What's next for World of Warcraft this Blizzcon? TBC servers or Classic+? Something else? A retail expansion is already a given.
Since Classic has been an undeniable success for Blizzard
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wtf i just saw this chart on reddit
Classic +
classic expansions would fragment the community and leave each server feeling empty.
you have to be incredibly delusional to think Classic+ will ever be a thing
They should do Classic+, but that would require actual work. They'll do expansions, trying to milk this cow as much as possible.
Blizzard is so fucking retarded, they will actually do this
They will relase content up to naxxramas then forget about it
Personally I think everyone will play classic until they get bored and then stop playing and eventually it will just die out or become a really niche thing.
Classic+ with all those zones they never finished, fill out those incomplete empty zones like the one north of orgrimmar. Add karazhan etc. but have it drop gear that makes druids/paladins/spriests a bit more viable in raids. Like tomes for paladin tanks that don't make them oom so fast.
This woukd be their chance to unfuck all the retarded decisions they've made over the years, starting with the fucking lore.
At this point, I'd welcome a retcon, as long as the retards who fucked up Cataclysm onwards stay far away this time.
TBC/Wrath servers would be a disaster since it'd literally be repeating the steps that led to the game's downfall. Classic+ is the best bet. Blizzard can't confront the core issues with retail without a player revolt (and desu I doubt the leadership care since they're all raiders who just want to raid)
They saw wha happened with OSRS and the release of classic bumped Blizzard stock up by a huge margin. I would not be too surprised if in a year there was a dev team dedicated to classic+. One can hope.
I really don't know why so many people want TBC & WOTLK, the content is still in retail, with time walking events every now & then
The one thing i can give TBC is class design over Retail, but Wotlk 3.3.5 class design was almost as bad as BFA, but with far worse balance, Paladins were invincible & only used 3 buttons, fuck that
There are also a lot of class quests that were never implemented, but hinted at.
Like level 40 warlock/pala mount quests, a proper air totem quest and more.
>outlands without flying
fucking retards. Flying didn't kill world pvp, blizzard did. Get it through your thick fucking heads god damn
They're gonna get a rude awakening when BGs come out and World PVP stops existing outside of gankers.
Both of you need to leave
Fighting over resources and low level world pvp shouldn't be too affected.
>TBC without flying
>Blade Edge's Mountains
>Wotlk 3.3.5 class design was almost as bad as BFA
Actual, literal, unironic retard
holy shit Yea Forums! please help a brother out. my sister just called me that she just killed a nigger. I leave her in charge of my house. I left her my rifle and she killed the nigger with it. how would she be rulled? would my sister go to jail? shes 12 years old/ i left her my guns. the guns were registered to me and licensed to me. she forced to shoot the nigger because he was drunk and was trying to forces it's way to my home.
go back even further and release beta servers. back when undead took extra holy damage and you had to light torches to see anything at night
What I worry about the most is that blizzard forgets the point of classic servers and decides to make cataclysm "classic" server
players would want TBC & WotLK content without cancer like flying mounts etc. but at the same time they realize these expansions are slippery slope.
I'm absolutely loving all these class quests that get thrown at me as a warlock. Do hunters even have class quests?
If you think timewalking is anything close to actually playing TBC or Wrath you are actually retarded.
After the pet tame quest at 10 they only get the sunken temple quest like everyone else and the quests for their epic bow/staff.
Sorely lacking.
This is where Classic+ could shine.
it's about the same, tbc heroics in 2.4 & wotlk heroics since launch were just aoe fests, time walking is really no different
It's because Hunter was the last class added in the game
Outlands without flying would be retarded. All the zones were designed for flying. None of the expacs can be saved. If they're going to expand Classic they need all new content. Unfortunately the Blizzard that made vanilla is long dead and Activision is clearly incapable of producing anything more than slop.
Best case scenario we all have our fun and the games dies down in a year or so. We all go home and we all get a warm fuzzy feeling inside and make lots of cool friends and then we move on with our lives. Nothing lasts forever. Just enjoy the moment.
ive been playing on a wrath private server for the past 3 years and can emphatically tell you youre wrong
>Flying didn't kill world pvp, blizzard did
Yes, by releasing flying.
It was dead long before flying
Flying did more harm to the game than just world PvP.
Explain why world pvp in azeroth is dead then? if flying affected world pvp why didn't people have world pvp in azeroth?
*hasn't had a world PvP encounter in a week in classic*
Yep, flying totally killed it and not changing the honor system to an esport skill gauging system instead of a grind one.
They'll probably just copy OSRS and go the Classic+ route.
I'd legit like this desu
>All the zones were designed for flying.
So design Classic+'s Outland not for flying?
and what level are you?
Ah yes, just like how the private servers died out right user? Oh wait, that didn't happen.
>t. started playing in Legion
I don't understand what you're asking. Are you talking about world PvP from 15 years ago?
I don't play Classic so I can't tell you. And yes the honor reward system helped kill world PvP since it was inefficient to farm honor but having the ability to completely avoid your opponents by flying over them also played a significant role. Like I said, flying did more harm to the game than just world PvP.
Would be cool if we got classic+, but knowing blizzard they'l probably go down the classic expansions route, so that they can reuse as many assets as possible.
>i never played back in 2004 but I am an expert on the subject!
>no walljumping
>no retard shit OG talent trees
>linked AHs
true classic when bros?
Cope newfag
t. experts in games I never played
Honestly, as an advocate of Classic+, I expect and am fully fine with lots of reused assets. I want more content because I like the gameplay, not because I like new flashy looking things. They could build Gilneas out of Duskwood and Silverpine assets without making a single new thing for all I care.
You delusional classic fags are great. You really think activision is gonna dedicate two departments to make you classic fags happy AND work on retail at the same time? Get over yourselves. You guys are so desperate for an MMO you're willing to go back to one that has had private servers forever but are willing to pay to get the watered down "authentic" version. Fucking sad.
>an undeniable success for Blizzard
Say that again in a couple of months.
remember when people said this about classic servers? lol
>you're never getting classic servers delusional classicfags
>we got thing once before, surely we'll get thing again!
>A couple of retards on Yea Forums want thing! therefore we will get thing!
You know there's no upvotes and reddit gold on Yea Forums, right? You're just making yourself look silly.
People wanted Classic and they will love Classic+. All those retards who wanted TBC or WotLK servers should just shut the fuck up. There's 0 chances that they will support 3-4 different project. Fuck me in the ass if I'm wrong.
If we talk about literal dogshit game that ruined Horde since TBC... They will announce 8.3 and people will cry because there's no 9.0. It will be hilarious.
dude don't beg it's pathetic
>we got thing once before, surely we won't get thing again!
>A couple of retards on Yea Forums don't want thing! therefore we won't get thing!
>Almost absolutely no money needed beyond dev hours and a few new server blades.
>Probably Quarter/half a million people subbing just for Classic.
Already a financial success on day 1 for their stocks.
Were you hoping the grinch would be in smash bros too?
What happened with runescape classic?
You mean Old School Runescape?
It eclipsed Runescape 3, has a larger playerbase and is arguably the game that gets more focus.
RS3 is making more money though because of all the MTX.
no because it wasn't the grinch you retard
Were you hoping banjo wouldn't be in smash bros too?
Why would they split the players with separate expansion servers? If they do expacs they'll just advance the existing Classic.
Did runescape get expansions or big updates that changed things? Did old school runescape evolve and change or is it the same since they remade it?
Honestly Classic is making more money than retail so it's more likely Classic+ will replace retail, so that's just back to one development team.
Classic+ would be a best option, but i dont trust actiblizzard to not fuck it up.
So leave as it is now, let us have fun for now and let the game die in grace.
Classic+ would be kino
Old School Runescape evolved into its own thing. People started bitching really fast and crying for new content after they reached the endgame that was the game version of 2007.
Jagex implemented a polling system where you need a 75% "yes" vote for content to be implemented. So far it's been a bunch of quests, a new continent and new items and skilling locations.
>Smashfag pretending to play wow
Ah I gotcha
>trusting 2019 blizzard with classic+
You're out of your fucking mind.
This can't be real
The left except they open challenge servers with global modifiers like half exp.
This. TBC and Wrath ruined not only WoW, but WC lore in general. I want to see Classic+. Stuff like Ogres for the Horde and High Elves for the Alliance would make way more sense than fucking Blood Elves and the Space Goats. Plus, I'd like to see class balance patches in the spirit of classic. That would be interesting.
They don't have the balls to do Classic+
What's done is done,there's already a huge split between normal people and trannies/weebs/furries, might as well go all the way and push Classic+ for white dudes.
You cunts keeping boasting that private servers thrived and never died. Yet those private servers never changed from good ol' classic did they? Now you all want this extra shit? You got what you wanted now sit down and play it forever like the private servers did.
>So far it's been a bunch of quests, a new continent and new items and skilling locations.
Sounds great desu
Well yeah, once you pay for something you want to see it maintained and built upon, this isn't an outlandish request.
Blood elves and goblins should be neutral races like pandaren. High elves should just be a customization option for blood elves. Ogres should be Horde and Furbolg should be Alliance. Satyrs should be an option for Horde down the road.
>It'll be stillborn, none of the servers will be populated!
>It's artificial scarcity! They're only opening 25 more servers to make the news!
>It'll be dead after the first few days!
>It'll be dead in a week!
>They're lying about it being a success!
>Nobody really resubbed it's all retail players who will go back to retail soon!
>Just one more week, guys!
>It'll be dead in a month people, don't you see?
>>an undeniable success for Blizzard
>Say that again in a couple of months.
Your brain on retail.
>undeniable success
Do people actually think subscribers will play this shit more than a few months?
If Classic continually pulls more players/profits in than the modern game they will absolutely dedicate a team to Classic content.
Expecting that content to actually be good/creative authentic Classic+ content and not just BC and Wrath ports with added cash shop mtx and loot box surprise mechanics is the real delusion. This is Activision we are talking about.
This. I dreamed of going into Hyjal, Gilneas, Quel Thalas, etc. in a Classic WoW environment. No frills, no huge changes. Just more lore/content. Answers to mysteries but more mysteries created.
Lol they will not give you new original classic only content.
They are hoping to get classic fags to play their shitty expansions.
>Blood elves and goblins should be neutral races like pandaren. High elves should just be a customization option for blood elves. Ogres should be Horde and Furbolg should be Alliance. Satyrs should be an option for Horde down the road.
Satyrs,Fulborgs? LOL
Fucking blood elfs should be a trash like Scarlet Crusade. High Elfs for Alliance and Goblins for Horde. I would love to see Ogres in Horde, but it's easier for them to add goblins.
...Maybe they don't really should add any new races.
>people in this thread unironically believe nu-blizzard would make classic+, and not ruin it at that
>When it took them 2 years to release a 15 year old game and they didn't even want to
Two-headed Ogres with a passive racial that lets them equip 2 helms....
Classic+ with burning crusade class design and increased difficulty. Burning crusade class design got that sweet spot of every specc being viable while at the same time being unique.
If Blizzard will do Classic+, they don't need to focus on 60 level content. More patches like Dire Maul or Maraudon for leveing content.
>...Maybe they don't really should add any new races.
Did you have a stroke?
You think you do, but you don't.
Thread gives me hope. I'm a big fan of classic+ idea and a lot of posters here like
This would be fucking amazing.
this TBC and Wrath are horrible shit tier expanson sorry zoomer bot classic+ is the way to go.
Yes, sure you will reset somebody with a thunderfury. It took me a minumum of 96 Ragnaros kills to ger the Sulfuras orb and 2 bindings
Yes, quests like Dragonslayer II and weapons like the Toxic Blowpipe only exist in OSRS, as well as a unique called Theatre of Blood which involves the vampire lords of morytania
The game has its own divergent content and lore now
>Two tribes of blizzard fanboys paying the same sub
>Acting like the money they give is better than the other tribe's.
Never gonna get this. You're both funding each other to play different versions of the same game.
Yes because that wouldn't be absolutely broken at fucking all
its like how white people pay for niggers with their taxes, not like we have a choice
I hope they will abandon WoW both retail and classic and focus on making singleplayer games again.
It's always funny to see Alexensual. He's such a retard. LOL
seething private server tranny
How about WoW 2
>expecting blizzard to not fuck everything up
Just keep it as it is, blizzard is 90% diversity hires at this point
I still don't get why the lanky Kul'tirans are on there.
You either played on a pve realm or didn't play at all during that time so shut up. I love wpvp the most and there was abundance of it throughout the entire BC expansion and it was the best wpvp WoW ever had (even including vanilla).
The people hoping for classic+ are the people who never wanted vanilla in the first place. How dumb are you? How do you not get it?
>wanting current activision-blizzard to design anything
Every day we stray further from God's light.
Yeah because vanilla is not broken as is. Just give me fucking ogre with two helms. Take out one trinket slot to balance it and keep the UI with the same amount of slots.
>The people hoping for classic+ are the people who never wanted vanilla in the first place. How dumb are you? How do you not get it?
You're completly delusional.
>Ogres for Horde, they get to have 2 helms
>Nagas for Alliance, they don't get pants or shoes but they get to have 4 rings
Blizzard is lazy and incompetent. I'd rather be game is stagnant than lazy new exp servers or botched classic+
>Every server of 50+ of them being Full with hours long queues at prime time, despite the fact that the player limit per server is roughly equivalent to how many were in real vanilla servers multiplied by the number of layers
classic plus ONLY
Now this is retarded.
Here is what they will do. Give horde ogres and give alliance high elves.
Game keeps TRUE HORDE and alliance faggots get their elves
>out of a game for 12 year old children
Classic is such a success they needed to make over 3 times the amount of servers than planned. They thought, "only a small niche will like it". It turns out everyone likes it and retail is dead right now.
Why can't they do both?
Name a good game made by women, or a game improved by female developers. Women are good at many things, but creative things that are also technical in nature they are not.
Welcome to Yea Forums, you'll notice that a lot.
>You think you do, but you don't.
>8 US servers announced - 31 servers by day two.
>No one wants RP-PvP realms.
>The RP-PvP realm became so big they needed to make another.
It's been 3 weeks and there's still server queues.
That means Blizzard will 100% do this. I'm not even touching WoW Classic because I'm afraid of this.
Please. I'll even take the super lazy rebalance TBC/WotL zones to work for classic. Just remove the bloat and the shitty additions/rebalancing the expansions gave us.
>Game keeps TRUE HORDE and alliance faggots get their elves
They need to delete Undead from Horde. Only then true Horde will be pure and save.
and not a single retailcuck has admitted they were wrong
Hire some Sonic Mania tier WoW autists. Does the Blizzard community have any? There are some geniuses for platformers, fighting games, cRPGs, racing, etc.
It seems like MMOs are lacking the savant for their autists.
That cutscene was pure kino.
>How nonchalant he is about the whole thing.
>Destroys that one tower just by grabbing it's sand version.
>Cuts to black after he sweeps his arm through the whole thing.
>Can hear rumbling in the distance as it fades out with sand blowing over the ritual circle
It's funny because they keep doubling down on it instead.
>Just one more week til it's dead guys, haha...
>They need to delete Undead from Horde
Im okay with that. Forsaken were terrible idea anyway.
They have a good reason to be scared desu. They went from 2 million in December to probably less than a million by July. Then around half of what was left has moved over to Classic. And Blizzard said MILLIONS have returned for Classic (to their shareholders, who they are obligated by law to be truthful with).
Classic+ might make more money than keeping retail afloat in a few years.
You know what always fucking bothered me? No fucking cat form quest for Druid.
I'll take all three.
Why does Archimonde grab his chin? Is he having trouble remembering the incantation?
Current Blizzard could never do Classic+
No he's just feeling smug
Sorry undead will always be horde.
Honestly, the factions should had been
Human (Stormwind, Theramore, Dalaran, Gilneas)
Blood Elf
Orc (Durotar, Dragonmaw, Blackrock)
Night Elf
Troll (Darkspear, Amani, Bloodscalp)
Goblin (Ratchet)
Imagine the blood from phase 2...
>layering removed
>pvp ranking system added
>no bgs...
Phase 2 is going to be the most bloody, brutal, disturbed game ever created in history. These full ass servers with no layering with the only way to get honor is going out in the world and slaughtering people. God have mercy on anyone not 60 in 3 months.
>alliance taking undead
Full retard
If they did classic+ i could be down with that. Like an alternate reality where there were no space goats and the horde got ogres instead of blood elves. The horde would drop this "noble savage" bullshit and go back to being evil demon worshiping baby eaters.
For lore purposes the horde have a better chance of being with the night elves because of the Tauren. Yes the orcs killed cenarius but the night elves were the first to attack them. Simply killing people because they cut down trees is not justified especially when those hypocritical elves use wood for campfires and housing also.
Give me a good reason why they shouldn't had. They were free-willed humans led by the former Ranger-General of Silvermoon.
>Night Elves on the side of Orcs
>Night elves ever siding with the biggest fel users
>thrall is warchief
That will never happen.
Thats the thing about alternate realities he could die.
>fel user
The only reason the alliance even have death knights is because tirion vouched for them. They were never ever going to accept the undead into the alliance.
MEANWHILE, the horde already have death knights in their ranks and are part of society for the horde. The horde taking the undead makes 100% sense and lore sense as the horde already have undead.
They are not bringing back vanilla just to kill thrall. Don't be retarded.
How about UD and Nelfs have their own factions
Alternatively people want classic but also a future for it?
classic+ but add blood elves uwu
fuck you
not an argument
Classic+ with goblins for horde, high elves for alliance and instead of raising the ceiling by going above nax just flatten the floor by rolling out level 40-59 content with DM itemization philosophy
This honestly
>MEANWHILE, the horde already have death knights in their ranks and are part of society for the horde.
There were no death knights in Thrall's Horde.
I imagine Classic+ content would be a lot more evergreen. More stuff that's kind of isolated to the new landmass like TBC, WotLK and most of MoP.
MMOs need a very simple good vs. Evil story where you are a simple adventurer so people can make up their own backstories. Modern WoWs story has been off the rails since Warcraft 3 because blizzard can't write for shit and Thrall is one of the worst characters they ever came up with. The horde were way better as the bad guys than this mixed up bullshit amalgam of races that would never in a million years work together.
>High Elves
>Blood Elves
>Undead Elves
>Night Elves
The horde have veteran death knights still part of the horde you lorelette. They didn't all die, and they weren't all exiled. Lore wise there are still death knights in thrall's horde. They stopped the practice of making death knights but they didn't kill Them all. Many of the deathknights are loved family members.
TBC > Vanilla
anyone who disagrees is a bandwagon hopping zoomer who never played either
>Tome that gives you a taunt
>Engineer shield enchant that gives you mana when you block
I’d cum so hard
God imagine your husband is a rotting human corpse with your actual husband soul inside
Citation needed. Headcanon not accepted.
BC added the two worst races in the game, added flying, added welfare epics and dailies, had the ugliest gear of any expansion and the story was beyond dumb plus arenas were terrible. The raiding however was good.
There were no death knights in the camps that Thrall liberated. Therefore no death knights went to Lordaeron. All remaining orcish death knights would be a part of the enemy Old Horde in Blackrock.
As an Alliance player, here are my only CREATIVE demands for Classic+.
>No draenei on Alliance unless they're lost ones.
>No worgen on Alliance period.
>No void elves.
>thw taiding was good
When is wow pve content actually bad?
Let’s be honest here.
The option on the left is the most autistic thing I have ever heard.
Are there people that would unironically enjoy that crap?
Allen Brack go home.
When raiding is bad its really, really bad.
Every xpac has a really good raid everyone remembers fondly like Blackrock Foundry or Ulduar or Throne of Thunder. It usually helps people gloss over memories of HFC or trial of the crusader or HoF
>ive never played tbc but flying is bad in retail so it's obviously bad in tbc
Yeah by the way nice blues that are better than fucking raid gear, that's totally different because the name of the item is a different color.
>All the zones were designed for flying.
You couldn't fly until max level you autist.
All the zones are perfectly playable without flying, all that's unaccessible are a few grinding spots here and there and instances.
It would be so fucking stupid and pointless to just progress through the expansions again.
We have classic which is good, we'd get BC which would be good, then you'd get Wotlk which would be okay for the first half then shit the second half and then the entire game is shit throughout every other expansion from then on. It's just repeating the cycle we went through what's the fucking point.
I'd be down for classic+ but it won't happen.
Raiding is normally not that awful, even ToCrusader wasn’t “bad” it was just dumb that it outclassed ulduar super fast and it died quickly for ICC, the fights where Ok.
Other than the gimmick fight.
Normally the orbital content is shit (in toc case, jousting).
Client1: World of Warcraft (2004)
Client1: The Burning Crusade (2007)
Client1: Wrath of the Lich King (2008)
Client1: Cataclysm (2010)
Client1: Mists of Pandaria (2012)
Client1: Warlords of Draenor (2014)
Client1: Legion (2016)
Client1: Battle for Azeroth (2018)
Client2: Classic (2019)
Client1: World Revamp (2020)
Client3: The Burning Crusade (2021)
Client1: K'aresh (2022)
Client4: Classic+ (2023)
Client1: Time Travel Expansion (2024)
Client5: Wrath of the Lich King (2025)
>Not green
Oh fuck off you dumbass npc
Cancer patients are cancermancers.
True Classic is the only option that makes sense if you've got half a brain.
Putting aside that Classic+ comes down to effectively doubling Blizzard's workload (without doubling their revenue), it will only give rise to the same problems that caused such a demand for Classic in the first place.
Classic Expansions is just entirely retarded, it'll fracture an already fractured playerbase and while it will theoretically give everyone the exact experience they want, in practice it'll just lead to a Blizz maintaining a collective of dying games instead of two (kinda) healthy ones.
>why yes I want to play the same game over and over again
>I want to have my progress periodically deleted
>only so I can play through the same mechanically poor instances and poor thought out leveling process
It will BE their revenue. As more people are playing classic instead of retail.
Yeah and you obviously want to retain all the players who pay you monthly so they will have to come up with more content to keep players subbing.
BFA is the height of game design philosophy and execution.
>Putting aside that Classic+ comes down to effectively doubling Blizzard's workload (without doubling their revenue), it will only give rise to the same problems that caused such a demand for Classic in the first place.
Do you seriously think Classic+ would require as much money as retail expansions? Do you really think that? Because if so, you're probably retarded, bro.
Osrs does if effectively with a team of 20 people
Retail wow has like 300
Retailniggers are a plague, god how it feels good to see them trannies mad
This, Blizzard has the resources available for it and starting all over again is the better move if we take OSRS success as an example
That's only a valid argument if it causes them to drop Retail, which is never going to happen.
If Classic doesn't get enough new content it will be dead within a few months. The flood of casuals who are now sustaining Classic through streamer hype will dry up soon enough and after that it'll require a steady flow of new content to keep people interested. Whether or not that's in the form of expansions is irrelevant.
It's also kind of funny that people seem to think that this new content will automatically be great and nu-Blizz won't just repeat all the mistakes that make people prefer Classic over Retail in the first place, or make new mistakes like the retarded OP ones (outlands without flying, LOL).
Considering the playerbase grew steadly until wotlk blizzard could just upgrade vanilla into tbc fairly sure and then start thinking how to not fuck up wotlk
South Seas
Emerald Dream
Elemental Plane
Twisting Nether worlds
Just like Old School Runescape
They could also release the content to the core server as well, maybe as a timed exclusive to Classic or something.
>pandering to you morons
Fuck off. We're just going to release our expansions for the second time, until we realize reboots are the new lootboxes
It won't though. BG's didn't kill wPVP, flying mounts did. Imagine this exact same webm but everyone is just flying around in the air not able to attack each other
>Server resets
Classic + sounds great, but I don't see them going that route. Would honestly fucking love a WotLK server.
Just checked and it seems like r/wow is being raided by ffxiv trannies
The only way I see it being good is community voted changed like osrs
That model has worked out extremely well
Most lucrative products Blizzard could put out to least.
>Mists of Pandaria+
>new World of Warcraft expansion
>Wrath of the Lich King servers
>The Burning Crusade servers
>Mists of Pandaria servers
>Legion servers
>Cataclysm servers
>Warlords of Draenor servers
>Battle for Azeroth servers
holy shit
No argument, huh? Fucking NPCs and their limited dialog trees.
Classic is nothing but a massive FLOP and NuBlizzard is shutting down the servers as soon as possible
>Gets massacred
God this is good shit, I remember on boulderfist we used to do shit like this all the time.
Is this recent?
The content may be available through Timewalking events, but the game plays and feels vastly different to how it did during TBC and WotLK. To a lot of people, the appeal of Classic was how the game played. It felt like an actual RPG that required you to pay attention to what stats you were stacking, how much of what stat you were stacking, and had to actually work towards rewards. Now a days, you hit a button, teleport to a dungeon, collect your effortless loot that requires no thought because the loot automatically adjusts itself to your stat requirements, and then you do it again.
For some people, there's no appeal in playing something that caters to the lowest common denominator. It's too easy, and not fun. Sure, you have Mythic+ dungeons and raids, but so much of the game is just a massively simplified joke.
The crazy amount of world pvp I've done is crazy.
My friend is stuck at work at level 31 and I'm 33 so I'm just helping out any time anyone complains about ganking in hillsbrad. The funniest times are when 10+ level 25-30 hordes attack a 46 paladin and kill him.
Classic already has it's own department, retard.
As many have already said I want classic+ but I expect Blizz will just make servers for TBC, Wrath and possibly further because that's far easier and cheaper for them.
Even if we get Classic+ I wouldn't trust Blizzard and I the community can agree to certain principles so the game keeps a Classic feel, e.g:
>No flying mounts
>No new models for anything that already exists in Classic. Anything extra needs to be kept consistent with the old style
>No new classes
>New items are a sidegrade (just aesthetically different or have only a very subjective benefit) rather than an objective upgrade so that players aren't all funneled to neglect earlier content
>New questlines (including attunements to new dungeons/raids) should be spread out across the original zones too so that again people aren't funneled to neglect old areas
>Systems which affect the community of classic such as LFG or phasing should not be implemented
>No micro-transactions
>Nothing that will make a significant change to the pre-60 leveling experience
>No new models for anything that already exists in Classic.
Would updated gnoll models kill Classic+ for you?
Not him but having the option for players to put textures/models in the addon folder and get new stuff that way would be ok with me.
>Outland without flying
>Azeroth without flying
>Vomit intensifies.jpeg
Lol, RP retards
>he still thinks layering will be removed
Go fucking google Everquest TLP servers, its going to be just like that in a few years.
>>Nothing that will make a significant change to the pre-60 leveling experience
Yeah, because that's what classic excels at, the excellent leveling design.
Retail questing is fucking shit
Depending on your customization, a player-made DK is even better preserved (for lack of a better word) than Sylvanas
>True Classic is the only option that makes sense if you've got half a brain.
I'm laughing. Fuck no, the game would stagnate and die. OSRS is a proven example of a successful Classic+ inplementation of an MMO. If RS can do it, fucking WoW of all games can
>Le fragment community meme
Imagine believing any MMO that releases will fragment community because those members of that community want to play the other MMO instead.
Imagine believing that people not getting tired of the old unupdated game is going to somehow NOT fragment the community over time.
Get cucked.
The look of classic is a big part of the appeal to many, whether it's because they dislike modern WoWs art direction or if they just like the nostalgic value of the old look.
That being said I'd support the Idea of a in-game toggle option to enable/disable classic models, and I would assume most people would be fine with that.