For comparison, Mordhau had an all time peak of 60k players.
And for an even more laughable comparison because Mordhau is shit, Sekiro had a 124k all time peak.
For comparison, Mordhau had an all time peak of 60k players.
And for an even more laughable comparison because Mordhau is shit, Sekiro had a 124k all time peak.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's funny because the actually retarded mustards thought Microsoft releasing games on PC would completely nullify the Xbox, as if normies were playing games on PC to begin with. Well, here's our proof at how wrong they were.
Why post this same thread again? Nobody fucking cares.
The game is also $2 on Xbone right now.
I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. Gears has never had a PC base.
Gamepass Baby
now release 1-3 on steam
Most games don't have a PC base. The only ones that really do are the big platform exclusives (mobas and csgo).
>dead series
>$1 on mircosoft store
kill yourself
im surprised Gears is even on Steam
Look mom! I posted it again
Because it's some autistic nigger who gets triggered over shit and spams the same threads over and over again. Usually it's just a single game but he's been on a tirade against steam for months now.
>there are barely anyone retarded enough to buy Gears on steam
Gee, I guess Stem users are simply smarter than console users then.
>Hey guys, you know that one gears of war game with a "ME ME ME" girl as the main protagonist, it sold poorly.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that the game sucks compared to the original trilogy
I'm sure the game is trash and I have no idea how it sold, but you have to be fucking retarded to judge a Gears of War games success by Steam sales.
>a meme so shitty and abused even Reddit stopped posting it
>asking for someone to end them selves over a meme
>Buying a MS game on Steam
Why would anyone do that?
Oh this retarded thread again. Get new content
I can't tell if this is autism, low tier shit posting, or some kind of guerilla marketing to get people to go buy the game.
Wait wait wait? How could tracket, that can only count players which was only playing game at the same time/day, somehow show all playerbase number?
It's the FIFTH game in a series that's always been shitty consolized trash, what the fuck were you expecting? Nobody wanted this.
My eyes literally hurt from all the screen effects and visual clutter. Modern games are ass.
This. I wish games could stick to around 2004-2008 graphics
>Console game doesn't sell well on PC
Surprising precisely no-one except tencentcels
for a $60 game featuring bull dyke all about me bitch that's actually surprising numbers
Saw a commercial for gears 5 earlier and seriously thought it was an edgy fortnite commercial until it said "gears 5"
played it on gamepass on pc on the windows store. dont know why anyone would want to own this trash when its not only the same shit as the others buts its gonna be redundant in 3 years when the next one comes out
>all the amount of PCfag cope ITT
Thanks for the laughs OP
what is the cope? the game is on pc
PC is a mid-budget publisher platform now. AAA is falling out on PC, and mostly doing traffic on consoles.
This is the 5th time you've posted this thread, and it hasn't gotten any better, OP
Only absolute retards spent 70€ on this game when it's literally $2 on GamePass.
So you prefer the old grey brown and bloom visuals with camera shake?
>This is the best a AAA game series like Gears can do on Steam
Gears is trash. What were you expecting?
>we have Divinity:Original Sin 2 on PC
>we have The Witcher 3 on PC
>we have PAthfinder:Kingmaker on PC
>we have STALKER:SoC on PC
>we have Red Alert 2 on PC
I can keep going. Gears is a game for low IQ consoletards the same way Halo is. In general PC gamers are smarter(even if there are exceptions) and they have better taste in gamaes.
2 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 3
>5th installment in a series
>2 & 3 are not available on PC
>yet another dumb TPS
Those explain it in my eyes, I for one don't really have any desire to play Gears of all things.
Besides are you implying that Sekiro is not an AAA game?
>pay 60 dollars for a game
>or pay 2 dollars for 2 months of xbox gamepass for windows and play gears 5 anyway
gee i wonder why nobody bought a 60 dollar game on steam instead of renting it for 2 months for 2 dollars
you fucking retard
downgraded console game
CoD chads WW@ ? ! ? !
>”gears is low IQ”
>Red Alert 2
>Witcher 3
What sort of a nu-male brainlet are you?
>i never played any of the gears games but i hate it and now i will laugh at its low playerbasr while completely ignoring the fact that the game got big on consoles and its 1$ with a gamepass
Wew lad you really showed them
So, what's the concurrent player count for the Xbox?
What's that, OP? You don't know?
Nice comparison, dickhead.
2>1>3>5>>>>>>>>>Here fixed it for you
Cry about it
Because it's funny.
New games on console always sell. They will eat up anything. Really funny actually.
Remember that it was "free" with the gamepass, everyone played it that way, I can ensure that very few actually bought the game
Most PC users pride themselves on being informed clever consumers and/or pirates. They had an opportunity to play Gears early for about $5 on a different platform to Steam.
Oh hey lets use Steam as a measuring stick. Good fucking idea.
This thread was made by Epic chink shills.
This post was made by a seething Steam cuck
Because it's on gamepass, why buying it when you can play it for cheap?
Point proven lmao
>people are using a service MS is providing
>this is bad because
and none of it matter because we have full crossplay, so there could be 0 steam users and I could still find games, especially since Gears surpassed Fortnite as most popular game on Xbox now
its hilarious how companies keep flushing money down the toilet with these sjw ventures. and they spent big fucking money on this shit game too.
then why didnt rdr2 and black ops 4 dethrone it
This is why I hated every battlefield after and including 3. All those graphics get in the way of shooting the enemy.
Gears 5 is a success and Yea Forums‘s butthurt about it. What a surprise....
There is literally a slider for particle effects and you can turn bloom etc. off