If the industry crashes, what game genre would you want to come back into a golden age? RTS? Horror? FPS?
If the industry crashes, what game genre would you want to come back into a golden age? RTS? Horror? FPS?
Unironically, Fighting Games.
3D platformers and lightgun shooters.
If it crashes, which I doubt without the entire modern computer industry going into flames, I want it to go down in a glorious blaze that kills any future attempts to revive the industry on a global scale, or even better, a local scale.
Maybe then I'll go into a new hobby. Maybe drone racing or some shit.
>industry crashing
Japan will still make games. It’s the United States that’s heading for a huge economic crash.
>lightgun shooters
Based. The day VR is high fidelity enough that I can have full arcade cab experiences of Time Crisis and Gunbullet is when I buy VR.
Damn, imagine Yea Forums being dominated by fightans.
honestly mmos. there's never been a good one and if the industry crashes a good mmo could bring it all back
how is the industry possibly going to crash you fucking retard
Joyless cosplay teleconference I forgot what they call it. Vorping? Idk.
Settle down, sperg, it's hypothetical.
A crash is not going to happen but collectathons
I want to say FPS but with the recent releases of Dusk and its ilk (Ion Fury, Amid Evil etc) I have some hope that single player campaigns might see a little resurgence. Like Half Life, Fear hell even CoD at this point. I would fucking love a new set of Multiplayer FPS games without fucking gimmicks or ideas stolen from MOBAs and Battle fucking Royales but whatever.
I actually want to see what horror games would have become if you removed Slenderman and Amnesia from existence.
PS2-era action-adventure
Multi-player online hop and hop explorathons. Literally no same reason we aren't all playing Mariocraft 64.
>It’s the United States that’s heading for a huge economic crash.
About fucking time.
Gun shoot games are the one thing VR does extremely well, I like Time Crisis as much as the next guy but what you're asking for is a step backwards in terms of quality.
It's true that the golden age of fighting game was many years ago, but the situation is not that bad at the moment.
Have you played a FPS recently?
Horror golden age sounds the worst, probably RTS because then I can get the RTS I always wanted instead of having to deal with the plebshit that RTS is.
I would like new genres to be created like DoW2 campaigns did.
>I'm going to wait for a market to crash in order to start doing something different I enjoy
>"what? it's up to ME to get up and just fucking do it? nahhhh I need to see Sony/MS/Nintendo burn bro otherwise I can't. you know this."
Loss in consumer confidence. It's unlikely since most 'casual ganers' don't really care for any other games than fifa/madden and call of duty.
This. FPS have been on a freefall while fightans are on a slow rise.
Arena shooters
The new unreal tournament that was developed by epic was awesome until fortnite fucked it in the ass
The industry is already in crash mode, the market cannot support all the titles being made.
Right now they are being held up by outside funding from crap like epic games that pays developers even if the games don't sell and social justice funding from megacorps like facebooks "women in gaming" etc
If you never liked all the ones that were made you don't like mmos you stupid faggot.
You can't capture dark age of camelot's magic.
Its in crash mode for mid-level publishers and smaller developers. Big publishers will just keep buying out small studios to replace old defunct ones and thats not going to change anytime soon.
Japanese horror. RE alone doesn't really scratch that itch. I'm talking Fatal Frame, D, Siren, Silent Hill, Clock Tower, Parasite Eve, Onimusha (first one), Dino Crisis, shit like that.
There's games out there that already do that. I would give my left nut for VR ports of Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles, personally.
survival RTS but well made this time. Something like a cross between homeworld 1 supreme commander FA, DoW and surviving mars. Horror RTS would be great.
Revive Command and Conquer
The numbers of the actual industry are becoming more and more unsustainable each year:
Games are more expensive to develop, huge money into merchandising, and everyone jumping into the bandwagon of games by developing software, hardware, exactly like in the 1983 crash of videogames
There will be a point when everything will fucking crash because of that
The cash cow is just being shifted down to the next lowest common denomenator every few years. Facebook games, sports games, gatcha games, sport gatcha games, mobile games, mobile sports gatcha games etc.
All the money is in the least interesting shit, so all the neat stuff is just pet projects and LARPing. Unless its an indie dev in which case who gives a shit. 1983's industry was too focused and monolithic. The current industry is too big to die and could only really be put down for good via some WW2-sized event. Even then, the cripples, boomers and retards would still be able to make games and distribute them just like they always have.
Gaming is too big to crash. Perhaps AAA or mobile games will crash particularly hard, but indie games are stronger than ever.
the duality of man
idk i dont play games just talk about them
I want 7 great games being released every year, E3 being full of life and awesome vidya, new awesome consoles, high tech ps4 tier handhelds and sjw agenda in gaming dropped
>Banking is too big to crash. Perhaps Bank of America will crash particularly hard, but small Mediterranean banks are stronger than ever
That's not the same as crashing, people are willing to pay enough to support a healthy industry they just aren't willing to sustain an industry full of redundant shit
I want another space sim golden age, I feel like ive been living in the imminent "revival" phase for almost 10 years but then everything launches and its mediocre shit
You should buy Death Stranding. Kojima is literally inventing a new genre
Probably horror. I don't think any genre has suffered as much as horror games have, besides maybe a few genres that have outright died out, but I think it's still better than what the horror genre has become.
Ehhhh I'm waiting for the PS5 to release to buy a PS4 pro and then buy used games, no way I'm buying one now.
Horror desperately needs a reboot. Stop giving them ambiguous theory bait stories, fuck off with the constant jumpscares, and for god sake STOP marketing them towards children. Pic related are actual real supplies you can find at Walmart.
Gonna throw this one in there too
i'd like to see more progress done in dota2-likes. namely alternative to laning and last hitting, reducing the dead time done farming, but not annihilating the depth of the game like blizzard did.
>banking and videogames are completely the same and function the same way
>There will be a point when everything will fucking crash because of that
You retards have been saying this for literally a decade now.
If it meant ditching the overbearing focus on increasingly complicated combo inputs in order to focus more on innovation in other areas (such as movement, parrying, counters, ect) then I would welcome it. I haven't cared about fighters since I was a kid playing SF2 and MK, everything has become too much work for too little payoff. Not to mention shit is way too samey, the big studios are all too afraid to experiment because the entitled FGC gets its panties in a twist any time someone suggests trying something new (see: the resistance to brawlers). We need more shit like Pocket Rumble and ARMS, stuff that isn't afraid to challenge convention and push into new areas.
Have you ignorant fucks even seen Dusk, Amid Evil, or Doom 2016?
Instead I want the industry to crash, technology to be forgotten somehow and for us to go all the way back to 2D sprite based gaming. This time I want to see 8-16 bit gaming last longer than it did and I want to see a 2D generation that goes past the 16 bit generation thrive unlike what we ended up getting. 3D ultimately destroyed gaming. Fuck 3D games. There's a few real gems but most 3D is shit.