How good are you at Fighting Games
How good are you at Fighting Games
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Slightly above scrub-tier
I can win most of the time online, but since I left college I don't have anyone that plays FGs regularly enough that I know my skill anymore
not very good, i know how to do inputs alright but whenever I'm in an actual fight i get flustered because i get hit and don't know what to do about it
im the king of casuals
slightly above average.
Not very. I don't practice combos or anything and I definitely don't play online or at tournaments. I don't even have any friends into fighting games. I just enjoy the solo content games have. My favorite series are Soul Calibur, Fight Night, and Samurai Shodown.
Hold back
I'm ok, I know what I'm doing and can beat scrubs with fundamentals but anyone actually good destroys me.
>hold back
>get grappled
Welcome to fighting games
tech the throw
I'm really bad. I have trouble focusing and thinking methodically. Also, my hands hurt.
I've put a lot of hours into fighting games but I'd describe myself as a casual player currently because I don't take any games seriously.
Are you making fun of Yea Forums on purpose?
>own a Neo Geo cabinet
>never play fighting games
I suck I can’t input combos
and beating arcade mode is a huge accomplishment for me
Better than normies.
Average compared to other players.
awful I could never get into them even though many of my friends are. Might try the new Samurai Shodown when it comes to PC
>reactable mid vs hellsweep
green rank huh
Terrible. I still struggle against my younger brother on smash and i do even worse online but i think im bad at nline because it is a slideshow instead of a fucking game you play. Seriously. It plys exactly how yould exspect a 20$ a year service would play.
I was in the top 1000 players in DBFZ for a bit
Wrong thread?
That's cool and all but we're talking about fighting games here
Is it easy to learn? I'm terrible at memorizing buttons.
You fight people,and its a game. Get over it.
Just go to a local. Theres always one near the city.
that looks like a fucking 30f or slower move.
gee I guess Final Fantasy X is a fighting game
I can finish story mode, but my skill can be summed up as "I try".
Diamond in SFV
Divine ruler in Tekken
S in DOA
But my little ass is F_ckd_d in every tourney I go.
Pretty good
>How good are you at Fighting Games
i can do the kof super inputs on a keyboard
Yes well no you fight monsters and bad guys which arent people
Not especially.
>used to be a scrub at any fighting game
>decided to pick up KoF XIII after watching their EVO 2013 Grand Finals
>substantially improved on my fighting game spacing and fundamentals, as if I just had this click of insight just from playing this game alone
Did anyone else had a similar experience playing KoF games?
Too good to play with friends.
Not good enough to play competitive.
>tech the throw
>they bait amd whiff punish me
Decent within my circle. You can take that how you will.
Good enough that becoming any better is a huge grind. I'd rather do something else.
>it's a command throw
Good enough to get to higher ranks but it kinda stops there. Would probably never win a tournament.
XIII looks so good, still the best looking one in my opinion
Kek, nice BTFO
Bad but getting better. Wish online wasn't trash so that playing new people would be easier.
Shit at 3d(but good at DOA for some reason)
Good at normal 2d(but shit at SF5)
Fucking embarassing shit at most anime 2d(and have no exceptions)
I’d say below average.
I mainly pick grappling characters so I get zoned out easily.
Not even professional players win most of the time, a good player's win rate would be slightly above 50%
here, I have a question for y'all. Is there a fighting game that has a good handicap system to make a game against stronger player more matched?
Character sprites are all over the place, lower quality sprites but more consistent art style would look better.
A fighting game cannot have a good handicap system by design. Best you can do is ask your opponent to only sweep and throw you and trust he will or something
>i can see the reflections on this RTX title
Pretty decent. I learn fast but anxiety don't allow me to play on the level that I want.
I am awful in every KoF but in 96, 97 and 98.
Pretty good at V Special and nuSamSho, can play a few Street Fighter games, not so flash in others.
Anyone want to play something on Fightcade?
I don't go to locals much anymore but I use to get top 8 at best a few times in MvC2 and 3, Sf IV and ultra, Tekken 5-7, Guilty gear xrd, and blazblue CF. I fell off when dbz fighterz was big in competitive because I have no fun playing that game whatsoever. I only go when there's side events for smaller fighters. At this point I'd rather sink time into melee and pm
I'm ok at xrd, but I'm an executionlet. Took me like 3 years to learn dustloops.
I'm ok, maybe average to slightly above.
>get grappled
usually better than taking a full combo, unless ur playing a fg that lets you convert off throws like marvel or something
I struggle to stay above 0 lp in SFV
Better than the average Yea Forums player but thats not saying much
>what is Playing Online
I'm ok, I usually win against scrubs and mashers, I go toe to toe with other average players, good ones destroy me tho, I do beat them sometimes but it's like 4:2 in matches
I'm Super Gold in SFV, does that means something?
Good fundamentals so I'm passable at worst
Genbu in Tekken, and almost B in Soulcalibur 6, back in 5 I could play the entire roster at a high level.
Purple in Tekken so basically better than 99% of Yea Forums
I'm the last fag who still makes M.U.G.E.N fighters. But I can still beat discord trannies over IKEMEN, and that's good enough for me sense a gay furry was able to win EVO.
DBZ is so fucking boring.
Good enough to not get bodied by high level players and occasionally take rounds and games off them. Probably better than average.
I have no idea what the letters and numbers people throw around mean but I'm pretty good.
I've read that combos in that game are fairly universal for the most part so if you learn one you'll likely be able to play others as well.
I only play real video games, and casually at that. I focus more on important things than wasting years trying to chase a dream. You could say I'm unimaginative, or that I'm afraid. But I'm not. I am a realist. And that's something that I don't think any one else can say as confidently.
That's fine and dandy. Self Improvement can be found in numerous ways.
Above average at 3D ones, below average for 2D. Unbeaten at bloody roar primal fury because I’m autistic.
Last I recall, SF2 (at least the SNES ones) oned had a star system that let's you nerf damage before fights. I forget if they all have it or only a select few.
It's not about your skill as such, it's about your spirit
The guy who takes his losses, never blames the game, learns and relearns is better in my eyes than the robot who labs and is a salty sailor
Nah but I do have fun playing 98 with family and friends.
I usually roll with:
Why does this "genre" never fucking change? Why is every game exactly the same to the point that competitive players can literally hop between titles or play multiple simultaneously because the mechanics are literally identical?
Let me guess, you "play" smash?
Because not all mechanics are identical in how they're used and the games usually have great presentation and fun characters.
Fundamentals can carry over in other genres too.
Good enough to get out of pools in nationals but not good enough to make top 8
"Scrub" does not just mean "is bad at the game", it's being bad due to very specific mental attitudes
Read a book by famed game designer, theorist and snake shirt wearer David Sirlin sometime dorks
A scrub is not someone who just can't throw a hadouken, it's someone who can't throw a hadouken and then complains the controls are broken
When did Gootecks take up the title of David Sirlin?
Don't talk to me if you can't even do a Zero Lightning Loop in Marvel.
I don't know what you're talking about
Don't talk to me if you can't do Flame Iori's infinite in 13
Thought you meant to post a Sirlin picture to accompany your message. In any case, is Fantasy Strike Sirlin's answer to scrub mentality like Rising Thunder and Dive Kick?
for the same reason why you can take FPS fundamentals and switch between games on the fly. No one's going to play your game (especially one as technical as a fighting game) if they have to start completely from scratch
"Have no idea what I'm doing"-tier
The only game I own is SF2 Turbo for my SNES but nobody I know feels like learning how to play with me
>Thought you meant to post a Sirlin picture to accompany your message
I did
Sirlin (as pictured) has written in the past about how he agrees that the executional requirement of fighting games isn't really necessary, he supported RT and Divekick simplifying things, though obviously maintained that Fantasy Strike did a way better job
>post your controller and tell us how good you are at fighting games
I'll start
I suck ass
All Street Fighter games that aren't Street Fighter III Third Strike are either soulless or clunky, mechanically unrefined garbage
>cant into fightcade
Now realising you probably meant "his answer, like RT and DK" rather than saying RT and DK were scrub mentality
I don't think it's specifically to be an answer to scrub mentality because you can be a scrub in any game that requires you to self-improve. Just removing a legitimate barrier for some players
FPS fundamentals only carry over because FPS are by far the biggest brainlet competitive games on the market and are LITERALLY nothing more than "shoot head fast", so it is inevitable that they're all the same because they're one-dimensional anyway - There is never any other way they COULD exist as an FPS
Fighting games are actually deep, which makes the fact that they're all exactly the same stand out because it's obvious that they could be completely different, but choose to be an SF clone instead.
>Not soulless
Look at the UI compared to 2nd Impact
Sorry I made a typo, I meant to say all capcom games
you cant be this dumb
When I see the name Sirlin I think of pic related.
Also I'm on the side of the fence that simpler execution doesn't change scrub mentality if better players just get an easy way in to learn the games real quick.
On sfv, silver cause i don't want to bother learning the mechanics, i have more fun fighting the cpu
I'm absolute fucking dogshit, anything more complicated than a quarter circle has a 0 to 10% chance of being executed properly by my retard hands. If you want to make me feel like I have cerebral palsy just make me play a fighting game.
Bad, only one I did somewhat decent in was cross tag but even then I was screwed the second I went against someone who could block all the random bullshit I threw out.
I had a lot of fun playing it though, I'll probably have another try at getting gud when the new guilty gear comes out.
I've played some of the best players in the world in tournament bracket. I've won smaller local tournaments too.
I play lots of different fighting games, and I've only ever used low/mid tier characters.
These days I'm a federal employee with a wife so I don't really have time to really apply myself in vidya as much.
>nobody I know feels like learning how to play with me
I've had this problem my whole life. I played the shit out of MK3 and KI on the SNES as a kid, but my friends were never into fighting games so it was mostly against the AI. I didn't have anyone to teach me anything so I never progressed passed button mashing. Now that I'm older I still don't have anyone to consistently play against, and putting in the time to get gud to beat some scrub in Montana just isn't worth it.
Yea Forums isn't good at fighting games
That's ryan "gootecks" gutierrez
I agree, anyone can be a scrub in a game like Dive Kick, or any game, fighting or otherwise
good enough to win MMs in mvc1 mvc2 and cvs2. ive been playing all 3 competitively since about 2003. what inspired me was seeing one of the first Bugrave combo videos. I was blown away by the magic. I am however, sad that marvel has lost its place at the mainstage of evo recently, although I am happier to know that the trash that umvc3 is is finally over.
Here's a bit of advice. If you're going to attempt to shitpost by pretending to be another user, you should at least accurately mimic their speech patterns and how they type.
I put it in as much effort as capcum does in their games
But I can't FADC in SFV
When SF4 was still getting played, I played an EVO champ at it and lost 5-1 but the rounds themselves weren't a total steamroll
Not really that good, but I know what I need to do to improve.
I can do inputs just fine, I'm just very flowcharty and I keep going into autopilot and doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get them with it
It's very hard to break out of autopilot once I enter it
I know this feel. It's a bad feel.
I don't play broken garbage, sorry.
I was pretty good at Bloody Roar 2 back than.
I'm good enough to teach my friends (and beat them but I prefer teaching to increase overall skill level instead of steamrolling people.
But I'm not good enough to be an interestin opponent for people at my locals, and when I play against someone really good, they lose interest really fast and stop playing against me.
I tried using discord but good players do same thing - play three or five games and just leave.
I can figure out how to improve in games which is already a step up against most scrubs. Not enough to get out of pools though (not that I would know since the closest local to me is a whole city away)
just decent enough
Does Bloody Roar even have dept?
Tekken 7 or MK11?
>scrub hate mail
I miss this
Do you not own a car?
You're missing out. Kusoge fighters are fun as fuck as long as you have the right attitude
When you say a whole city away how far are we talking here
Cause if it's like less than 2 hours just get your ass over there user
I'm shit.
I'm pretty bad at most of them, I'm like okay at guilty gear but that's just because I cheese my way through, I can also play smash okay.
Once I start losing I just fall apart
I picked up Xrd -sign- and that was my first fighting game, unless you count fucking around with marvel at a friend's house like 10 years ago. Then I pirated -Revelator- for the story and it's been hanging in my hard drive for the past 5 years, but I didn't really start seriously messing around with the game until last month when I saw the new trailer. I can beat some friends I trick into playing with me but that's the extent of it. I'll probably try to seriously pick up the new GG next year and play online.
>You're missing out.
I really ain't, I just can't have fun with broken clusterfuckery
I'm terrible and will fully admit to it. That doesn't and won't stop me from playing them and enjoying myself though. I'll play Street Fighter, Tekken, Dragon Ball, Smash--which I probably could play at a comp level--, it doesn't matter to me. Games is games and no other multiplayer genre brings me as much excitement or joy compared to fighters.
Sorry I should have specified that the city is technically in another country. I'm singaporean
Can you beat him Yea Forums?
>download fightcade
>immediately get a game request from some guy in Taiwan
Only if I'm allowed to choose the game.
I mean I've never played him but from what I saw of him playing SF4, yes, I could
What game would you pick?
This is like starting a vegan thread on /ck/ with a picture of a deepfried chicken wing.
the fuck does street fighter have to do with fighting games.
He is american so realistically can't check this until I travel, but I have managed to beat imstilldadaddy online several times and Phenom (once out of like 10 matches we played) in SFV.
Not good at all on a competitive level, but I can beat some normies
i'm really really really bad at them. also haven't played a fighting game in 12 years
Probably nitroplus blasterz or some other kusoge I'm sure he has no idea how to play.
one time I was stood behind isdd in mcdonald's and they were doing those monopoly ticket things where you could win free food and shit and he checked his and didn't win and then went aloud "i come to mcdonald's every day and never win anything on these"
OP is a scrub and thinks SF is worth playing
What excuse do you think he would give after getting bodied?
You're at one of the few places with a thriving SCVI scene
Why does Singapore like Soulcalibur so much
I remember group watching EVO in like 2012 and my friend who's really into SC being like "watch out for these singaporean dudes"
I'm a kusoge king. Otherwise, nothing special. I can hold my own at a local tournament in street fighter (excluding V) and tekken (excluding TTT2)
>Darkstalkers is dead
>MvC is dead
>capcom fighting games division is probably dead so no hope of Capcom All Stars or Capcom vs Literally Who in the foreseeable future
It's not fair bros all I wanna do is play Morrigan
I prefer vs. games where memorization doesn't take priority over fucking everything else.
mid level i guess?
i don't lose to beginners, hold my own against people who know how to play but lose against people who are considered strong, although i can put up a decent fight.
yeah definitely no long baroque combos in tvc
fucking idiot
>tfw too autistic to go too locals
>Tfw this is literally the only game with my man Casshan in it
Fuck he's so good for other games. A musou where you destroy legions of Android Force robots would be fun
An introspective dark journey throughout the world, helping who you can even though it's futile would be a good adaptation of Sins
Why did the franchise have to die
>tfw no locals in my country
Locals, like magic, is real
Oh no, I have two bars of meter that I saved up like someone who knows how to play the game properly. Guess I'll just have to pop it off and CANCEL IT, YOU INBRED RETARD
I can usually get fairly high on the leaderboards on release when I can be bothered to play, think peaked at 157th on MK11 PC and somewhere in the 600 range for DBFZ on PC
However this all means nothing since I have never attended a local
This implies I have a local :(
Tatsunoko Fight on PS1 is a fighting game with, shock, Casshern in it
And Polymar and Gatchaman and all those fuckers
Yo what the fuck, downloading this right the fuck now
I'm gonna be the best at Tatsunoko Fight
I love these clips so much
Yes I know. Singapore is 3D fighter central, the people I sucker into playing UNIST with me are all Tekken/SC players but I just don't enjoy 3D fighters that much.
The Soul Calibur scene basically never died. Back during the void after SC5, the people who ran the facebook group still kept it going and they'd play exhibitions at anime conventions and stuff. Set up this little booth and kinda treat it like an impromptu Arcade with only Tekken and SC.
As someone who has gone to locals for almost a decade and met a large number of autistic people, trust me, if there is a definite "too autistic to go to locals" marker I've not found it yet
I'm pretty good and can go toe-to-toe with the best players of my country in Tekken 7 and couple Street Fighter games. However I'm ready to get my ass beat in KoF15 because that's a game where I'm fucking awful. My only experience with that series is playing some sets again Korean exchange studens in KoF98. Some of the super inputs in that game as hard as fuck to cancel/chain/link whatever it's called in that series.
>if there is a definite "too autistic to go to locals" marker I've not found it yet
Because "too autistic to go to locals" wouldn't GO to locals, idiot.
That's totally like him.
My point is that I have met some people who absolutely should not have been at locals and yet, here they were. I doubt that user is a complete unsalvageable case, especially if he's aware of his own awkwardness
>throws controller down
Who is this nigga kidding?
If XIV is any indication, I don't think 98 is gonna be very indicative of how XV is gonna play at all, so don't worry about it.
what kind of advanced mental illness is this
lol the game where you still just pick zero but you don't have to do loops. real shame being on the wii ensured this would never take off
Not being able to recognize a joke is a sign of autism
That opening fight is some god-tier material
It is one of those genres I love to play but I suck at
I don't think that they're doing anything like XIV anymore, at least I hope so.
No no user, it doesnt count because he wasnt playing seriously
>insane rambling
I'd be amazed if it wasn't similar. At the very least I assume they'll be reusing the models
Same desu. it had to be one of the most flowchart-y fighter I had ever played.
I'm shit because I have no friends to play with and all the stuff I play has no online.
Is it older stuff? Try fightcade
Not him but I don't know if I'd say XIV is any more "flowchart-y" than any other KoF. You definitely saw a lot of the same shit over and over in XIII. Definitely one of the simplest/most uninteresting in terms of combos though, really not any room for creativity like XIII had. If you're going to make a game with long-ass kill combos the worst thing you can do is have them be shallow
>I'd be amazed if it wasn't similar.
Really!? I mean, everybody I talked with about XIV had the same complaint on how heavily max mode oriented this game is.
>At the very least I assume they'll be reusing the models
Apparently they aren't doing that according to the supposed leaked dev pic.
I just want Ryo to be Mr. Karate II in a main KOF game
>If you're going to make a game with long-ass kill combos the worst thing you can do is have them be shallow
But XIV doesn't have long-ass kill combos tho, thats XIII's problem, you would get juggled into oblivion at some repetitive max mode combo.
Yes you saw a lot of the same setups in all KoF games, but I meant more like what said. You ALWAYS have to go for the meter optimal route on every character, or else you'd just get reverse sweeped by Iori with full meter. There was very little variance between fights.
I mean XIV's are shorter than XIII's but they're still way longer than anything you'll get in 98 that's not an infinite
All MAX Mode equivalents that aren't 98's have sucked. 2002 was the end
Pretty trash, but I still enjoy going to offline events
My guy above 50% is most of the time
I used to be okay, but I quit because the community died in my region around the time SFV released.
The scenes dotted around my country didn't die out when SFV came out but they sure took a big hit. I blame that game for a whole lot of things.
I'm good at Tekken, Xrd, and BBTag when it comes to modern fighters. TGP Alisa, and I do well in offline xrd/bbtag events but I hate playing anime games online. with that said I'm horribly average at street fighter. I like flashier games I think
Scrub tier. I struggle to finish story mode.
Depends. P4A? God tier. Everything else? Middle upper tier.
Mid tier? I can perform the inputs and a few combos I bother to learn, but I mostly stick to offline or matches with friends. Online play for me is usually some hell where I rubber band back and forth between players who can barely hold the controller and people who can destroy me without trying.
I can do story mode but only with some characters.
Good at Kof, low average in Street Fighter and kind of a noob in Guilty Gear. I should be better at this point tho. Fighting games are my favorite genre
I think I'm above average. I only play UNI so any other might throw me off and I'm clueless at 3D.I can make competent decisions in neutral, hit confirm consistently and can win consistently without getting blown up. My defense needs a lot of work though.
I don't get those people. If you're voluntarily playing online you should know that you're going to run into people who beat your ass and 'ruin your night'. It's like they expect everyone to be on the same button masher level as them.
I'm an educated retard in pretty much every game I play.
I spend so much time watching match videos and learning tech and shit that I get a really good idea of anything that's going on at any given time but since I don't play the fucking game I can't apply my knowledge at all.