This videogame have a trans character
This videogame have a trans character
300+ replies of fighting and ERPing
shit game kys
As usual, the cover art is a dude posing whit a sword
God I hope they'll keep shoving LGBT characters in games so you faggots will get more and more angry until you'll just give up.
Mother 3
Tell me, would you say “faggot” on resetera or Twitter, pinko?
>have sex
>rent free
>laughing at suicide
>getting mad at people laughing at one spesific game devs suicide
>pepes and wojaks
>reddit the game
I want cope yikes cringe dlc desu
>This character has a CHIN therefore this character is a TRANNY
I was never planning on buying this game, I don't even own the console, but I am outraged.
Literally me
last of us 2
>>getting mad at people laughing at one spesific game devs suicide
They're not really people, to be fair.
What the hell nintendo?
Pirated, not playing, linking this thread on /pol/
no one ever had a problem with gay or trans characters until liberals started hamfistedly forcing them everywhere
the LBGTBBQP movement has done them more harm than good, now everyone hates gays and trannies
speak in english
like literally makes a perfect character even better