overly sharp. They leave a lot of aliasing and flicker in the image. Doom 4 still has the best AA of any game by a mile. The amount of shader aliasing it manages to suppress is surprising.


Attached: red dead 2.jpg (1920x1072, 134K)


Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181028033843.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

indies have that too

RDR2 is a great looking game but that shot is not representative of the average gameplay. At least the game looks like the lighting works properly. That's way more than most games can say these days. The terrain and art assets are overall a little low detail. I think they're mostly making the right compromises for the hardware they have.

It varies but "realistic" graphics have essentially stagnated since 2014. Mainly because all the "low hanging fruit" for graphics have been taken and any improvement would require an expensive level of computing power. Examples would be ray-tracing, super sampling, ultra-high grass density, 4k textures etc.

I have a larger 3440x1440p 35" screen and up close its very noticeable

>but that shot is not representative of the average gameplay
it's not supposed to, this is a graphics thread

armpit slut

Seems clear to me that what matters in video game graphics is what the average frame looks like when you're playing. The most accurate way to get an idea of how a game looks is to play it yourself. If you don't want to do that then the best option is to watch a video. Screenshots are never as useful because many games are ugly in most scenes but have a few that look unusually good. I don't mean that as a critique of RDR2 specifically because it is a good looking game. It's a general problem on here.

>because it is a good looking game

Attached: rdr ugly.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)

but i wanna fuck it user

The obvious corollary of ugly games having good looking scenes is good looking games having ugly scenes. You can pick a horrible screenshot or a great screenshot out of most games.

cherrypick harder, faggot
>hurrrrr more shit on screen = bettar graphics lmao

this is a graphics thread so user posted graphics. whether or not you can "get a feel" of the gameplay is entirely irrelevant because this thread isn't about that. this isn't a steam store page

>when all the full sail university kids graduate and start getting jobs

I'm not talking about gameplay at all. Here's my point. If a game looks amazing 2% of the time and terrible 98% of the time you can find screenshots where it looks amazing. If a game looks ugly 2% of the time and great 98% of the time you can find screenshots where it's ugly. This is why screenshots are of limited use.

>hurr durr more shaders and filters = better graphics

good luck making a game without shaders lol

No, consoles are holding them back.

This. If we had no consoles, all games would look much better and devs would have more incentive to advance tech.

Sort of? We've gone past brown + bloom shooters and more devs are doing stylized graphics more often too. Consoles may be a factor in the technology department, but I think corner-cutting is going to be prevalent in an industry with a shitload of crunch these days.

Attached: Lighting for FEAR.gif (595x335, 2.94M)

Graphics only get better, but that just means developers lean on graphics more and more as a crutch and keep coming out with worse art styles (or no consistent art styles at all).

Attached: ShibaDrillBreaker.jpg (552x368, 15K)

>Consoles may be a factor in the technology department


They can get away with it there too, yeah.

fear is so good

What is that screen from? Oblivion?

Take your head out of your ass. Gears 5 is one of the best looking games this gen.

They are literally the most infected.

no but gameplay alongside writings on certain quality IPs are getting worse

though I welcome story creator mode on console to mitigate loaded shitty SJW writing of the main quests

what game

HZD looks like dogshit though.
That draw distance is embarrassing.

Gears 5 is another one of those games with very good models and textures but the lighting often looks broken. It's sad to see.

>grenade explodes
>the only thing that moves is the lamp

thats the point..

Attached: tenor (5).gif (121x90, 27K)

the books moved too
checkmate faggot user

you should play control they get all that physics stuff right